How to Get OUT of the Friend Zone! Part #1

How to Get OUT of the Friend Zone! Part #1

11/29/2009 11:31:00 PM

You're the guy that is always

  • asking her to be your girlfriend.
  • getting "no" or "maybe in the future" for an answer!
  • following her around like a puppy dog.
  • passing up time with friends to kick it with her.
  • there for her when she cries, after breakups with other guys.
  • buying her gifts and giving her flowers.
  • calling her beautiful.
  • treating her like a **** princess.
  • wondering, "Why isn't she hitting me up yet?"

And while you're doing all of the work, Mr. Jackhole over there is getting the girl of your dreams!

Don't be this guy!

Smiling Man Holding Box of Chocolates and Red Rose

You're in the Friend Zone. Face it!

If you fall under any of the given categories above, you're in the friend zone. I was in the friend zone for 4 years straight, until I finally began to figure things out.

Here's the thing - Girls like guys who are already with them, to do the things listed above, but when you're trying to get a girl, it's kind of the opposite. Don't be a ****, but don't be super-nice either.

Getting out of the Friend Zone - List

  • Stop asking her to be your girlfriend.
  • Stop spending every waking moment with the girl.
  • Kick it with your friends and family for goodness sake.
  • Be there for her during tough times, but don't overdo it.
  • Do not buy her flowers!
  • As for gifts, only on birthdays. $15 - $20 limit! Max!
  • Do not call her beautiful! Say she looks good, "but isn't your type."
  • Do not be her *****.
  • Stop thinking about her. Think about yourself!
  • Move on!

How to Get OUT of the Friend Zone! Part #2 -->


d3so said...

I agree! I also think that girls like a challenge, they want to win someone. They don't want someone spoon fed to them on a silver platter.

Anonymous said...

im a girl, and you are correct on all of these things!
good job!