How to Get Rid of Acne Really Fast - Follow TWO Rules!

How to Get Rid of Acne Really Fast - Follow TWO Rules!

12/23/2009 11:32:00 PM

This guide will teach you How to Get Rid of Acne Really Fast by following TWO simple rules.

Close-up of a calculator


Before I tell you the TWO simple rules to clearer skin, understand that

  • They will definitely clear up your skin,
  • But they may not completely get rid of all of your acne.

If you're picky like I am, you'll want a flawless complexion.

That's where the Acne Free in 3 Days Guide will come in. Now, the guide isn't free, but it does have some amazing information, and it will teach you how to get rid of your acne in 3 days, or your money back. So after you read this post, be sure to check that guide out.

Rule #1 - Drink Water!

Portrait of a young woman showing a water bottle

Whoever told you that acne isn't affected by your diet has taught you incorrectly. Did you know that acne can actually be treated by simply changing your diet?

Sure, there's no scientific connection between acne and diet.

But start drinking 8 - 8oz glasses of water everyday, [12 - 15 to really clean out your system] and tell me if that doesn't help clear up your skin. If after 3 days, you haven't seen an improvement in your complexion, come back to this post and complain.

Rule #2 - No Energy Drinks or Soda

A can of energy drink

If you drink them, stop. Drinking soda and or energy drinks is just asking for acne. They, [the acne community] says that pop doesn't cause acne.

But I think we can all agree that pop leads to dehydration.

And guess what? Dehydration is a major reason for acne.

I'm not saying that sugar causes acne, because there's no direct link [even if I personally believe that it does], but if I am going to at least make my argument scientifically valid, I'll speak about the soda - dehydration - acne, link. And that is definitely real.

My 2 Gifts to You

By following the 2 simple tips above, you'll be on track to learning more about how to get rid of your acne really fast.

If you really do have the money, I recommend checking out the Acne Free in 3 Days Guide. If you don't like it, you can return it for a full refund, but I highly recommend giving it a chance.

On the free side of the spectrum, I am in the process of writing a How to Get Rid of Acne: FREE A+ Guide, so you'll definitely want to check that out as well.