Upper Lip Acne

Upper Lip Acne

8/21/2009 04:31:00 PM

This post practically works together with my post about lip acne, so bare with me.

When it comes down to it, a pimple on your upper lip can and usually is either one of two things.

  1. You're safe! It's only a pimple.
  2. Oops. You have a cold sore aka herpes.

When it comes down to it, you must look at the side effects to know what you have. The side effects of lip herpes can be read by clicking the link at the top of this post that says, "lip acne." Once you click that link, look for the green subtitle that says, "Is it herpes or is it acne?" That will tell you exactly how to know whether or not you have herpes or a zit on your upper lip.

Other types of Face Acne

  1. Forehead
  2. Chin
  3. Cheeks
  4. Hairline
  5. Nose
  6. Ear
  7. Pimple Between nose and cheek
  8. Neck
  9. Eyes --> Eyebrows
  10. Lip --> Upper Lip --> Lower Lip


Nathan said...

I'm a virgin, so it's not herpes, it's the worst kind of acne cause it looks like a moustache!!

Eyden said...

You don't have to be a virgin to get oral herpes.

Oral herpes can be obtained via a kiss or simply by taking a sip out of someone else's drink.

If your "lip acne" has a stinging sensation, it could definitely be herpes.

Anonymous said...

yall stupid just go to a dr and ask him how to help u and wat u have duh

Get Rid of Acne said...

Ouch! Pimples right around the lip area hurt! They can be tiny but really painful! Thankfully, from my experience, they don't seem to last as long as pimples around other areas of the face.

Get Rid of Acne Scars