How to Treat Acne: Naturally & Artificially

How to Treat Acne: Naturally & Artificially

12/28/2009 09:12:00 AM

As a part of my, "How to Get Rid of Acne" Guide, I want to teach you how to treat your acne both naturally, and artificially.

After reading the below information, check out

The following information will sum up all of the possible ways you can treat your acne. More information can be found about each specific method by following the link provided after that method is discussed.

Natural Acne Treatment:

US Customs And Border Patrol Processes Holiday Travelers

There are two different ways you can attempt to treat your acne naturally.

  1. Topically
  2. From within

1. Natural Topical Acne Treatment:

My most recent discovery is a product called Dr. Dermal. It is the best acne product that I have ever used, along with the best natural topical acne treatment that I have ever used. The full Dr. Dermal Review can be read by clicking the link in this sentence.

I have tried other topical natural acne treatments as well, but they never seemed to do much.

More can be read about Natural Topical Acne Treatments once the page is available.

2. Natural Acne Treatment From Within:

Many people who have trouble with acne look to treating their skin from within. This usually means eating healthier, exercising, and overall, living a healthier lifestyle.

An example of a great way to treat your acne from within, is the "8 glasses of water a day for acne," method. It really does work, and I definitely recommend trying it.

More can be read about Diet and Acne once that page is available.

If you're interested, Acne Free in 3 Days will teach you everything you need to know about treating your acne naturally.

Artificial Acne Treatment:

Portrait of a Male Teenager Cleaning his Acne

There are two different ways you can attempt to treat your acne naturally.

  1. Topically
  2. From within

1. Artificial Topical Acne Treatment:

Artificial topical acne treatment usually means treating acne with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. Sadly, these ingredients are in many store purchased products, because we, (the world as a whole), really don't know how else to treat acne.

More can be read about Artificial Topical Acne Treatments once the page is available.

2. Artificial Acne Treatment From Within:

Treating acne artificially, from within your body, usually means taking oral antibiotics. Products like accutane (for girls and guys), and birth control (for girls), is often used to get rid of acne.

More can be read about Artificial Acne Treatment from within once the page is available.

I hope this helped!

This post was meant to teach you how to treat your acne both naturally, and artificially. This basically sums up all possible ways you can go about treating your acne.

More in depth information about each of the above topics can be found by "reading more" about that topic, once those pages are available.


mbt footwear said...

The methods that you have describe over here are seems perfect for Acne.I generally prefer the natural treat for Acne problem.Those are quite effective and away from side effects.

skin tag removal said...

Acne is a skin condition often associated with the hormonal imbalances of teenagers, yet twice as many adults suffer from acne as teens. There are a number of commercial or pharmaceutical products for acne, some work better than others. There are also a number of natural remedies that have proven effective at controlling the condition.Nice information.