Does Candy Cause Acne?

Does Candy Cause Acne?

10/30/2009 03:37:00 PM

Does Candy Cause Acne

Because Halloween 2009 is only a day away, I figured that it'd be a good time to ask ourselves the question, "Does Candy Cause Acne?" This post actually goes great with my recent post, "What Causes Acne," as well. So also be sure to check that out.

Myth or Truth?

For the longest time acne companies have been trying to emphasize their claims which state that diet plays no role in whether or not an individual will get acne.

I'm here to bring you the facts!

The fact is, what you eat and drink does influence, to a certain extent, whether you will or will not get acne!

Although there aren't many proven studies regarding the diet and acne connection, the soda causes acne study proves to me that there are connections between what you eat and drink and whether or not you will or will not have clear skin.

So can eating candy cause acne?

When it comes down to it, anything diet-related can cause acne.

However, to naturally clear your skin, you'd have to consistently avoid all of the bad foods in world.

So unless you're willing to completely change your diet, I'd recommend using a product containing benzoyl peroxide, to keep your skin clear. I use AcneFree, and it works extremely well. Feel free to check out my AcneFree Review for more information on that.

POLL! Acne Candy Connection

Since there are no studies to prove that candy relates to acne breakouts, I'd like to go ahead and ask you guys what you think. Be sure to take the poll above. Also, feel free to leave your comments below.