Does chocolate give pimples especially wrapped to those that consume the goods? I don't know about you, but I have had this problem with chocolate for quite some time now. I don't know whether it's a coincidink or not, but it seems that when consumed, chocolate will make me breakout from time to time.
Actually, be sure to check out my acne and diet post. It seems like there are a good deal of foods that exacerbate acne.
POLL: What do you think?
Could the acne companies be hiding something from us? Could chocolate cause acne flareups? If so, is there any kind that particularly makes you breakout?
this blog flippn rockz dud.e keep up the gr8 work
Taylor. I am impressed. This is one of the best looking blogs I have ever seen. Wow. I just wanted to let you know because I have been following your work for quite some time and this is just impressive. Keep up the great work.
i just found you on Youtube. looks like a lot of other people are beginning to see how great your blog is.
i had some questions about proactiv. i may just join the forums though. i love your site.
i just found you on myspace. lol i figured i would tell you becuz eveyrone else is. n e ways, i think chocoloate plays sumwhat of a role cuz i eat it and have breakouts sometimes
When consumed, I don't believe chocolate has any factor in whether or not an individual will or will not get acne. There is no proven evidence, and if there were, we'd all probably know about it by now.
You must be everywhere. I just found you on Hubpages. Loving the site. Keep up the great work.
how do u no all dis stuff
Thanks for all of your comments. I'm surprised to see this blog growing in popularity so rapidly. Thanks for the follows, and I appreciate all of your kind words.
If you have any questions, feel free to let me know.
I have to disagree with you. I generally eat dark chocolate and that is actually good for skin. Maybe cheap, sugary chocolate will do it to you, and I actually nixed all soda and chocolate out of my diet for a while and nothing happened. Maybe it's an allergic reaction for you, but for me, it doesn't do anything.
I'm not sure what in the chocolate causes pimples, but in this case it doesn't matter whether you have acne or not. Even some people without acne really get pimples due to chocolate, but I guess that has to do with your skin type etc. I don't get pimples due to chocolate, but I know people who do.
Good points. I guess it all really depends on the person. Good call tgRebecca.
Hi, Thanks for the post! Are there any foods that promote healthier looking skin?
Always thought this might have been an old wives tale, but whether its pure coincedence or not, I do seem to notice a mild outbreak after i indulge a little too much on chocolate.
But what is it in chocolate that actually causes this?
P Piola
How to Get Rid of Acne Scars
Does anyone else know regarding the question about chocolate and acne?
I'd be interested to know what studies are available?
Get Rid of Acne
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