Have you heard of the Apple Fast For Acne?
If you haven't, it's actually quite interesting, and I am actually quite interested in the topic, because it's actually a great way to get rid of zits fast! In fact, some people report that their skin was cleared up in three days.
So I just eat apples and my acne disappears?
Although it'd be great if that happened, there is a strategy to this whole apple fast. You cannot simple eat apple for three days and expect your acne to disappear.
There is a process and a set of tasks and rules you must follow in order for the apple acne fast to work. This strategy can be found by clicking the Big Link below.

Acne Free in 3 Days
have you tryed this yet ?
I began the apple fast aiming to remove my acne, it's my first day :S :S :S
the website doesn't give me instructions what do i have to do??
You have to purchase the book. I did myself.
It has a lot of great information, but I never tried it. It involves using the Apple Fast For Acne along with instructions on how you can go about doing this. Again, you CAN'T JUST EAT APPLES and EXPECT CLEAR SKIN.
There are a set of rules to follow, and those can be found within the book.
If you do not like the book, it can be returned for a FULL REFUND.
I didn't write the book, but it's VERY POPULAR amongst those trying to clear their skin NATURALLY.
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