Earlobe Cyst Removal TIP!

Earlobe Cyst Removal TIP!

11/06/2009 05:05:00 PM

As you probably already know, earlobe cysts can be extremely painful. Although my blog is about acne, I wanted to go ahead and take the time to teach you guys some removal tips that I've recently researched, and would think to be beneficial to those who are in need of some remedies.

Simple Treatment

Woman's Hair and Earlobe

Warm Water, Pad, or Cloth

  • Helps to remove the cyst.
  • Brings pus to surface.
  • Apply 2 times a day for 1 - 2 weeks.
  • 10 - 15 minutes per session.

Applying a warm water, a pad, or a cloth can be really beneficial in attempts to remove your earlobe cyst. By bringing the pus to the surface, it may make the cyst easier to remove.

All you have to do is apply one of the three recommended items above at least 2 times a day for 1 - 2 weeks. Make sure each session lasts the recommended 10 - 15 minutes.

Via - eHow

Other Sites Show Similar at Home Treatments

  • Not much information about earlobe cysts available.
  • Most sites say to try the warm water treatment.
  • If worst comes to worst, see your dermatologist.

I am extremely surprised at how difficult it actually is to find anything on the internet about earlobe cysts. It's either a rare topic, or a rarely researched one.

Regardless, most websites say to use the warm water / object treatment to remove pus from the earlobe, which will make it easier to get rid of.

If worst comes to worst, I would definitely recommend going to see your dermatologist.

If you know anything we don't, or you have a question, leave a comment!

Like I said, there just isn't a lot of information available regarding the topic of earlobe cysts, and how to remove them.

With that being said, if you have any treatments you'd like to share, please leave your comments below.

Also, if you have any questions, feel free to ask them. This page will likely be getting a load of views once I get it posted, so the chances are, an expert may just drop by and be able to answer your question.

Related Earlobe Cyst Posts

  1. Pimple On Earlobe???? Is it Posisble?


Anonymous said...

I have had an earlobe cyst for sometime now. It's gigantic. I have been looking for some ways to remove it, but I really think that with the size of the one I have, I'll have to go in to get it checked out.

Some of your tips have definitely helped, but there's no way it's going to completely solve my problem.

In final, I would like to mention that my earlobe cysts seemed to come out of nowhere. One day I woke up, and had one.

I don't know what causes these da** things, but I need to go in and get this removed asap.

Anonymous said...

Earlobe cysts are a big pain in the ***. i recently started getting a lot of little ones. if you leave them alone, they will usually go away. but i guess some people do have really bad ones like the guy said above.

the funny things about this is, there is not a lot of information on earlobe cysts. the guy who made this post is doing the best he can i know, but similar advice can be found across the net.

interestingly enough, every other internet topic is saturated with loads of information... seems like people forgot about earlobe cysts lol. it sucks

Eyden said...

Hey Guys.

When I wrote this post, I did the best I could, because quite honestly, there isn't a lot of information online about earlobe cysts.

Anonymous said...

I tried popping it with a needle, and it got worse! :(

Anonymous said...

"I have a painful cyst right on my earlobe. It's been there for about a month. It was real bad for a week, then it seemed to go away, but now it's back and very painful. I've taken a bit of Advil to see if that would help with the inflammation and it hasn't done much. I'm doing my best not to play with it. Does anybody have a suggestion on what I can do to get rid of this?"

This guy from Acne.org tried advil with no prevail. Someone else said to have it surgically removed.

I think we all just need to go into the doctor because like everyone else is saying, there's just not a lot about earlobe cyst online

Anonymous said...

I've had an ear cyst before. It sucks. I kind of feel one coming in right now. The thing is, I didn't get them until i was a little bit older. I don't know if that has anything to do with it though.

WTHECK said...


Eyden said...

All I try to do is help. I admit, ear cysts and earlobe cysts aren't my cup of tea. But still, I did the research and wrote the article, because I have had them before.

Anonymous said...

Earlobe Cysts are a big pain in the butt. I had to go to the doctor to get mine checked out. :(

Anonymous said...

"WTHECK said...
at least he can spell, I think you'll find its 'knows' not 'nos'.
More to the point, I thank the author for the post, this method help relieved the pain. I also get these cysts under the ear down my neck.
I would not recommend popping the cysts as it usually causes more discomfort.
If you don't mind posting your ages (for those who get cysts, and if you have facial acne) for personal research purposes :)

Anonymous said...

A sebaceous cyst (a form of trichilemmal cyst) also known as a "wen", is a closed sac or cyst below the surface of the skin that has a lining that resembles the uppermost part (infundibulum) of a hair follicle and fills with a fatty white, semi-solid material called sebum. Sebum is produced by sebaceous glands of the epidermis.

does know one about wiki

Anonymous said...

Tea tree oil and turmeric are great for decreasing swelling and drying up fluids in sebaceous cysts. First wash ear with soap and water and rinse thoroughly. Soak a cotton ball with tea tree oil as you would with astringent, and hold on the cyst for 5 minutes. This is best done after a shower, and can be done as often as needed until the cyst is dried up.

Pure ground turmeric is another solution to dry up earlobe cysts. Take a small pinch of turmeric powder and place on a dish. Then place about 3 to 5 droplets of water on the powder and mix until a paste is made. Place this mixture on the cyst and keep it there for at least 20 minutes, once a day. Continue this regimen daily until the cyst is gone.

Tea tree oil can be found at any drugstore, health food store, or special nutrition shop. Turmeric powder is found in the spice section of the grocery store or at Indian food stores.

Clay masks can be used overnight to draw up the pus inside an earlobe cyst. Most any clay mask found at the supermarket or drugstore can be used. Place a dab of clay over the cyst before going to bed and let dry before lying on a pillow. This can be done every night until it draws the bacterial matter up to the surface.

Anonymous said...

I was told that eating almonds (vitamin E) will help clear it up. I've just developed one and I'm hoping this will help.

CONMAN17 said...

FINALLY thx to you ppl i figured out what the hell the things behind my earlobes are. Those Cysts feel like friggen marbels! I've gotten rid of some but im gunna try the hot water and tee trea oil clenser from the Body Shop and I'll let you know

Anonymous said...

will the cyst will come back for some time?

Anonymous said...

Can i still get an ear piercing if I have a small cyst in my left earlobe?

Anonymous said...

I have had these stupid cyst on and off for like 5 years... If I leave them alone they just stay fine an unnoticable. But of course I mess with them and try to pop them. It sucks... Right now I have a huge one I for the first time have to get it surgically removed . It Is so big and embarrasing. I'm 27. O go on Tuesday wish me luck.. I'll let you know how it goes!!

Anonymous said...

Hi all - Well my daughter has been through three surgeries for cyst in her ears - 2 surgeries in one and 1 in the other and unfortunately guess what we were back to the hospital again as another has come up. She is treated with Antibiotics (although she is allergic to heaps of them) and most of the time she need IV antibiotics for at least 24 hrs before it makes any difference, the cyst causing swelling and pain not only in her ears but also down the side of her neck and also now her jaw/check area - They are horrible little things that can turn nasty very quickly. Surgery has not been a great option for us (now talking about removing her ear lobe) although from what I have heard as long as the cyst does not have tenticle like things coming off it then you have a good chance of them not returning in the same area, but I do believe there might be some truth to them being passed on down the generations as my grandmother and mother and also myself have all had them removed (although not from the ear) successfully. Someone mentioned to me today that she suffered with cysts in her groin area and that her doctor injected them with steriods and so far so good and that was a couple of years ago now. My daughter is only 16 and has had this going on for about 3 years - I have enjoyed reading the comments on here and welcome anymore - There is not a great amount of info out there so any help is appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the tips. I'm going to try hot water method. I'm 32, M. I have two, marble sized cysts, next to each other on my right earlobe. I have had them for at least 3yrs. One of them popped, on its own, after a shower one day. I thought maybe it would go away. A week later, it was just as big as before it popped. The pus that came out had a strong stinky odor.

Anonymous said...

I've had these cysts for years now and they've festered a lot on their own. One burst and another returned in the same ear, now they're in both.. I'm sorry to inform you, that despite my optimism, they seem to have no cure.. I recommend hot compresses and astringents to control the swelling phases but this only treats the symptoms. Next, I've heard that a flush of the cavity is necessary, so, I've got some saline and a syringe., we'll see.

Anonymous said...

Use tea tree oil. I have successfully used a couple of drops of tea tree oil on a q-tip, rub it gently over problem area 2-3 times a day. I have had them literally disappear in a few days to a week after they were painful, large, and infected. I have also successfully used it for all types of skin problems including a very large, very infected sebactious cyst that I developed on my back. Antibiotics didn't work but tea tree oil has proven to be a miracle OTC drug for me and prevented me from having needless, painful surgeries time and again. Use it! BTW, I am 30

Kc said...

I've been having cysts coming and going on both ears. I was born with a small hole on each ear. I'm not sure if this causes my cysts to grow. Anyways, my right cyst grows on the front near the ear hole and my left one grows on the back. I sleep on my left ear when it appears, so it pops on it's own. Then I put alcohol on it daily to rid any bacteria. For my right ear, I use a sewing needle to pop it. Then I squeeze as much puss out of it as I can (fingers tire after a while). Then I add alcohol on it daily as well. I use to put a hot compress on it, but it didn't seem to help as much so I went to popping.

Anonymous said...

Im a 26 year old male....not a doctor, but I am very familiar with this problem. First off its called a "sebacious cyst" and its nothing to worry about. I have been dealing with these things daily for over 10 years. They began showing up right after my puberty stage. I have one right now that is probably the worst I've ever had and none of my past remedies have worked. In the past, the tricks that worked are, hot water treatment, popping with needles and draining, and just leaving it alone and letting it heal itself....which is very hard for me to do. I often have pain down my neck, infront and behind my ear. You can always go to the dr. for it but they wont do much.....the one thing they can do is lance it and pull the "cyst wall" out. If the wall is removed 100% then you will never have another one and if any ity bity little piece is left, it will redevelope. I dont have insurance so lancing is not an option for me. Like I said, im not a doctor, but from the times when i was younger and how long I've been dealing with these, I'm confident that I know and understand just as much about these cyst as a dr. does. I also believe it is hereditary due to the fact that My great grandfather had them, my father had them, I have them, and my younger brother who is 15 just began developing them.

Anonymous said...

I have a had an on going earlobe cyst problem for about 4 years. Its happened about 10 times where it gets inflamed(for about 2 weeks), then eventually bursts and drains. When it gets really big i normally get quite a bit of neck pain too.

Each time its happened, doctors have prescribed anti-biotics, which I am getting sick of taking. I actually had it removed once by a wackjob doctor but it came back anyways. Problem is I cant seem to find any doctors who wanna take the thing out again.

By the sounds of what people are saying, am I gonna be stuck with this damn problem for ever?

My Cyst used to be benign for the longest time, and whenever it abscesses, its a fairly rapid growth. Is this how everyone elses ear cysts act?

Vincent van Gogh said...

I followed the advice and used powdered tumeric to clear up the cyst on my earlobe. Mom had some in her herb and spice jars in the kitchen pantry, and I am a fan of using natural remedies. But by far the biggest advantage of using tumeric was that after the cyst had cleared up, I was able to cut off my stained yellow earlobes and make a tasty, spicy curry with them to feed the whole family. Pardon?

Anonymous said...

if the heat dont get rid of it, you'll need to see a Dr. for antiboitics.... if antiboitics don't work after a week or so go back so they can cut it out.. behind the ear in my case was a blocked sweat gland that created the cyst "didn't hurt for along time"... when the pain started to happen it's cause it got infected.... my antiboitics aren't working so I'll get mine cut out and let you know how it goes :) oh and I'm a 27 yr old male for any reading purpose :)

Anonymous said...

Ive had cyst's on both ear lobes and its hard not to touch it and try to pop it my best advise is to not touch it but if it happens to get big take a trip to the doc and the will most likely drain it and it goes away with in days after that ive tryed everything and thats all that seems to help me !!

Anonymous said...

I have had a few when I was ounger but was told that it was just scare tissue. They went away on there own. A few months ago I got one on my left ear lobe and it just kept growing. I ended up popping it on my own by squeezing my ear lobe between two fingers. Hurt a little bit and then it was gone. A week ago, another came on the same ear lobe. I kept trying to pop it and just yesterday succeeded. Except this time it hurts really bad and my ear is really swollen. It hurts to the slightest touch. I tried the hot water trick and it relieved some pain but that was it. I heard about the tea tree oil and went out and got some. Now off to take a shower and apply some. I am going to do this and then later try the tumeric trick. Hopefully this will help! BTW I am a 21 year old female.

Anonymous said...

I once had a gigantic one just behind the ear - at least 1 inch across/long and swollen. I went to a doctor, and she simply poked it with a clean needle, drained it and put in some steroid. But she told me they'd come back again, and they do once in a while, though in much smaller scale. I read elsewhere that applying tea tree oil on both sides of the earlobe helps.

Anonymous said...

Our son has been dealing with this for a while. He has had it lanced once. It is infected again and now the insides of his ear lobe are coming out of the lance incision. Not sure if it was part of the cyst but he pulled the pieces out. Gross, I know. I cleaned the area and sealed it with surgical strips. Back to the doctors tomorrow!!(9th time since May!!)