Is Proactiv BAD for Your Skin?

Is Proactiv BAD for Your Skin?

9/19/2009 11:52:00 PM

Is Proactive Bad for Your Skin?

Since Proactiv contains benzoyl peroxide, many health freaks believe that it's a very unhealthy topical acne treatment. This could be due to the fact the the question, "Does Benzoyl Peroxide Cause Skin Cancer," is a very common question in the acne industry.

When it comes down to it, benzoyl peroxide is a peeling agent. Because it causes the skin to dry and peel, it causes the skin's natural protective layers to weaken.

When your skin's protective layers weaken, the sun's harmful rays can penetrate and harm the skin more easily, causing skin cancer.

So Is Proactiv Unhealthy?

Talking on a cellphone causes brain cancer. Eat a big fat burger will clog your arteries. Unless you're a major health freak, don't trip.

But is Proactiv bad for your skin?

Yes! If you use it and you go sun tan every day for the rest of your life, Yes!

However, if you use Proactiv along with a good sunscreen, and don't tan your butt off, you'll likely be fine, and you'll likely have nothing to worry about.

For more Proactiv Questions and Answers, <--- click that link. This is the most comprehensive Proactiv guide that you will come across. I guarantee it.

Related Benzoyl Peroxide Posts:

  1. Does Benzoyl Peroxide Cause Cancer?
  2. Is Proactiv BAD for Your Skin?
  3. Proactiv Bleaches Eyebrows, Hair, Clothes?
  4. Time Released Benzoyl Peroxide!
  5. How to STOP Using Benzoyl Peroxide


Anonymous said...

Proactive is bad for you and anyone out there thinking of going on should NOT DO SO. Endorsment of this product needs to stopped. What proactive does to the skin is not remove the dirt, oil and bacteria but pushes it into the furthest layer of the skin where it becomes trapped. Continuous usuage of proactive keeps the dirt, oil and bacteria to stay put. When you stop using the product or take a break, all this build up, resurfaces the skin as it has no where to go. This results in bigger, cyst like acne. I know this because I spoke to a dermatologist about it. Proactive uses a chemical bleach agent as strong as what you would find in laudry bleach. Many dermatologists are dealing with clients trying to get off the product because it made their skin worse. You have to switch to medical grade cleansers to help restore your skin.

Anonymous said...

Switching to medical grade cleansers is certainly not the right answer for getting off Proactiv. I agree that it is bad for you, on the inside and out. What you put on your skin, does not only affect the skin but also the insides. For instance, sunscreen may protect your skin, but is terrible for your body. The best thing to do when wanting to get your skin (thus, your body) back to a healthy state is to eat healthy and use all natural cleansers. Look for ones with only a few ingredients, of which you can actually pronounce and understand what they are! I am in the process of getting off of Proactiv as well :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with the both of you.

Anonymous said...

do you break out more when you stop using proactiv? pls write back because i am a user and trying to stop

Eyden said...

When you stop using Proactiv, your skin will go back to how it was before you ever used it. Your acne will come back, unless you have an alternative acne clearing method.

Anonymous said...

when i first heard about proactiv and all the great reviews and celebrity's using it, i thought wow this must really work. i even had a few friends that told me they used it and would swear by it that it worked. so i thought this was the answer to my acne problem. however i discovered that when i used it and then patted my face down to dry, i looked at my towel later on and saw that it had bleached the color on my towel from the proactiv itself! i then thought omg, if this is bleaching the color from my towel then it is definately not good for my skin at all. i think proactiv works for some people but its one of hose things that isn't good in actuallity and in the long run. the stuff burns anyways when u use it. why is this legal to sell???? its crazy. and desperate people with bad skin issues are trusting that this will work. im telling you from experience that this product, i beleive, is dangerous to your skins health. do some research especially from forums. don't take the word of a products ad or paid actors!

Anonymous said...

The moment i stopped using it my acne came back 10x worse.
Not only that but it bleached my towels clothes and even my freaking eyebrows

i agree with the first commenter.
Don't use proactive!

Anonymous said...

I would only break out maybe once every 2 weeks and thought proactive would clear up the odd break out. Sad to say it didnt make a difference and when I did break out I would break out in cysts.

After 6 moneths I have stopped using this product and now my break outs are worse. I know break out almost every day. Its frustrating...

Dont use it!!!