Body Acne

As you all probably know, my recent post titled, "Where Can Acne Occur," is broken down into two categories. The first category is the face acne category. The second category is the body acne category, and we'll be talking about that right now.

Body Acne

What is body acne?

If you look at the picture above, it's anything that forms below the blue area. Body Acne can form in the areas highlighted in red. Although you may not believe it's as devastating as face acne, some people are so self conscious about body acne that it can prevent them from swimming, and even ruin their personal / intimate lives.

Where can body acne occur?

Like I said above, it can occur in all of the places that are marked in red. More specifically, it can occur in these places:

  1. Back
  2. Buttocks
  3. Genitals
  4. Leg --> Back of Leg
  5. Chest
  6. Shoulders
  7. Arms

How to Get Rid of Body Acne

Update! I just wrote a post on how to get rid of back acne! Be sure to check it out

Depending on how severe it is, body acne can usually be cured by changing your diet. As you all probably know, acne and diet are directly related. I have found that curing body acne is pretty simple. For me, I stopped drinking soda, and I started drinking water. This has almost completely cured my body acne.

If you can't cure your body acne by drinking 8 glasses of water a day, then I would definitely try a good body wash. Proactiv's body wash is a great product that can further help you clear your body acne.

Emotionally Devastating.

When it comes down to it, body acne can be just as devestating as face acne. I hope that some of the tips I have provided you with will help you. Remember, more tips are to come, and you'll find links to each section of the body above, once I have finished those articles.

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Where Can Acne Occur?

As you all know, I have been away from blogging for some time now. Today, I am back in full swing with a major core post and sub-posts regarding the question, "Where Can Acne Occur?" To learn more, I got together with a number of my friends to make a list of all of the places that one can get acne.

Where Can Acne Occur?

We decided to break things down into two categories.

  1. The first and most common category is the face. As you all know, most people who complain about having acne and most people who want to get rid of it, have it in this location.

  2. The second category falls under the "general-below-the-neck, category." Any acne that you have below the neck falls under the second category, and is otherwise known as body acne.

Face Acne - Sub Categories

There are many different areas on your face that you can get acne. My friends and I came up with the below areas in no particular order, including the neck.

  1. Forehead
  2. Chin
  3. Cheeks
  4. Hairline
  5. Nose
  6. Ear
  7. Pimple Between nose and cheek
  8. Neck
  9. Eyes --> Eyebrows
  10. Lip --> Upper Lip --> Lower Lip

Body Acne - Sub Categories

Much like face acne, body acne can appear in many different locations.

  1. Back
  2. Buttocks
  3. Genitals
  4. Leg --> Back of Leg
  5. Chest
  6. Shoulders
  7. Arms

If I missed anywhere, feel free to let me know by leaving a comment below.

Importance of knowing where acne can form...

I find this post so important because it's extremely important to know all of the places you can get complexionally screwed. Honestly folks. There's really no other way to say it. There are a lot of different places acne can occur, so you need to literally watch your back at all times.

Even more important - Your emotional toll will be affected depending on where your acne occurs. For instance, back acne may not be as devastating as face acne. Also, back acne may be easier to get rid of than face acne. Location is key folks. It really is.

What to expect...

Expect me to write about the 17+ locations that acne can from. Expect me to give tips on what you can do to get rid of that acne. Also, expect me to tell you whether or not you really do have acne. This is going to be a huge resource page, and it will provide you links to each section on where acne can occur.

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Does Muscle Milk Cause Acne?

A few weeks back I wrote a post: Muscle Milk Acne. Since I am using Muscle Milk after each P90X workout that I perform, I figured I would let you guys know whether or not the protein supplement is causing me to breakout. As you all probably know, there are acne supplements that can make or break your complexion. But what about the muscle milk?

Personal Muscle Milk and Acne Experience

Weight gain and muscle growth; The only side effects I have had from taking Muscle Milk. When it comes down to it, I haven't seen an increase in acne, or a decrease in the beauty of my complexion from taking this protein supplement.

Although this is true, I want to note that everyone is different! What causes you to breakout may not cause me to breakout and vis versa. If you're thinking about taking muscle milk, but you're worried about breakouts, give it a try. If you do breakout, then stop taking it. It's really that simple.

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Are 5 Hour Energy Drinks Bad For You?

Are 5 Hour Energy Drinks Bad For You, OR are the caffeine filled shots healthier than the leading brand of energy supplements?

I purchased my first 5 hour energy at a local convenient store. Soon enough, I was purchasing them along with many other kinds of energy drinks, from online stores, which usually offer great discounts.

Common 5 Hour Energy Questions:

Do 5 Hour Energy Drinks Cause Acne Breakouts?

If you're wondering whether or not the 5 hour energy drinks actually work, they definitely do. However, they will also almost undoubtedly cause you to breakout. Don't get me wrong, these little shots of energy are amazing, but if you want clear skin, I wouldn't risk it. PS: In my experience, all types of energy drinks cause acne. This is likely because of the high amounts of caffeine in which they contain.

Do 5 hour energy drinks make you crash?

Unlike the other junk products, these shots will not make you crash. Trust me.

Are 5 Hour Energy Drinks Bad for you?

When it comes down to it, anything that will give you unnatural amounts of energy probably isn't the best thing in the world for you. At the same time, these shots only contain 4 calories and 0 sugars. With that being said, they're definitely healthier than the Monsters and Amps.

Overall Recommendation:

I wouldn't consistently take 5 Hour Energy Drinks. However, if you're tired from time to time, these little guys will definitely get you going. Don't be surprised if you breakout after taking one of these babies though.

If you consume products such as the one discussed above, on a regular basis, check out this post, Water VS Energy Drinks.

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Swimming Acne

We all know that exercise clears up acne, but what about swimming? I recently arrived home from a 4 day vacation to find that my skin was quite irritated alongside with a minor breakout.

Mind you, I haven't had acne now for quite some time, so this breakout was pretty surprising. Then again, it's not that surprising considering the fact that I swam an hour a day for 4 days straight. I thought to myself, "does swimming cause acne?"

Digging Deeper...

Overwashing face makes acne worse! The number one reason to believe swimming may make your acne worse: It adds an extra "wash" to your face. Basically, if you're using an acne product 2 times a day along with swimming, your skin will become extremely dry and irritated. Dryness and irritation will make your acne worse.

Does Chlorine Cause Acne? The other reason swimming may actually make your acne worse could likely be due to the chlorine. Then again, I did some searching around on Google and found that some people discovered that chlorine actually helped their acne. Go figure.

Swimming Good for Acne?

I don't personally believe so. Although some people believe that their acne has actually improved due to the chlorine after swimming, I have personally found that swimming is very irritating to the skin. Remember, your only supposed to wash your face twice a day, as washing it any more than that can cause skin irritation, dryness, and peeling.

Tips for Swimmers with Acne:

Obviously, you can't stop swimming. Continue to use your topical acne treatment. Just be sure that you're constantly moisturizing your face. Moisturize before and after you swim. This will prevent the skin from becoming dry / irritated / itchy, and so on.

Acne Teen's Related Articles

football acne

Football Acne Does playing football cause acne? A few weeks back I wrote a post about how exercise clears up acne. This was to be used along with the rest of my home acne treatment post.

basketball acneBasketball Acne Does Playing Basketball Cause Acne? If you're on this page, you probably have a lot of questions about acne, so I am here to help.

does sweat cause acne

Does Sweat Cause Acne Over the past few days, I have been talking about how exercise clears up acne. To sum things up, exercise flushes toxins out of your body through sweat.

Does Weight Lifting Cause Acne

Does Weight Lifting Cause Acne This week is really reinforcement week. I want you to all know that exercise clears up acne! I know that exercise has a bad name for acne, but really...

yoga improves acne Yoga Improves Acne! I just started doing the P90X and I have to say that after one day of Yoga, my skin has definitely improved.

cardio improves acne Cardio Improves Acne! You know how I have been saying that exercise clears up acne? Well, it definitely does. Tomorrow is Day 10 of my P90X journey. If you're not familiar with the P90X, it's an intense home workout

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Mountain Dew Acne

Mountain Dew can definitely cause acne! So I am sorry to the 2-liter-a-day drinkers, but you're complexion is basically screwed. Even if you're drinking a cup of this stuff a day, you're probably still screwed.

Does Mountain Dew Cause Acne?

Does drinking Mountain Dew cause Acne? Is it a soda? Yep! It sure is. Remember, "Soda is a diuretic (Associated Content). When consumed, soda will make you very dehydrated making your acne even worse (Acne LTD)." This quote coming from the post I linked to above about whether or not soda caused acne.

Acne Teen Recommendation

Drink water instead. Remember my Drink Water Acne Post? Drinking water can actually help you improve your skin's complexion. It will help you get rid of your acne instead of making things worse.

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Moments ago, I completed a post that talked about whiteheads, and now I would like to talk about blackheads, or the counterpart so to speak. And you probably guessed it, this week I will be talking about different types of acne. As you probably already know, blackheads are black. They're also a lot more difficult to get rid of than whiteheads.

Picture of a Blackhead

BlackheadsAs you can see to the left, blackheads are often in the skin. Usually, everyone has blackheads to a certain extent. Look at your nose for example. See all of those little black dots? Those are blackheads.

How do blackheads form?

According to Acne.Org, blackheads form when pores become only "partially blocked." When this happens, dead skin cells, sebum, and bacteria come up to the skin's surface.

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There are many different types of acne, and today I want to talk about whiteheads. Whiteheads are probably the most common forms of acne amongst the general population. As you're probably already well aware, these types of pimples are the easiest ones to get rid of. What I mean is, if you know how to get rid of a zit, then you can definitely get rid of a whitehead. Although this is true, they're still very annoying; not like all acne isn't annoying...

Picture of a Whitehead

Compared to the other beautiful pictures that I put on Acne Teen, I realize that the one to the left isn't very pleasant. Many of us at Acne Teen know this from personal experience. Like it or not, this is a picture of a whitehead. As shown, the skin has a bump or a pimple, with the top of the pimple being white. Hence, the "whitehead."

How do whiteheads form?

According to Acne.Org, whiteheads form when one of your skin's pores traps sebum oil, bacteria, and dead skin cells after becoming fully and completely blocked. Acne.Org also explains that these pimples are okay to pop as long as you know how to do so correctly. Again, see my post on how to get rid of a zit.

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Slow Motion Pimple Pop CONTEST

I think I am going to throw up. In the process of doing keyword research for my post on how to get rid of a zit, I came across the phrase, "slow motion pimple pop." That's freakin' disgusting dude. Seriously.

Want $10.00?

Email me at or and send me a video of a slow motion pimple pop. Apparently, people want to see it. Lol. Freakin disgusting, but I am dead serious. If you send me a good high quality video, I will send you $10.00 via Paypal. The first high quality, slow motion, pimple pop video that I get, will receive the $10.00. Once the video is posted on this page, the contest will be closed.

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How to Get Rid of a Zit

How to Get Rid of a Zit

Let me guess; You have a date or you're to attend some sort of get together or party. However, you have one major problem; You have a zit. Instead of canceling your plans, I am going to teach you how to get rid of a zit! It's really not that hard to do, but if you do it incorrectly, you can definitely make matters worse.


You're going to need a number of different items to get that nasty thing off your face. Make sure you have each item. Also, make sure that you follow each listed step. Remember, your goal is to make your zit be gone, not make it worse.

  • 1 Lighter
  • 1 Needle
  • Water
  • 1 Clean Towel
  • 2 Q-tips
  • Acne Facial Wash

Once you've obtained this massive list of items, you're ready to follow the instructions that will teach you how to get rid of your zit.


Before you begin, make sure your zit is above your skin. If you have one of those massive, "under the skin zits," you're pretty much out of luck.

  1. Make sure your zit is a whitehead.
  2. If your zit is not a whitehead, try steaming your face.
  3. Once you've got a whitehead going, you're good to go.
  4. Take a small needle and sterilize it in a lighter's flame for 10 seconds.
  5. Take the sterilized needle and gently prick the top of the whitehead.
  6. Now, take both Q-Tips and gently squeeze the pimple.
  7. If you have to squeeze any harder than "gently," prick the pimple again.
  8. Once you've gotten rid of the whitehead, you're ready for the next step.
  9. Wash your face with your favorite acne wash.
  10. Then, gently pat dry your face with a clean towel.


If you don't precisely follow the instructions above, you risk the chance of infecting your zit and making your acne worse. I've successfully followed this routine for years, and it's worked extremely well. It's the only way I have successfully gotten rid of a pimple. I'm sure there are more "how to get rid of zit" techniques, but this one has worked extremely well for me.

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Cardio Improves Acne!

You know how I have been saying that exercise clears up acne? Well, it definitely does. Tomorrow is Day 10 of my P90X journey. If you're not familiar with the P90X, it's an intense home workout program that will make you bust your butt. Anyway, ever since I started the high intensity workout program my skin has dramatically improved. Since cardio is a part of this program, I know it has something to do with it.

Cardio Improves Acne! image source: flickr

Sweating is Good for Acne!

People are always asking me, does sweat cause acne? I feel bad for those that think that it does. Since when would doing something healthy make your skin worse? I'm not trying to be rude folks, but honestly. The healthier you are, and the more you follow a good acne regimen, the more your skin will improve.

Why do cardio exercises improve acne?

  • Stress reliever.
  • Sweats out toxins.
  • Good for your overall health.

If you're having trouble with your acne, try doing some cardio workouts. If you're almost clear, but just can't get completely clear, this could be the difference in being clear and being almost clear. Give it a try.

Acne Teen's Related Articles

football acne

Football Acne Does playing football cause acne? A few weeks back I wrote a post about how exercise clears up acne, and how you can actually use my post, home acne treatment to treat acne from home.

basketball acneBasketball Acne Does Playing Basketball Cause Acne? If you're on this page, you probably have a lot of questions about acne, so I am here to help.

does sweat cause acne

Does Sweat Cause Acne Over the past few days, I have been talking about how exercise clears up acne. To sum things up, exercise flushes toxins out of your body through sweat.

Does Weight Lifting Cause Acne

Does Weight Lifting Cause Acne This week is really reinforcement week. I want you to all know that exercise clears up acne! I know that exercise has a bad name for acne, but really...

yoga improves acne Yoga Improves Acne! I just started doing the P90X and I have to say that after one day of Yoga, my skin has definitely improved.

swimming acne Swimming Acne! We all know that exercise clears up acne, but what about swimming? I recently arrived home from a 4 day vacation to find that my skin was quite irritated alongside with a minor breakout.

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Is Proactiv a Scam?

I've been getting loaded with emails, and people are question whether or not Proactiv is a scam. They also want to know if I am affiliated or if I work for Proactiv. You are here because you want the truth, and I don't blame you.

PS: After this post, be sure to check out my full Proactiv Review. Also you may want to check out my Proactiv Questions and Answers Guide!

Is Proactiv a Scam

Am I affiliated with Proactiv?

In a sense, I kind of am, but not really. I promote this great product because it's completely cleared my skin. Sure, there are probably other products that can do the same thing, but I'm not willing to take the risk of going back to the way my skin once was. Just look at my before and after Proactiv picture. Why would I?

Alright, so I am kind of affiliated with Proactiv because I do display AdSense on my site. This form of advertising is contextual, which means that the displayable advertisements will relate to whatever I am talking about, and since I talk about Proactiv, those ads will sometimes display. Each time an ad is clicked, I get money. So yes, I am kind of affiliated with the company, but I do not personally work for the Guthy Renker Corporation.

Does Proactiv Work?

Did you look at my before and after photo above? This topical acne treatment contains Benzoyl Peroxide which is a well-known and popular way to fight acne. There is no reason to assume that this product wouldn't work.

The reason why Proactiv Failed You...

When it comes down to it, there are a lot of mistakes you can make while using Proactiv. No wonder people think its one big SCAM. If you don't follow instructions to their fullest, you will not be successful in your clear skin goals. That's why I made these how to use Proactiv videos. I definitely recommend checking them out if you're skin isn't improving.

So is Proactiv a Scam?

If you're too lazy to read and consistently follow the instructions then yes, Proactiv is a scam. and you're wasting your time and your money. Like anything else, you must be consistent, and you must follow the instructions to be successful. If you do this then no, Proactiv is not a scam. In fact, it works quite well.

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Acne Supplements: GOOD and BAD!

People are always looking for ways to get rid of their acne naturally, and supplements are a great way to go about doing this.

While some supplements will help to improve your complexion, I will also discuss supplements known to do the exact opposite.

By the way, if you're interested, be sure to checkout my article home acne treatment to see the other available methods. This post is going to be a resource for numerous amounts of supplements that can not only cause acne but make it go away.

Supplements that are good for acne.

Supplements that may worsen your acne.

Acne Teen Recommends

When it comes to taking supplements, never overdo it. If you want clear skin, it's best to test and see what works best for you. Let's be honest here; we're all different. One person could get clear skin by simply taking fish oil, where another person may need to take fish oil and use a topical acne treatment. So do what works best for you, and keep it at that.

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Fiber Acne

When it comes to your acne and your general overall health, fiber is a great way to keep yourself with a healthy digestive system, and it turns out that having a healthy digestive system is a great way to keep your pimples away. This information coming from AcneHelpWeb.Com. PS: Don't forget to check out my supplements acne and home acne treatment article for more info.

Fiber Acne
image source: flickr

Does Fiber Help Acne?

The whole point Acne Free in 3 days is to teach you how to clear your skin naturally. Having a healthy digestive system is one of the best ways that you can keep your skin clear. A diet that's high in fiber will help you keep your digestive system healthy. In turn, it will help you get rid of your acne.

How much Fiber do I need

According to Celsius1414, fiber intake is determined by whether one is male or female, and the age of the individual.

For Women (Recommended Daily)

  • Ages 19-50 : 25 grams
  • Over Age 50 : 21 grams

For Men (Recommended Daily)

  • Ages 19-50 : 38 grams
  • Over Age 50 : 30 grams

Foods High in Fiber

Mayoclinic has a great list of foods that are high in fiber. Here are some of the items that I pulled off of that list.

  • Raspberries 1 cup = 8.0
  • Pear, with skin 1 medium = 5.1
  • Apple, with skin 1 medium = 4.4

To see the rest of the list, be sure to head over to this high fiber foods list.

Acne Teen Recommendation

Whether you decide to get your daily amount of fiber through foods or supplements, just make sure that you get it. Remember, a healthy digestive system means a healthy complexion. If you want to get rid of your acne, eat your fiber.

fish oil acneFish Oil Acne As a part of supplements acne day, (since I'm blogging here at least 10 times a day), I would like to talk about the benefits of fish oil when used while attempting to treat acne.

vitamin A acne

Vitamin A Acne I just came across a very informational website that discusses how you can treat acne with Vitamin A. However, it really does caution that multiple problems can occur if your intake is too high.

zinc acneZinc Acne Yesterday, I stumbled across this great website which talked about using Zinc to combat acne. This is actually the same site where I obtained the information for my Vitamin A for Acne post.

Other Good Supplements

  1. Echinacea for Acne?

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Zinc Acne

Yesterday, I stumbled across this great website which talked about using Zinc to combat acne. This is actually the same site where I obtained the information for my Vitamin A for Acne post. The site I am talking about contains natural acne treatments, and zinc for acne just happens to be one of those treatments. By the way, check out my supplements acne and home acne treatment articles for more info.

Does Zinc Help Acne?

According to Gmuntz, it most certainly does. However, like anything else, you're cautioned that too much zinc and too little zinc can actually weaken your immunity, causing your acne to worsen. Also note that results may take up to 3 months to show.

Zinc Acne Regimen

For this regimen, it's first recommended that you contact your doctor. Make an appointment and make sure that adding more zinc to your diet is something that would be okay to do. While on this regimen, it's recommended that you intake 30 mg of zinc two to three times a day. To avoid a copper deficiency, you must also take 2 to 3 mg of copper a day. Remember to be consistent with this regimen. Like anything else, consistency is your key to success.

Acne Teen Recommendation

If you're looking to clear your acne naturally, this would be a good route to take. However, please remember that you must be consistent in this regimen. Also remember that there are many other supplements and things that you can take to help improve your acne. For example, fish oil helps clear acne also. Try your best to improve your overall diet, and not just the zinc aspect of it for best results.

Zinc Acne Related Posts

fish oil acneFish Oil Acne As a part of supplements acne day, (since I'm blogging here at least 10 times a day), I would like to talk about the benefits of fish oil when used while attempting to treat acne.

vitamin A acne

Vitamin A Acne I just came across a very informational website that discusses how you can treat acne with Vitamin A. However, it really does caution that multiple problems can occur if your intake is too high.

fiber acne

Fiber Acne When it comes to your acne and your general overall health, fiber is a great way to keep yourself with a healthy digestive system, and it turns out that having a healthy digestive system is a great way to keep your pimples away.

Other Good Supplements

  1. Echinacea for Acne?

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Vitamin A Acne!

I just came across a very informational website that discusses how you can treat acne with Vitamin A. However, it really does caution that multiple problems can occur if your intake is too high. By the way, check out my supplements acne article for more information on other supplements, as we all my home acne treatment article for other information on home remedies

Does vitamin a help acne?

According to this Natural Acne Treatment's article it does. Again the guy who wrote this article cautions that side effects may occurs, and if they do occur, to discontinue in taking high amounts of the vitamin.

Vitamin A Acne Regimen

300,000 to 500,000 IU a day of Vitamin A has been used to successfully treat severe acne. But according to the article which I have linked to above, this type of intake should only be used only when permitted by a doctor.

Lower levels of Vitamin A may also be used in an attempt to get rid of acne, but remember, watch your intake levels. Vitamin A is fat soluble, and can't just be released through natural bodily functions like water soluble fibers can. With that being said, Dr. Mercola recommends that people who are attempting to treat severe acne, should take around 300,000 IU of Vitamin A per day. After a couple of weeks, patients are recommended to lower their dosage to 100,000 IU for a couple of months.

Side Effects to Watch Out For!

Headaches, nausea, and or anything else that's out of the norm while you're treating your acne with Vitamin A. If this happens, you should discontinue your use right away.

Acne Teen Recommendation

If treating your acne by use of vitamin A sounds interesting, be sure to first consult with your doctor. I also recommend doing more research. See what else you can find regarding this interesting topic.

Vitamin A Acne Related Posts

fish oil acneFish Oil Acne As a part of supplements acne day, (since I'm blogging here at least 10 times a day), I would like to talk about the benefits of fish oil when used while attempting to treat acne.

zinc acneZinc Acne Yesterday, I stumbled across this great website which talked about using Zinc to combat acne. This is actually the same site where I obtained the information for my Vitamin A for Acne post.

fiber acne

Fiber Acne When it comes to your acne and your general overall health, fiber is a great way to keep yourself with a healthy digestive system, and it turns out that having a healthy digestive system is a great way to keep your pimples away.

Other Good Supplements

  1. Echinacea for Acne?

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Fish Oil Acne

As a part of supplements acne and home acne treatment day, (since I'm blogging here at least 10 times a day), I would like to talk about the benefits of fish oil when used while attempting to treat acne. As you all probably know, most Americans don't have enough fish in their diet so this is especially good for those individuals.

Fish Oil Acneimage source: flickr

Fish Oil Benefits Acne

I didn't come up with all of this information myself. I'm not that smart. However, I do know that fish oil is very beneficial to one's complexion, and according to Healthy-Oil-Planet.Com, here's why.

  • Hydrates the skin.
  • Improves skin's texture.
  • Reduces stress.
  • Lowers sebum production.
  • Reduces skin cell product.
  • Reduces swelling.
  • Reduces redness.
  • Reduces acne.

Does Fish Oil Help Acne?

The short answer is absolutely Yes. If you're not eating enough fish, I would definitely recommend doing so. If you can't afford to eat fish, then take a fish oil supplement. Seriously guys! Who wouldn't want the above befits? I was even reading this post at Health Boards titled, "OMG i just discovered Omega-3 fish oil!!!" and the person there said that their skin had "never been better."

Fish Oil Acne Related Posts

vitamin A acne

Vitamin A Acne I just came across a very informational website that discusses how you can treat acne with Vitamin A. However, it really does caution that multiple problems can occur if your intake is too high.

zinc acneZinc Acne Yesterday, I stumbled across this great website which talked about using Zinc to combat acne. This is actually the same site where I obtained the information for my Vitamin A for Acne post.

fiber acne

Fiber Acne When it comes to your acne and your general overall health, fiber is a great way to keep yourself with a healthy digestive system, and it turns out that having a healthy digestive system is a great way to keep your pimples away.

Other Good Supplements

  1. Echinacea for Acne?

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Muscle Milk Acne

Does Muscle Milk cause acne? The past few posts have been about general supplements that may or may not cause you to breakout. See the whole list of at my supplements acne and home acne treatment post. Also be sure to check out my post; does weight lifting cause acne. I wanted to into specifics because I have personally taken Muscle Milk before, and I can say that it never gave me acne. Note that this post isn't going to be a review of how well the product worked for me. Rather, this post will discuss whether or not Muscle Milk causes acne.

Does Muscle Milk cause acne

-/+ Neutral From Personal Experience: "I have never broken out because of taking Muscle Milk."

- Negative From Forum.BodyBuilding.Com: "Muscle Milk caused flareups."

- Negative From Forum.BodyBuilding.Com: "Increasing the amount of casein protein which is found in Muscle Milk can cause some individuals to flare up."

- Negative From Forum.BodyBuilding.Com: "I also noticed that I would breakout."

Acne Teen Recommendation

When it comes to all of these bodybuilding supplements, I think it's important to see what does and does not cause you to breakout. What may cause one person to get acne, may not cause another person to get acne. With that being said, I really don't know whether or not Muscle Milk causes acne.

Muscle Milk Acne Related Posts

nitric oxide acne

Nitric Oxide Acne Does Nitric Oxide cause acne? My friend has been reading Acne Teen like crazy and he's been noticing that I am doing a lot of posts related to supplements and acne.

soy protein acneSoy Protein Acne After writing the whey protein acne post, people began asking me questions about soy protein and whether or not it can cause acne.

creatine acne

Creatine Acne Can consumption of creatine cause acne? When it comes to having a good complexion and being a bodybuilder, life can become quite difficult.

Whey Protein Acne

Whey Protein Acne Back when I was not using Proactiv, I noticed that my acne seemed to become worse while drinking whey protein.

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Nitric Oxide Acne

Does Nitric Oxide cause acne? My friend has been reading Acne Teen like crazy and he's been noticing that I am doing a lot of posts related to supplements and acne. He noticed that I talked about soy protein, creatine, and whey protein and acne. Today, he gave me a call and told me that I should do a post about Nitric Oxide, so here it is.

Before I go any further, be sure to check out my does weight lifting cause acne post. Also be sure to see my supplements acne and home acne treatment post.

Does Nitric Oxide Cause Acne

Like Soy Protein, there are not any available studies out there that prove whether or not Nitric Oxide can cause more pimples. With that being said, you kind of just have to go by what others are saying.

- Negative From Yahoo Answers: "I purchased the world's best Nitric Oxide supplement at the store recently. After taking the supplement for a few days, I began breaking out pretty badly."

-/+ Negative From Yahoo Answers: "I never breakout, but had a small one on my neck. I really think it was the Nitric Oxide."

-/+ Neutral From Forums.BodyBuilding.Com: "Not washing your face causes acne."

+ Positive From Forums.BodyBuilding.Com: "I've actually heard that it does the exact opposite. Apparently, it improves your complexion."

Acne Teen Recommendation

Like Soy Protein, it's really hard to know whether or not Nitric Oxide causes acne. If your thinking about taking the supplement, just be sure to watch what happens to your face. If you notice more breakouts than usual, I would discontinue use.

Nitric Oxide Acne Related Posts

Muscle Milk AcneMuscle Milk Acne Does Muscle Milk give you acne? The past few posts have been about general supplements that may or may not cause you to breakout.

soy protein acneSoy Protein Acne After writing the whey protein acne post, people began asking me questions about soy protein and whether or not it can cause acne.

creatine acne

Creatine Acne Can consumption of creatine cause acne? When it comes to having a good complexion and being a bodybuilder, life can become quite difficult.

Whey Protein Acne

Whey Protein Acne Back when I was not using Proactiv, I noticed that my acne seemed to become worse while drinking whey protein.

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Soy Protein Acne

Soy Protein Acne

After writing the whey protein acne post, people began asking me questions about soy protein and whether or not it can cause acne. Like whey protein, I didn't know the answer to this question. Like you, I decided to search Google for answers.

Before I go any further, see my does weight lifting cause acne post. Also be sure to check out my supplements acne and home acne treatment article. They will surely provide you with some good insight about your training, and how it can affect your acne.

Does Soy Protein Cause Acne?

It turns out that many people have many different beliefs regarding the subject. Some people actually think that soy protein helped their acne, where others believe it made their acne worse. Here are some positive and negative things that people had to say about soy protein.

+ Positive From Acne.Org: "From what I understand, soy protein will actually help improve your complexion."

- Negative From Acne.Org: "Don't do it! Ever had your skin be so bad to where you don't want to leave the house? Multiply that by 10."

- Negative From Training.Fitness.Com: "People who are prone to soy can have increased blood protein levels. This can cause an increase it water retention. When this happens, sebum canals can become constricted causes you acne."

Acne Teen's Recommendation

There really isn't a lot of information regarding the soy protein acne connection. I did a Google Exact Search with the quotes around the words, and there are only two results for "soy protein acne." If you decide to take soy, I wouldn't worry about it breaking you out too much. I think if people had problems, there would be more results on Google regarding the topic.

Soy Protein Acne Related Posts

Muscle Milk AcneMuscle Milk Acne Does Muscle Milk give you acne? The past few posts have been about general supplements that may or may not cause you to breakout.

nitric oxide acne

Nitric Oxide Acne Does Nitric Oxide cause acne? My friend has been reading Acne Teen like crazy and he's been noticing that I am doing a lot of posts related to supplements and acne.

creatine acne

Creatine Acne Can consumption of creatine cause acne? When it comes to having a good complexion and being a bodybuilder, life can become quite difficult.

Whey Protein Acne

Whey Protein Acne Back when I was not using Proactiv, I noticed that my acne seemed to become worse while drinking whey protein.

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Creatine Acne BREAKOUTS!!!

Can consumption of creatine cause acne? What about other acne supplements? You may also find my post titled, home acne treatment helpful. When it comes to having a good complexion and being a bodybuilder, life can become quite difficult. Be sure to read the post titled, does weight lifting cause acne? This holds especially true if you don't have a good topical product to keep your skin clear.

I was talking to one of my weight training buddies the other day, and they were saying how they thought they saw an increase in acne production after taking creatine. Could it be true?

Off the top of my head, I didn't know the answer to his question. When you don't know an answer to something what do you do? You Bing it. I headed over to Microsoft's new search engine to find an answer.

Does Creatine Cause Acne?

I came across this post at Nutritional Supplements titled, "Does Creatine Cause Acne?" According to the site, it seemed to cause more severe breakouts than usual in multiple individuals. However, this didn't seem to be due to the creatine itself. Instead, it was due to the fact that individuals who took weren't taking in enough water while they were on it.

Acne Teen Recommendation

Currently, there haven't been any studies done to directly link creatine to acne. If you do decide to take the stuff, I recommend drinking more than 8 glasses of water a day. If you're doing heavy exercises, you're probably drinking more than 8 glasses anyway. Remember, dehydration is directly linked to acne. Creatine can cause dehydration if you're not consistent with your H20 intake.

With that being said, I don't really believe creatine causes acne. If you want to take the stuff then take it. If you're drinking water like a camel and you still breakout, then you know not to take it. It's really that simple.

The one thing I can say is true is this: Creatine Causes Diarrhea! This can definitely depend on the product, so be sure that you don't take the wrong one :)

Creatine Acne Related Posts

Muscle Milk AcneMuscle Milk Acne Does Muscle Milk give you acne? The past few posts have been about general supplements that may or may not cause you to breakout.

nitric oxide acne

Nitric Oxide Acne Does Nitric Oxide cause acne? My friend has been reading Acne Teen like crazy and he's been noticing that I am doing a lot of posts related to supplements and acne.

soy protein acneSoy Protein Acne After writing the whey protein acne post, people began asking me questions about soy protein and whether or not it can cause acne.

Whey Protein Acne

Whey Protein Acne Back when I was not using Proactiv, I noticed that my acne seemed to become worse while drinking whey protein.

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