Win $$$ - Before and After Picture Contest

This Contest Closed. Sadly, nobody ever entered the contest. It would have been fun to give away some cash prizes, but maybe now that I have more readers, I can try another contest here in the near future.

1st Place - Wins $20.00.
2nd Place - Wins $10.00.
3rd Place - Wins $5.00.

BONUS: If 100 people enter, $10.00 will be added to each prize amount.

To enter the contest:

  • Send an email to
    • Attach or provide links to your pics.
    • Say the product you used to get clear skin.
    • For bonus points: review the product that you used.

Tips to winning + Other Info:

  • Payment: Paypal Only.
    • Don't have Paypal? Find someone who does. :)
  • Winners: Announced July 1st.
  • Increase Odds: by submitting a product review.
  • Photoshop / Edits: Will be disqualified. :)

If there are not 20 entries by July 1st, the contest will be pushed until that threshold is reached. If you have any questions, email me at

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People in India Don't have Acne???

I wanted to go ahead and leave a quick update. People in India do have acne, and they do know what acne is. It was still a pretty fun conversation though.

Extremely SHOCKING News...

Map Below: ScreenCap of visitors who've visited AcneTeen.OrgPeople in India Don't have Acne

This conversation took place between "Nick" from India, and myself just a few moments ago.

nick: hello wanna link ex??

me: what type of site do you have? im looking for an acne related link exchange

nick: acne wt this ??

me: what is acne? acne is pimples on your face do you know what acne is?

nick: w8, dear i have health site. i will show u if u inetrsted.

me: ok yeah

nick: let me know

me: but do you know what acne is? just wondering cuz this could be an interesting post for my site

nick: no dear, dont know

me: where are you from?

nick: india and u??

me: Oregon, USA... nobody in india has acne?

nick: dont no

me: this is acne


me: so nobody in India has acne?

nick: no

me: wow. dude this is a breakthrough. im going to do a post about this right now. thanks. for the info. dude

No substantial evidence, but definitely interesting...

Although there are likely individuals in India who have acne, I find it interesting that Nick had no idea what I was talking about. Even when I showed him a picture of what acne was, he still had no clue.

As for the map; Maybe not a lot of people in India have computers? I looked for a World Wide Computer Usage Statistics graph or map, and didn't find any current information.

What do you think?

I still find this all quite interesting. What about you? Leave comments below. They make me smile. :)

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Does soda cause acne?

Does soda cause acne? The simple answer is yes. Drinking pop can lead to breakouts. You may be surprised. For the longest time, acne companies, dermatologists, and everyone else related said that drinking cola won't cause you to break out. I'm not saying I'm more knowledgable than these people, but I can say that they're wrong. Just see my post: Acne and diet. By reading it, you will see that the foods you eat, can play a role in whether or not you will get acne.

Why does drinking pop lead to breakouts?

Consuming these carbonated beverages can be very dehydrating to the body. Dehydration is directly linked to acne. Basically, soda is filled with caffeine and sugar. It more advanced terms, it's a diuretic (Associated Content). When consumed, soda will make you very dehydrated making your acne even worse (Acne LTD).

Although I have known this for quite some time, I wanted to link to other articles to prove to you that I'm not some crazy dude making things up.

What do I do now?

Stop drinking soda. Instead, drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. It's really as simple as that. If you start drinking water, your body will stay hydrated. When your body is hydrated, your skin will be less prone to acne.

Acne Teen's Related Posts:

Does eating pizza cause acne

Does eating pizza cause acne? Is that where the term "pizza face" originated from? I hope we're all enjoying "What Food's Cause Acne Week." It's kind of making me hungry if I am going to be totally honest...

Does chocolate give pimples

Does chocolate give pimples especially wrapped to those that eat the goods? I don't know about you, but I have had this problem with chocolate for quite some time now...

Iodine Causes Acne: Avoid these Foods

Iodine Causes Acne: Avoid these Foods!!! ... acne is not caused by greasy foods, chocolate, or coffee. However, it does state that foods with a "high iodine content" may contribute to your breakouts...

Milk and Acne

Milk and Acne - According to the study, people who drank 3+ cups of milk every day were 22% more likely to have acne...

Glycemic Index Acne!

Glycemic Index Acne! - In a study published in the July 2007 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, male subjects aged between 15 and 25-years-old, reduced acne while on a low-glycemic based diet.

Energy Drinks Cause Acne

Energy Drinks Cause Acne - Soon enough, I began drinking one every single day. The next thing you know, pimples start popping up.

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Does eating pizza cause acne

Does eating pizza cause acne? Is that where the term "pizza face" originated from? I hope we're all enjoying "Acne and Diet week" It's kind of making me hungry if I am going to be totally honest. As you already probably know, pizza, when consumed, is said to cause acne breakouts. The term "pizza face," is used when someone either has acne, or a weird looking face. But to be totally honest, I don't believe pizza causes or connects with acne at all.

Poll: What do you think?

Have you ever broken out because of eating pizza?

Not a lot of people search "pizza acne"

Does eating pizza cause acne

It doesn't seem like people are relating pizza to acne. However, it doesn't mean that pizza doesn't cause acne. But again, I've never experienced breakouts from eating pizza.

Cheese / Dairy Causes Acne?

Final thoughts here - I have noticed that the more milk I drink, the more acne I have. Could it be that the cheese on pizza causes people to breakout? Be sure to vote. :) Thanks for reading guys.

Acne Teen's Related Posts:

Does chocolate give pimples

Does chocolate give pimples especially wrapped to those that eat the goods? I don't know about you, but I have had this problem with chocolate for quite some time now...

does soda cause acne

Does soda cause acne? You may be surprised. For the longest time, acne companies, dermatologists, and everyone else related said that drinking cola won't cause you to break out...

Iodine Causes Acne: Avoid these Foods

Iodine Causes Acne: Avoid these Foods!!! ... acne is not caused by greasy foods, chocolate, or coffee. However, it does state that foods with a "high iodine content" may contribute to your breakouts...

Milk and Acne

Milk and Acne - According to the study, people who drank 3+ cups of milk every day were 22% more likely to have acne...

Glycemic Index Acne!

Glycemic Index Acne! - In a study published in the July 2007 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, male subjects aged between 15 and 25-years-old, reduced acne while on a low-glycemic based diet.

Energy Drinks Cause Acne

Energy Drinks Cause Acne - Soon enough, I began drinking one every single day. The next thing you know, pimples start popping up.

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Does Chocolate Give YOU Pimples?

Does chocolate give pimplesimage source: flickr

Does chocolate give pimples especially wrapped to those that consume the goods? I don't know about you, but I have had this problem with chocolate for quite some time now. I don't know whether it's a coincidink or not, but it seems that when consumed, chocolate will make me breakout from time to time.

Actually, be sure to check out my acne and diet post. It seems like there are a good deal of foods that exacerbate acne.

POLL: What do you think?

Could the acne companies be hiding something from us? Could chocolate cause acne flareups? If so, is there any kind that particularly makes you breakout?

I don't seem to be the only one with the problem either. If you look at the results below, you will see that about 4,400 people around the world look up the phrase "chocolate acne," each month. This of course does not include other similar phrases such as "does chocolate cause acne," or "chocolate causes breakouts."

Does chocolate give pimples

Could it be true? If we went out and ate some chocolate tonight would we breakout because of it?

Acne Teen's Related Posts:

Does eating pizza cause acne

Does eating pizza cause acne? Is that where the term "pizza face" originated from? I hope we're all enjoying "What Food's Cause Acne Week." It's kind of making me hungry if I am going to be totally honest...

does soda cause acne

Does soda cause acne? You may be surprised. For the longest time, acne companies, dermatologists, and everyone else related said that drinking cola won't cause you to break out...

Iodine Causes Acne: Avoid these Foods

Iodine Causes Acne: Avoid these Foods!!! ... acne is not caused by greasy foods, chocolate, or coffee. However, it does state that foods with a "high iodine content" may contribute to your breakouts...

Milk and Acne

Milk and Acne - According to the study, people who drank 3+ cups of milk every day were 22% more likely to have acne...

Glycemic Index Acne!

Glycemic Index Acne! - In a study published in the July 2007 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, male subjects aged between 15 and 25-years-old, reduced acne while on a low-glycemic based diet.

Energy Drinks Cause Acne

Energy Drinks Cause Acne - Soon enough, I began drinking one every single day. The next thing you know, pimples start popping up.

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Home Acne Treatment

home acne treatment

There are many home acne treatments available to you that are free at your fingertips. Unlike over-the-counter treatments, these tricks will help improve your complexion tremendously, without using unnatural chemicals. In fact, my friend Fran completely cleared her acne without any prescription or store-purchased product.

I want to teach you why it's a good idea to switch to an all natural treatment. I also want to tell you some methods that you can use and some remedies that you can follow that will help you go all natural. Finally, I want to talk to you about my favorite remedies and tricks for clear skin.

Unfortunately, for most people with acne, simply washing your face, avoiding sun, and not touching your skin will not be enough to stop acne. Although those tips, mentioned at are good tips, the following methods should be a little more helpful.


Why Natural Remedies?

natural remedies

Image Source:

There are many reasons that people decide to switch to all natural acne remedies. Although I haven't completely made the leap, I can understand why some people already have.

1. Saves money.

Most of the time, people resort to natural remedies because of how much money it will save them. The majority of people who spend money on products, spend about $20 - $60 a month. With natural, at home remedies, you likely won't spend more than $20.00 in one month.

2. Less Side Effects.

Most topical solutions that people purchase contain benzoyl peroxide. Although it's a proven and effective way to get a beautiful complexion, it also has a number of side effects. However, if you decide to go with natural remedies, you usually won't have as many side effects.

3. Natural.

The final reason, which may actually be the #1 reason that some people switch to an at home acne treatment, is because it's all natural. Nothing beats using the environment around you, if you know how to use and execute it.

4 Ways to Treat Your Acne from Home:

There are 4 different ways that you can go about following your all natural acne treatment regimen.

1. Topical.

You can use all natural products when making a solution to apply topically to your face, or problem areas. For instance, some people use egg whites as an acne mask.

2. Internal.

This includes things that you can eat and drink to improve your complexion. For example: If you drink 8 glasses of water a day, your complexion will improve. In fact, drinking water is one of the greatest remedies out there.

3. Physical.

Exercise is a great way to naturally clear your skin. As I will discuss below, exercise relieves stress, and will help to release acne-causing toxins from your body.

4. Mental.

Stop stressing and start breathing. It's a proven fact that stress can exacerbate acne. It's important to follow breathing exercises, exercise, and do activities such as yoga or meditation. These are all great ways to relieve stress and naturally get clear skin.

Here Are Some Natural Remedies.

Here are some articles that I have written to help teach you how to clear your skin naturally from home. Again, these are all tested and proven remedies and treatments that will help you get clear skin. Best of all, they're very cheap and easy to follow.

home acne treatments
  • Acne Supplements: GOOD and BAD! - Learn about supplements and how they relate to your acne. There are many good supplements that you can take to inhibit acne. For example: fish oil and vitamin A. On the other hand, some supplements like protein powder and creatine may cause you to breakout.
  • Homemade Acne Masks - There are a few homemade acne masks that you can use to treat your acne. Aspirin, egg whites, oatmeal, and garlic masks can all help you to treat your acne from home.
  • How to Get Rid of Acne Naturally - This post will teach you how to treat your acne using the Acne Free in 3 method. This is the best way to treat your acne using natural remedies.
  • Drink Water Acne - Believe it or not, this is one of my favorite ways to treat acne from home. To me, every time I begin drinking 8 - 12 glasses of water a day, my complexion always seems to improve.
  • Exercise Clears up Acne - Exercising is one of the best ways that I have found to relieve stress. As you already know, stress and acne are linked together. If you exercise, you're not only relieving this stress, but you're also removing toxins from your body.
  • Aloe Vera: Good for Acne! - Although you may not completely get rid of your acne with aloe vera, it's definitely said to help treat all aspects of acne. Aloe vera will reduce pimple and dryness. I highly recommend trying it out.
  • Pillow Acne - EASY Tip RELIEVES Acne! - People who voted on my poll truly believe that your pillow case can cause you to breakout. In this article, I teach you how to prevent breakouts caused by your pillow case.
  • Toothpaste on Pimple Overnight - Again, this is another treatment that just doesn't work for me. I have heard that toothpaste works because it contains peroxide, but every time I have used toothpaste, my pimple always seemed to become larger. It's best to just leave it alone.
  • Reduce Pimple Size - This is one of my favorite pages, as I will teach you how to avoid making your pimple any larger, while actually reducing the size of your pimple. I have a few strategies that you can use for this to work, so be sure to check them out inside.

My favorite ways to treat pimples from home:

my favorite ways to treat pimples from home

Believe it or not, some of the natural regimens above work a little better than others. Don't get me wrong, there are many great home acne remedies out there. However, I want to take the time to tell you my favorites.

1. Drinking Water.

8 glasses of water a day will help you to keep your acne away. This isn't a joke. After a week of drinking water instead of soda, I instantly noticed a decrease in the amount of pimples / zits that I had. This is one proven and trusted natural remedy that will work for everyone.

2. Exercise and Yoga.

They're both proven techniques that I love using. I'm currently following the P90X program. Although I already have clear skin, it's helped my complexion glow even more than it did before.

3. Aloe Vera.

If I had to take one topical solution with me, I would take Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera is naturally found in the environment, and it's a great natural remedy for acne. In fact, it's one of my favorite ways to topically treat acne from home.

Drinking water along with exercising, are probably the two best forms of natural acne treatments that I can give you, along with the use of the Aloe Vera plant, which is one of the best remedies that I can give you.

Final Thoughts.

  • Using your own remedies is cheap and effective.
  • You can treat your acne topically, internally, physically, and mentally.
  • Although there are a number of different home acne treatments available, I love drinking water, exercising, performing yoga, and using aloe vera. In my experience, these are the most effective remedies.

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Garlic Acne mask

Garlic Acne maskImage Source: Flickr

The Garlic Acne Mask; It can’t be any more disgusting than the egg whites acne mask. Nor can it be much worse than the oatmeal acne mask. In fact, this cheap topical treatment actually acts as a cleanser for your skin. And again, it’s yet another great at Homemade Acne Mask and home acne treatment.

  • Acts as a cleanser.
  • Gets rid of acne.
  • Cheap.
  • Effective
What you’ll need:
  • 6 – 8 cloves of fresh garlic
  • Peeler & Masher
  • Water
  • Towel
  • Moisturizer
  1. Peel and then mash the 6-8 cloves of garlic.
  2. Now, apply the garlic to your face.
  3. After 15 minutes, wash your face with warm water.
  4. Pat your face dry.
  5. Apply your moisturizer.

Note that there are many different methods of using garlic as a topical acne treatment. Some people will say to mix the garlic with other natural ingredients, and then some people will inform you of the same facts that I have listed above. Like anything else, your best bet is to simply see what works best for you.

Other homemade acne masks:

egg whites acne

Aspirin Acne Mask - Aspirin has been used as an acne mask for quite awhile now, and it's said to give a glow to your face, along with reducing pimple size, redness, and acne scars.

egg whites acne

Egg Whites Acne - This is a great little tip that will have you making your own mask from home. Best of all, you only need eggs for this trick.

oatmeal acne mask

Oatmeal Acne Mask - Although I haven't tried this face mask, I've heard that it works pretty well. Why not give it a try? What do you have to lose?

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Aloe Vera Good for Acne!

If I crashed on an island and I could have one topical acne treatment, I would choose Aloe Vera without a doubt. Okay. If I had the choice to use the 3 Step Proactiv Solution along with the Green Tea Moisturizer then I would definitely have chosen those 4 items instead.

Either way, Aloe Vera is a great home acne treatment for acne. My friend has actually been growing the *goods* for quite some time now. In the morning he shaves, goes straight to his plant, extracts the needed juices, and then applies those juices straight to his face.

I'm not trying to tell you to grow your own Aloe Vera plant. However, I am telling you that this plant is simply amazing. There are many benefits to a topical Aloe Vera acne treatment including:

  • reduces acne / pimples
  • reduces swelling
  • dryness relief
  • redness relief
  • overall, just a better look and feel to your skin.

Why does this special plant do all of these things, and more? In simple terms, Aloe Vera is used to speed up the healing process. There's really not much more to it. Seriously.

I'm actually going to go out and purchase a moisturizer containing Aloe today. I'll let you all know how it goes.

Home Acne Treatment Related Posts:

drink water acneDrink Water Acne Drinking water is another great and cheap way to clear your acne from home. The best part of it is, there are a number of other benefits you'll gain by drinking water on a daily basis.

exercise clears up acne

Exercise Clears up Acne Another great Home Acne Treatment is exercise. It may sound simple, and it may sound too good to be true, but exercise can actually help you clear your acne.

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Exercise Clears up Acne

Exercise Clears up Acne

Another great Home Acne Treatment is exercise. By the way, if you're interested, you can check out my home acne treatment post. It may sound simple, and it may sound too good to be true, but exercise can actually help you clear your acne.

Although it's not proven, diet (including drinking water) and exercise do play major roles in whether or not you will have acne. In fact, the more I think about it, the more I come to realize that the better and the healthier we are as a whole, the more our acne will actually improve on its own.

Acne Companies Hide the Truth

Yes. I know what the acne companies say. They tell you that acne has nothing to do with your diet. Of course they're saying that it has nothing to do with your diet.

If they told you that it did, would you still buy their products? If they told you how to clear your acne by simply being and eating healthier would you buy their products? Side effects, monthly expenses, spending time washing your face morning and night... I'm pretty sure you'd opt out to proper diet and exercise.

Although we'd all like to go the proper diet and exercise route, it can be a challenge. Foods these days are filled with refined sugars, hydrogenated oils, saturated fats, and many other horrible things which I will talk about in later posts.

Exercise Clears up Acne Articles

UPDATE! I've been writing branch posts to the topic of how exercise clears up acne. Feel free to check them out!

football acne

Football Acne Does playing football cause acne? A few weeks back I wrote a post about how exercise clears up acne. This was to be used along with the rest of my home acne

basketball acneBasketball Acne Does Playing Basketball Cause Acne? If you're on this page, you probably have a lot of questions about acne, so I am here to help.

does sweat cause acne

Does Sweat Cause Acne Over the past few days, I have been talking about how exercise clears up acne. To sum things up, exercise flushes toxins out of your body through sweat.

Does Weight Lifting Cause Acne

Does Weight Lifting Cause Acne This week is really reinforcement week. I want you to all know that exercise clears up acne! I know that exercise has a bad name for acne, but really...

yoga improves acne Yoga Improves Acne! I just started doing the P90X and I have to say that after one day of Yoga, my skin has definitely improved.

cardio improves acne Cardio Improves Acne! You know how I have been saying that exercise clears up acne? Well, it definitely does. Tomorrow is Day 10 of my P90X journey. If you're not familiar with the P90X, it's an intense home workout

swimming acne Swimming Acne! We all know that exercise clears up acne, but what about swimming? I recently arrived home from a 4 day vacation to find that my skin was quite irritated alongside with a minor breakout.

Why is exercising good for acne?

I kind of went off on a tangent, but the point is this: Exercise flushes toxins out of your body, relieves stress, and increases blood circulation. Not only is this great for your general health, but it's also great for your skin. Honestly, take a jog 20 minutes a day, every single day for a month. Continue to use your topical acne treatment with proper diet and exercise. If your acne doesn't improve, I'd be shocked.

Home Acne Treatment Related Posts:

drink water acneDrink Water Acne Drinking water is another great and cheap way to clear your acne from home. The best part of it is, there are a number of other benefits you'll gain by drinking water on a daily basis.

aloe vera good for acne

Aloe Vera: Good for Acne! Either way, Aloe Vera is a great way to treat your acne from home. My friend has actually been growing the *goods* for quite some time now.

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Oatmeal Acne Mask

Today I want to go over a cool way of using an Oatmeal Acne Mask to help clear your skin. Many people across the internet have reported a substantial difference in their complexion after only a few weeks by using the following method.

This is part 3 of my 7 part series on Homemade Acne Masks, and related, home acne treatment post. Yesterday I talked about how applying egg whites to your face can help your acne.


  • Cheap
  • Cleans Pores
  • Clears Skin

What You'll Need:

  • Oatmeal
  • Materials to cook the oatmeal
  • Water
  • Towel
  • Moisturizer

Instructions - Setting Up:

  1. Cook the oatmeal as stated on the instructions.
  2. Allow the oatmeal to cool down to a warm temperature.

Instructions - Application:

  1. Gently apply the oatmeal to your face.
  2. After 10 - 15 minutes, wash the oatmeal off your face with warm water.

More research and information provided by eHow states that the oatmeal mask should be applied twice a day. Other sites suggest applying it everyday for a week, and then every other day for months after that. Your best bet is to simply see what works best for you.

Please also note: Results are not instant. Like anything else, it'll take some time before you begin to see results.

Other homemade acne masks:

egg whites acne

Aspirin Acne Mask - Aspirin has been used as an acne mask for quite awhile now, and it's said to give a glow to your face, along with reducing pimple size, redness, and acne scars.

egg whites acne

Egg Whites Acne - This is a great little tip that will have you making your own mask from home. Best of all, you only need eggs for this trick.

garlic acne mask

Garlic Acne Mask - Although it may smell bad, I have heard that it works. Again, I haven't tried it, but feel free to read the article and check it out.

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Drink Water CLEAR ACNE!

Since I am a day behind schedule, this will be my second post of my week long series for home acne remedies. You can click the following home acne treatment link to check out some of the other methods available. Drinking water is another great and cheap way to clear your acne from home. The best part of it is, there are a number of other benefits you'll gain by drinking water on a daily basis. These extra benefits will not only make you feel better about yourself, but they'll actually make you healthier as well.

Benefits of Drinking Water

  • Clears your Acne.
  • Provides elasticity in your skin.
  • Makes you look younger and healthier.
  • Hydrates your body.
  • Encourages weight loss by speeding up your metabolism.
  • Gives you energy.
  • Can help you in preventing and curing fatigue, back pain, and headaches.

So this is great news. Not only are you clearing your acne, but you're also providing your body with the awesome perks that I have listed above. Sweet!

How much water do I need to drink?

It's recommend that people drink anywhere from 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. However, if you're an athlete or an individual who works out on a daily basis, you'll likely need more. Along with drinking water, exercise clears up acne as well.

Quick Tip: Don't drink soda / pop.

Soda / Pop is very dehydrating to the human body. It's full of empty calories, meaning it provides no positive benefits when consumed. So again, if you want to get rid of your acne, you must stop drinking the soda, and you must start drinking your recommended amount of water everyday.

Home Acne Treatment Related Posts

exercise clears up acne

Exercise Clears up Acne Another great Home Acne Treatment is exercise. It may sound simple, and it may sound too good to be true, but exercise can actually help you clear your acne.

aloe vera good for acne

Aloe Vera: Good for Acne! Either way, Aloe Vera is a great way to treat your acne from home. My friend has actually been growing the *goods* for quite some time now.

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Egg Whites Acne Mask!

This treatment is something I'd like to call the "egg white for acne treatment." It's really easy to setup, and best of all, eggs can be purchased at almost any grocery store for a really low price.

Overall, this is going to be a fun week. Over the next 7 days, I'm going to give you 6 at homemade acne masks. Feel free to checkout my other home acne treatment post after this. That's right! 6 things that you can do from your own home to treat acne.


  • Cheap
  • Tightens skin
  • Helps treat oily skin.
  • Reduces redness
  • Reduces swelling

What You'll Need:

  • Eggs
  • Mixer (Perferably electronic)
  • Bowl
  • Water
  • 2 Clean Towels
  • Moisturizer

Instructions - Setting Up:

  1. Obtain the above items.
  2. Slightly crack the egg.
  3. Let only the egg whites spill out of the egg into your bowel.
  4. Now, mix the egg whites until they form into a foam.
  5. Take the bowel of egg whites to your application location of choice.

Instructions - Application:

  1. Splash warm water on your face one time.
  2. With a clean towel, pat your face dry.
  3. Now, with two fingers, gently apply the egg whites to your face.
  4. Leave the paste on your face for about 15 minutes.
  5. With warm water, splash your face to remove the egg whites.
  6. Pat your face dry.
  7. Apply moisturizer

Special Notice:

  • This can definitely get pretty messy.
  • Don't apply more than 3 times a week.

Post your Review and Vote!

Be sure to vote. Also be sure to leave your comments below. Both myself and my readers would love to know how well the egg whites worked for you and your acne. And if for some reason this method didn't work, be sure to try the oatmeal acne mask. It's said that oatmeal is another great way to help clear your skin.

Other Homemade Acne Masks:

egg whites acne

Aspirin Acne Mask - Aspirin has been used as an acne mask for quite awhile now, and it's said to give a glow to your face, along with reducing pimple size, redness, and acne scars.

oatmeal acne mask

Oatmeal Acne Mask - Although I haven't tried this face mask, I've heard that it works pretty well. Why not give it a try? What do you have to lose?

garlic acne mask

Garlic Acne Mask - Although it may smell bad, I have heard that it works. Again, I haven't tried it, but feel free to read the article and check it out.

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