Water VS Energy Drinks

Water VS Energy Drinks

11/03/2009 12:47:00 PM

Water VS Energy Drinks

A few weeks ago, I had an amazing discovery that I just thought that I absolutely had to share with you guys. This discovery regards the "water vs energy drinks" competition.

For the longest time, I was drinking those little 5 hour energy drinks which are bad for you, and I noticed that when I did drink these shots, I had a number of problems.

  • If I drank these shots on an empty stomach, I would feel extremely tired.
  • If I didn't get enough sleep and I drank these shots, I would feel like poop.
  • When I drank energy drinks, my complexion would go south.

My problem wasn't that I wasn't getting enough sleep. In fact, for the most part, I was getting 8 hours of sleep every night.

My real problems

  • I wasn't drinking enough water.
  • I wasn't eating breakfast.

The day I started drinking water upon waking up, and eating a huge breakfast, (toast, cereal, a fruit, a vegetable) is the minute that I started to FEEL AMAZING every single day.

My Discovery

I first made the discovery during a vacation to Bend, OR. We stayed at a hotel which had Continental Breakfast. Every morning, I would eat pancakes, bacon, eggs, a fruit cup, along with drinking a bottled water.

When I had all of these items for breakfast, including the water, I felt more amazing than any old energy drink could ever make me feel.

This led me to the "Water vs Energy Drinks" match up. Here are some definite things to think about.

Kick Energy Drinks and Drink Water? Or, visversa?

I think you all know what the simple answer is. Water and a huge breakfast, is better than energy drinks any day of the week.

Another Quick Note: Energy Drinks Cause Acne! Kick the habit!

The fact is, energy drinks will only keep you going for a few hours. Some of them, they won't get you up and going at all.

Drinking water, along with having a big breakfast, will keep you going and feeling amazing up until lunch time. Eating lunch will continue to keep you up and running.

And if you continue to eat small meals throughout the day, along with drinking at least 20 oz of water every two hours, you'll be up and energized throughout the entire day.

So, ultimately, the decision is in your hands.

Would you rather drink an energy drink, and feel good for maybe a few hours, and then crash?

Or, would you rather drink water, eat 6 meals a day, and feel amazing throughout your ENTIRE day?


Anonymous said...

Way to give your personnel opinion and experience. Scientists get paid for a reason, How about a controlled study with say more than yourself. I have had acne for 15 years, I know my own skin. I can safely say I have never broken out from drinking energy drinks. Actually my skin has gotten better, but I wouldn’t equate that to energy drinks. Don’t get me wrong I don’t think energy drinks are good for you or people should be drinking them over water. I just don’t think you should be making remarks about personnel experiences trying to give information to people who may never have used or are wondering if energy drinks are worth it. Everyone is different, and if you do some actual research you would know that your own bodies’ blood volume has a lot to do with how things affect us. I have been exercising/lifting weights for 13 years. I am currently 200Lbs and my body can handle energy drinks. I have eggs potatoes and bacon/ham/sausage every morning with a glass of orange juice. I drink water all day and I eat at least 7 meals a day. I just finished drinking 20oz of coffee and maybe 2 ½ hours later I had a 5 hour energy shot. I feel awake and I know I will for the rest of the day because that is how my body handles it. Now should I post on a message board trying to act like a scientist and tell people that energy drinks are amazing and you should take them because they work for me? No, I shouldn’t because this works for me and probably won’t work for the average Joe. By the way if I don’t drink coffee or a 5 hour energy shot I have a hard time staying awake and having energy at the end of the day to help take care of my house, daughter, and two dogs. Morale of the story, keep your opinions to yourself.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your experience.

As for the 200 lb Anonymous ----- calm down, the guy/girl is just trying to help those in related experience. Perhaps those energy shots are getting you strung out. You sound stressed, with a high level of anxiety, and low tolerance to being open minded. Consider Yoga, rather your Ego.

- Friendly Reader

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i heard they put cat urine after they have eaten cat nip in 5 hour energy!!

Anonymous said...

Good Day!

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Anonymous said...

Good Day!

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Anonymous said...

Good Day!

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Anonymous said...

regarding the first anonymous poster...

Are you an advocate for socialism or communism? Just wondering.

Your upset because someone voiced an opinion/view different from your own? What if we never voiced our opinions? What if we just went on with our lives without any advice or any examples of success/failure? If the author of this post cannot voice his/her opinion then wouldn't that be Communism? For every great breakthrough or technological advancement there have surely been thousands of failures and bad opinions. What if these bad opinions never surfaced because YOU didn't want them to? Imagine walking into the supermarket to only find the most horrible tasting foods available. Now mind you, YOU cannot voice your opinion on what they should stock...right? YOU are forced to purchase horrible tasting food and just deal with it because, quite frankly, YOUR opinion doesn't matter and should not be voiced...right? If this is the way you feel then move to China. Its a communist state. Your opinion does not matter there and I am sure you would like it better.

Have a good day!

Anonymous said...

To the first poster: Wow, just wow. Keep your opinions about other people's opinions to yourself? lol

Anonymous said...

haha acne guys a sad panda cuz hes got nasty acne scars.. for me the only time i need an energy drinking is when i wake up say about 3 hours before i usually do.. it takes me almost a month to adjust from shifting my sleep times.. personnally believe if your are getting enough sleep and used to your sleeping pattern.. and are not over stressing yourself and your body you should have no need for energy drinks all they are is something addictive like coffee or cigs (i personally believe coffee is comparable to smokes not for health reasons) just say no to energy drinks unless your REALLY drained, but if you like spending your spare money on em do it up