Skip Breakfast = Acne Fast Cure?

Skip Breakfast = Acne Fast Cure?

11/11/2009 10:47:00 AM

Skip Breakfast = Acne Fast Cure

I totally hate bashing other people's opinions, but I have personally tried skipping breakfast to continue my body's fast, and attempt to get rid of my acne.

You want to know what I found out? I was completely wasting my time!

This post will become informative in just a quick second, but to quickly rant, I can't believe that I actually wasted my time with this garbage. Not eating until 12:00 in the afternoon was an idiotic move that I will never try again.

How the breakfast fast is said to work....

  • Continued Cleansing Process
  • Cleansing is good for acne!

Skipping breakfast and not eating anything until 12:00 PM is said to make your body continue its' cleansing process. I can agree with that.

And, as you may or may not already know, cleansing is a great way to get rid of acne, among building health on many different levels.

That's really the main jist of how things are supposed to work, but when I ran this little test, I found that nothing but negative outcomes occurred.

My Review:

  • 1 Fruit in the morning
  • 1 Glass of water as well.
  • I was tired!
  • I was hungry!
  • And after 1 month, NO results!

The skip breakfast for acne regimen that I read, allowed me to eat 1 fruit for breakfast, along with drinking a glass of water. I already drink that much water every morning, so that was nothing new to me.

Upon beginning my new routine, I found myself exhausted throughout each morning. Not only was I hungry, even after being on this routine for over a few weeks, I was also extremely tired.

By lunch, I found myself hungry for food. But my normal sized lunches were no longer cutting it.

By dinner, I found myself even hungrier. I'd eat far more than I used to at this time, as well.

After a month of this routine, my skin wasn't any closer to being any clearer. I basically starved myself, and went through tiring mornings, for no reason.

Don't do it!

  • I don't recommend it!
  • There are many other ways to get clear skin!
  • Eating breakfast gives you energy throughout the day.
  • Also, weight loss is promoted when you eat in the morning!

Whether you're on side #1 or side #2, I followed the routine, and had nothing to show for it. You can give it a try, but with all of the other possible ways to get clear skin, I wouldn't recommend it.

Eating a big breakfast, whether you believe it or not, is absolutely vital in any healthy lifestyle routine. When you eat a large meal in the morning, you're allowing your body to burn those calories throughout the day. You'll also feel more full, and more energized, as well!

I definitely wouldn't recommend skipping breakfast in an attempt to get rid of your acne! It didn't work for me, and I really don't see it working for many others.


Anonymous said...

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! you did it completely wrong buddy. Unfortunately you were misinformed through the method you used. Once you eat ANYTHING your body STOPS the cleansing and works to assimilate and digest the food you have consumed. For people who read this understand this person did not skip breakfast at all but rather ate when he/she was supposed to allow the body to cleanse and heal. Furthermore the no breakfast method for acne is effective however an even better way to stop acne is to maintain a dry fast for 1-3 days once every month or so until acne diminishes. I personally believe along with a number of medical experts that acne is rather a symptom of an over-active internal system. Omega 3 (EPA + DHA) can be beneficial for some balancing of hormonal acne, even better is omega 7 though it is costly.