Tanning Acne: CLEAR SKIN!

Tanning Acne: CLEAR SKIN!

11/29/2009 02:35:00 PM

Over the past few weeks, I have been receiving a number of emails from individuals stating that tanning actually helped clear up their acne.

Here's a recent email that I received!

Email from Reader

"Hey Taylor,

My name is Stephanie. I've been reading AcneTeen.Org for sometime now, and I noticed that you said tanning is bad for acne.

I'm usually all for your advice, but ever since I started going tanning, my acne has nothing but improved.

If tanning is so bad for your complexion, why did it give me clear skin?"

My Response:

"First off, I am simply glad to hear that your skin has cleared up so much. I want to congratulate you on that.

Much like yourself, I found success with tanning. Back in Summer of '08, I was the guy that you'd find laying out in his backyard saying to myself, "Does tanning help acne? Well, I sure think so, because my skin definitely seems to be clearing up!"

However, I would like to say that this is definitely NOT a method to overuse if you're trying to clear up your skin, and here's why:

Too much sun

  • Promotes aging.
  • Delays skins' healing process.
  • Causes dryness and other irritations.
  • Can cause more breakouts in weeks to come.

On the other-hand, some sun can

  • Clear up acne scars.
  • Dry out current pimples.

Although I wouldn't recommend tanning to clear up your acne, using this method in moderation can help you clear up your skin a little more than it originally was. "


Anonymous said...

Tanning just makes your skin red at first - this just helps disguise the redness of acne. It might look better at first but considering the long term damage it does not seem worth it

Eyden said...

I would definitely agree. Little bits of sun is okay, but going outside 1 - 2 hours regularly is NOT healthy!

Anonymous said...

Tanning helps short term
Then it comes back
Me and 3 of my friends tried it and it doesn't work.
You can try but being healthy with a bit of acne (even a lot) can't be worse than skin cancer...

Acne said...

Tanning is never a good idea, whether it's from the sun or a tanning bed, but it is especially true if you are using acne medications. Protecting your skin from the sun's rays is always important, but it becomes even more so when your acne treatments cause photosensitivity.