Hardgainer Weight Gain Guide

Here's your new Idol - Taylor Lautner!

Taylor Lautner films scenes for his upcoming movie Valentine's Day in Los Angeles

He was once a skinny, 140lb kid. Now, 9 months later, he's a 170lb man.

About Hardgainers

If you're unfamiliar with the term hardgainer, it's someone, probably like yourself, that has a difficult time gaining weight, or gaining muscle mass. I'm creating the following guide, because I myself, have trouble gaining weight.

Before I go any further, let me tell you your problem!

  • You complain.
  • You make up excuses.
  • You see yourself as a "no gainer."

You and other hardgainers say things like,

  • "I eat everything, but I don't gain weight."
  • "I've tried everything, but nothing works!"
  • "I lift big, but don't make gains!"

But the truth is,

  • You probably burn more calories than you consume.
  • You haven't tried everything, because if you had, you'd be bigger!
  • You don't lift big, you just think that you do.

Top 3 Hardgainer Mistakes!

#3 Over training -

Female athlete holding neck, studio shot

For me, I always thought that I needed to work my butt off to make gains. I would run 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week, along with weight training 6 times a week.

When it comes to training, what I learned is to

  • Cut your cardio to 3 - 20 minute sessions per week.
  • Lift weights a maximum of 5 times a week
  • Provide each muscle group 48 hours of recovery before working them again.

#2 Not getting enough rest -

Couple Sleeping

Although it may seem difficult, it's important that everyone who's anyone gets 8 hours of sleep every night. This is especially true for anyone on a strict muscle building routine, including hardgainers.

If your muscles don't have time to recover, then you'll end up working tired muscles, which can actually cause the exact opposite of what you're after.

#1 Not eating enough food -

Man weighing apples in supermarket, close-up

Although the training and recovery is pretty important, the food aspect of a hardgainers journey to weight gain is extremely important.

More often than not, you probably think that you eat a lot of food.

However, if you're not eating

  • 6 meals a day.
  • 500 - 1,000 calories more than your daily recommended intake.
  • And consitently doing it,

then you're never going to make any gains, any time soon.

More Tips are Coming Soon!

Future updates to this hardgainer guide will be coming soon, (between November 1st - December 7th, 2009) and will be listed below.

If you take anything from this, know that gaining weight takes consistency. That means, eating for fuel, lifting to build, and resting to recover.

Here are the tips so far!

The Complete Guide

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Increased Protein Caused Lower Back and Kidney Pain!

Close-up of meat on grill

As I sit here and type this message, my lower back, mainly around my kidney area, is in a good amount of pain. I think it could be due to the fact that I increased my protein and caloric intake.

Also, I am taking

  • Creatine
  • Nitrix Oxide
  • Muscle Milk

What worsens the pain?

  • Moving around a lot.
  • Drinking protein powder.
  • Taking supplements.
  • Eating foods with protein in general.

What helps to relieve the pain?

  • Drinking lot of water.
  • Hot shower / bath.
  • Warm heat pad.

I don't know what's causing my problem!

If you're viewing this page, you probably know how I feel. The thing is, it seems like I have to drink an extremely large amount of water, to get my kidney area flushed enough to stop hurting.

Maybe my kidney's can't handle the protein / calories?

This seems to happen every time I increase the amount of food I eat. See, I have a difficult time gaining weight unless I'm on a strict 6 meal a day, 550 calorie a meal, plan.

Since I don't have a million bucks, I eat a lot of peanut butter, and other cheaper foods, which are high in calories, and usually high in protein.

If I lowered my protein intake, my problem would be solved!

It has to be the protein. I don't know what else it'd be. The lower back / kidney pain arises only when I drink protein shakes, and do the other things that I listed above.

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How to Get OUT of the Friend Zone! Part #3

This may be confusing... but Trust Me!

Do the girls you don't like, like you?

Young man and woman leaning on banister

Ever notice, the girls that like you are the ones that you don't pay much attention to? Or maybe, their friends of yours, but you don't fall into any of the "you're the guy that is always" mistake categories listed in Part #1.

If all of these girls like you, and you're not doing anything to get with them, then don't you think that it may be best to try the same strategy with the girl that you actually do want?

Don't doom yourself!

Close-up of bonfire at night

Regardless of your situation, doing the things I mentioned in part #1, unless your in second grade, is bound to doom any shot you have with the girl.

If you want her, you'll stop acting like you want her!

Dizzy Feet Foundation's 'Celebration of Dance'

Instead, act like Channing Tatum. Okay, just kidding... You wanted to know how to get out of the friend zone, and now you have it. Stop doing the things that I said not to do! If you continue to do these things, you'll only hurt your chances. Ask any 'player,' and he'll tell you exactly what I'm telling you, plain and simple.


Staying out of the friend zone may not always be easy, but it's the right thing to do, especially if you want this girl in the future.

PS, You'll be the guy that doesn't listen to me...

Broken heart

You'll read this page, and say, "Okay." Then, you'll go and screw everything up. You'll do exactly what I told you NOT to do.

And guess what, you'll learn the hard way, get shot down, and get hurt.

If you're smart, you'll listen to what I am saying, and save yourself the time and energy.

<-- How to Get OUT of the Friend Zone! Part #2

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How to Get OUT of the Friend Zone! Part #2

Getting out of the Friend Zone - Details

Stop asking her to be your girlfriend.

Question mark

If she wanted to be your girlfriend, don't you think she would've said, "yes," already? If she says, "no," she means it.

If she says, "maybe in the future," she means, "no," but she, A) wants to keep you around, because you're a good friend, or B) doesn't want to hurt your feelings.

Stop kicking it with her 24-7.

View of a clock with two businessmen in foreground

You have a life, don't you? Kick it with some of your other friends. Hanging out with her 24 - 7 shows that you not only have nothing better to do, but it also shows that you're trying way too hard to get her to be with you.

Be there for her during tough times, but don't overdo it

Woman crying

First off, ask yourself, "How hard does she really have it?" If it's a simple breakup she's dealing with, talk to her about it through texting, or phone. If you happen to talk to her about it in person, that's fine. However, don't make it your whole conversation. If that's all she wants to talk about, leave, or change the subject. Don't do anything you wouldn't do for any of your other friends!

Again, being there for her is fine, but overdoing it is bound to put you in the friend zone. "Yes, Lisa. Tommy was there for me the whole time. He's such a good friend," and trust me, this is not where you want to be.

Do not buy her flowers or other gifts!

Young man holding gift, smiling, portrait

Unless it's her birthday, and you've known her for quite some time, do not buy her anything. This means, no roses, tulips, or flowers of any kind. No teddy bears, no cuddly bears, no iPods, mepods, or youpods. No movie tickets, no ballet tickets - no nothing.

Buying a girls' love works just about as well as a broken computer - it doesn't!

Showering her with gifts will only show her that you're so insecure with yourself, that you don't know how to actually get her the 'right way.' Not to mention, it can be extremely annoying!

Never call her beautiful!

Woman applying lip gloss, close up

Do not call her beautiful. Even if it seems like the 'right moment,' don't do it. Girls want things that they can't have. If you call her beautiful, she knows she's got you already.

If you want to better the situation for yourself, say something like, "Hey. I mean, you're good looking - not my type, but you're good looking, though." Using a line like this, in the right situation, can be extremely beneficial, and actually get her chasing after you.

Don't be her servant!

Butler Holding Serving Platter with Lobster

It all comes back to treating her like you would your other friends. It's cool to make her a plate of nachos here and there, but don't go out of your way to do things for her. If she asks you to get her something to drink, or some sort of similar request, only do it sometimes. Other times, tell her that she can, "get it herself."

Live your life! Treat her like your other friends!

Group of friends watching tv

If you want to get out of the friend zone, you must start living your life the way you'd like to live it. This means, you need to treat this girl like all of your other friends! Why should she get any special treatment, anyway? She didn't earn it.

I don't care how much you obsess over her... Move on!

I don't care how much you love this girl, you'll have a better chance of getting with her later, if you move on now, and stop causing yourself more damage than you probably already have.

<-- How to Get OUT of the Friend Zone! Part #1

How to Get OUT of the Friend Zone! Part #3 -->

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How to Get OUT of the Friend Zone! Part #1

You're the guy that is always

  • asking her to be your girlfriend.
  • getting "no" or "maybe in the future" for an answer!
  • following her around like a puppy dog.
  • passing up time with friends to kick it with her.
  • there for her when she cries, after breakups with other guys.
  • buying her gifts and giving her flowers.
  • calling her beautiful.
  • treating her like a **** princess.
  • wondering, "Why isn't she hitting me up yet?"

And while you're doing all of the work, Mr. Jackhole over there is getting the girl of your dreams!

Don't be this guy!

Smiling Man Holding Box of Chocolates and Red Rose

You're in the Friend Zone. Face it!

If you fall under any of the given categories above, you're in the friend zone. I was in the friend zone for 4 years straight, until I finally began to figure things out.

Here's the thing - Girls like guys who are already with them, to do the things listed above, but when you're trying to get a girl, it's kind of the opposite. Don't be a ****, but don't be super-nice either.

Getting out of the Friend Zone - List

  • Stop asking her to be your girlfriend.
  • Stop spending every waking moment with the girl.
  • Kick it with your friends and family for goodness sake.
  • Be there for her during tough times, but don't overdo it.
  • Do not buy her flowers!
  • As for gifts, only on birthdays. $15 - $20 limit! Max!
  • Do not call her beautiful! Say she looks good, "but isn't your type."
  • Do not be her *****.
  • Stop thinking about her. Think about yourself!
  • Move on!

How to Get OUT of the Friend Zone! Part #2 -->

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Tanning Acne: CLEAR SKIN!

Over the past few weeks, I have been receiving a number of emails from individuals stating that tanning actually helped clear up their acne.

Here's a recent email that I received!

Email from Reader

"Hey Taylor,

My name is Stephanie. I've been reading AcneTeen.Org for sometime now, and I noticed that you said tanning is bad for acne.

I'm usually all for your advice, but ever since I started going tanning, my acne has nothing but improved.

If tanning is so bad for your complexion, why did it give me clear skin?"

My Response:

"First off, I am simply glad to hear that your skin has cleared up so much. I want to congratulate you on that.

Much like yourself, I found success with tanning. Back in Summer of '08, I was the guy that you'd find laying out in his backyard saying to myself, "Does tanning help acne? Well, I sure think so, because my skin definitely seems to be clearing up!"

However, I would like to say that this is definitely NOT a method to overuse if you're trying to clear up your skin, and here's why:

Too much sun

  • Promotes aging.
  • Delays skins' healing process.
  • Causes dryness and other irritations.
  • Can cause more breakouts in weeks to come.

On the other-hand, some sun can

  • Clear up acne scars.
  • Dry out current pimples.

Although I wouldn't recommend tanning to clear up your acne, using this method in moderation can help you clear up your skin a little more than it originally was. "

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Pimple On Earlobe???? Is it Posisble?

Although it's definitely possible to get a pimple on your earlobe, it's also just as possible that you're mistaking your pimple for an earlobe cyst.

Earlobe cysts can be

  • Extremely painful,
  • Can sometimes have an extremely long lifespan.
  • They can also become quite large.

My Experience

In my case, I was lucky enough to have an earlobe pimple. Again, these are extremely common, and usually go away within a few days.

If you have an Earlobe Cyst....

  • I wrote about how to remove it.
  • More than a week = not a pimple.
  • See a dermatologist.
  • They'll give you medication.

I wrote a post on a way to go about removing it, which I linked to at the beginning of this article. Again, be sure to see if you have any of the symptoms that I have listed above.

Usually, if the mark has been on your ear for more than a week, it's probably not a pimple.

If you still cannot determine what you have, it's definitely a good idea to see a dermatologist, to get a professional's opinion.

They'll also likely be able to hook you up with a good product that will help remove, or relieve the pain of whatever it is that you have.

Final Note!

  • Don't pick at it!
  • Go to the doctor / dermatologist!

Never try to pick at an earlobe cyst. Doing so can cause an infection, and make your problem way worse than it has to be.

If you don't know whether you have a pimple or cyst, go to the doctor, or see a dermatologist!

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Ice Zit: HELP!!!

Ice Zit: HELP!!!

Email from Reader

"i REALLY need your help.

i recently took your advice about the ice acne trick thing, and i totally think that it has ruined my face. it is all dried out now and i dont know what i did wrong.

i iced my entire face and all of my zits because i have pimples everyewhere and its so embarrassing.

im 13 year old girl from Michigan.

i really need your help i dont no what i did wrong. "

My Response:

"Hey! I am sorry that you're struggling with your acne.

I understand why you're frustrated, and I understand the urgency of your email.

It's important to understand that icing your zit will only reduce swelling and redness. This is not a way to completely get rid of your acne.

As I said in my previous posts, never ice your entire face.

Many people have contacted me with success using this method. See this post from Jon --> Ice Pimple! Reduced Redness and Swelling!

If anything, this trick is a spot treatment. Again, it's not meant for your entire face.

If you're looking to completely clear up your acne, you'll need a product like AcneFree, or Proactiv. Something that contains benzoyl peroxide will usually get the job done. "

Email from Reader

"i iced my entire face so i guess i need to ask my mom to get me proactiv?

i just wish that i have clear skin like you. i see your youtube videos and that is what i want. i just dont know what to do. i have school tomorrow and am scared of being embarassed!!!!! i have zits everywhere


My Response:

"Ask your mom to pick you up AcneFree from Walmart. Tell her to pick up either Sensitive, Normal, or Severe, depending on your skin type. Using this treatment every day, will help you get rid of your zits and blackheads.

As for school tomorrow, if you're extremely embarrassed, talk to your mom about it. I used to go through some of the same things you're going through. See if you can stay home for a few days.

Aside from that, there isn't much you can do.

Acne takes awhile to clear up, so again, I recommend getting a product like AcneFree or Proactiv, that will get the job done.

I apologize that icing your zits didn't make them any better. But remember, it's a spot treatment. Stick to 1 or 2 pimples, and never your entire face.

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Ingrown Hair or Pimple Part 2!

Ingrown Hair or Pimple Part 2!

A few weeks back I wrote my first post on how to get rid of ingrown hairs easily. I also wrote Ingrown Hair or Pimple Part 1!

I figured I would go ahead and do a second post, because a lot of individuals may actually mix up an ingrown hair and a pimple.

Hopefully, by reading this post, you'll understand how to differentiate the two things, from one another. By doing so, you'll learn what you need to do to remove the blemish.

Signs of a Zit vs an Ingrown hair...


  1. Don't last usually for more than a week.
  2. Turn into whiteheads.
  3. Are a pinkish color.
  4. Will NOT look like a blackhead.

Ingrown Hairs:

  1. Can last for months on end.
  2. Don't have a head.
  3. May be pink, but with a blackish tint.
  4. May look like a blackhead.

My experience

For the longest time, I believed that a spot, just under my chin, was a pimple or some sort of blackhead.

However, after 2 months passed, I thought to myself, "Pimples do NOT last this long."

That's when I looked closer, and I actually saw the ingrown hair within my skin. It's disgusting, I know. But looking at the signs and paying attention to your blemishes, may save you the embarrassment of walking out with something, that could be removed in a few easy steps.

Final thoughts...

Don't waste your money on any products until you are absolutely sure of what you have. I know a lot of people that think they have acne, purchase an acne fighting product, without an results at all.

Sometimes, it's because they didn't even have acne in the first place.

Razor bumps and ingrown hairs can sometimes LOOK exactly like a pimple. So again, look closely, and know what you have before you go out and spend your money!

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Ice Pimple! Reduced Redness & Swelling!

Ice Pimple! Reduced Redness & Swelling!

Email from Reader


Hey Taylor and everyone else at AcneTeen.Org

I wanted to take the time to thank the owner or owners of AcneTeen.Org. They have really helped me clear up my acne so I thank them for that.

I wanted to do a guest post for this site because the ice acne tip worked extremely well. I will go ahead and tell you guys how I used this trick. It is pretty simple and extremely effective.

I see that Taylor likes to use bullets to make things easier to read so I am going to do that as well.


  1. I took ice.
  2. Placed it in a thin cloth.
  3. I dampened the cloth with water.
  4. I placed the cloth with the ice inside on my face.
  5. I did this for 15 minutes.
  6. I allowed 1 hour for the spot to revive itself.
  7. I reapplied again.

Simple, Cheap + Effective!

This is a pretty simple, cheap, and effective trick. I would never recommend icing your entire face. I think that Taylor said this too, but I figured I should rewarn you guys. Doing your entire face will likely dry it out and cause other problems.

Aside from that if you have 1 or 2 pimples that need a reduction in redness, swelling, and overall size, this is a great trick that will help you accomplish that.

Thanks again to AcneTeen.Org


My Response:

"Hey, Jon!

I'm glad to hear that this little trick worked for you. Every now and then, when I get a pimple, I use ice to reduce its size as well.

Not a lot of people know about this trick, but it really does work.

It's funny; I think more people try the toothpaste on pimple overnight deal, but that does NOT work at all.

Anyway, I'm glad you took some time to write another post regarding this topic. Icing a pimple really does work.

Tell your friends!

I hope to hear from you soon."

Related Ice Posts

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How to STOP Using Benzoyl Peroxide

If you're like me, you've been using Benzoyl Peroxide to treat your acne, because it's the only thing that you've found that actually works.

How to STOP Using Benzoyl Peroxide

Don't get me wrong here, I love B.P. because it cleared up my skin, but then again, I hate it, because it dried out my skin.

Then of course, you have the people who believe B.P. is bad for your skin, it causes skin cancer, and promotes aging...

I found a better ingredient!


  1. Been searching for a good product for a long time!
  2. Finally, I found it!
  3. It's called, Dr. Dermal.


1. Since the beginning of time, I've been searching for products that would work just as well as Benzoyl Peroxide, if not better than the ingredient.

2. And until now, (November, 2009) I didn't know that such a product existed.

3. The product I found is called, Dr. Dermal and its active ingredient is ac.net.

About ac.net


  1. French Manufactured
  2. Nobody knows about this stuff!
  3. It actually works!


1. Not to be confused with http://www.ac.net/, ac.net is a patented ingredient manufactured by the French firm Sederma.

2. Dr. Dermal, along with ac.net itself, are about as popular as a Youtube video with 200 views. NOBODY knows about this stuff!

3. But here's the thing, IT WORKS!

How I got lucky enough to find + try it...


  1. I found it on Social Spark
  2. I contacted the company, and told them about AcneTeen.Org
  3. They contacted me back, and sent me the product.


1. I was doing my usual internet job, and I stumbled across an ad on Social Spark. (Social Spark pays you to do posts about products, services, and contests.) Anyway, I saw the ad for Dr. Dermal and decided to contact the company.

2. I contacted Dr. Dermal later that evening and told them about AcneTeen.Org, and how its a pretty popular blog. I asked them if I could use their product.

3. The next thing you know, they send me the goods, and I'm writing my Dr. Dermal Review.

If you want to stop using benzoyl peroxide...


  1. It's not easy, but it's good for you!
  2. You need a game plan!
  3. You need patience!
  4. If you're lazy, get Dr. Dermal.


1. It's not easy to stop using something that's worked so well, for so long. However, if you know there are better products out there that do NOT contain Benzoyl Peroxide, it's probably a good idea to switch to those products.

2. If you do decide to quit using Benzoyl Peroxide, you need a game plan. Whether you decide to purchase Dr. Dermal, or use some other treatment, be sure to read your reviews, and make sure that product actually works, before you ruin your face.

3. Finally, this can take patience. I've been using Benzoyl Peroxide for what, 5 years now? Up until now, that's what worked best for me. It may take time to figure out what works best for you too.

4. If you're lazy, just purchase Dr. Dermal. It works, people! It works extremely well.

Related Benzoyl Peroxide Posts:

  1. Does Benzoyl Peroxide Cause Cancer?
  2. Is Proactiv BAD for Your Skin?
  3. Proactiv Bleaches Eyebrows, Hair, Clothes?
  4. Time Released Benzoyl Peroxide!
  5. How to STOP Using Benzoyl Peroxide

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Dr. Dermal Review: Day #3


Day number 3 passed as soon as it came. Still, I am having positive results with the use of Dr. Dermal. Although this is true, a new spot did form.


  1. Still good results!
  2. Old spots starting to go away.
  3. 1 new zit formed!

In detail

1. I'm still seeing amazing results with Dr. Dermal. I haven't experienced any new negative side effects, and like I said in my last post, my skin is simply loving their products.

2. I noticed that my old pimples, (from before Dr. Dermal) have started to go away. I didn't have many anyway, but it's nice to know that certain products may be able to get you 100% clear.

3. With all of the underlying positives, I did notice that I had one new pimple. However, I woke up on Day #4 (I write my posts the day after each day) and noticed that it had disappeared. This isn't unusual however, as pimples take quite awhile to actually form.

More Information

  1. Email from Dr.Dermal.Com
  2. Dr. Dermal Review (Archives)
  3. Dr. Dermal Review: Day #1
  4. Dr. Dermal Review: Day #2
  5. Dr. Dermal Review: Day #3
  6. Dr. Dermal Review: Day #14

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Dr. Dermal Review: Day #2


Alright, so it's day #2 of my Dr. Dermal experience. For the second straight day, I was satisfied with the use of this product.


  1. Still no side effects!
  2. Application is a pretty fast process.
  3. I love the moisturizer and acne gel!
  4. Cooling process intensifies during application!
  5. No new spots, and old spots starting to clear up!
  6. I want them to sponsor me!

1. Much to my surprise, I still have NOT had ONE side effect, unless you count a really cool and clean feeling. Aside from that, nothing! Not one negative side effect!

2. I also noticed that with Dr. Dermal, the application process is pretty quick. It's a 3 step system, that only requires the use of your hands, plus a towel for drying. There's no toner in this product, so you do NOT need cotton ball or pads for use.

3. Out of Dr. Dermal's 3 products that I am using, cleanser, moisturizer, and acne gel, I would have to say that the moisturizer and acne gel are my favorite. Unlike benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid based products, both of these products soothe and restore your skin!

4. The other COOL thing is, after applying each step, your face will become cooler and cooler. If you go outside on a cold day, watch out, your face may freeze. I'm just kidding, of course. But it's not an uncomfortable cool, it's really soothing and really gentle.

5. So far, I haven't found any new spots on my face. If anything, my skin is actually beginning to clear, and heal from when I used benzoyl peroxide.

6. I really hope that Dr. Dermal either sponsors me, because this could be a NEW FAVORITE!

More Information

  1. Email from Dr.Dermal.Com
  2. Dr. Dermal Review (Archives)
  3. Dr. Dermal Review: Day #1
  4. Dr. Dermal Review: Day #2
  5. Dr. Dermal Review: Day #3
  6. Dr. Dermal Review: Day #14

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Email from Dr.Dermal.Com

dr dermal email

After contacting Dr.Dermal.Com, this is the email that I received.

Hi Taylor,

Thanks for your online message. Your site seems like a great source for teen acne information.

I've read your comments about the current products you're using. Benzoyl Peroxide is quite a harsh chemical and it's been banned in the EU for use in topical treatments due to the long term damage it causes, and also since it has been reported to cause cancer in lab mice. We would strongly advise that you consider a treatment that does not have such a harmful chemical as an active.

Our active ingredient is the culmination of years of research in France, and ac.net really is a unique compound. It's composed of extracts of the olive plant, a purified plant lignin and a highly advanced osmotic gel. It is only in the specific combination in ac.net that these ingredients exhibit a global treatment towards the causes of acne. If you refer to the comparison chart on our website (https://www.drdermal.com/?ref=about&page=whychoose), you'll be able to clearly view why our range has distinct advantages over other acne products.

Unlike most of the other acne products available over the net, our products have a real medical endorsement by specialist dermatologists - not herbalists, or doctors with no experience in skin care (some other sites have testimonials from psychologists). Our products have been used by many dermatologists and have been well accepted.

Our intentions are to provide a one stop shop for acne sufferers. We have many new and unique products being released during the coming year for acne sufferers. Within a week or two, we will be offering online consultations with specialist dermatologists for a small fee of US$60 as well. This is a convenient, private way for self conscious individuals to get a professionals opinion/diagnosis on their skin condition.

It would be my great pleasure to send you a starter pack of our goods for you to use, evaluate and provide your feedback. Once you have used them, we would also appreciate you allowing us to publish some of your feedback on our website.

Please provide your physical address for delivery and we'll have your starter pack shipped at once.

If you have any other questions about our products, acne in general, or any question you would like us to refer to one of our dermatologists, don't hesitate to ask.

Best Regards

Sahil Singh

More Information

  1. Email from Dr.Dermal.Com
  2. Dr. Dermal Review (Archives)
  3. Dr. Dermal Review: Day #1
  4. Dr. Dermal Review: Day #2
  5. Dr. Dermal Review: Day #3
  6. Dr. Dermal Review: Day #14

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Dr. Dermal Review: READ THIS FIRST!

Dr. Dermal Review

Dr. Dermal 50% OFF SALE!

If you buy Dr. Dermal through this link --> Dr.Dermal LLC in December 2009, you'll get 50% off the original product price.

I have personally tested Dr. Dermal. It's extremely effective, and it does not contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. It's my FAVORITE product to date, and is said to work on all skin types. That said, it's in the "Tested & Recommended" products section of AcneTeen.Org as my #1 product, which can be seen in the right sidebar of this page, and any other page.

For the first time ever, I have decided to try an acne product (called Dr. Dermal)

that DOES NOT contain

  • Benzoyl Peroxide or
  • Salicylic Acid

This is pretty amazing, considering almost all effective acne products that I am aware of, usually contain 1 of the 2 ingredients above, to be considered effective.

It's said that Dr. Dermal is different!

  1. No side effects
  2. Works for All skin types!

1. I have personally spoken with a representative / the owner of this product. I'm not quite sure who, but he sent me a long email (which I link to in the archives section below) about how this product will not cause me any side effects, such as skin dryness, irritation, etc...

2. Not to mention the fact that Dr. Dermal works on all skin types! It's really hard to believe what I am hearing, but that's why I decided to test it.

Why I decided to use Dr. Dermal.

  1. To Review it for you!
  2. I have a few spots left on my face!
  3. I want to see if Dr. Dermal can clear them up!

1. I decided to use Dr. Dermal after seeing an ad for it in the Social Spark Marketplace. I wanted to be the first to really give this product a try, and review it for you.

2. To be completely honest, I still get a few small spots on my face that neither AcneFree, nor Proactiv can seem to clear up.

3. I want to see if Dr. Dermal can either clear these spots, or at the least, keep my skin the same it's been while using Proactiv and AcneFree.

Day-by-Day Review Archives

This is where I will keep a day-by-day archive of my Dr. Dermal reviews along with other related information. The following reviews may become shortened as the days pass, but still, I hope that you will find great information on each page.

After the results are in, and the archives section full, I will do an overall review or impression of Dr. Dermal below the archives section on this page.

  1. Email from Dr.Dermal.Com
  2. Dr. Dermal Review (Archives)
  3. Dr. Dermal Review: Day #1
  4. Dr. Dermal Review: Day #2
  5. Dr. Dermal Review: Day #3
  6. Dr. Dermal Review: Day #14

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Dr. Dermal Review: Day #1



  1. Scared to use a new product!
  2. Clean and cool feeling!
  3. Balanced Skin!

1. Like always, I am scared of trying new products on my face. Who wouldn't be? Because, really, I don't know if it will make my skin better, or make it worse.

2. However, upon washing my face, I immediately felt a clean and cool feeling that I have never felt with any other product.

3. Best of all, my skin felt balanced. NO side effects, and NO dryness!

But will it keep my skin clear?

Although the wash felt great, it's still too early to know whether or not Dr. Dermal will actually get the job done. Keep reading and keep in touch

More Information

  1. Email from Dr.Dermal.Com
  2. Dr. Dermal Review (Archives)
  3. Dr. Dermal Review: Day #1
  4. Dr. Dermal Review: Day #2
  5. Dr. Dermal Review: Day #3
  6. Dr. Dermal Review: Day #14

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Skip Breakfast = Acne Fast Cure?

Skip Breakfast = Acne Fast Cure

I totally hate bashing other people's opinions, but I have personally tried skipping breakfast to continue my body's fast, and attempt to get rid of my acne.

You want to know what I found out? I was completely wasting my time!

This post will become informative in just a quick second, but to quickly rant, I can't believe that I actually wasted my time with this garbage. Not eating until 12:00 in the afternoon was an idiotic move that I will never try again.

How the breakfast fast is said to work....

  • Continued Cleansing Process
  • Cleansing is good for acne!

Skipping breakfast and not eating anything until 12:00 PM is said to make your body continue its' cleansing process. I can agree with that.

And, as you may or may not already know, cleansing is a great way to get rid of acne, among building health on many different levels.

That's really the main jist of how things are supposed to work, but when I ran this little test, I found that nothing but negative outcomes occurred.

My Review:

  • 1 Fruit in the morning
  • 1 Glass of water as well.
  • I was tired!
  • I was hungry!
  • And after 1 month, NO results!

The skip breakfast for acne regimen that I read, allowed me to eat 1 fruit for breakfast, along with drinking a glass of water. I already drink that much water every morning, so that was nothing new to me.

Upon beginning my new routine, I found myself exhausted throughout each morning. Not only was I hungry, even after being on this routine for over a few weeks, I was also extremely tired.

By lunch, I found myself hungry for food. But my normal sized lunches were no longer cutting it.

By dinner, I found myself even hungrier. I'd eat far more than I used to at this time, as well.

After a month of this routine, my skin wasn't any closer to being any clearer. I basically starved myself, and went through tiring mornings, for no reason.

Don't do it!

  • I don't recommend it!
  • There are many other ways to get clear skin!
  • Eating breakfast gives you energy throughout the day.
  • Also, weight loss is promoted when you eat in the morning!

Whether you're on side #1 or side #2, I followed the routine, and had nothing to show for it. You can give it a try, but with all of the other possible ways to get clear skin, I wouldn't recommend it.

Eating a big breakfast, whether you believe it or not, is absolutely vital in any healthy lifestyle routine. When you eat a large meal in the morning, you're allowing your body to burn those calories throughout the day. You'll also feel more full, and more energized, as well!

I definitely wouldn't recommend skipping breakfast in an attempt to get rid of your acne! It didn't work for me, and I really don't see it working for many others.

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Hat Acne Connection?

Hat Acne Connection

I must admit that I am a big time hat wearer. But could this be causing me some big time hairline and forehead acne problems?

A little story: My girlfriend gets extremely annoyed with it sometimes. I think that because I love her so much, she forgives me for it. Lol. But she definitely gets tired of getting hit in the head with it. Maybe if I'd just get my hair cut, I wouldn't have to wear a hat to keep it out of my eyes. But I'm not willing to do that yet. ;-)

Does Wearing a Hat Cause Acne?

Much like tight clothing causing back acne it's often believed that wearing a hat can cause forehead and hairline acne. Personally, I don't think that doing this is root cause of acne in the two mention locations, but I do think that it can make it worse!

Tips to prevent pimples!

  1. Make sure your hat isn't too tight.
  2. Make sure it's clean of sweat and dirt.
  3. Don't wear while working out.

Overall, I don't think hats are too big of a problem. Make sure to wash your face twice a day, with a good acne fighting product, and you'll be fine.

Related - Be sure to see my post about Football Acne - the connection!

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Ingrown Hair or Pimple Part 1!

With so many similar looking things that can appear on our faces, it's sometimes difficult to tell whether something is one thing, or something else.

For instance, I had what I thought was a pimple that just wouldn't go away from the longest time. As it turns out, I actually had one of those annoying little ingrown hairs, that just wouldn't go away.

How to determine what you have!

First off, understand that what you have could be a number of different things.

  • Pimple
  • Ingrown Hair
  • Blackhead
  • Herpes
  • Allergic Reaction

When it comes down to it though, determining whether what you have is an ingrown hair, or a pimple, is actually pretty easy.

Step by Step Process to See what you 'Have'

  1. Does it itch? If not, it's probably not herpes.
  2. Has it been there for over 2 weeks? If so, it's probably not a pimple.
  3. Have you eaten anything your body is sensitive to? Again, if not, it's probably not some sort of allergic reaction.

That leaves us with either a blackhead or an ingrown hair.

  1. Look to see if you can see a hair in the blemish.
  2. If you cannot, it's either too small to see, or you have a blackhead.
  3. Give it a week, and check for a hair again.
  4. If there's a hair, then you have an ingrown hair.
  5. If not, it's likely a blackhead.

Final Thoughts

It's usually pretty easy to see or feel the difference between herpes, an allergic reaction, or a pimple. However, I had mistaken my ingrown hair for a blackhead for the longest time, so I figured that others might also.

If you've determined that you do have an ingrown hair, be sure to check out my post on how to get rid of ingrown hairs easily.

If you're still having trouble determining what you have, check out ingrown hair or pimple part 2!

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Get Rid of Ingrown Hairs EASILY!

Get Rid of Ingrown Hairs EASILY!

Learning how to get rid of ingrown hairs can be a real pain in the donkey, just like the problem itself.

I know, because I had 2 on my face, for about 2 months. If nothing is done to remove it, it will stay on your face for an extremely long time.

In fact, mine were on my face for so long, due to the fact that I thought they were blackheads. However, when I looked closer, I actually saw a little hairs within each acne-looking-bump.

Before removal...

Before you go and try to get rid of this problem, determine whether or not you really do have an ingrown hair. By looking closely at the area of observation, attempt to see if there are any little hairs in the area. Also, if the area is darker than a regular pimple, this could be an ingrown hair.

However, you have to watch out. You could also have a blackhead on your hands. If you cannot tell right away, wait a few days and look at the area again. If there is still no sign of a hair or hairs, you could have a blackhead.

On the other hand, if you have a pimple, it will usually be pink, and come to a whitehead within the day, or next few days depending on its' size.

How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hairs!

  • You'll need
    • Tweezers
    • Rubbing Alcohol
    • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Instructions
    1. Sterilize tweezers with rubbing alcohol.
    2. Locate hair with tweezers
    3. Pull hair out!
    4. Apply Hydrogen Peroxide to clean area.

Although it may take a few attempts to get the hairs out, this is the best way that I have successfully found to get rid of ingrown hairs easily.

However, if you have multiple ingrown hairs, I would definitely recommend looking for a safer method.

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Reduce Pimple Size: Tips & Tricks!

Reduce Pimple Size

Whether you have a date later this afternoon, or school tomorrow morning, it's always a good idea to know how to reduce a pimple's size. In my opinion, I consider the following information to be a part of my home acne treatment article, so feel free to check that out as well.

I have effectively used the following tips to reduce:

  • Redness
  • Size
  • & Inflammation

First, avoid making it worse!

Picking - Skin picking is very common amongst individuals who won't their zit gone! However, doing this will often make your zit larger and even more noticeable than before. I do not recommend it!

Popping - Popping a zit is okay, when it's ready to pop. If it's not a whitehead, you're wasting your time. Leave it alone, otherwise, you'll make it worse!

Scratching - Like picking, scratching will also make your zit larger!

Shaving off - Again, you'll want to avoid doing this at all costs. Shave around your blemish to avoid making it even larger!

Ways to Reduce Pimple Size

Ice - It's actually one of the best ways to reduce redness, size, and inflammation. Take ice and a damp cloth and apply it to your pimple for 10 minutes once every hour. Never apply to your entire face.

Drink Water - Although this treatment takes a night or so, drinking water is actually a great way to reduce size and inflammation.

Spot Treatment - This is actually better to use when you first begin to see a zit forming. When you do, apply your treatment to the area to reduce future size and redness, or keep the pimple away altogether.

Popping It - If your zit turns into a whitehead. It's ready to pop. Doing so correctly, will decrease the overall size! Read the safest way to pop a pimple.

Not Playing With It - Finally, picking, popping, attempting to scratch off, or otherwise remove the pimple when it is not a whitehead, will usually make it larger and more noticeable.

Toothpaste - Update - It's said that toothpaste on a pimple overnight will help to reduce a zits overall size. In my opinion, it makes it worse.

Hope this helped!

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to ask them below. In my opinion, the ice trick is the best way to go. If you have any ideas, again, feel free to share them.

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How to Get Rid of Back Acne: Tips & Treatment!

How to Get Rid of Back Acne: Tips & Treatment!

As my friend Alain pointed out in his working out causes acne post, there are many things that you can do to prevent back acne.

By reading through this post, you will learn

  • Causes
  • How to get rid of it naturally
  • How to get rid of it topically

I know that back acne, especially when it's severe, can be extremely embarrassing, so hopefully the following tips will help you clear your problem.

What causes back acne?

I don't want to go into the technicalities, but instead, I want to talk about what matters; The true reasons you have back acne.

Drinking water is actually extremely beneficial for your skin. By drinking 8 glasses of water a day, your body will not only feel hydrated, but it will also excrete nasty acne causing toxins.

Avoiding Soda & Energy Drinks is vital. These are extremely unhealthy, as they contain high amounts of sugar / caffeine. They're also really dehydrating to the body.

Wearing Tight Clothing can also cause a number of problems. By giving your skin room to breathe, you're allowing it to heal and prevent future breakouts.

Not showering after your workouts can clog your pores. Doing this along with wearing tight clothing is even worse. Always shower directly after working out. Also, be sure to change your outfit, as well.

A lot of supplements can and are actually rumored to cause breakouts. Be sure to research any supplement you're taking or about to take, to make sure that it won't cause you any problems.

How to get rid of back acne...

Learning about how to get rid of back acne is pretty simple. If the following tips don't help you out, you may want to think about using a topical treatment, such as Proactiv Body Wash.

  • Drink 8 glasses of water a day.
  • Stop drinking pop / energy drinks.
  • Wear looser clothing.
  • Shower at least once a day / right after workouts.
  • Avoid supplement which can cause acne.

If for some reason, the above tips don't help you, or don't completely clear your back, try using Proactiv's body wash. I've heard really positive things about this product, so I highly recommend giving it a try.

If you still need more information and tips on how to get rid of back acne, be sure to see your local dermatologist to see what they recommend. Also, remember that consistency is key. If you follow any of the above tips, you must consistently follow them.

If you enjoyed my post on how to get rid of back acne, you may also enjoy my post on how to get rid of acne.

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Witch Hazel Acne Toner!

Witch Hazel Acne Toner

If you're like me, you're always looking for cheaper, more natural remedies to help clear your acne problem.

Well, it turns out, witch hazel is actually a great product that you can use as a natural toner for your face.

If you didn't know, toning is vital in any skin care regimen.

"Toning re-balances the skin so it can absorb moisturizers. Cleansing interrupts the chemical balance of the skin, affecting the skin's ability to absorb - that's why a toner is vital"

And actually, if you read the ingredients on most of the in-store acne toners, such as AcneFree, you'll find that a lot of them actually contain witch hazel.

Where can I purchase Witch Hazel?

  • Drug Stores
  • Natural Food Stores

I've found that it can be purchased at most drug stores or natural foods stores. However, you may want to call around before you end up wasting your entire day trying to find this stuff.

Witch Hazel Side Effects

Like anything else, overusing this topical treatment can cause

  • Dryness
  • Redness
  • Irritation
  • Sensitivity
  • Flakiness

How to use...

  • Use witch hazel instead of regular toner.
  • Only use twice a day.

Treatment is simple. Instead of using your regular toner, which usually comes with your three-step acne product, you'll use witch hazel.

Example: So, you'd use this in place of Proactiv's 2nd step!

Be sure to only use twice a day.

Reviews and Ratings

  • Rated 4.1/5 at Acne.Org
  • Come back and leave your comments!

People at Acne.Org have rated the use of witch hazel for a toner a 4.1/5, which is a pretty good rating. Currently, all of the reviews on the front page are rated 5/5 stars.

I would definitely give this product a try, and after trying it, be sure to come back to leave your comments about it below.

Related Posts

  1. Alba's Hibiscus Toner
  2. Rubbing Alcohol Acne - Avoid it!
  3. What does a toner do for your face?

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How to Get Rid of Acne: 100% Effective! FREE GUIDE!

Really, I am shocked that I didn't decide to write about How to Get Rid of Acne a little sooner. Sure, I've written posts with tips, but I've never really told you my complete clear skin regimen.

However, now that I've finally gotten around to it, this post will give you everything you need to know to get clear skin.

Who and What will this treatment work for?

This treatment will work for all age groups:

  • Preteens
  • Teens
  • Adults

Works on people with all different levels of acne:

  • Mild
  • Moderate
  • Severe

It will get rid of all types of acne:

  • Blackheads
  • Whiteheads
  • Pustules
  • Papules

It will also work on all skin types:

  • Sensitive
  • Dry
  • Normal
  • Oily

Basically, this treatment will work for everybody.

If for some reason, the following how to treatment does not work for you, (which I would be greatly shocked if it didn't), then I would definitely consider seeing a dermatologist and talking to them about taking oral antibiotics.

Why my Guide is 100% Effective:

You may be thinking that I am full of ****, which is totally fine. In fact, I am glad you think that way, because if you didn't, that'd mean that you'd basically believe everything that you heard. And with all the scams out there, that's never a good thing.

But you have to remember 2 things:

  1. I have no gain by making this how to guide. It's 100% Free to you!
  2. Unlike other guides, I use two combined methods for amazing results!

Why you will get clear skin with my how to get rid of acne guide!

  • I combine natural and topical treatments together.
  • I tailor the guide for each specific skin type.
  • I inform you of the best - cheapest topical products on the market.
  • I also give you all of my home acne treatments that I found found that actually work!

My Results with this regimen:

Before I break down the strategy to you, below is a picture of my girlfriend and I. As you can see, my skin is 100% clear. Feel free to check out my before photo here. This picture was NOT EDITED, and WAS taken with a really HIGH QUALITY camera by my friend at DHW Photography. (If you need professional photos done, be sure to contact him!)

clear skin

The Guide Starts NOW!

What you will need!

- Sink water is perfectly okay for treatment, but if you prefer bottled water, that works to. Just note that you will be drinking a lot of it, so I recommend the cheapest route.

- Be sure to pick up echinacea and any daily multivitamin at your local grocery or supplemental store.

- The type of AcneFree you buy, which is a topical acne treatment, will depend on the severity of your acne.

- Alba's Green Tea + Aloe Vera Moisturizer is the best non-comedogenic moisturizer I have ever used. If you're using AcneFree Severe, you will NOT need this product!

The type of AcneFree you need..

There are three different types of AcneFree products that you can purchase. However, for my regimen, we will only be looking at AcneFree Normal, and AcneFree Severe.

  • Unless you have severe acne, purchase AcneFree Normal!

Natural: Why you need water, echinacea, and a multivitamin...

- Water provides skin with hydration, while also cleansing your body to remove acne causing toxins.

- Echinacea works on building up your immune system, which can help to prevent future breakouts.

- A multivitamin provides your body with most of the necessary vitamins, which again, is good in preventing future breakouts.

Topical: Why you need AcneFree and Alba's Moisturizer!

- AcneFree is a high quality, benzoyl peroxide effective, acne treatment. It's the best benzoyl peroxide treatment that I have ever used, and best of all, there are no side effects!

- Alba's Green Tea + Aloe Vera Moisturizer is an amazing product, used to rejuvenate your skin, when it's feeling dry or irritated!

Natural: Daily To-Do List for everyone!

  1. Drink 8 - 12 glasses of water a day!
  2. Take 1 daily multivitamin!
  3. Take at least 3 echinacea, preferably in the morning.

Topical: Daily To-Do List!

Routine for People with mild to moderate acne!


  1. Brush teeth
  2. Shave (men)
  3. Shower - Use 1st step of AcneFree
  4. After shower, pat face dry
  5. Use 2nd step of AcneFree
  6. Skip 3rd step of AcneFree, and use Alba's Green Tea + Aloe Moisturizer


  1. If you workout, pat your face dry of sweat!
  2. Do NOT wash your face!

Before Bed:

  1. Brush Teeth
  2. Use All Steps of AcneFree
  3. Apply Alba's Green Tea + Aloe Moisturizer

Routine for People with severe acne!


  1. Brush teeth
  2. Shave (men)
  3. Shower - Use 1st step of AcneFree
  4. After shower, pat face dry
  5. Use 2nd step of AcneFree
  6. Use 3rd step of AcneFree.
  7. Then apply 4th step of AcneFree.
  8. If irritation occurs, skip the 3rd step of AcneFree in the morning.
  9. And instead of the 3rd step, go straight to 4th step.


  1. If you workout, pat your face dry of sweat!
  2. Do NOT wash your face!

Before Bed:

  1. Brush Teeth
  2. Use All Steps of AcneFree

Final Tips!

  • Be consistent with natural and topical steps!
  • Consistency is key!
  • If you skip steps, or skip days, you won't get clear skin!
  • Avoid drinking soda!
  • Avoid energy drinks!
  • Drink your water! It helps big time!
  • Always apply topical treatments gently!
  • Read AcneFree Instructions.
  • Never overuse a product.


If you have any questions about my how to get rid of acne guide, feel free to ask them below. Again, this is 100% effective, and a 100% free guide. I really hope that it helps you out!

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