Soy Protein Acne

Soy Protein Acne

7/01/2009 02:01:00 PM

Soy Protein Acne

After writing the whey protein acne post, people began asking me questions about soy protein and whether or not it can cause acne. Like whey protein, I didn't know the answer to this question. Like you, I decided to search Google for answers.

Before I go any further, see my does weight lifting cause acne post. Also be sure to check out my supplements acne and home acne treatment article. They will surely provide you with some good insight about your training, and how it can affect your acne.

Does Soy Protein Cause Acne?

It turns out that many people have many different beliefs regarding the subject. Some people actually think that soy protein helped their acne, where others believe it made their acne worse. Here are some positive and negative things that people had to say about soy protein.

+ Positive From Acne.Org: "From what I understand, soy protein will actually help improve your complexion."

- Negative From Acne.Org: "Don't do it! Ever had your skin be so bad to where you don't want to leave the house? Multiply that by 10."

- Negative From Training.Fitness.Com: "People who are prone to soy can have increased blood protein levels. This can cause an increase it water retention. When this happens, sebum canals can become constricted causes you acne."

Acne Teen's Recommendation

There really isn't a lot of information regarding the soy protein acne connection. I did a Google Exact Search with the quotes around the words, and there are only two results for "soy protein acne." If you decide to take soy, I wouldn't worry about it breaking you out too much. I think if people had problems, there would be more results on Google regarding the topic.

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