How to Get OUT of the Friend Zone! Part #2

How to Get OUT of the Friend Zone! Part #2

11/30/2009 08:40:00 AM

Getting out of the Friend Zone - Details

Stop asking her to be your girlfriend.

Question mark

If she wanted to be your girlfriend, don't you think she would've said, "yes," already? If she says, "no," she means it.

If she says, "maybe in the future," she means, "no," but she, A) wants to keep you around, because you're a good friend, or B) doesn't want to hurt your feelings.

Stop kicking it with her 24-7.

View of a clock with two businessmen in foreground

You have a life, don't you? Kick it with some of your other friends. Hanging out with her 24 - 7 shows that you not only have nothing better to do, but it also shows that you're trying way too hard to get her to be with you.

Be there for her during tough times, but don't overdo it

Woman crying

First off, ask yourself, "How hard does she really have it?" If it's a simple breakup she's dealing with, talk to her about it through texting, or phone. If you happen to talk to her about it in person, that's fine. However, don't make it your whole conversation. If that's all she wants to talk about, leave, or change the subject. Don't do anything you wouldn't do for any of your other friends!

Again, being there for her is fine, but overdoing it is bound to put you in the friend zone. "Yes, Lisa. Tommy was there for me the whole time. He's such a good friend," and trust me, this is not where you want to be.

Do not buy her flowers or other gifts!

Young man holding gift, smiling, portrait

Unless it's her birthday, and you've known her for quite some time, do not buy her anything. This means, no roses, tulips, or flowers of any kind. No teddy bears, no cuddly bears, no iPods, mepods, or youpods. No movie tickets, no ballet tickets - no nothing.

Buying a girls' love works just about as well as a broken computer - it doesn't!

Showering her with gifts will only show her that you're so insecure with yourself, that you don't know how to actually get her the 'right way.' Not to mention, it can be extremely annoying!

Never call her beautiful!

Woman applying lip gloss, close up

Do not call her beautiful. Even if it seems like the 'right moment,' don't do it. Girls want things that they can't have. If you call her beautiful, she knows she's got you already.

If you want to better the situation for yourself, say something like, "Hey. I mean, you're good looking - not my type, but you're good looking, though." Using a line like this, in the right situation, can be extremely beneficial, and actually get her chasing after you.

Don't be her servant!

Butler Holding Serving Platter with Lobster

It all comes back to treating her like you would your other friends. It's cool to make her a plate of nachos here and there, but don't go out of your way to do things for her. If she asks you to get her something to drink, or some sort of similar request, only do it sometimes. Other times, tell her that she can, "get it herself."

Live your life! Treat her like your other friends!

Group of friends watching tv

If you want to get out of the friend zone, you must start living your life the way you'd like to live it. This means, you need to treat this girl like all of your other friends! Why should she get any special treatment, anyway? She didn't earn it.

I don't care how much you obsess over her... Move on!

I don't care how much you love this girl, you'll have a better chance of getting with her later, if you move on now, and stop causing yourself more damage than you probably already have.

<-- How to Get OUT of the Friend Zone! Part #1

How to Get OUT of the Friend Zone! Part #3 -->


d3so said...

Good job in elaborating the list in the first post. These tips are really helpful and also basic.