Exercise Clears up Acne

Exercise Clears up Acne

5/21/2009 12:57:00 PM

Exercise Clears up Acne

Another great Home Acne Treatment is exercise. By the way, if you're interested, you can check out my home acne treatment post. It may sound simple, and it may sound too good to be true, but exercise can actually help you clear your acne.

Although it's not proven, diet (including drinking water) and exercise do play major roles in whether or not you will have acne. In fact, the more I think about it, the more I come to realize that the better and the healthier we are as a whole, the more our acne will actually improve on its own.

Acne Companies Hide the Truth

Yes. I know what the acne companies say. They tell you that acne has nothing to do with your diet. Of course they're saying that it has nothing to do with your diet.

If they told you that it did, would you still buy their products? If they told you how to clear your acne by simply being and eating healthier would you buy their products? Side effects, monthly expenses, spending time washing your face morning and night... I'm pretty sure you'd opt out to proper diet and exercise.

Although we'd all like to go the proper diet and exercise route, it can be a challenge. Foods these days are filled with refined sugars, hydrogenated oils, saturated fats, and many other horrible things which I will talk about in later posts.

Exercise Clears up Acne Articles

UPDATE! I've been writing branch posts to the topic of how exercise clears up acne. Feel free to check them out!

football acne

Football Acne Does playing football cause acne? A few weeks back I wrote a post about how exercise clears up acne. This was to be used along with the rest of my home acne

basketball acneBasketball Acne Does Playing Basketball Cause Acne? If you're on this page, you probably have a lot of questions about acne, so I am here to help.

does sweat cause acne

Does Sweat Cause Acne Over the past few days, I have been talking about how exercise clears up acne. To sum things up, exercise flushes toxins out of your body through sweat.

Does Weight Lifting Cause Acne

Does Weight Lifting Cause Acne This week is really reinforcement week. I want you to all know that exercise clears up acne! I know that exercise has a bad name for acne, but really...

yoga improves acne Yoga Improves Acne! I just started doing the P90X and I have to say that after one day of Yoga, my skin has definitely improved.

cardio improves acne Cardio Improves Acne! You know how I have been saying that exercise clears up acne? Well, it definitely does. Tomorrow is Day 10 of my P90X journey. If you're not familiar with the P90X, it's an intense home workout

swimming acne Swimming Acne! We all know that exercise clears up acne, but what about swimming? I recently arrived home from a 4 day vacation to find that my skin was quite irritated alongside with a minor breakout.

Why is exercising good for acne?

I kind of went off on a tangent, but the point is this: Exercise flushes toxins out of your body, relieves stress, and increases blood circulation. Not only is this great for your general health, but it's also great for your skin. Honestly, take a jog 20 minutes a day, every single day for a month. Continue to use your topical acne treatment with proper diet and exercise. If your acne doesn't improve, I'd be shocked.

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