The Garlic Acne Mask; It can’t be any more disgusting than the egg whites acne mask. Nor can it be much worse than the oatmeal acne mask. In fact, this cheap topical treatment actually acts as a cleanser for your skin. And again, it’s yet another great at Homemade Acne Mask and home acne treatment.
- Acts as a cleanser.
- Gets rid of acne.
- Cheap.
- Effective
- 6 – 8 cloves of fresh garlic
- Peeler & Masher
- Water
- Towel
- Moisturizer
- Peel and then mash the 6-8 cloves of garlic.
- Now, apply the garlic to your face.
- After 15 minutes, wash your face with warm water.
- Pat your face dry.
- Apply your moisturizer.
Note that there are many different methods of using garlic as a topical acne treatment. Some people will say to mix the garlic with other natural ingredients, and then some people will inform you of the same facts that I have listed above. Like anything else, your best bet is to simply see what works best for you.
Other homemade acne masks:

Aspirin Acne Mask - Aspirin has been used as an acne mask for quite awhile now, and it's said to give a glow to your face, along with reducing pimple size, redness, and acne scars.

Egg Whites Acne - This is a great little tip that will have you making your own mask from home. Best of all, you only need eggs for this trick.
Oatmeal Acne Mask - Although I haven't tried this face mask, I've heard that it works pretty well. Why not give it a try? What do you have to lose?
but your face will be very stinky and thats bad!!=[=[=[
Not if it clears up. I think the garlic acne mask is a great idea!
If it works, most people are willing to try it. I have found that the best way to treat acne is with topical acne treatment products containing 2.5% benzoyl peroxide.
I've never tried the garlic acne mask before, but again, new things are always worth a try.
garlic really works!
I kind of dig the scent, and my skin is very soft! I use the garlic and then a lemon juice cleanse. Good times. Happy Epidermis.
first of all garlic mask stings like a motha fu**er. and second it made every pimple visible and red. I dont think it works.
It stings like a mofo but it does work, wheb I use to do it I would cleanse my face and put lemon then moisturize then put garlic as basicly a spot treatment then go to sleep. It worked pretty good but now I use regimen at acne .org it literly took all my acne away. Its a little pricy I guess but it's defiantly worth it
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