How to STOP Using Benzoyl Peroxide

How to STOP Using Benzoyl Peroxide

11/20/2009 10:54:00 AM

If you're like me, you've been using Benzoyl Peroxide to treat your acne, because it's the only thing that you've found that actually works.

How to STOP Using Benzoyl Peroxide

Don't get me wrong here, I love B.P. because it cleared up my skin, but then again, I hate it, because it dried out my skin.

Then of course, you have the people who believe B.P. is bad for your skin, it causes skin cancer, and promotes aging...

I found a better ingredient!


  1. Been searching for a good product for a long time!
  2. Finally, I found it!
  3. It's called, Dr. Dermal.


1. Since the beginning of time, I've been searching for products that would work just as well as Benzoyl Peroxide, if not better than the ingredient.

2. And until now, (November, 2009) I didn't know that such a product existed.

3. The product I found is called, Dr. Dermal and its active ingredient is



  1. French Manufactured
  2. Nobody knows about this stuff!
  3. It actually works!


1. Not to be confused with, is a patented ingredient manufactured by the French firm Sederma.

2. Dr. Dermal, along with itself, are about as popular as a Youtube video with 200 views. NOBODY knows about this stuff!

3. But here's the thing, IT WORKS!

How I got lucky enough to find + try it...


  1. I found it on Social Spark
  2. I contacted the company, and told them about AcneTeen.Org
  3. They contacted me back, and sent me the product.


1. I was doing my usual internet job, and I stumbled across an ad on Social Spark. (Social Spark pays you to do posts about products, services, and contests.) Anyway, I saw the ad for Dr. Dermal and decided to contact the company.

2. I contacted Dr. Dermal later that evening and told them about AcneTeen.Org, and how its a pretty popular blog. I asked them if I could use their product.

3. The next thing you know, they send me the goods, and I'm writing my Dr. Dermal Review.

If you want to stop using benzoyl peroxide...


  1. It's not easy, but it's good for you!
  2. You need a game plan!
  3. You need patience!
  4. If you're lazy, get Dr. Dermal.


1. It's not easy to stop using something that's worked so well, for so long. However, if you know there are better products out there that do NOT contain Benzoyl Peroxide, it's probably a good idea to switch to those products.

2. If you do decide to quit using Benzoyl Peroxide, you need a game plan. Whether you decide to purchase Dr. Dermal, or use some other treatment, be sure to read your reviews, and make sure that product actually works, before you ruin your face.

3. Finally, this can take patience. I've been using Benzoyl Peroxide for what, 5 years now? Up until now, that's what worked best for me. It may take time to figure out what works best for you too.

4. If you're lazy, just purchase Dr. Dermal. It works, people! It works extremely well.

Related Benzoyl Peroxide Posts:

  1. Does Benzoyl Peroxide Cause Cancer?
  2. Is Proactiv BAD for Your Skin?
  3. Proactiv Bleaches Eyebrows, Hair, Clothes?
  4. Time Released Benzoyl Peroxide!
  5. How to STOP Using Benzoyl Peroxide


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