How To Treat Acne Naturally: 2 Methods

As I discussed in my previous post, "How to Treat Acne: Naturally & Artificially," there are two ways to naturally clear your skin.

  1. Topically
  2. From Within

To sum up the previous post, I discussed

  • the use of Dr. Dermal for your #1 natural and topical acne treatment.
  • I mentioned the fact that you'll have to live a healthier lifestyle.
  • I also mentioned Acne Free in 3 Days,

I wanted to take the time now, to go into a little more detail about how you can treat your acne naturally. But before I do, know that this entire guide is part of my, "How to Get Rid of Acne: Free A+ Guide!"

Naturally + Topically Treat your Acne

Dr. Dermal Review

For the longest time, it's been thought by many that to naturally treat your acne, you'd have to do it in two ways: 1st, you'd have to do it topically. 2nd, you'd have to do it from within. Those days are over.

Dr. Dermal is a new (as of 2009). I tested their natural products and have even been speaking with the owner of the company. This product will clear your skin, without any negative side effects.

As for other natural and topical products that will treat your acne, without having to cleanse your body from within as well.... Well, there aren't any that I am aware of.

To read more, check out natural topical acne treatments.

Naturally Treat your Acne From Within

Glass of milk with fruits

There are many ways that you can go about naturally treating your acne from within. My at home acne treatment guide, is a great place to begin.

But if you're looking for a more specific how-to, I would definitely check out Acne Free in 3 Days. When it comes to treating your acne naturally, and from within, this is the best guide on the market.

More can be read about Naturally Treating your acne from within once that page is available.

I hope this helped!

This post was meant to go over more specifics on how you can go about treating your acne naturally.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them.

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How to Treat Acne: Naturally & Artificially

As a part of my, "How to Get Rid of Acne" Guide, I want to teach you how to treat your acne both naturally, and artificially.

After reading the below information, check out

The following information will sum up all of the possible ways you can treat your acne. More information can be found about each specific method by following the link provided after that method is discussed.

Natural Acne Treatment:

US Customs And Border Patrol Processes Holiday Travelers

There are two different ways you can attempt to treat your acne naturally.

  1. Topically
  2. From within

1. Natural Topical Acne Treatment:

My most recent discovery is a product called Dr. Dermal. It is the best acne product that I have ever used, along with the best natural topical acne treatment that I have ever used. The full Dr. Dermal Review can be read by clicking the link in this sentence.

I have tried other topical natural acne treatments as well, but they never seemed to do much.

More can be read about Natural Topical Acne Treatments once the page is available.

2. Natural Acne Treatment From Within:

Many people who have trouble with acne look to treating their skin from within. This usually means eating healthier, exercising, and overall, living a healthier lifestyle.

An example of a great way to treat your acne from within, is the "8 glasses of water a day for acne," method. It really does work, and I definitely recommend trying it.

More can be read about Diet and Acne once that page is available.

If you're interested, Acne Free in 3 Days will teach you everything you need to know about treating your acne naturally.

Artificial Acne Treatment:

Portrait of a Male Teenager Cleaning his Acne

There are two different ways you can attempt to treat your acne naturally.

  1. Topically
  2. From within

1. Artificial Topical Acne Treatment:

Artificial topical acne treatment usually means treating acne with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. Sadly, these ingredients are in many store purchased products, because we, (the world as a whole), really don't know how else to treat acne.

More can be read about Artificial Topical Acne Treatments once the page is available.

2. Artificial Acne Treatment From Within:

Treating acne artificially, from within your body, usually means taking oral antibiotics. Products like accutane (for girls and guys), and birth control (for girls), is often used to get rid of acne.

More can be read about Artificial Acne Treatment from within once the page is available.

I hope this helped!

This post was meant to teach you how to treat your acne both naturally, and artificially. This basically sums up all possible ways you can go about treating your acne.

More in depth information about each of the above topics can be found by "reading more" about that topic, once those pages are available.

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How to Get Rid of Acne Really Fast - Follow TWO Rules!

This guide will teach you How to Get Rid of Acne Really Fast by following TWO simple rules.

Close-up of a calculator


Before I tell you the TWO simple rules to clearer skin, understand that

  • They will definitely clear up your skin,
  • But they may not completely get rid of all of your acne.

If you're picky like I am, you'll want a flawless complexion.

That's where the Acne Free in 3 Days Guide will come in. Now, the guide isn't free, but it does have some amazing information, and it will teach you how to get rid of your acne in 3 days, or your money back. So after you read this post, be sure to check that guide out.

Rule #1 - Drink Water!

Portrait of a young woman showing a water bottle

Whoever told you that acne isn't affected by your diet has taught you incorrectly. Did you know that acne can actually be treated by simply changing your diet?

Sure, there's no scientific connection between acne and diet.

But start drinking 8 - 8oz glasses of water everyday, [12 - 15 to really clean out your system] and tell me if that doesn't help clear up your skin. If after 3 days, you haven't seen an improvement in your complexion, come back to this post and complain.

Rule #2 - No Energy Drinks or Soda

A can of energy drink

If you drink them, stop. Drinking soda and or energy drinks is just asking for acne. They, [the acne community] says that pop doesn't cause acne.

But I think we can all agree that pop leads to dehydration.

And guess what? Dehydration is a major reason for acne.

I'm not saying that sugar causes acne, because there's no direct link [even if I personally believe that it does], but if I am going to at least make my argument scientifically valid, I'll speak about the soda - dehydration - acne, link. And that is definitely real.

My 2 Gifts to You

By following the 2 simple tips above, you'll be on track to learning more about how to get rid of your acne really fast.

If you really do have the money, I recommend checking out the Acne Free in 3 Days Guide. If you don't like it, you can return it for a full refund, but I highly recommend giving it a chance.

On the free side of the spectrum, I am in the process of writing a How to Get Rid of Acne: FREE A+ Guide, so you'll definitely want to check that out as well.

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How to Get Rid of Acne: FREE A+ GUIDE!

I feel like AcneTeen.Org is getting pretty messy and difficult to follow. This post is going to sum up the basic idea of not only how get rid of acne, but the entire idea of AcneTeen.Org.

[This guide is currently being worked on. Links will become available as articles are written for each topic below. Bookmark AcneTeen.Org so you have access to this guide at all times!]

Everything you need to know about acne! -

  1. How to treat your acne.
    • Naturally
      • Topically - Best products I have used!
      • From within - Best home treatments!
    • Artificially
      • Topically - Best products I have used!
      • From within - Things people recommend.
  2. BIG Acne Myths
    • Diet and Acne: What's the truth?
    • Acne is caused by poor hygiene?
  3. Top 10 Common Acne Q & A
    • Is there a cure for acne?
    • Is acne caused by eating greasy foods?
    • Is acne caused by pizza?
    • Is it okay to pop a pimple?
    • Is acne caused by dirt?
    • Does sun help clear up acne?
    • Is acne contagious?
    • Is acne caused by drinking soda?
    • Will acne go away on its own?
    • Are there any acne treatments that actually work?
  4. Top 10 Acne Mistakes
    • Believing everything you read is true.
    • Believing acne is NOT diet related.
    • Buying random acne fighting products.
    • Lack of patience.
    • Drinking soda / energy drinks.
    • Not drinking water.
    • Not following product instructions.
    • Overwashing your face.
    • Inconsistency with use of your acne product.
    • Mixing products.

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Hardgainer Calorie Calculator!

I told you guys that I would be doing a follow up to my Hardgainer Weight Gain Guide post, and the Calorie Calculator below is extremely useful.

Instructions on use.

1st - Choose which units you'd like to use.

2nd - Choose your gender.

3rd - Enter your height.

4th - Enter your weight.

5th - Enter your age.

6th - Choose Gain 1lb per week

7th - Choose your activity level! Be honest!

8th - Interpret information.

Tweaking the results -

This hardgainer calorie calculator only gives you the option to add on 1lb per week. If you'd like to add on 2lbs per week, simply add another 500 calories to the recommended amount of calories the calculator stated to consume to gain 1lb per week.

Why is this vital to your success?

Well, to be totally honest with you, you're probably not eating enough to maintain, let alone gain weight. If you're a hardgainer, which I assume you are, since you're viewing this page, then you must eat at least 500 more calories then your body needs to operate on a daily basis.

Do the Math!

  • 3,500 calories = 1lb.
  • You'll have 3,500 calories stored at the end of each week.
  • Which = 1lb added to your body.

  • 7,000 calories = 2lbs.
  • You'll have 7,000 calories stored at the end of each week.
  • Which = 2lbs added to your body.

Either route is a good route to take!

Usually, trainers recommend eating 500 more calories than your intake, because eating 1,000 usually means that your body will store a little more fat.

However, if you don't mind gaining the wait now, and toning up later, go ahead and eat the 1,000. You'll gain a good 8 pounds, (instead of 4 pounds), per month that way.

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At Home Teeth Whitening: 7+ Tips, Tricks, & Mistakes

At home teeth whitening is the difference between spending little money for great results, and big money for similarly great results.

Over the years, I have tested multiple products, both store and homemade, and now know, in my opinion, the best way to get white teeth from the products you can find within your own home.

What this guide will go over...

In this little guide, I'm going to talk about 7+ tips, tricks, and mistakes regarding at home teeth whitening. Each of these tips will link to a more in-depth description of the idea of that tip. If a link is not available, the corresponding page has not yet been created.

First, we'll begin with great ways to get a whiter smile from home. Then, I'll talk about things that you should NOT do, in an attempt to beautify your teeth.

How To: Whiten Teeth at Home

  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Baking Soda
  • Apples
  • Drink Water

Hydrogen Peroxide

Yes. It's the stuff you'll find in most medicine cabinets.

But did you know this same ingredient is used in products like

  • Crest Whitestrips
  • Listerine Whitening Mouth Wash
  • & other similar commercial products?

Use this stuff twice a day before or after brushing your teeth.

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Baking Soda

Get back to the basics. Get some baking soda, and mix it in with your favorite toothpaste. If you're too lazy to do that, just purchase toothpaste that contains baking soda. Arm and Hammer toothpaste is always good.

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Close-up of a granny smith apple in front of red apples

Did you just drink some nasty coffee? Maybe you just ate a snack? Apples are natural teeth cleaners. Eating them after a meal is a great way to remove plaque, and keep your teeth even healthier and cleaner. Some people say that their teeth even became whiter.

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Drink Water

Glass of Mineral Water

Again, it's another great way to remove nasty food from your mouth. We've all eaten and gotten food stuck between our teeth. Drink water during each meal to remove plaque, and brighten your smile.

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Mistakes: Avoid removing tooth enamel!

  • Lemon Juice
  • Strawberries.

Lemon Juice

Thinkstock Single Image Set

Sure, it will make your teeth whiter. But it will also make your teeth 'invisible' by removing enamel. I definitely don't recommend following this trick!

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A strawberry

Like lemons, strawberries are actually very acidic. They can actually ruin your teeth. Again, it's not something that I recommend doing!

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Homemade Teeth Whiteners: The 'way' to go.

Sure, there are products you can buy that will get the job done. But if you don't have the money to spend, stick to the recommended at home teeth whitening tricks above. They'll get the job done. Best of all, you likely won't experience any teeth sensitivity... Which most other products will cause.

Share your tips!

If you think I missed something, share your tips below in the 'comment section.' If they're good tips, I will add them to this article. :)

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Dr. Dermal: Positive +++

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Dr Dermal. All opinions are 100% mine.

As you already know, I have been reviewing Dr. Dermal, a new acne range, and one of the best acne products that I have ever used.

There are many positives to Dr. Dermal, which I have already stated in my other review, but I wanted to make note of more of the positives here.

Dr. Dermal is side effect free

I have been using it for around 2 months now and have never experienced common side effects other topical acne treatments usually cause. All other acne products that I have tried usually cause skin dryness and irritation, but Dr. Dermal has no side effects at all.

Dermatologist Endorsed

Did you know that topical acne treatments do not need to be dermatologist endorsed to hit the market? Dr. Dermal went to the next level of topical acne treatment products, meaning that their products are dermatologist endorsed.


Finally, Dr. Dermal does NOT test their products on animals, and the ingredients in their products are legal in all countries.

Personal Experience

My experience with Dr. Dermal has been amazing. I have been speaking to the owner of the company. He's a really good guy, and I hope to see his product go mainstream soon. It's sad that more people don't know about this stuff, because it works extremely well.

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Benzoyl Peroxide: Side Effects and How to Avoid Them

If you're deciding to use benzoyl peroxide to treat your acne, you must know that there are some major side effects, that you'll definitely want to avoid.

Here are some products that contain benzoyl peroxide:

Skin Side Effects of using benzoyl peroxide to treat acne:

  • Dry
  • Red
  • Itchy
  • Flaky
  • Stinging
  • Tight

Possible Allergic Reactions:

It's now being said that if you decide to use benzoyl peroxide, you should first apply it to your arm for 3 - 4 days, to see if any allergic reactions appear. That way, they don't appear on your face.

Here's a list off possible allergic reactions:

  • Rash
  • Hives
  • Itching
  • Dizziness
  • Trouble breathing
  • Tightness of chest
  • Swelling

Preventing Side Effects

Preventing an allergic reaction isn't possible. However, it's definitely possible to prevent some side effects from occurring if you do some of the following things correctly.

  • Stick to 2.5% benzoyl peroxide.
  • 10% is way too strong, and is usually not necessary.
  • Get a good moisturizer. I like Alba Aloe and Green Tea Moisturizer.
  • Moisturize twice a day.
  • Never wash your face more than twice a day.
  • When washing your face, take your time
  • Slowly ramp up dosage.
  • Only use once a day at first.
  • Be gentle.

Still having trouble?

  • If you're still having a difficult time with the use of benzoyl peroxide, feel free to leave a comment below.
  • By following the tips above though, you should be able to avoid some of the side effects that come along with the use of B.P.

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Nevelocity.Com: Is It Real?

I just watched an episode of iCarly on Nickelodeon, and figured I would do a post about Nevelocity. Everyone wants to know, is Nevelocity real?

The answer to that question is, no. Nevelocity was created for the purpose of iCarly, and nothing more. It is not a real site, and even if it was, it would not have 6 million pages views per day.

Australian Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards 2009 - Awards Room
  • iCarly is so popular, people actually type in things from the show or show's episodes to see if they're real.
  • According to Google, the word, "Nevelocity" gets typed in about 8,000 times a month.
  • One individual has gone through the trouble of creating a blogspot blog, for the traffic that comes from people hearing about the fake address.
  • If you do type in Nevelocity.Com, you'll go straight to iCarly.Com through a permanent redirect.
  • Nickelodeon owns this domain, but they may or may not own the name of the show.

Gaining Online Popularity like iCarly ;)

  • Even those "overnight celebrities," spent hundreds of hours creating their material, or writing their articles.
  • It's become more difficult to become popular online, since the first "web celebs." This is because the market has become more saturated.
  • Finally, if you do want to become popular, it takes hard work, and creativity. This holds especially true if you're holding a web show like iCarly.

Nevelocity will NEVER exist!

  • Unless Nickelodeon decides to give up the rights to the name, which they probably never will, Nevelocity will never exist.
  • Nickelodeon can't risk the chance of someone purchasing the name, and turning it into some sort of adult website.

iCarly Pictures via Picapp :)

Miranda Cosgrove

Variety's 3rd Annual Power of Youth Event - Arrivals

Nathan Kress

Teen Choice Awards 2009 - Arrivals

Jennette McCurdy

7th Annual Teen Vogue Young Hollywood Party - Arrivals

Jerry Trainor

Nickelodeon's 2009 Kids' Choice Awards

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P90X Nausea: Cause and Relief!

I just completed a day of Chest and Back for the P90X program, and yet again, the nausea has kicked in. Even though my body has ran through this routine a million times, it still makes me sick to my stomach.

Man Experiencing Nausea

As I sit here and type this message, I feel like I am going to throw up. Good to know, right? On a positive note, I'm laying down, and sipping on water. This seems to be relieving my nausea a little bit.

No other P90X Routine gives me problems...

  • I can even go through a routine of Plyometrics and still be fine. It's chest and back specifically, that seems to be causing me problems.
  • Then again, I'm also taking a few different supplements:
    • Muscle Milk
    • Nitric Oxide
    • Creatine

What causes the Nauseous feeling?

  • No matter how many times I run this P90X routine, I still get it.
  • Maybe the chest and back routine is a little overdone?
  • Even Tony Horton felt nauseous, as he stated it during the workout.


  • Sit OR lay down. Whichever feels better.
  • Drink small amounts of water every few minutes.
  • Boil white rice in water. Drink for relief. (via article base)
  • Drink peppermint water.
  • Rest.

For me, simply chillin out and relaxing has seemed to get the job done. Now that I have written this post, I feel better, but I think my nausea may come back if I begin to move around again.

Future P90X Workouts

  • I may just try to tone things down a bit.
  • I'll probably take a little bit longer breaks.
  • I may cut out the supplements that I am taking.

Overall, I really do not know what's causing my nausea, but I know it has something to do with P90X, or the supplements that I am taking.

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Hardgainer Supplements: What You Should Take to Gain Mass!

When it comes to supplements, hardgainers have a tendency to over-rely on them. I've done this before, and I am pretty sure that a lot of people have.

Zac Efron looking buff on the set of 'Entourage'

If you want to be successful, supplements are NOT vital to your success, but if you do want to speed up the mass-gaining process, they definitely do help. By the way, this is part 3 of my Hardgainer Weight Gain Guide!


  • Muscle Milk
  • Creatine
  • Nitric Oxide

About Each Supplement:

Each of the listed items above have their ups and downs.

Muscle Milk

+ High in Protein

+ High in Calories

+ Tastes Good

- High in Fat

- A little spendy

- May cause acne.


+ Provides extra fuel for the muscles during lifts.

+ Speeds up recovery process.

- Can sometimes cause diarrhea!

- Can be dehydrating.

- You must drink a lot of water to avoid negative side effects.

- A little spendy.

Nitric Oxide

+ Provides extra fuel for the muscles during lifts.

+ Speeds up recovery process.

- Receives mixed reviews.

- A little spendy.

Other Supplements

  • I never recommend taking anything illegal to make gains. Stick to the above items, and continue to look for reviews and do your research about other supplements.
  • Going to the gym and asking your local buff guys what they take can definitely help. However, do NOT make the below mistake!

Don't Make this Mistake!

Young woman eating home cooked meal
  • More often then not, hardgainers will go into "supplement overdrive," where they forget what's truly important.
  • Never let supplements replace your true fuel - food! More than any supplement on the planet, food is most important. You must eat 500 calories more than your body
  • To make gains your body must consume 500 more calories than it burns on a daily basis!

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Dr. Dermal Review: Day #14



  1. Why I haven't been posting
  2. Waiting for new shipment.
  3. Still clear.
  4. I still want to test other products.

1. Why I haven't been posting - I haven't been posting much about Dr. Dermal, because I really didn't want to repeat the same thing over and over again. (It works. It's a good product. I recommend it.) Nobody can read that 14 times in a row.

2. Waiting for new shipment - I have quickly ran out of the acne gel and am now waiting for 2 new shipments. I spoke with the owner of Dr. Dermal, much like I have been, and found out that I was using too much of the gel.

3. Still clear - If you're wondering, my skin is still clear. Even without the use of the gel.

4. I still want to test other products - Dr. Dermal is #1, and there is no doubt about it. However, my job at AcneTeen.Org is to test many products, so my testing is nowhere near done for this product, or any other product. Expect further analysis of Dr. Dermal, and other products soon enough.

More Information

  1. Email from Dr.Dermal.Com
  2. Dr. Dermal Review (Archives)
  3. Dr. Dermal Review: Day #1
  4. Dr. Dermal Review: Day #2
  5. Dr. Dermal Review: Day #3
  6. Dr. Dermal Review: Day #14

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