Face Washing Tips and Mistakes!

Face Washing Tips and Mistakes

Face washing tips and mistakes: This page can be the difference in having and not having acne; honestly. Even if you're using the best topical acne product in the world, you may still have acne if you don't wash your face correctly.

With that being said, I want to take the time to give you some of the most common mistakes that people make when washing their face. Not only that, I also want to give you some face washing tips.

Face Washing Mistakes

When it comes down to it, many people think that face washing is easy. However, it's not always easy for everyone. For the most part, you must do things exactly as the instructions of the products that you're using say to do them, otherwise you won't get good results.

With that being said, don't make these face washing mistakes!

  1. Not following product instructions.
  2. Overwashing your face.
  3. Not face washing consistently.
  4. Washing face more or less than twice a day.
  5. Scrubbing.
  6. Not using a moisturizer.
  7. Not being gentle.

Face Washing Tips

The face washing tips pretty much go hand in hand with the face washing mistakes Some of these tips may sound stupid, but you'll want to implement each one into your routine, for the best results possible with your topical acne treatment.

Face Washing Tips to implement for success!

  1. Follow product instructions.
  2. Wash your face twice a day.
  3. Consistently wash your face.
  4. Be gentle with your application.
  5. Water temperature should be whatever makes you comfortable.
  6. Use a moisturizer when complete.

Face Washing Tips and Mistakes to Follow

A lot of you may think that Acne Teen is being way too picky. However, if you're not precise in almost every aspect when it comes to washing your face, your skin likely won't clear, or will take longer than normal to clear.

Face Washing Tips and Mistakes Articles

wash face twice a dayWash Face Twice a Day I have been getting a lot of emails lately inquiring how many times a day one should wash their face. You should all be washing your face twice a day!

wash face with warm or cold waterWash Face with Warm or Cold Water Many people have been flooding my inbox with the question, "Should I wash my face with warm or cold water?"

overwashing face makes acne worse

Overwashing Face Makes Acne Worse! I learned this the hard way; Overwashing your face will actually make your acne worse. Way worse! I first started to get acne back in my freshman year of high school.

Wash face with water only

Wash Face with Water Only? A lot of people who don't use acne products may decide to wash their face with only the use of water and nothing else. Is this okay?

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Whey Protein Acne

Back when I was not using Proactiv, I noticed that my acne seemed to become worse while drinking whey protein. However, this was always only a theory for when I took whey protein, my milk intake also increased. As you already know, Milk and Acne do relate to one another for milk has a lot of iodine, and iodine causes acne.

Does Whey Protein Cause Acne?

I did some research regarding the topic and found that there are no conclusive studies that suggest that whey protein causes acne outbreaks. However, there are acne supplements and home acne treatments that help clear your skin. Be sure to check out the post does weight lifting cause acne, if you're interested. With that being said, let's take a poll.

POLL: Does Whey Protein cause Breakouts?

Since there are no conclusive studies, the next best thing we can do is see how many people believe they're breaking out because of the intake of whey protein. With that being said, go ahead and vote in the poll to the left. After you vote, see the results, and see how many other people think that whey protein does or does not cause acne.

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Yoga Improves Acne!

I just started doing the P90X and I have to say that after one day of Yoga, my skin has definitely improved. As you already know, I was clear for some time because I used Proactiv. However, I got lazy and had a slight breakout. I'm now almost clear again, and I have to say that Yoga has definitely improved my complexion.

Yoga Improves Acne!

Theory or Reality?

I've said it once and I will say it again, exercise clears up acne, and it seems that Yoga does as well. To make sure I wasn't just making up some sort of theory, I went to Acne Talks and found that Yoga Is One Diverse Way To Fight Acne. According to Acne Talks, Yoga

  • Increases blood flow to your face.
  • Flushes toxins from your body.
  • Provides nutrients to the skin.

I have also heard that stress causes acne, and Yoga is a definite stress reliever and calming experience.

Can Yoga Help Improve my Acne?

Research suggests that it can! Acne Teen recommends doing yoga at least once a week. Other sites suggest doing it as much as 5 times a week for great improvements in your complexion. I recommend once a week for the fact that you should never do the same workouts every day.

But Yoga is for Girls...

Many guys think so, but it's not as easy as it looks. Trust me. Yoga is not only for girls, but it's for guys too, and it should be a vital part of anyone's fitness program. Yoga improves acne! Remember? I definitely recommend it.

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Does Sweat Cause Acne Over the past few days, I have been talking about how exercise clears up acne. To sum things up, exercise flushes toxins out of your body through sweat.

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Wash Face with Water Only?

A lot of people who don't use acne products may decide to wash their face with only the use of water and nothing else. Is this okay? What are some face washing tips and mistakes.

My experience with the "Water Only" regimen.

My acne didn't get better, but it didn't get worse either. At the same time however, my skin did become pretty irritated because of the fact that I wasn't using a moisturizer. Other then that, washing my face with just water was okay, but it didn't get rid of my acne.

Water alone, won't get rid of your acne!

If you have acne and you're looking for a way to get rid of it, using only water for washing your face likely won't do the trick. Most people actually need some form of topical acne treatment that contains either benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid to get rid of their acne.

Acne Teen Recommendation

If you don't have acne and washing your face with only water works, then why purchase a topical acne product? On the other hand, if you have acne and you're looking to get clear skin, the water only technique likely won't work for you, unless of course, you know how to get rid of your acne naturally.

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wash face with warm or cold waterWash Face with Warm or Cold Water Many people have been flooding my inbox with the question, "Should I wash my face with warm or cold water?"

overwashing face makes acne worse

Overwashing Face Makes Acne Worse! I learned this the hard way; Overwashing your face will actually make your acne worse. Way worse! I first started to get acne back in my freshman year of high school.

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Overwashing Face Makes Acne Worse

I learned this the hard way; Overwashing your face will actually make your acne worse. Way worse! As a part of my face washing tips and mistakes week, I had to tell you this. I first started to get acne back in my freshman year of high school. Like anyone who is uneducated in the topic of teen acne or acne in general, I thought that my face was breaking out due to the fact that it was dirty.

Overwashing Face Makes Acne Worseimage source: flickr

Don't Overwash your face!

I washed my face anywhere from 6 - 10 times a day with a bar of soap. The following bullets summarize what happened to my skin.

  • Yeah. Definitely not the smartest thing in the world, especially since you're only supposed to wash your face twice a day.
  • Not only that, most bars of soap carry high amounts of bacteria which can make your acne way worse.
  • Finally, because of the fact that I was washing my face so much, my skin became extremely dry and irritated.
  • Oh. My acne also worsened.

With the above being said, please don't make the same mistake that I made.

Made the mistake of Overwashing already?

  • If you've made the above mistake, you'll need to stop using all topical acne products for about a week.
  • You need to give your skin time to recover.
  • Purchase a moisturizer. I personally recommend the moisturizer I mentioned in the post, what should I use?
  • Until your skin recovers, only let it get wet twice a day.
  • After it's dried, apply a moisturizer.
  • After about a week, your skin will likely have recovered.


Yep. I was too lazy to think of a better headline. Lol. It happens. So overwashing your face will make your acne worse. When you overwash your face, you strip your skin of it's natural oils, then it begins overproducing oils. Thus, your acne becomes worse. So DON'T overwash your face.

Acne Teen's Related Posts

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Wash face with water only

Wash Face with Water Only? A lot of people who don't use acne products may decide to wash their face with only the use of water and nothing else. Is this okay?

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Wash Face With Warm or Cold Water?

Wash Face With Warm or Cold Water

Many people have been flooding my inbox with the question, "Should I wash my face with warm or cold water?" This is a great question, and since this week is Face Washing Tips and Mistakes week, I want to take the time to answer it.

However, before I say anything, I would like to thank all of you who are continuing readers. Acne Teen is really starting to become popular, and if it wasn't for you guys, I wouldn't be anything. This is probably the 50th blog or so that I have built, but the first blog I have built without quitting. Again, I give thanks to all of my readers for continuous motivation.

Should I wash my face with Hot Water?

From personal experience, hot water causes a lot of unnecessary irritation. Cool Fact #1: I've been doing research on the topic, and I found that hot water actually closes your pores. It's weird because most people believe that warm and hot water actually opens the pores. However, this doesn't hold true.

Should I wash my face with Warm Water?

For the past 5 years, I have been washing my face with warm water. It's my personal favorite, and in my opinion, causes the least amount of irritation. My recommendation to you is to use warm water.

Should I wash my face with Cold Water?

Like hot water, cold water can be very irritating to the skin. Cool Fact #2: Cold water actually opens the skin's pores. Originally, it was thought the exact opposite.

Warm water closes pores, cold water opens pores.

I was watching this video: Hot vs. cold water when washing the face, which was created by Dan from Acne.Org. According to Dan, warm water closes pores, while cold water opens pores. Dan also notes that it really doesn't make too big of a difference when it comes to the temperature of the water that you use when washing your face.

Acne Teen Recommendation

So should you wash your face with warm or cold water? I recommend using whatever makes you and your skin comfortable. If cold water works best for you, then use cold water. If warm water works best for you, then use warm water, and so on. I personally like warm water, but again, I recommend using whatever makes you and your skin comfortable.

Acne Teen's Related Posts

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overwashing face makes acne worse

Overwashing Face Makes Acne Worse! I learned this the hard way; Overwashing your face will actually make your acne worse. Way worse! I first started to get acne back in my freshman year of high school.

Wash face with water only

Wash Face with Water Only? A lot of people who don't use acne products may decide to wash their face with only the use of water and nothing else. Is this okay?

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Does Weight Lifting Cause Acne?

Does weight lifting cause acne? This week is really reinforcement week. I want you to all know that exercise clears up acne, and share with you my post, home acne treatment! I know that exercise has a bad name for acne, but really, exercising releases toxins through sweat. These are toxins that would and could otherwise lead to breakouts.With that being said, exercise is good for acne.

Does Weight Lifting Cause Acne
image source: flickr
  • On the other hand, what about weightlifting?
  • What about testosterone?
  • Does weightlifting cause acne?
  • Supplements Acne?

Weightlifting + ^ / Testosterone = Acne

Weightlifting seems to cause an increase in testosterone levels, and an increase of testosterone can lead to acne breakouts (Acne - The Testosterone Connection). With that being said, it seems like weightlifting can cause acne.


Don't stop lifting. Instead, I recommend using a good acne fighting product, and using that product on a consistent basis. Back when I was lifting, I still had clear skin because of the fact that I was using Proactiv. See my Before and after Proactiv photo.

Weight Training Supplements and Acne

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soy protein acneSoy Protein Acne After writing the whey protein acne post, people began asking me questions about soy protein and whether or not it can cause acne.

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Creatine Acne Can consumption of creatine cause acne? When it comes to having a good complexion and being a bodybuilder, life can become quite difficult.

Whey Protein Acne

Whey Protein Acne Back when I was not using Proactiv, I noticed that my acne seemed to become worse while drinking whey protein.

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Does Sweat Cause Acne Over the past few days, I have been talking about how exercise clears up acne. To sum things up, exercise flushes toxins out of your body through sweat.

yoga improves acne Yoga Improves Acne! I just started doing the P90X and I have to say that after one day of Yoga, my skin has definitely improved.

cardio improves acne Cardio Improves Acne! You know how I have been saying that exercise clears up acne? Well, it definitely does. Tomorrow is Day 10 of my P90X journey. If you're not familiar with the P90X, it's an intense home workout

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Wash Face Twice a Day!

I have been getting a lot of emails lately inquiring how many times a day one should wash their face. You should all be washing your face twice a day! You wanted an answer, and now you have it. But here's the thing, you'll want to continue reading this post so you don't make any major mistakes that will completely destroy your skin! Again, this is face washing tips and mistakes week. I hope you all enjoy it.

Wash Face Twice a Day

Face Washing Mistakes

A lot of people make the common mistake of over washing their face. This especially holds true for young teens, but don't worry Acne Teen is here to help. When I first had acne, I over washed my face big time. I would wash it 6 - 10 times a day. Guess what? It only made my acne worse. WAY WORSE! Don't be me! Don't make that mistake.

How many times a day should I wash my face?

I really can't say how important it is for you to understand that for clear skin, you only need to wash your face twice a day, with the right product. I personally recommend Proactiv. See my Before and After Proactiv Picture.

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overwashing face makes acne worse

Overwashing Face Makes Acne Worse! I learned this the hard way; Overwashing your face will actually make your acne worse. Way worse! I first started to get acne back in my freshman year of high school.

Wash face with water only

Wash Face with Water Only? A lot of people who don't use acne products may decide to wash their face with only the use of water and nothing else. Is this okay?

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Does Sweat Cause Acne?

Does Sweat Cause Acne

Does Sweat Cause Acne? Over the past few days, I have been talking about how exercise clears up acne.

To sum things up, exercise flushes toxins out of your body through sweat. These toxins would otherwise cause acne.

With that being said, sweating is ultimately good for acne. On the other hand, if you don't take care of your skin, then it can definitely lead to breakouts.

Does Sweating Help Acne?

I kind of summed this up above, but like I said, sweating definitely can help acne. Sweating is a natural body function that releases toxins from your body. In a sense, I guess you could say that you're sweating, so you don't breakout.

Acne From Sweat?

On the other side of the spectrum, you can definitely get acne from sweating if you don't properly take care of your skin in the first place. For example: If you sweat, and don't ever wash your face, sure your skin will get worse.


If you're looking for a good acne product, I always recommend Proactiv. I mean, just look at my Proactiv Before and After Picture. If that's not enough motivation to go out and try to get clear skin, then I don't know what is.

Summing it up...

Does sweat cause acne? If you're on a good acne regimen, sweating will only help by releasing toxins that would otherwise cause acne. However, if you never wash your face, then sweating will definitely make your acne worse. That's why I recommend following a good acne regimen. Like I said above, Proactiv is great! Acne Free in 3 Days is another great product.

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