Vitamin B5 Acne Cure?

Vitamin B5 Acne Cure?

2/17/2010 01:50:00 PM

When I got tired of using Benzoyl Peroxide based products to treat my acne, I decided to look into supplementation. I found a lot of information, and after looking at a forum post on Acne.Org, I became extremely interested in supplementing with Vitamin B5 to completely cure my acne.

Is It Too Good To Be True? Although it may seem like a good and natural way to cure your acne, and although there are some benefits of supplementing with Vitamin B5, I really don't recommend using this method.

How To:

Supplementing with Vitamin B5 for acne is extremely simple.

  1. Buy Vitamin B5 Supplement
  2. For first few days, take 5 grams.
  3. Then, up to 10 grams for 3 months.
  4. After 3 months, continue or stop taking.

It All Sounds Really Simple. But according to an Acne.Org Forum Post,

  • 5 grams of Vitamin B5 = 10 pills.
  • 10 grams = 20 pills.

Some Side Effects / Negatives:

Many people on Acne.Org have reported some of these MAJOR side effects. Again, this is why I DO NOT recommend supplementing with Vitamin B5 for acne!


  • Hairloss
  • Hair Thinning
  • Diarrhea
  • Initial Breakout
  • Too Many Pills
  • Pricey


Although there were some negatives, 76% of Acne.Org users actually recommended Vitamin B5.


  • Clearer Skin
  • Completely Clear
  • Reduction in Pore Size
  • Reduction in Redness
  • No More Oily Skin

Should I Supplement with B5?

Taking 20 pills a day sounds like overkill. Although many people claim that topical acne treatments are usually bad for your health, I think that taking too much B5 could be even worse.

I DO NOT recommend this method.

However, if you think that this may work for you, PLEASE ask your doctor before beginning!


dwyeap said...

The Best Answer For All Acne Problems

Acne is an inflammatory disease of the skin, caused by changes in the pilosebaseous units (skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and its associated sebaceous gland). Acne usually appears during adolescence in its most common form known as "acne vulgaris", which means common acne. The revolutionary Acnezine, the natural acne treatment product is out in the market to help you solve the never-ending problem of acne.

how to get rid of acne fast said...

This is true and i also know that lack of vitamin b increases the skin infections and other damages.Well this is good information as a well guided article.Hope this will work.

Secret B5Stops said...

Vitamin B5 restores conventional hormonal good balance to the entire body. Take up to 50mg thrice daily. Be sure to not require an excessive amount because doing so might create, aggravate the acne situation.
B5 is an essential vitamin and can be found in our everyday diets. Foods such as eggs, yeast, whole-wheat, broccoli and red meat all contain vitamin B5.
Body Acne

Treatingacne said...

Amazing article! This is what I have been looking for. To

get valuable information that would help me clear up my

acne problems. I have tried plenty of products but some

of them works but some were not. I need to find a good

acne product that will give me immediate results. Thanks

for posting!

Cure for Acne said...

I have the same problems as you guys too .I am 13 and got acne on my shoulders, chest, and back last year. I am very embarrassed when I go to parties and people ask me why I am not swimming or something like that. I thought that I was alone, because none of my friends have it.

Anonymous said...

I have been doing 1500 mg of a b5 supplement that also has herbs and a, c, zinc and biotin along with acetyl-L carnitine for two weeks now and my acne has cleared. I use Acneticin...found online.
I am NOT doing the megadoses and am getting good results. You should also take a b complex as I have heard your body depletes these when taking higher b5 doses. Stop taking multivitamins. I think I used to take too much. I still have to take a calcium/
d/magnesium supplement for bones. I also take 2-3 T of organic unrefined coconut oil everday and very low sugar diet...or you will get fat and sugar is the enemy for everything. You must eat a good diet with plenty of veges...low grains and not a lot of meat. No tea or water. Water water water ;) good luck