Does Candy Cause Acne?

Does Candy Cause Acne

Because Halloween 2009 is only a day away, I figured that it'd be a good time to ask ourselves the question, "Does Candy Cause Acne?" This post actually goes great with my recent post, "What Causes Acne," as well. So also be sure to check that out.

Myth or Truth?

For the longest time acne companies have been trying to emphasize their claims which state that diet plays no role in whether or not an individual will get acne.

I'm here to bring you the facts!

The fact is, what you eat and drink does influence, to a certain extent, whether you will or will not get acne!

Although there aren't many proven studies regarding the diet and acne connection, the soda causes acne study proves to me that there are connections between what you eat and drink and whether or not you will or will not have clear skin.

So can eating candy cause acne?

When it comes down to it, anything diet-related can cause acne.

However, to naturally clear your skin, you'd have to consistently avoid all of the bad foods in world.

So unless you're willing to completely change your diet, I'd recommend using a product containing benzoyl peroxide, to keep your skin clear. I use AcneFree, and it works extremely well. Feel free to check out my AcneFree Review for more information on that.

POLL! Acne Candy Connection

Since there are no studies to prove that candy relates to acne breakouts, I'd like to go ahead and ask you guys what you think. Be sure to take the poll above. Also, feel free to leave your comments below.

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8 Glasses of Water a Day Keeps Acne Away!

8 Glasses of Water a Day Keeps Acne Away

Have you ever heard of the, "8 Glasses of Water a Day Keeps Acne Away," trick? Whether you have or you haven't, it's definitely a good idea to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day + more if you're an athlete.

I've personally gone through this simple and free regimen with great ending results. And although my acne didn't completely clear, I can definitely say that after this trick, my skin sure did feel more moist. Not to mention, my acne did go away, to a certain extent.

So before I say anything else, this "8 Glasses of Water a Day Keeps Acne Away," trick, will USUALLY NOT COMPLETELY CLEAR your Acne. For some lucky individuals it may, but for most people like myself, this trick will at least HELP YOUR ACNE clear a little bit.

Why the Water - Acne Regimen?

It's easy! All you have to do is drink at least 8 glasses of water on a daily basis. Drink a little more if you're an athlete.

It's free! For the most part, drinking water is *free.* At least, it's more free than anything else that will help to clear your skin.

Other benefits! Not only does this little trick help to clear up your skin, but it will also help you lose weight, feel more energy, and feel healthier each and every day.

How does it work?

Although I'm not a scientist or dermatologist, I've heard that drinking water is a great way to flush acne-causing-toxins from the body.

Results will usually show in 2 - 4 days, so start drinking your water people. Don't overdo it though. Stick to the 8 glasses + more if you're an athlete, but never overdo it. For more information, check out this post on drinking water for acne relief.

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What Causes Acne?

Originally, I had an acne site called, "Does it Cause Acne?" However, this page will actually host that site's original idea, and will instead be titled, "What Causes Acne?"

By reading this page, I hope to provide you all with a source of information that will show you what does and does not cause acne. In each of the following posts, I will do my best to provide you with facts and evidence to prove whether something does or does not cause acne. If no studies are readily available, I will poll you to determine whether or not you believe 'X' causes acne.

Here's a list of my posts thus far:

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McDonalds Acne: Link to Complexion Problems?

This post isn't meant to take a shot at McDonalds, but I have noticed that many people are complaining about their face breaking out after eating at the restaurant. And since I began my post on What Causes Acne, I figured that I should definitely throw this in the fire. As for my own experiences, well, I am a BK guy, so I guess my experiences wouldn't apply.

But this does bring me to the question, does eating at McDonalds cause acne? Go ahead and take the poll to the upper-left. Let me know what you think. Then, feel free to read my opinion below.

Eating at McDonalds can definitely cause breakouts. But this is only my opinion. If you follow my work, it's my belief that a number of foods cause breakouts. Avoiding McDonalds altogether won't do anyone any good, and if one wants to naturally clear their skin, they'll have to do a lot more then simply avoiding a cheese burger, coke, and fries.

I've already talked to you guys about how soda causes acne. Big deal, right? But again, avoiding McDonalds won't really do anyone anyone any good unless they make a complete healthy lifestyle - diet change... since Micky-Dee's would only be part of the problem.

With that being said, feel free to go to McDonalds. If you're extremely worried about breakouts, DRINK WATER instead of SODA. Aside from that, get those burgers and fries and enjoy. Unless of course, you're trying to be healthy, but that's another story.

If you're only worried about breaking out because of eating at McDonalds, STOP worrying. McDonalds won't break you out any more then that cupcake you at just last night. However, if you're attempting to make a lifestyle change and clear up your skin naturally, I would definitely reconsider eating at the greasy food joints.

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AcneFree REVIEW!

I personally tested AcneFree. It's extremely effective, and a product I still use today. That said, it's in the "Tested & Recommended" products section of AcneTeen.Org, which can be seen in the right sidebar of this page, and any other page.

The first time I tried AcneFree, (not to be confused with the Ebook, Acne Free in 3 Days), but the first time I tried the actual topical acne treatment, I wasn't impressed. I'm a big Proactiv guy, so once I was hooked on Proactiv, I wanted to fail everything else.

Feel free to check out my original comments about AcneFree in the following posts:

  1. Does AcneFree Work as Well as Proactiv?
  2. Does AcneFree Work?
  3. Is AcneFree Better than Proactiv?
  4. Proactiv Alternative Save Money!

The truth is, I, like many others who use or used Proactiv, came to the conclusion that I just couldn't deal with the side effects any longer. The stinging sensation that one feels after using the 2nd and 3rd step of Proactiv is simply unbearable. Not to mention, if I'm going to be moving out soon, I need some way to save money, and AcneFree seemed to be a great way to do that.

Like I said before though, the first time I used AcneFree, I wasn't impressed. But when I gave this product a second chance, I found that it was really an A-Class product, for a Middle Class Price.

I want to go ahead and take the time to go over each step of AcneFree and how it feels when you're applying it to your skin. By the way, this product isn't perfect, but hopefully this review will get you thinking about giving it a try, if Proactiv or other topical treatments have failed you in the past.

AcneFree Instructions

Using AcneFree is really simple, and if you've used Proactiv, you'll know exactly how to use this product.

1st Step Cleanser

The first thing you'll want to do is wet your face and hands. Now, take the cleanser and make it into a lather. Then, gently, without scrubbing, apply the cleanser to your face for 10 - 20 seconds, and wash off. The more gentle you are, the better.

2nd Step Toner

After you've patted your face dry of the water you used to wash off the first step, you'll want to apply the toner with a cotton ball or pad. Normally, I would hate to apply the 2nd step of Proactiv, because it would sting pretty bad. However, AcneFree seems to completely avoid this side effects altogether.

3rd Step Repairing Lotion

Now that you've applied the toner, you're ready for the repairing lotion. Apply a thick layer of the lotion from the tip of your pointer finger, all the way down to the second line on that finger. Then, gently apply it to your face. Now, my only complaint here is, this step doesn't go on as easy as Proactiv. However, if you gently rub it in and give it 10 minutes after youv'e applied it, the white streaks will go away. The cool thing is, there are NO SIDE EFFECTS!

Overall AcneFree Impression

Overall, I am 110% satisfied with this product. Don't get me wrong, people, I loved Proactiv while I was using it. But because AcneFree has almost NO SIDE EFFECTS, (likely due to the time released benzoyl peroxide) I would definitely recommend it to you over Proactiv any day of the week. I repeat, this product is BETTER and CHEAPER than Proactiv. That's just my opinion, though.

This is NOT a PAID Review. This is my true opinion of AcneFree. Feel free to check out my Proactiv Review as well. I definitely recommend AcneFree if nothing else is working for you.

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Sleep Acne Connection!

People call it "beauty sleep," but why? Is there really something so important about sleep that if we get enough of it, we'll have less or no acne? I decided to do some research to see if their was a sleep - acne connection. My hope for you - another tip on keeping your skin clear.

Let's see what other sites say...

"But you cannot say sleep causes acne. Sleep, specifically sleep deprivation, affects acne indirectly. Sleep affects most, if not all, the causes that lead to acne." - Natural Acne Solution.

"A healthy, well-rested body has the resources to build a strong immune system. While a robust immune system won’t prevent acne altogether, it can help fight infection so your lesions clear up more quickly." - Acne dot Com

"Many women when surveyed about their skin in the past have commented that some of the things that affects their complexion the most include their diet – when they eat a lot of junk their complexion tends to suffer – and sleep was also high on the list." - Acne Magazine.

Acne Teen's (My) Experience

"For me, my acne first developed when school started. Although there could've been a number of different factors that contributed to my acne, such as colder weather and more stress because of school, I definitely think that a lack in sleep affected my complexion."

Sleep Acne Studies: (If there were any...)

Almost every site that I checked out said, "It's important to get sleep if you don't want acne!" However, none of these sites pointed at any studies. I looked at Acne.Org to see if they had any information regarding the topic, but I found nothing. No Youtube videos made by Dan regarding the subject.

With that being said, I cannot officially say whether or not sleep deprivation causes acne, or more sleep helps it. However, I can do the next best thing and ask you what you guys think. Be sure to vote in the poll at the top of this post, and leave your comments below.

image source: flickr;

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Nose Blackheads - How to Get Rid of Them!

Most 99% of us have nose blackheads. They're extremely small, and they never seem to go away, and no matter what we do, they don't. If you're having troubles getting rid of them, then hopefully some of the following tips will help you out.

Before I go any further, I want you to determine whether or not your nose blackheads are even a problem that's worth trying to fix.

What I mean to ask you is, are they so noticeable that you're embarrassed, and you absolutely need them to go away, or are they something that you just kind of want to know how to get rid of?

Because again, if they don't bother you, and if they aren't noticeable, I wouldn't really worry about it. However, if they're more of a problem, then continue reading.

In my opinion, nose blackheads are one of the hardest types of acne to get rid of. You can literally have clear skin everywhere else, but your nose.

Tips to Get Rid of Blackheads!

By using some of the following tips, you'll hopefully be able to clear up those blackheads.

1st - Drink more water! It's a known fact that drinking water is great for your complexion. Drink at the least, 8 glasses a day. If you're taking supplements such as whey protein or creatine, drink at least 16 glasses a day.

2nd - Maybe nasty foods don't cause acne, (that's a lie) but fruits and vegetables definitely help to prevent it. Be sure to follow the food pyramid. Eat 6 healthy portioned meals per day.

3rd - Be sure to get your beauty sleep. 7 1/2 - 8 hours will allow your skin to fully heal and rebuild for the day to come.

4th - Finally, use an acne product with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. If you read around the web, some people are "hooray! hooray!" about using these ingredients to fight acne, and others are not. However, I am an individual who did become clear using Proactiv / AcneFree. (I'm now using AcneFree. It's a cheaper / better version of Proactiv)

5th - Quick Tip - Keep your skin balanced. If you use a topical treatment that dries out your skin, be sure to check out Alba's Aloe Vera and Green Tea Moisturizer. It can be purchased at Walmart! It's amazing!

I hope this helped!

Overall, I hope that these tips helped you out. Many people will try many different things to get rid of their nose blackheads. I have even heard of people using / trying duct tape. Sounds pretty crazy, but I've heard of it happening.

Many other products claim to "suck out blackheads," but I have never heard of these products working. My friend, Rachael said that the Biore Nose Strips work quite well, so you could give those a try as well. (Feel free to see those at the top right of this post.) Finally, be sure to leave your comments / questions below.

Related Blackhead(s) Posts:

  1. Are Blackheads Just Dirt?
  2. Nose Blackheads

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Razor Blade vs Electric Shaver

What's better? A Razor Blade or an Eletric Shaver?

I don't know about you guys, but shaving is a very huge part of my day. If I don't shave, I am left with a greasy / itchy feeling throughout my entire day. However, using the wrong type of shaver can also cause skin irritation, breakouts, and sensitivity if I do shave.

Ahh, what do I do?

The Razor Blade

I personally don't like using the razor blade, but before I get into the negatives, here are some positives to using one.

Positives of using a Razor Blade

  • Fast
  • Doesn't miss spots
  • Smell of shaving cream

Negatives of using a Razor Blade

  • Adds another time you have to wash your face.
  • Dryness
  • Sensitivity
  • Breakouts
  • Bumps

The Electric Shaver

It's a great way for a dry shave. It's also a great way to minimize skin irritation / all the other things that a razor blade can cause.

Positives of using an Electric Shaver.

  • Doesn't another time you have to wash your face.
  • Less irritation / and everything that a Razor Blade can cause.

Negatives of using a Electric Shaver

  • Batteries can die.
  • Can sometimes heat up, making shaving more difficult.
  • Sometimes misses hairs.
  • Takes longer.

The Winner!

For me, I choose the electric shaver. Although it's not as efficient as the razor blade, it does minimize skin irritants whereas the razor blade can actually cause your skin to become irritated, leading you to nasty skin dryness, redness, scaliness, and breakouts, among other things.

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Apple Fast for Acne

Apple Fast for Acne

Have you heard of the Apple Fast For Acne?

If you haven't, it's actually quite interesting, and I am actually quite interested in the topic, because it's actually a great way to get rid of zits fast! In fact, some people report that their skin was cleared up in three days.

So I just eat apples and my acne disappears?

Although it'd be great if that happened, there is a strategy to this whole apple fast. You cannot simple eat apple for three days and expect your acne to disappear.

There is a process and a set of tasks and rules you must follow in order for the apple acne fast to work. This strategy can be found by clicking the Big Link below.

acne teen recommends
The Secrets to the Apple Fast @
Acne Free in 3 Days

Related Apple Acne Posts

  1. Apple For Acne!

Related AcneFreeIn3 Posts

  1. How to get rid of pimples fast
  2. Severe Acne Treatment
  3. Get Rid of Zits Fast: Only 3 Days!
  4. How to Get Rid of Acne Naturally
  5. Get Rid of Acne Overnight: Top Secret!

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Making Out Causes Acne!! Find out Why!

Making Out Causes Acne

Does making out cause breakouts?

You may actually be surprised by this answer, but making out can actually cause people to get acne, because of the skin irritation which can occur between you and the other participant, during the activity.

Like touching your face, making out is also a skin irritant, and as you all know, skin irritants can sometimes lead to breakouts.

These making out activities lead to breakouts -->

  • Hands
  • Hair
  • Body

Usually, the above three things will come into contact with your face at some point in time. Hair, probably being the worst, can cause skin irritation and oils to accumulate on your face, causing you to breakout!

Quick Tip

Tell the girl or guy to keep their hands off your face, and make them put their hair in a bun... Or just say, "forget it," and have a good time. lol

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Acne or Herpes

If you have some sort of lip acne or pimple near or around your mouth, it may be difficult to note whether this blemish is just a pimple, or a small outbreak of herpes.

The following tips were created to help you learn whether or not your mouth / lip blemish is just a pimple, or is in fact herpes.

Fact! It's possible for virgins to have oral herpes!

Now that that's cleared and out of the way, you need to look at some symptoms to determine what you have.

Signs of Oral Herpes

Since most people know what acne is, I want to talk about the symptoms of oral herpes.

  • Blister instead of Pimple
  • Watery water color (instead of whiteheadish color)
  • Itchiness
  • Scab or Crusty appearance during healing

Do I have acne or oral herpes?

If you still can't figure out what you have, go to your doctor and have a blood sample taken. This will determine whether or not you have oral herpes.

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Maca Side Effects!

Maca Side Effects was written as a response to Fran's post, "What Nobody Tells You About Maca Root Powder - Dangers And Side Effects." Note that information about Maca was only obtained from that article, and previous knowledge I obtained a few weeks ago.

I was recently contacted by a member of the Acne Teen community regarding Maca supplements and the side effects in which they can bring to individuals who take it.

A lot of you may be unfamiliar with Maca as I was myself, but it's a natural herb that can be ingested into one's body.

This herb does many different things, including but definitely not limited to

  • Fighting cancer
  • Pain reliever
  • Rebuilding muscle tissue
  • Fighting acne

Although there are positives to taking Maca, Fran over at High On Health had this to say regarding the herb, "Be careful with Maca, there is such a thing as too much too soon." She made this statement after discussing some of the side effects in which too much or even some Maca can cause those who take it.

According to Fran, side effects of the Maca plant include, but are definitely not limited to a

  • Rapid heart beat
  • Stress
  • Insomnia
  • Unbalanced hormones.

On a positive note, Fran stated that Maca did help her acne quite a bit saying, "...for the past week with continued use of the Maca, my skin has started to clear..."

How much Maca Should I take?

If you decide to take Maca, it's recommended that you "start slowly." Fran recommends taking 1/4th of the recommended dosage. However, it's always good to first consult with your doctor or dermatologist before making any final decisions.

Acne Teen Recommended?

Although I haven't tried Maca, I have faith in Fran's words. I'd give it a shot, but remember the vital advice above which states to "start slow." Aside from that, Maca is another great way to fight acne along with these other Acne Supplements.

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Tanning Beds Acne! GOOD or BAD?

Tanning Beds Acne! GOOD or BAD?

If you're like me, you've probably thought about whether or not tanning beds can cause acne, or actually make it better.

You've probably asked yourself, does tanning help acne?

Hopefully, I can help you clear some things up, for this can kind of be a confusing topic. It can go back and forth. You'll see what I'm talking about.

Do Tanning Beds Help Acne?

Although it'd be nice to say, and although it'd be nice to think, tanning beds do not actually help your acne, in the long run.

I say in the "long run" because initially, it may seem that your acne has improved from using the tanning bed. In fact, it probably has, for ultra violet rays have been known to kill off acne.

Do Tanning Beds Make Acne Worse?

In the long run, you'll actually find that using a tanning bed for over a long period of time can cause a number of problems.

If your acne doesn't get worse from using them, you'll find that you may,

  • Develop lines and wrinkles sooner.
  • Develop a leathery sort of skin.
  • Develop skin cancer.

The Verdict!

Although tanning beds may initially improve your acne, in the long run, your skin will become damaged and be more prone to acne.

Don't use tanning beds in an attempt to clear acne!

image credit: evil erin

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Shave Off Acne - DON'T DO IT!

Shave Off Acne - DON'T DO IT!

One of the craziest things that I have ever heard of are people who become so desperate with their acne, that they attempt to shave it off.

Shaving off your acne is one BIG mistake.

More often than not, attempting to 'shave away your acne' can cause major irritation and more breakouts.

Other negative things caused by shaving off acne:

  1. Dry skin
  2. Irritated skin
  3. Sensitive skin
  4. Cuts
  5. Scarring
  6. Spread of acne bacteria
  7. Worse acne!

Clear skin is your goal, right?

It's not going to do you any good at all to shave off your acne. You've seen what that can do in the list above.

If you want clear skin, their are many other paths you can go to get there, and Acne Teen is a great place to look around for tips on how to get that clear skin you've always wanted.

image credit: saintbob

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Time Released Benzoyl Peroxide!

Time Released Benzoyl Peroxide!

As you all know, I tried AcneFree a few weeks back. In this product is something called 'Time Released Benzoyl Peroxide.' Before using AcneFree, I'd never heard of this.

What does Time Released Benzoyl Peroxide?

Irritation, sensitivity, dryness, and all of those other nasty side effects that you usually get while using benzoyl peroxide can be avoided with time released benzoyl peroxide.

If you've ever used a regular B.P. product before, you'll make note that it stings and causes irritation when you apply it. However, when applying the third step of AcneFree, which contains the time released benzoyl peroxide, you don't even feel a thing. Irritation is completely avoided.

The problem!

UPDATE! After giving AcneFree a second try, I didn't have any problems. In fact, check out my AcneFree Review to see how I personally noted that there are NO Side Effects with use of this product!

Original! The problem is, for me, AcneFree just didn't work. It was as if there was no benzoyl peroxide in the product. I mean, there certainly was, but all irritations were avoided because of the 'timed released' deal.

Other Products with Time Released B.P.

Are there other products with time released benzoyl peroxide? So far, all that I have researched states that their isn't. However, this seems to be somewhat of a new technology, so don't be surprised if you see it in other future products.

Related AcneFree Posts:

  1. Is AcneFree Better than Proactiv?
  2. Does AcneFree Work?
  3. Proactiv Alternative Save Money
  4. Does AcneFree Work as Well as Proactiv?

Related Benzoyl Peroxide Posts:

  1. Does Benzoyl Peroxide Cause Cancer?
  2. Is Proactiv BAD for Your Skin?
  3. Proactiv Bleaches Eyebrows, Hair, Clothes?
  4. Time Released Benzoyl Peroxide!
  5. How to STOP Using Benzoyl Peroxide

image credit: laffy6k

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Acne Confidence! (VIDEO)

Acne can cause people to have a very low self-esteem / low confidence but sometimes, making the best out of the worst situations is the greatest way to cheer up.

When I had acne, it allowed me to focus on the important things, such as family, school, work, and friends, who were and still are truly my friends.

Why the Funny Acne Video?

I requested to use to the following video because of it's creativity! - It will show you...

  • The low self-esteem caused by acne.
  • The high self-esteem caused by clear skin.
  • And the confidence that one can have with clear skin.
  • Amongst touching many other points.

What to look for...

For those of you that have acne, I want you to notice how confident the individual is during the scene where he talks to the girl on the phone, (when he has black / what he thinks to be clear skin.) Although his skin is 'clear,' the way he talks shows the girl that he has confidence.

You don't have to have clear skin to have confidence - I know that clear skin definitely helps, but look at it this way; Have you ever seen a cute guy or cute girl with acne? I'm sure that we all have, and again, as being clear helps, you don't have to be clear to have confidence, be hot, or be pretty.

Here's the video:

NOTICE! For those of you extremely sensitive when it comes to acne, you may not want to watch this video. Again, this is an extreme over exaggeration of what it's like to have acne, then be clear the next day. Take this video as a learning experience, folks.

Feel free to leave your comments below.

ScreenShot of Permission to use Video

video permission

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Aspirin Acne Mask

Aspirin Acne Mask

As a part of my major homemade acne mask and home acne treatment series, I will be teaching you guys how to make your very own Asprin Acne Mask.

Aspirin has been used as an acne mask for quite awhile now, and it's said to give a glow to your face, along with reducing pimple size, redness, and acne scars. This is great news, if I may say so myself.

What you'll need...

  • Aspirin.
  • Water
  • Blender / Crusher


  1. Dump aspirin into crusher / container.
  2. Blend or crush aspirin until it's a powder.
  3. Take the blended powder and place into a bowl.
  4. Add a few tablespoons of cold water.
  5. Stir until a thick paste forms.
  6. Dip your fingers into the paste.
  7. Apply aspirin onto your entire face.
  8. Leave paste on your skin for 4 - 5 minutes.
  9. Gently splash your face with warm water until all paste is removed.
  10. Pat your face dry with a clean towel.
  11. Refrigerate unused paste to be used again.

Extra Tips

  • Improvements visible in 1 - 4 weeks.
  • Remember to stick with it!
  • Don't overdo it. Using once a day is enough!

Poll! Does the Aspirin Acne Mask Work?

Other Homemade acne masks:

egg whites acne

Egg Whites Acne - This is a great little tip that will have you making your own mask from home. Best of all, you only need eggs for this trick.

oatmeal acne mask

Oatmeal Acne Mask - Although I haven't tried this face mask, I've heard that it works pretty well. Why not give it a try? What do you have to lose?

garlic acne mask

Garlic Acne Mask - Although it may smell bad, I have heard that it works. Again, I haven't tried it, but feel free to read the article and check it out.

image credit: semarr

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Homemade Acne Masks

As a part of my home acne treatment post, I would like to talk about some homemade acne masks that can help clear up your acne.

Now, when I say 'homemade,' I mean 'household,' meaning that the majority of these masks can be made with items that you can commonly find around a house.

If you're looking for acne masks in general, be sure to check out my post on acne masks. This post will not only contain the below information, but it will also discuss store acne masks. (post currently unavailable.

Homemade Acne Mask vs Commercial.

1. It's sometimes better to get back to the old remedies, instead of trying some store-bought product.

2. Ingredients are often more natural than commercial products.

3. Low price.

4. Works just as well, if not better than commercial products..

Note: You may need to go to the store to purchase ingredients for some of these remedies. Also note that not all of these remedies include all natural ingredients.

All of the following masks are good for individual aspects of your face. Some do better than others. However, all of these masks have been tested and have usually received some sort of positive outcome.

egg whites acne

Aspirin Acne Mask - Aspirin has been used as an acne mask for quite awhile now, and it's said to give a glow to your face, along with reducing pimple size, redness, and acne scars.

egg whites acne

Egg Whites Acne - This is a great little tip that will have you making your own mask from home. Best of all, you only need eggs for this trick.

oatmeal acne mask

Oatmeal Acne Mask - Although I haven't tried this face mask, I've heard that it works pretty well. Why not give it a try? What do you have to lose?

garlic acne mask

Garlic Acne Mask - Although it may smell bad, I have heard that it works. Again, I haven't tried it, but feel free to read the article and check it out.

Homemade Masks Continued

  1. Cucumber Acne Mask
  2. Honey and Lemon Acne Treatment

My Favorite Homemade Acne Mask

My favorite homemade acne mask would have to be the egg whites trick. I've used it multiple times with positive results, including decrease in pimple size and redness. One negative to this mask is, if you use it too often, your face will become dry and irritated. I recommend using it only once a day.

image credit: lepiaf.geo

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