Zinc Acne

Zinc Acne

7/02/2009 12:07:00 PM

Yesterday, I stumbled across this great website which talked about using Zinc to combat acne. This is actually the same site where I obtained the information for my Vitamin A for Acne post. The site I am talking about contains natural acne treatments, and zinc for acne just happens to be one of those treatments. By the way, check out my supplements acne and home acne treatment articles for more info.

Does Zinc Help Acne?

According to Gmuntz, it most certainly does. However, like anything else, you're cautioned that too much zinc and too little zinc can actually weaken your immunity, causing your acne to worsen. Also note that results may take up to 3 months to show.

Zinc Acne Regimen

For this regimen, it's first recommended that you contact your doctor. Make an appointment and make sure that adding more zinc to your diet is something that would be okay to do. While on this regimen, it's recommended that you intake 30 mg of zinc two to three times a day. To avoid a copper deficiency, you must also take 2 to 3 mg of copper a day. Remember to be consistent with this regimen. Like anything else, consistency is your key to success.

Acne Teen Recommendation

If you're looking to clear your acne naturally, this would be a good route to take. However, please remember that you must be consistent in this regimen. Also remember that there are many other supplements and things that you can take to help improve your acne. For example, fish oil helps clear acne also. Try your best to improve your overall diet, and not just the zinc aspect of it for best results.

Zinc Acne Related Posts

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Other Good Supplements

  1. Echinacea for Acne?


Anonymous said...

would this be alright to use along with proactiv

Anonymous said...

would it be ok the take zinc while also using proactiv solution

Anonymous said...

would it be ok the take zinc while also using proactiv solution

Anonymous said...
