Are Energy Drinks Bad For You?

Are Energy Drinks Bad For You?

11/05/2009 03:49:00 PM

Are Energy Drinks Bad For You

The following post is a guest post!

Feeling awake and alert is always a great feeling! Nobody likes to feel tired and groggy all day, and to get that extra boost, some people will do anything to get their day going.

But are energy drinks bad for you?

People turn to them thinking that it will help them focus and stay alert, only to find out that a few hours later, they are back to where they started again.

The reason why you get that extra boost -

  • Sugar - Bad!
  • Caffeine - Bad!
  • Vitamins* - Too Much! Can be bad!

Side effects of Energy Drinks -

  • Weight Gain
  • Acne
  • Jitters
  • Many others*

What people fail to mention is the weight that you can gain when you have energy drinks and the acne problems that can come from having tons of sugar and caffeine. It can quickly become an addiction and anything that's not in moderation, can definitely be unhealthy.

Dangers of Caffeine -

  • Anxiety
  • Cardiac Arrythmia
  • Stomach Problems

Caffeine is good for you sometimes, if you don't get hooked on it. There are dangers that come when you take to much caffeine. It can cause anxiety problems, cardiac arrhythmia, and stomach problems. Do I have to say it again? BAD!

Feeling a bit stressed and freaked out by that? You'll feel double the panic when you have too much caffeine. Most energy drinks have loads of caffeine it, around 65mg and some even have 280 mg which would be around 6 cups of coffee. Imagine having all of that in one sitting, and how jittery it would make you feel.

Both adolescents and children consume energy drinks because they also think that is healthy for them. Before long, empty calories will cause them to gain an unhealthy amount of weight. Acne problems may also occur because of the amount of sugar and caffeine consumed.

Recommendation -

If you consume crazy amounts of energy drinks, you may want to lay off. They are bad for you, (even those little 5 hour ones) and they can become addicting.

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Source - Boston