Aloe Vera Good for Acne!

Aloe Vera Good for Acne!

5/22/2009 12:54:00 PM

If I crashed on an island and I could have one topical acne treatment, I would choose Aloe Vera without a doubt. Okay. If I had the choice to use the 3 Step Proactiv Solution along with the Green Tea Moisturizer then I would definitely have chosen those 4 items instead.

Either way, Aloe Vera is a great home acne treatment for acne. My friend has actually been growing the *goods* for quite some time now. In the morning he shaves, goes straight to his plant, extracts the needed juices, and then applies those juices straight to his face.

I'm not trying to tell you to grow your own Aloe Vera plant. However, I am telling you that this plant is simply amazing. There are many benefits to a topical Aloe Vera acne treatment including:

  • reduces acne / pimples
  • reduces swelling
  • dryness relief
  • redness relief
  • overall, just a better look and feel to your skin.

Why does this special plant do all of these things, and more? In simple terms, Aloe Vera is used to speed up the healing process. There's really not much more to it. Seriously.

I'm actually going to go out and purchase a moisturizer containing Aloe today. I'll let you all know how it goes.

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