How Often Should I Wash My Face?

Knowing how to wash your face and how often you should wash your face, is probably one of the best ways that anyone can go about preventing future acne breakouts.

The problem is, a lot of people end up overwashing their face, which makes their acne worse.

So, how often should you really wash your face?

Face Washing Guidelines

You should only wash your face two times a day.

If you shower in the morning, that would be time #1.

Time #2 would fall at night, just before bed.

Now, don't be tempted to wash your face a 3rd of 4th time if you do some sort of sporting activity in the day. Instead, simply pat your face dry of your sweat, and move on with your day.

Washing your face more than 2 times a day can cause dryness, irritation, sensitivity, and overall, it can make your acne worse.

How many times a day should I wash my face?

2 Total times a day!

For more --> Acne Questions and Answers <-- like the one above, click the highlighted link with the arrows pointing at it.

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Bismuth Oxychloride Acne!

Bismuth Oxychloride can definitely cause acne breakouts.

I recently did some research about Bare Minerals and how it's caused some people to breakout. Well, it turns out that Bare Minerals contains Bismuth Oxychloride.

According to this girl over at Yahoo Answers, along with her listed sources, Bismuth Oxychloride is a skin irritant that can be found in many forms of mineral makeups.

The girl stated, "I've been using Bare Escentuals makeup for about a year now and that's when my acne began flaring up and I began to have a cystic form of acne. Prior to using this mineral makeup, I only had a mild case of normal acne."

It's also known that along with acne, bismuth oxychloride can also cause redness, rashes, and irritation. With that being said, be sure to read your labels, people.

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Bare Minerals BREAKOUTS Caused!

My girlfriend recently purchased Bare Minerals, so I figured that it'd be a good time to go ahead and talk about the breakouts that seem to be caused by the product.

I did a Google Search for "Bare Minerals Breakouts" and it turns out that some results have definitely shown up. By the time I finish this article, I'll probably be on Google as well.

I ran into a site called MakeupTalk, and one of the girls screen-named, JulyMommy06, stated that she "always had really clear skin." However, when she started using bare minerals, her face started "breakout out like crazy."

Currently, there are two theories that people have regarding the cause of her breakouts.

1. People believe that the brushes are too rough. As you all know, if you're not gentle with your skin, breakouts can appear.

2. The bismuth oxychloride in the product could also be causing her breakouts.

I will be continuously researching this topic, and I will be writing about bismuth oxychloride as soon as I know more about it.

Until then, I am curious;

Has Bare Minerals makeup ever made you breakout? Be sure to leave your comments below.

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Proactiv Body Wash Review

If you're looking to get rid of your body acne, then Proactiv's Body Wash containing 2% salicylic acid may just be the way to go.

As you already know, body acne is extremely embarrassing. I used to have pretty bad back acne, until I began using some home acne treatments to treat it. Of course, this post isn't about home acne treatments. Instead, this post is about getting rid of your body acne with Proactiv's Body Wash.

In this review, I want to tell you whether or not I think Proactiv's body wash actually works. I will discuss with you guys the active ingredient in this solution, and I will also tell you how to great improve your chances at getting rid of your body acne. Although none of these tips work overnight, (nothing works overnight, fyi) these tips will help you get rid of your body acne overtime.

Does Proactiv Body Wash Work?

does proactiv body wash work

Proactiv body wash works because it contains 2% salicylic acid, which is an active acne fighting ingredient in many topical acne solutions.

In a study posted on Treatment of acne vulgaris with salicylic acid pads, acne lesions were reduced when 0.5% to 2% salicylic acne pads were used.

To put it simply: Proactiv's body wash is proven to treat acne lesions. You should know that there are other ingredients in this product, but these ingredients don't take away from the fact that this product works.

Use Benzoyl Peroxide to Increase Effectiveness.

For severe cases of acne, 2% salicylic acid may not be enough to completely clear your skin. If this is the case for you, I would recommend using Proactiv's 2.5% benzoyl peroxide acne treatment solution on your body acne as well.

For those of you that don't already know, Proactiv's 2.5% benzoyl peroxide solution is known as the 3rd step in the original 3-step Proactiv acne-fighting system.

By the way, you may be curious about the difference between 2.5%, 5%, and 10% benzoyl peroxide treatments. In this case, more concentrated benzoyl peroxide is not better. For more information, you can checkout the study performed in the International Journal of Dermatology.

Further Increase Effectiveness with Home Acne Treatments.

Finally, I always recommend using these home acne treatments to further increase the effectiveness of any topical acne product. In this case, you can use home acne treatments to increase the effectiveness of Proactiv's Body Wash. Below, I will show you may favorite at home acne treatments. These treatments are simple, free, and extremely effective.

home acne treatment

Drink Water.

Acne causing toxins can build up in your body and cause even more acne. To reverse the damage, release toxins, and get rid of acne lesions, you should begin drinking 8 - 12 glasses of water a day; More if you're an athlete.

Although I am unable to find any studies done on the topic of water and acne, I can tell you that when I drink enough water, my back acne seems to go away completely on its' own.

Stop Drinking Soda and Energy Drinks.

These beverages dehydrate you, are filled with caffeine, and are proven to cause breakouts. I know that the 'acne industry' says that what you eat doesn't cause you to breakout, but this couldn't be further from the truth.

In a study posted on Implications for the Role of Diet in Acne, it is said now more than ever that acne can be caused directly or indirectly by the foods that you eat.

If you don't already know who I am, I am a guy that used to have acne, but is now 100% acne free... until I drink a soda or energy drink, of course. Your best bet here is to just avoid these nasty beverages altogether. Remember, if it is bad for your health, it is bad for your skin.


Finally, I highly recommend exercising as a way to sweat out toxins from your body, and remove acne. Although I haven't been able to come across any official studies on the issue, exercise has personally improved my complexion. When I stop exercising, my body acne seems to return.

Final Thoughts.

  • Proactiv's body wash contains 2% salicylic acid, which is proven to get rid of acne.
  • If Proactiv's body wash doesn't get the job done, you can always use Proactiv's 2.5% benzoyl peroxide acne treatment in combination with their body wash to get rid of your body acne.
  • If a few weeks have gone by, and your skin still isn't clear, you can start using some home acne treatments in conjunction with Proactiv.
  • If you do everything on this page, there is no doubt in my mind that you will completely get rid of your body acne.
  • I hope that you guys enjoyed my review of Proactiv's body wash. If you need to checkout more reviews of this product, you can always head over to Amazon. They have a ton of user reviews and ratings available for you to see.

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Proactiv Bleaches Eyebrows, Hair, Clothes?

I was watching some of Fran's videos the other day. If you don't know Fran, she is the owner of High on Health, which is a fantastic website.

Anyway, I noticed that in one of her videos, she mentioned something about Procativ bleaching her towels.

Although benzoyl peroxide (the active acne fighting ingredient in Proactiv), is a bleaching agent, this has honestly never happened to me.

Does Proactiv Bleach Your Skin?

I wanted to mention this in a post, because Proactiv has never bleached my eyebrows, hair, clothes, my pillow, or anything else that I can think of.

However, I wanted to ask you if Proactiv has ever bleached any of your belongings, or any of you.

Feel free to comment below.

By the way, for a complete guide to Proactiv, be sure to check out my Proactiv Questions and Answers article.

Related Benzoyl Peroxide Posts:

  1. Does Benzoyl Peroxide Cause Cancer?
  2. Is Proactiv BAD for Your Skin?
  3. Proactiv Bleaches Eyebrows, Hair, Clothes?
  4. Time Released Benzoyl Peroxide!
  5. How to STOP Using Benzoyl Peroxide

[image via OliBac]

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Washing My Face More Will Get Rid of My Acne! Myth!

Washing My Face More Will Get Rid of My Acne! Myth!

The #1 common misconception that people have with acne is the idea that the more they wash their face, the better their acne will become. This is one Big Acne Myth!

I'll say it once, Over-washing your face will make your ACNE WORSE!

I'll tell you guys what; I really wish that I would've known this, back when I got my first zit.

When I first developed acne, I was completely naive. I would literally wash my face 10+ times a day, but all that would do is make my acne worse.

How many times a day should I wash my face?

With that being said, you need to not wash your face more than twice a day.

Even if you sweat like crazy during the middle of the day, do NOT be tempted to wash your face for that third time.

Instead, simply pat your face dry of the sweat, and go on with your day.

By the way, showers count too! So if you take one shower in the morning, then wash your face in there for once, and then for a second time before bed.

Washing your face that third time can cause irritation and sensitivity. In turn, this can actually worsen your acne problem.

[image via nyki m]

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Are Blackheads Just Dirt? Find out!

Are Blackheads Just Dirt? Find out!

Although blackheads look like small specks of dirt, they're actually bumps that are deep within your pores.

Blackheads can be a yellow and black color, but more often than not, people notice them when they're black, hence the name.

Another thing I found interesting is that medical practitioners believe that blackheads are pre-forms of the pimple.

Basically, if you've had a pimple, then you've had a blackhead.

Related Blackhead(s) Posts:

  1. Are Blackheads Just Dirt?
  2. Nose Blackheads

[via Medical News Today]

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Is AcneFree Better than Proactiv?

UPDATE! 10/30/09

After giving AcneFree a second chance, I have actually found it to be quite an amazing product. Below, I completely trashed AcneFree, but if you read my updated AcneFree Review, you'll actually see that this is a really great product, with limited to NO Side Effects!

Original Post!

I know that I have been going out of my way to talk about the AcneFree brand, but I really can't help it. This product claims that it's "better than Proactiv," but that's completely bogus.

In fact, AcneFree is not even an AcneTeen Recommended Product. It's still in my AcneTeen Store, but I will be removing it before nightfall today. That's enough rambling for me; Let's get to it.

If AcneFree is Better than Proactiv...

If AcneFree is better than Proactiv, how come Proactiv isn't out of business?

I know that there is the whole marketing gimmick (with the celebrities) that Proactiv has over AcneFree, but word of mouth would've eventually gotten out about A.F. if it really was the product that it claims to be.

My super short review of Acne Free

Here's the thing, I tried AcneFree because it claimed to work better than Proactiv, and at the cost of $17.98, I figured, "what the heck?"

Almost immediately after the first application of A.F., I felt that I had gotten robbed. The cleanser, the toner, and the repairing lotion were nowhere near the quality of Proactiv's products.

"Don't get me wrong, I am a major Proactiv fan, but if I find a better product for a lower cost, what do you think I am going to use? Certainly not AcneFree."

AcneFree's cleanser doesn't do a good job at cleansing and preparing the skin for the second step toner, and the third step repairing lotion.

Furthermore, the repairing lotion has microscopic beads which often leaves your skin with streaks of white from the product. It just seems like it's hard to get the repairing lotion to soak into the skin, without trying to force it in.

And as we all know, vigorously rubbing your skin can cause irritation, so forcing a topical treatment into your skin is never a good idea.

Time Released Benzoyl Peroxide

"And what's with the time released benzoyl peroxide? I mean, the phrase makes sense; Benzoyl Peroxide will be released when the time is right..."

But does it really work? It sounds like a good idea, but this is an area that I will need to do a little more research in before I pass my judgments.

UPDATE! After continued use, I've found that time released benzoyl peroxide is actually quite effective in preventing side effects that regular products containing benzoyl peroxide can give those who use it.

AcneFree vs Proactiv Overall

Proactiv is better, without a doubt! They use better ingredients, their products do what they say they're going to do, and you'll actually see results.

Before AcneFree, my skin was completely clear and dandy with the use of Proactiv.

If AcneFree was better than Proactiv, it would've been able to keep my skin clear. You guessed it; Two days into AcneFree and a major breakout develops.

I know that I didn't provide complete information in this short little review, but know that AcneFree is not better than Proactiv. Also note that I will be posting a longer AcneFree Review in the coming days.

Acne Teen's Related Posts

  • Does AcneFree Work? - These are my thoughts about AcneFree before actually trying the product. You'll notice that my opinion has complete changed since then.
  • Proactiv Alternative Save Money! - We also have my thoughts when I thought AcneFree was going to be a good Proactiv alternative. It turns out that I was wrong.

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Does AcneFree Work as Well as Proactiv?

UPDATE: 10/30/09

AcneFree is actually BETTER than Proactiv. Originally, I didn't think so. However, after giving this product a second chance, I've actually found that the time released benzoyl peroxide minimizes side effects, while preventing acne all day. With that being said, be sure to check out my complete AcneFree Review!

Original Post

You may have decided to switch from Proactiv to AcneFree to save some money, or you may have simply decided to try AcneFree because it was said to work "better than Proactiv."

Well, hopefully by reading this post, I can get you to save your time and some money with this product. Before I begin, let's talk about the differences between AcneFree and Proactiv.

Difference between AcneFree and Proactiv...

When you purchase AcneFree, you may have the idea that it's quite similar to Proactiv Solutions. This is the same thought that I had about the product until I actually used it for myself. 

Although the regular version of AcneFree contains a 3-step-system, just like Proactiv, and although it contains Benzoyl Peroxide Acne Treatment in the 1st, and 3rd step, just like Proactiv, the quality of AcneFree seems to be less than satisfactory.

There's a reason that AcneFree can be purchased for a good low price... the product was cheaper to create, thus, it can be sold at cheaper price. 

Is AcneFree better than Proactiv?

Although both systems contain Benzoyl Peroxide, Proactiv is a far better product than AcneFree. 

I've been a Proactiv user for a number of years, and it does an extremely good job when it comes to keeping me clear. AcneFree proved it's inability to keep me clear, even after Proactiv had done the dirty work beforehand.

So although AcneFree can be purchased for a cheaper price, and although it may help your acne a little bit, it will never work as well as Proactiv. At least, it didn't in my experience.

Acne Teen's Related Posts

  • Does AcneFree Work? - These are my thoughts about AcneFree before actually trying the product. You'll notice that my opinion has complete changed since then.
  • Is AcneFree Better than Proactiv? - I know that I have been going out of my way to talk about the AcneFree brand, but I really can't help it. This product claims that it's "better than Proactiv," but that's completely bogus.
  • Proactiv Alternative Save Money! - We also have my thoughts when I thought AcneFree was going to be a good Proactiv alternative. It turns out that I was wrong.

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Is Proactiv BAD for Your Skin?

Is Proactive Bad for Your Skin?

Since Proactiv contains benzoyl peroxide, many health freaks believe that it's a very unhealthy topical acne treatment. This could be due to the fact the the question, "Does Benzoyl Peroxide Cause Skin Cancer," is a very common question in the acne industry.

When it comes down to it, benzoyl peroxide is a peeling agent. Because it causes the skin to dry and peel, it causes the skin's natural protective layers to weaken.

When your skin's protective layers weaken, the sun's harmful rays can penetrate and harm the skin more easily, causing skin cancer.

So Is Proactiv Unhealthy?

Talking on a cellphone causes brain cancer. Eat a big fat burger will clog your arteries. Unless you're a major health freak, don't trip.

But is Proactiv bad for your skin?

Yes! If you use it and you go sun tan every day for the rest of your life, Yes!

However, if you use Proactiv along with a good sunscreen, and don't tan your butt off, you'll likely be fine, and you'll likely have nothing to worry about.

For more Proactiv Questions and Answers, <--- click that link. This is the most comprehensive Proactiv guide that you will come across. I guarantee it.

Related Benzoyl Peroxide Posts:

  1. Does Benzoyl Peroxide Cause Cancer?
  2. Is Proactiv BAD for Your Skin?
  3. Proactiv Bleaches Eyebrows, Hair, Clothes?
  4. Time Released Benzoyl Peroxide!
  5. How to STOP Using Benzoyl Peroxide

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Is Proactiv a Word?

No! Proactiv is not a word!

On Google, Proactiv is defined as a benzoyl peroxide based product, which can be purchased over-the-counter, and is used to treat and prevent acne.

In reality, the word "Proactiv," derives from the word, "Proactive," which means to control a situation, or have things go the way of your liking.

Used in a sentence: "It's extremely annoying when people type "Proactive" into the search engines, instead of the actual word, "Proactiv," because Acne Teen gets less views when that happens.

For more info about Proactiv, check out my Proactiv Questions and Answers Guide.

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Winter Acne Worsens?

The other day I wrote a post about the weather acne connection, and I decided that I wanted to dig deeper into the topic of winter and it's relationship to acne and your skins overall health.

I, along with the rest of the Acne Teen staff, truly believe that weather plays a vital role in the severity of individual's complexions and sometimes, we even believe that weather can be the difference in whether or not certain individuals will even have acne at all.

With that being said, I think that it's important to go ahead and take a look at some of the contributing factors to worsened acne during the colder times of the seasons.

Cold Weather Acne Blues?

This will recap some of the things that I previously talked about in my original weather - acne post, which I linked to in the first paragraph above.

Reasons for that Nasty Winter Complexion

1. Less sleep: Check out the sleep acne connection! Beauty sleep really does matter. During the winter times, people are generally working more, and getting less sleep.

2. More stress: Although most people really aren't stressed out enough to have their acne be affected by it, in the long run, stress really does take a toll on your individual health, which can definitely cause a few more pimples, and a few more breakouts than usual.

3. Less sun: Most of the acne community will agree with me; A small amount of sun is definitely good for one's complexion. In my opinion, a little bit of sun adds a glow to people's faces. However, does tanning help acne? Are tanning beds good or bad for acne?

4. Colder Weather: Finally, what this post is all about... the cold weather. Colder weather can often cause a high amount of skin sensitivity and dryness. This can lead to more acne prone skin, causing you more pimples!

Preventing Winter Acne Breakouts

1. Use a good topical acne product that contains either salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. Personally, I am a Proactiv user, but I am also testing AcneFree as a Proactiv Alternative.

2. Alongside of a good topical acne product, you'll also need a good moisturizer to prevent skin irritation and dryness. I personally love Alba's Aloe and Green Tea Moisturizer.

Acne Worse in Winter Recommendation

When it really comes down to it, prevention is the key to success when it comes to your clear skin goals. Although I first developed acne in the winter, I now rarely have a pimple during this time of year because of the products that I use to combat the disease.

I would definitely recommend giving some of the above methods a try.

Let me know how they work by leaving your comments below. Feel free to ask any questions or make any comments that you have regarding this post.

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Acne Questions and Answers

Although I have created my "Acne Myths Debunked Guide," I noticed that it was turning into an Acne Questions and Answers guide. To make things a little less confusing, I decided to take those questions and properly place them onto this page.

Note: If you're looking for information about Proactiv, that info can be found under my Proactiv Questions and Answers Guide. I know, Acne Teen thinks of everything.

As time progresses and as I talk discuss similar topics over and over again, I will place them into their own guide just like I did for my Proactiv Guide.

Acne Q & A Guide

  1. Does Benzoyl Peroxide Cause Cancer?
  2. Does the Acne.Org Regimen work?
  3. Does AcneFree Work?
  4. Does Acne Ever Go Away on it's Own?
  5. Is Acne a Turn Off?
  6. What's the safest way to pop a pimple?

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Proactiv Questions and Answers!

I've been getting a little sloppy with my organization, so I wanted to take the time to create a guide to Proactiv. We'll call it the "Proactiv, Common Questions and Answers Guide."

This will basically be Acne Teen's Mini Resource Center for Proactiv Solutions.

This guide is going to cover the most common and some of the most uncommon questions that people have. Also, a link to a comprehensive review of Proactiv will be posted.

In the end, I am hoping that Acne Teen subscribers, and those individuals viewing this site for the first time, will have all of their Proactiv questions answered.

If no answer to you, feel free to ask your question by leaving a comment in the 'comment section' below this post.

Extremely Informational Posts

  1. First, check out my Proactiv Review!
  2. Is Proactiv a Scam?
  3. Learn How to use Proactiv.
  4. See my Before and After Proactiv Pictures.

General Proactiv Questions

  1. Is Proactiv a Word?
  2. Can I use Proactiv Once a Day?
  3. What's a good Proactiv Alternative to save money?
  4. How long does it take for Proactiv to work?
  5. When to apply Proactiv.

Proactiv Side Effects

  1. Proactiv Side Effects
  2. Is Proactiv bad for your skin?
  3. Proactiv Stings.
  4. Proactiv Causes Dry Skin.
  5. Proactiv Bleaches Eyebrows, Hairs, Clothes!

Other Products by Proactiv

  1. What's your take on the Proactiv Skin Lightening Lotion?
  2. Proactiv Body Wash Review
  3. Proactiv Green Tea Moisturizer Review

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Weather Acne Relation?

A lot of people have been emailing me; They seem to be dreading this up and coming winter. For some reason, people believe that their acne worsens during winter time, but improves during the summer time.

When looking into this sort of topic, we need to understand that there are many other factors that can come into play during the different times of the season.

Looking at how seasons affect you:

Summer Time = More sleep, less stress, more sun, and more fun.

Winter Time = More work, more stress, less sleep, less fun, and less fun.

Looking at how seasons affect your skin:

Summer Time = More tans, more sunburns, harsh weather, but less visible acne.

Winter Time = Less sun, colder weather, but more visible acne.

Does weather affect acne?

When it comes down to it, weather can definitely play a role in your complexion. However, we also have to remember that the time of the season can also affect what we're doing as individuals.

Some people believe that the sun exacerbates acne, while other believes that it makes it better. See Does Tanning Help Acne and Tanning Beds Acne: Good or Bad?

On the other side, winter has colder weather, which can definitely be quite irritating to the skin.

What Next?

  1. Comment this post below.
  2. Rate this post (right sidebar).
  3. Check out the other acne myths and questions.

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Safest Way to Pop a Pimple!

Using a sterilized needle is one of the safest ways to pop a pimple. Be sure to check out my full guide on how to get rid of a zit.

Getting rid of a zit isn't always easy. Always be sure that you have proper supplies and instructions before you attempt to pop your pimple.

Also, always be sure that your pimple is actually a 'popable' whitehead. Not taking proper precautions can result in an acne scar.

If your pimple is not ready to pop, check out how to reduce pimple size!

What Next?

  1. Comment this post below.
  2. Rate this post (right sidebar)
  3. Check out the other acne questions and answers.

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Is Acne a Turn Off?

Believe it or not, someone actually asked whether or not acne was a turn off.

Acne is a very sensitive topic so I am going to take this as seriously as possible.

Although it may not be a turn off, acne definitely is NOT a turn on. Unless you're some sort of weird-o that likes zits, whiteheads, blackheads, and everything in between, acne is definitely not a turn on.

Even though it's not a turn on, it's not a complete turn off, for all cases. I guess it really depends on how bad an individuals case actually is.

For instance, if you have acne all over your face, it's probably a turn off.

However, if you only have a few pimples here and there, it probably doesn't make any difference.

If you're extremely worried about your acne problem and you want to clear yourself up, be sure to check out my Proactiv review to see what it has done for my skin.

What Next?

  1. Comment this post below.
  2. Rate this post (right sidebar)
  3. Check out the other acne questions and answers.

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Does Acne Ever Go Away on its Own?

Does acne ever just go away on it's own?

More and more people are beginning to ask this question, but more and more often the answer is beginning to be, "No. Your acne will not go away on it's own."

You may have heard that acne is simply one of those things that you outgrow, but with all of the unnatural foods and hormones in those foods, adult acne is now at an all time high.

If you're lucky, your acne may go away on it's own, as you grow older. However, this is usually pretty rare.

The only true way to completely clear your acne is to either do it naturally, or use a product like Proactiv or Acne Free.

What Next?

  1. Comment this post below.
  2. Rate this post (right sidebar)
  3. Check out the other acne questions and answers.

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Does AcneFree Work?

UPDATE: 10/30/09

After trying AcneFree for a second time, I have come to the conclusion in this AcneFree review, that this is an amazing product, and with the use of Time Released Benzoyl Peroxide, side effects are almost in non existence!

UPDATE: 9/21/09

Since the day I wrote the original post below, I figured that it would be a good idea to actually go out and give AcneFree a try.

I heard from many sites, including Cha Cha Answers, that AcneFree worked relatively well. In fact, most sites like the company itself, claims that product works better than Proactiv. However, I didn't find this to be the case.

Since my original posts about AcneFree, which includes the post below, I have written a few other posts about this product that you may want to check out.

1. Does AcneFree Work as Well as Proactiv?

2. Is AcneFree Better than Proactiv?

Definitely check the above posts out for more information. Soon enough, I will be doing a full AcneFree review, so also be ready for that.

Original Post

First understand that there are three different versions to the AcneFree product.

  1. AcneFree Regular
  2. AcneFree Sensitive Skin
  3. AcneFree Severe Treatment

I recently purchased the regular version of AcneFree as a Proactiv Alternative, because it contains almost the same three steps as Proactiv, but can be purchased locally, and at a lower cost. I made my purchase for $17.98.

Before I go any further, note that Proactiv worked extremely well for me. Just look at my Before and After Acne Photo!

Since AcneFree contains the same basic ingredients to fight acne that Proactiv contains, it's my best bet that it works extremely well. In fact, anything with 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide will usually treat your acne. With that being said, I can definitely say that AcneFree does work!

What Next?

  1. Comment this post below.
  2. Rate this post (right sidebar)
  3. Check out the other acne questions and answers.

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Does the Acne.Org Regimen Work?

Almost anything that contains 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide will work as an effective acne treatment.

Like AcneTeen.Org, Acne.Org specializes in the treatment of acne with 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide. They also have a wonderful support team, along with a great community.

Acne.Org's products do work if used consistently and correctly.

However, you don't need Acne.Org's exact products to get clear skin. A great alternative is Acne Free, which is a good Proactiv and Acne.Org alternative.

What Next?

  1. Comment this post below.
  2. Rate this post (right sidebar)
  3. Check out the other acne questions and answers.
  4. Check out my Acne.Org Review

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Can I use Proactiv once a day?

Although it's highly recommended that you use Proactiv twice a day for optimal results, those with sensitive skin should actually stick to using it once a day.

Instructions to using Proactiv 1 time a day!

1. If you do decide to use Proactiv once a day, make sure that you use it right before going to sleep.

2. Apply the first and the second step of Proactiv as you normally would, BUT make sure that you apply a thick fingers length of the third step repairing lotion.

3. Apply the third step gently until it has dried.

4. Now, take a little more of the third step, and apply it over your problem areas. This time, do not rub it until it has dried. Instead, leave the skin a little damp with the third step solution. Don't wash off!

5. Go to bed!

The reason you have to apply a little more of the third step solution when using Proactiv once a day, is because you're skipping an application phase. When this occurs, you need a little more solution to keep the acne away.

What Next?

  1. Comment this post below.
  2. Rate this post (right sidebar)
  3. Check out the other Proactiv Questions and Answers .

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Acne Myths DEBUNKED!

In this quick Acne Teen Myth's guide, I want to talk to you guys about some of the most common, yet most randomly asked acne questions out there.

Again, this guide is going to be pretty straight.

In the coming days and weeks, expect the number of links below to grow.

This will kind of be like a Cha Cha Answers sort of thing. I'll post a question or myth, or you can ask a question in the comments section, then I will answer it with a relatively short, but sweet answer.

Acne Myth List!

  1. Washing My Face More Will Get Rid of My Acne!

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Does Benzoyl Peroxide Cause Cancer?

Benzoyl Peroxide does not cause cancer.

In actuality, it's an overexposure to sun which can cause cancer.

If you look at the back of any topical acne product that you use, which contains benzoyl peroxide, you'll notice that warnings will say to, "avoid exposure to the sun while using this product."

With that being said, Benzoyl Peroxide likely decreases the skin's natural protection against the harmful rays of the sun, making it easier for those rays to penetrate, and cause cancer.

What Next?

  1. Comment this post below.
  2. Rate this post (right sidebar)
  3. Check out the other acne questions and answers.

Related Benzoyl Peroxide Posts:

  1. Does Benzoyl Peroxide Cause Cancer?
  2. Is Proactiv BAD for Your Skin?
  3. Proactiv Bleaches Eyebrows, Hair, Clothes?
  4. Time Released Benzoyl Peroxide!
  5. How to STOP Using Benzoyl Peroxide

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Ice Acne! Reduce Visibility!

Ice Acne! Reduce Visibility!

A lot of people claim a lot of different things online, but I am backing my claim that states that icing acne greatly reduces pimple size.

Even read what my friend Jon wrote in his post titled, Ice Pimple! Reduced Redness & Swelling!

By the way, if you like this tip, be sure to check out the rest of my acne tips in my FREE Guide!

In this short little tutorial, I want to teach you

  1. Benefits of Icing Acne.
  2. The materials you'll need to perform the task.
  3. Directions on how to ice your acne.
  4. Finally, give you the ability to vote on how well the ice worked for you.

Benefits of Icing Acne.

  1. Reduces redness.
  2. Reduces the size of the pimple.
  3. Reduces overall visibility.

Like when you ice a bump from an injury, or a red rash around it, the overall swelling and redness greatly reduces. The same goes for icing a pimple; When iced, the pimple's overall size and redness greatly decreases, making the zit less visible.


I realize that you're probably thinking, "All I need is ice, right?" Wrong! You'll actually need a few extra things if you want to properly ice that pimple.

  • Ice
  • Water
  • Small wash cloth / towel.
  • Clock
  • Moisturizer


  1. Take 1 or 2 ice cubes and place them into a small wash cloth.
  2. Slightly wet the wash cloth with the ice inside.
  3. Apply ice to pimple for 5-10 minutes.
  4. If sensitivity develops or the ice is too cold, try a thicker cloth.
  5. After 5 - 10 minutes of application, allow 10 minutes for your face to re-coop.
  6. Finally, see if your pimples size and redness has been reduced.
  7. Apply moisturizer.
  8. Feel free to follow this routine for a second time for less pimple visibility.


  • Don't overdo it.
  • If sensitivity develops stop the application.
  • Never ice your entire face! Doing so can cause major irritation.

Related Ice Posts

[image via Kyle May]

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Pillow Acne - EASY Tip RELIEVES Acne!

Pillow Acne - EASY Tip RELIEVES Acne!

Although I don't believe that it's ever caused me a breakout, a lot of my friends are reporting that their acne resides on only one side of their face.

They believe that their dirty pillows could be causing them to breakout.

Could this be another home acne treatment tip? I think so.

This will officially mark the first tip in my Acne Tips and Tricks Free Guide! Be sure to check it out for more FREE and EASY tips!

Researching the Myth...

I decided to look into this "pillow - acne" topic to see what I could find. As usual, I ran into the always great, Acne.Org Forum.

There are many different opinions regarding this topic, and it seems that people are 50/50 on the question, Do dirty pillow cases cause acne?

Theories - Do dirty pillow cases cause acne?

I've pulled these theories straight from the Acne.Org Forum.

1. Silk and flannel can break you out and cause more pimples. Instead, try using cotton. Just be sure to wash your pillow cases once every week or so.

2. Irritation from the materials could be causing breakouts.

3. Laundry detergents also make a difference. Try purchasing a gentler detergent.

Acne Teen Recommends

Overall, it's hard to tell whether or not pillow cases can cause acne breakouts. However, if you think it could be causing you problems, be sure to wash your pillow case once a week.

Try following some of the 3 tips found in the theories above. See if your acne starts to fade after following the tips.

Finally, be sure to comment and take the poll at the top of this page. Do you think pillows or dirty pillow cases can worsen acne? Be sure to voice your opinion.

[via Acne.Org]

[image credit via Emdot]

POLL: Can dirty pillows cause breakouts?

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Proactiv Alternative SAVE MONEY!

UPDATE: 10/30/09

I've given AcneFree a second chance. In my UPDATED and COMPLETE AcneFree Review, you'll actually see that this is a class A product, for a good low price. And with the use of Time Released Benzoyl Peroxide, I'd definitely recommend giving it a try!

UPDATE: 9/21/09

After using AcneFree, I found that it wasn't as good of a product as I thought it would be.

Be sure to check out the posts below for more information. Also note that I will be doing a full AcneFree review soon, so stay tuned for that.

1. Does AcneFree Work as Well as Proactiv?

2. Is AcneFree Better than Proactiv?

3. Does AcneFree Work?

Original Post

Lately, I've been looking into a lot of Proactiv Alternatives.

As you all know, Proactiv is quite expensive, so if similar results can be obtained at a lower cost, why should we pay more?

With that being said, I found this great alternative that we can all try using. In fact, this product is said to be "Significantly Better Than Proactiv."

By the way, if you are currently using Proactiv, but having a difficult time, be sure to check out my Proactiv Questions and Answers Guide.

Acne Free as a Proactiv Alternative

Acne Free can be used as cheap alternative to Proactiv. This is possible because of how similar Acne Free is to Proactiv.

Like Proactiv, Acne Free has 3 steps.

1. A Cleanser with 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide. [B.P. % Matches Proactiv.]

2. A Toner. [Proactiv also has a second step toner.]

3. Repairing Lotion with 3.7% Benzoyl Peroxide. [B.P. % 1.2% more than Proactiv.]

Nothing special about Benzoyl Peroxide

If you didn't already know, Benzoyl Peroxide is an active ingredient used to fight acne. Don't get me wrong here, I love Proactiv, but there isn't anything special about it.

I don't see any reasons to why Acne Free won't work just as well, if not better than Proactiv. That's why I recommend it to you as a good Proactiv Alternative.

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Alba Aloe and Green Tea Moisturizer Review!

It's the moment you've all been waiting for; It's time for my review of Alba's Aloe and Green Tea moisturizer.

If you haven't been following my Alba Reviews, then let me do a quick summary.

All of Alba's products suck, aside from the Alba Aloe and Green Tea Moisturizer. UPDATE! The Toner is actually a great product. I gave it a second chance and it works quite well!

I think that basically sums it up, but if you do want more detail, feel free to check out my review of the 1st step, Pineapple Enzyme Facial Cleanser and the 2nd step, Alba Hibiscus Facial Toner.

"Best Moisturizer I have Ever Used!"

Alba makes the best moisturizer that I have ever used alongside of Proactiv's Green Tea Moisturizer, but for the price-to-amount ratio, Alba's Aloe and Green Tea Moisturizer definitely wins the race.

Alba's moisturizer contains two active ingredients that make it great.

1. Green Tea

2. Aloe Vera

If you didn't know, these two ingredients work amazingly well together to soothe your skin.

For those of you that have sensitive and dry skin, use Alba's moisturizer. It got rid of all of my sensitive and dry skin problems.

Overall, the Alba Aloe and Green Tea Moisturizer really balances your skin.

"When using unnatural acne products in an attempt to get clear skin, people often get the side effect of dry skin. When Alba's moisturizer is used with products such as Proactiv, it really works hand-in-hand to balance your skin, taking away dryness, and bringing it back to life."

I had to quote myself... I don't know why.

Anyway, if you guys are having problems with dry skin, and you're looking for a great moisturizer that will NOT clog your pores, I would definitely recommend Alba's Aloe and Green Tea Moisturizer, or Proactiv's Green Tea Moisturizer!

Alba Aloe and Green Tea Moisturizer Rating.

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Alba Hibiscus Facial Toner Review

Over the past few hours, I've been reviewing Alba's Acne Products, and now it's finally time to review the Hibiscus Facial Toner.

Be sure to also check out my review of the Pineapple Enzyme Facial Cleanser, aka the first step to Alba, and my review of Alba's Green Tea Aloe Vera Moisturizer.

The Hibiscus Facial Toner is the second step to Alba's 3-step-solution. Although, I noticed that Alba has more than 3 products. Weird, right?

Anyway, I have to be straight with you guys, yet again.

"Not my favorite product."

Note: Read Update Below! Although it contains natural ingredients, it still seems to be quite harsh on my skin. Like the facial cleanser, if you think Proactiv is bad, this product is not for you.

Really, I didn't see the toner doing much of anything for my skin, and for the high price of Alba's products, I can't really recommend this toner to any of you.


Originally, I didn't like Alba's Hibiscus Facial Toner. However, upon further use, I've learned that the irritation that I originally believed the toner was causing me, was actually caused by the cleanser. Using Alba's Hibiscus Toner with after say, Proactiv's 1st Step Cleanser, is actually a pretty enjoyable feeling.

Alba's not all bad!

Although the Facial Cleanser isn't the best product, the toner is definitely awesome!

More awesomeness comes with Alba's Aloe and Green Tea Moisturizer. It's amazing! It's one of the best moisturizers I have ever used next to Proactiv's Green Tea Moisturizer.

Related Posts

  1. What does a Toner do for your face?
  2. Witch Hazel Acne Toner
  3. Rubbing Alcohol Acne: Avoid It!

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Pineapple Enzyme Facial Cleanser Review

For the past few days, I have been reviewing Alba Acne products.

Like I stated in my first review, Alba's products come in form of a three step process. Right now, I would like to take the time to review the first step, or the Pineapple Enzyme Facial Cleanser.

After reading the review below, I highly recommend checking out my review of Alba's Hibiscus Facial Toner and Green Tea Aloe Vera Moisturizer.

I'm going to be pretty straight. Overall, I do not like the cleanser.

1. Although the instructions say "don't get in eyes," it burns like h-e-double-L if you do. If you decide to use this product, avoid your eyes at all costs!

2. In my opinion, beaded cleansers work far better than lathered ones. The pineapple Enzyme Facial Cleanser is a lather. I don't really like it.

3. Really drying! If you think Proactiv is too harsh, I do not recommend this product at all. You would think that because it has natural ingredients that it wouldn't be so drying to the skin, but if you think like that, you're wrong.

Don't buy Alba's Facial Cleanser!

Overall, it's just a horrible product. It really surprised me too, since I thought the natural ingredients would've been less harsh on my skin. However, I guess I was wrong.

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Alba Acne Review! READ This First!

If you've decided to try Alba's acne skincare products in hopes of getting a clear complexion, you may want to think again.

First understand, not everything about Alba is bad.

In fact, they make an awesome Green Tea + Aloe Vera Moisturizer, which I highly recommend. I'll talk about that more in a little bit.

Before I get going though, here's the deal you're getting with Alba. Like many acne products, Alba is meant to be applied in a three step process.

Alba Acne Instructions, aka the Application Process

(Be sure to click the 3 links below to learn more about each individual Alba product. If the links aren't yet available, I still need to created the pages for them.)

  1. Pineapple Enzyme Facial Cleanser comes first.

  2. Followed by the Hibiscus Facial Toner.

  3. Finally, the Aloe and Green Tea Moisturizer is applied.

Positives of Alba

Aside from the three products you're getting from Alba, you're also getting a product that's around 100% organic. I don't want to say that it's fully organic, because you can never be so sure. However, it's definitely close.

Alba's products contain a lot of ingredients that are actually good for your skin, including the always famous Aloe Vera and Green Tea. The Alba Facial Toner also contains hibiscus, like I mentioned above. Is hibiscus good for acne? I'm not sure.

Alba Negatives

Aside from the positives, Alba's cleanser can be pretty harsh on your skin. If you think Proactiv is too harsh, those individuals with sensitive skin should NOT use Alba!

The toner is nothing too special, but after further analysis, it's not a bad product.

The moisturizer is awesome, and I'd definitely recommend it. Again, be sure to check out the 3 links above to learn more about each individual Alba product.

Alba Overall Review

Overall, I give Alba a 5 out of 10.

Their moisturizer is awesome, and I would definitely give it a 10 out of 10, but this alone, doesn't make the rest of Alba's products awesome.

Alba really isn't made to clear your skin, and if you do expect to get clear skin with Alba, you'll need to do a lot more inside-and-out cleansing.

Alba alone, will NOT clear your acne!

However, if you're looking for a good moisturizer, I would definitely recommend Alba's Aloe and Green Tea Moisturizer. It's one of the best moisturizers that I have ever used.

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Acne Tips and Tricks FREE Guide!

Everyone is always looking for free tips and tricks to how they can prevent that next acne breakout, or make a pimple appear to be smaller.

This guide is for those people that want quick fixes, and quick tips.

It was also created to show you some quick things that you can do to improve the overall complexion of your skin.

Each tip is promised to be easy to follow and easy on your wallet.

With that being said, I'm going to go ahead and post a list of acne tips that will help you improve your skin's overall health and complexion. Each tip will be titled with a link, followed by an excerpt.

Click the title of the link to learn more about each of the following tips.

1. Pillow Acne - If your acne is residing on one side of your face, it could be because of your pillow. Check out this small post to learn how to improve your complexion.

2. Ice Acne - A great way to greatly reduce pimple swelling and redness is via the application of ice. Trust me, it really works!

Remember, this guide will be updated as time progresses.

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Back Acne

A few of my friends have really bad body acne, especially on their back. Every so often I get a pimple that sprouts up in this area, but I've never really been too worried about it. However, if you're looking at this page and you have back acne, I have done some research that may help you clear things up.

Post Points of Interest

Cause of Back Acne

"Beyond this, what causes back acne is similar to what causes facial acne. For some reason, acne prone individuals tend to overproduce skin cells inside of their pores. This overproduction of skin cells creates pore blockage. The blockage traps skin oil which creates a perfect breeding ground for acne bacteria."

Source: Acne.Org

The little excerpt above is from Acne.Org. It sums up the main cause of back acne. Although this is true, there are many other things that you can do that will actually exacerbate back acne.

Don't make back acne worse!

There are many free and simple things that you can do to improve your back's complexion.

Wear loose clothing.

This is one of the easiest ways to prevent back acne, or at least keep it from being worse than it has to be. Tight clothes can be very irritating. Try wearing looser clothes. After a few weeks, see if their is an improvement in your skin's complexion.

Shower after working out.

Always shower after working out. I realize that this may sound counter intuitive since I told you that you don't need to shower after working out in treatment of facial acne. However, since you'll likely be wearing clothes after your workout, it's very important that your back is clean. Otherwise, you'll trap unnecessary oils that will exacerbate your acne in this area.

Natural back acne treatments.

Update! I just wrote a post on how to get rid of back acne!

Their are many great ways to treat back acne. I would definitely recommend checking out some of my at home acne treatments methods. Also, be sure to check out this post titled, "Get Rid of Zits Fast: Only 3 DAYS!" It definitely has some great information. If natural treatments don't work for you or haven't worked for you in the past, I definitely recommend a topical treatment.

Topical treatments for back acne.

Their are many topical treatments that you can use for back acne. I definitely recommend something that contains either benzoyl peroxide 2.5% or salicylic acid.

Proactiv Body Wash for back acne.

As you probably already know, I am a big fan of Proactiv. Although I haven't tried their body wash, I would recommend giving it a try just because of the name behind the solution.

This solution has a 4.5 / 5.0 rating on Amazon out of 6 ratings. 5 people rated this product 5 out of 5 stars. One individual rated this product with 1 star.

One individual from the review stated, "Proaciv is a highly effective acne treatment brand but, here's the catch - you have to keep at it."

This quote is 110% true. Although I haven't tried this branded body wash, I do use Proactiv on my face, and if you're not 110% consistent, the product won't work to it's full potential.

Other types of body acne.

  1. Back
  2. Buttocks
  3. Genitals
  4. Leg --> Back of Leg
  5. Chest
  6. Shoulders
  7. Arms

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