Winter Acne Worsens?

Winter Acne Worsens?

9/19/2009 10:42:00 PM

The other day I wrote a post about the weather acne connection, and I decided that I wanted to dig deeper into the topic of winter and it's relationship to acne and your skins overall health.

I, along with the rest of the Acne Teen staff, truly believe that weather plays a vital role in the severity of individual's complexions and sometimes, we even believe that weather can be the difference in whether or not certain individuals will even have acne at all.

With that being said, I think that it's important to go ahead and take a look at some of the contributing factors to worsened acne during the colder times of the seasons.

Cold Weather Acne Blues?

This will recap some of the things that I previously talked about in my original weather - acne post, which I linked to in the first paragraph above.

Reasons for that Nasty Winter Complexion

1. Less sleep: Check out the sleep acne connection! Beauty sleep really does matter. During the winter times, people are generally working more, and getting less sleep.

2. More stress: Although most people really aren't stressed out enough to have their acne be affected by it, in the long run, stress really does take a toll on your individual health, which can definitely cause a few more pimples, and a few more breakouts than usual.

3. Less sun: Most of the acne community will agree with me; A small amount of sun is definitely good for one's complexion. In my opinion, a little bit of sun adds a glow to people's faces. However, does tanning help acne? Are tanning beds good or bad for acne?

4. Colder Weather: Finally, what this post is all about... the cold weather. Colder weather can often cause a high amount of skin sensitivity and dryness. This can lead to more acne prone skin, causing you more pimples!

Preventing Winter Acne Breakouts

1. Use a good topical acne product that contains either salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. Personally, I am a Proactiv user, but I am also testing AcneFree as a Proactiv Alternative.

2. Alongside of a good topical acne product, you'll also need a good moisturizer to prevent skin irritation and dryness. I personally love Alba's Aloe and Green Tea Moisturizer.

Acne Worse in Winter Recommendation

When it really comes down to it, prevention is the key to success when it comes to your clear skin goals. Although I first developed acne in the winter, I now rarely have a pimple during this time of year because of the products that I use to combat the disease.

I would definitely recommend giving some of the above methods a try.

Let me know how they work by leaving your comments below. Feel free to ask any questions or make any comments that you have regarding this post.