Ingrown Hair or Pimple Part 2!

Ingrown Hair or Pimple Part 2!

11/22/2009 06:08:00 PM

Ingrown Hair or Pimple Part 2!

A few weeks back I wrote my first post on how to get rid of ingrown hairs easily. I also wrote Ingrown Hair or Pimple Part 1!

I figured I would go ahead and do a second post, because a lot of individuals may actually mix up an ingrown hair and a pimple.

Hopefully, by reading this post, you'll understand how to differentiate the two things, from one another. By doing so, you'll learn what you need to do to remove the blemish.

Signs of a Zit vs an Ingrown hair...


  1. Don't last usually for more than a week.
  2. Turn into whiteheads.
  3. Are a pinkish color.
  4. Will NOT look like a blackhead.

Ingrown Hairs:

  1. Can last for months on end.
  2. Don't have a head.
  3. May be pink, but with a blackish tint.
  4. May look like a blackhead.

My experience

For the longest time, I believed that a spot, just under my chin, was a pimple or some sort of blackhead.

However, after 2 months passed, I thought to myself, "Pimples do NOT last this long."

That's when I looked closer, and I actually saw the ingrown hair within my skin. It's disgusting, I know. But looking at the signs and paying attention to your blemishes, may save you the embarrassment of walking out with something, that could be removed in a few easy steps.

Final thoughts...

Don't waste your money on any products until you are absolutely sure of what you have. I know a lot of people that think they have acne, purchase an acne fighting product, without an results at all.

Sometimes, it's because they didn't even have acne in the first place.

Razor bumps and ingrown hairs can sometimes LOOK exactly like a pimple. So again, look closely, and know what you have before you go out and spend your money!