Acne on Cheeks

Acne on Cheeks

8/20/2009 05:42:00 PM

For me, this is acne on the cheeks is actually somewhere that I have never really had much of a problem. However, that doesn't mean I can't help you if this is your problem area. Much like chin and lip acne, cheek acne can be quite embarrassing. Lip acne probably comes in first place though. Anyway, when you have a pimple or a zit in this area, it can cause a lot of major problems; Especially when you try to pop or pick it.

Problem with Cheek Pimples

The problem is often caused by the soft skin. As you're already probably well-aware, your cheeks are often the softest part of your face. This can cause major problems for those that like to touch, pick, and try to pop zits in these locations.

Compared to hard locations of the skin, such as the forehead, the cheek must always be taken care of extremely gently. I'm not saying that other places of your face shouldn't be taken with the same care, but you must be extremely gentle with your cheeks.

To get rid of a cheek pimple

You can and you are allowed to pop a zit without scarring, as long as you know how to do it correctly. If you need to get rid of one or two zits in this location, read my post on How to Get Rid of a Zit.

To get rid of cheek acne

To get rid of cheek acne for good, you'll want to find a good acne fighting product. I personally love Proactiv. Be sure to read my full Proactiv Review. If Proactiv isn't for you, then you may be interested in trying some of my other home remedies.

Remember, everyone is different, and at Acne Teen, we know that. However, we are here to help. Feel free to check out the Acne Forums and the Acne Teen Store for information on some of the best products we have for fighting acne.

Other types of Face Acne

  1. Forehead
  2. Chin
  3. Cheeks
  4. Hairline
  5. Nose
  6. Ear
  7. Pimple Between nose and cheek
  8. Neck
  9. Eyes --> Eyebrows
  10. Lip --> Upper Lip --> Lower Lip