Creatine Causes Acne

A few weeks back, I did a post about how I believed that creatine may cause acne. I also wrote about how creatine causes diarrhea! Before ever taking creatine, I managed to come to the conclusion that even though people in forums were saying that creatine caused them to breakout, their was no scientific evidence to prove that it was because of creatine. 

Although I still don't have scientific evidence to prove that creatine causes complexion problems, I have since then taken the supplement with positive building results, but negative complexion results, leading me to believe that creatine can cause flare-ups

My Experience with Creatine

Although this blog is about acne, I figure I may as well do a short review of the supplement while I am at it. I'll probably do a longer review later. 

+ Creatine  reduces muscle soreness!

One of the major reasons I love the P90X protein powder, which also contains creatine,  is because of how it greatly reduces my muscle soreness  after my P90X workouts. This is the whole reason I enjoy taking the supplement. No protein powder has ever done this before, because no protein powder I have taken has ever had creatine. 

- Creatine causes large pimples to form!

First, you need to understand that I was 110% acne free. This is my before and after acne picture below: 

Proactiv Review

3 days after taking the P90X protein powder with creatine, I noticed around 5 large pimples on my fact. Again, I haven't had acne for the longest time, so this is pretty ridiculous. 

Creatine or Dirty Protein?

A lot of people believe that whey protein causes acne. A lot of people also believe that there is a milk and acne connection. Over the past few days, I have been taking creatine with a whey protein powder, and I have increased my dairy intake. 

Could it be that I am breaking out from the protein powder, or the milk, and not the creatine? Or, are my breakouts coming from a combination of everything? 

I honestly believe it's a combination of everything. Protein powder has caused me to have flare ups before. However, never this bad. I think milk may also play a role in acne, due to the fact that it has high amounts of iodine and iodine causes acne. And creatine is said to cause people to breakout. 

What next? 

As much as I like what creatine and whey protein does for me, I know that I can not longer take it. It's not worth the breakouts. For now, it looks like I am going to have to cut back on the dairy, whey, and creatine, and see if my acne goes away. Then, I'll have to slowly work individual items back into my diet to see if one aggravates my acne more than the others. So yes, I believe that creatine causes acne! 

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Upper Lip Acne

This post practically works together with my post about lip acne, so bare with me.

When it comes down to it, a pimple on your upper lip can and usually is either one of two things.

  1. You're safe! It's only a pimple.
  2. Oops. You have a cold sore aka herpes.

When it comes down to it, you must look at the side effects to know what you have. The side effects of lip herpes can be read by clicking the link at the top of this post that says, "lip acne." Once you click that link, look for the green subtitle that says, "Is it herpes or is it acne?" That will tell you exactly how to know whether or not you have herpes or a zit on your upper lip.

Other types of Face Acne

  1. Forehead
  2. Chin
  3. Cheeks
  4. Hairline
  5. Nose
  6. Ear
  7. Pimple Between nose and cheek
  8. Neck
  9. Eyes --> Eyebrows
  10. Lip --> Upper Lip --> Lower Lip

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Acne on Cheeks

For me, this is acne on the cheeks is actually somewhere that I have never really had much of a problem. However, that doesn't mean I can't help you if this is your problem area. Much like chin and lip acne, cheek acne can be quite embarrassing. Lip acne probably comes in first place though. Anyway, when you have a pimple or a zit in this area, it can cause a lot of major problems; Especially when you try to pop or pick it.

Problem with Cheek Pimples

The problem is often caused by the soft skin. As you're already probably well-aware, your cheeks are often the softest part of your face. This can cause major problems for those that like to touch, pick, and try to pop zits in these locations.

Compared to hard locations of the skin, such as the forehead, the cheek must always be taken care of extremely gently. I'm not saying that other places of your face shouldn't be taken with the same care, but you must be extremely gentle with your cheeks.

To get rid of a cheek pimple

You can and you are allowed to pop a zit without scarring, as long as you know how to do it correctly. If you need to get rid of one or two zits in this location, read my post on How to Get Rid of a Zit.

To get rid of cheek acne

To get rid of cheek acne for good, you'll want to find a good acne fighting product. I personally love Proactiv. Be sure to read my full Proactiv Review. If Proactiv isn't for you, then you may be interested in trying some of my other home remedies.

Remember, everyone is different, and at Acne Teen, we know that. However, we are here to help. Feel free to check out the Acne Forums and the Acne Teen Store for information on some of the best products we have for fighting acne.

Other types of Face Acne

  1. Forehead
  2. Chin
  3. Cheeks
  4. Hairline
  5. Nose
  6. Ear
  7. Pimple Between nose and cheek
  8. Neck
  9. Eyes --> Eyebrows
  10. Lip --> Upper Lip --> Lower Lip

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Proactiv Review: Read This First!

Proactiv is a product that I have personally tested, and personally recommend, as I will discuss in today's review. It's the first product that's completely cleared my skin. Although some side effects do occur, I still highly recommend Proactiv. That said, it's in the "Tested & Recommended" products section of AcneTeen.Org, which can be seen in the right sidebar of this page, and any other page.

As you all probably know, I am a huge fan of Proactiv Solutions, but before I say anything else, this is my honest to God review of the product.

Before I go any further, if you're having trouble with Proactiv, I just created a Proactiv Questions and Answers guide, that you may want to check out.

I'm going to be upfront right now: Proactiv is a good product, but only if you know how to use it. I'll show you what I am talking about a little later on in this post. For now, let's talk about the positives of this product.

Does Proactiv Work? Yes. But it needs your help!

If I said that it didn't work, I would be lying. As you can see below, my before and after picture is pretty amazing. I mean, I am completely, 100% clear. However, this wouldn't be the case if I didn't do some other things along the way.

Proactiv Review

Proactiv works if...

Proactiv is almost the entire reason I am clear today. I say 'almost,' because it's about 90% of the reason that I am clear. However, I also changed a few dietary things along the way. If I didn't change the following things, I doubt Proactiv would've had the same amazing effect.

1. Stopped drinking soda - One of the major contributions to my clear skin is the fact that I stopped drinking pop. If you haven't read my post, Does Soda Cause Acne, I would definitely recommend that you do.

2. Stopped drinking energy drinks - Another contribution to my clear skin comes from the fact that I stopped drinking energy drinks. If you didn't already know, energy drinks cause acne, or at the least, make acne worse.

3. Started drinking 8 glasses of water a day - The final contributing factor to my clear skin is the fact that I replaced drinking those nasty cola and energy drinks with a good and healthy 8 glasses of water a day. Again, if you didn't already know, Drinking water clears acne.

If I didn't do the above 3 things...

If I still drank soda and energy drinks instead of water, I would still have acne. I almost guarantee it. If you want Proactiv to work, you really have to know how to work it, and how to make it work.

Making Proactiv Work...

I'm not just reviewing this product to say, "Hey. Buy it! It works!" I am reviewing it to give you tips that will help you along the way. Proactiv is not an amazing product, but it does get the job done. What do I mean by this? It works, but you have to make it work.

If you're drinking soda and energy drinks, or doing things that will exacerbate acne, Proactiv likely won't be fully effective. To make it work, you may have to make a few dietary changes. For me, I had to stop drinking pop and energy drinks, and start drinking water. You may have to stop eating fast food, for example.

Read the instructions! Be Consistent!

Read the instructions! Aside from making Proactiv work, you really have to read the instructions. If you're having difficulties with this product, try checking out my How to Use Proactiv Videos. Once you know how to follow the instructions, you must be consistent!

Be consistent! A lot of people get lazy and don't apply Proactiv everyday, twice a day. This is a major mistake and the #1 reason people fail with this product.

Negatives of Proactiv

As you can see above, it definitely takes a little more to make Proactiv work to its fullest. However, working a little harder for clear skin isn't even close to the most negative part of this product. That's right, I am talking about those Proactiv side effects and they can be pretty nasty.

Proactiv Side Effects

One of the biggest reasons that people don't use Proactiv is because of the side effects that can and often do come along with using the product. Trust me folks, they aren't fun.

  • Dry skin
  • Red skin
  • Itchy skin
  • Scaly skin
  • Sting / Burning Sensations
  • Bleaching of Hairs

Like I said, none of the side effects are fun to have. However, it all comes back to making Proactiv work for you. To prevent side effects, Proactiv created the Green Tea Moisturizer. I definitely recommend it. Feel free to check out the Acne Teen Store for more information.

Worse before better effect...

Because Proactiv's main acne fighting ingredient is benzoyl peroxide, your acne will get worse before it gets better. That's just the way it works. Also, for those of you who are health freaks, benzoyl peroxide is said to be pretty dangerous. PS: Did you know Proactiv's Skin Lightening Lotion is Dangerous?!?

Lack of Instruction

There's a reason my how to videos, which I linked to above, receive hundreds of "thank you" comments every single day. People just don't know how to use Proactiv. For instance, most people don't know when to apply Proactiv. Trust me, there is a correct and an incorrect time for application.


The most annoying thing about Proactiv is the fact that they don't provide a timeframe for their subscribers answering the always famous question, How long does it take for Proactiv to Work?? This is something I have always liked about Acne.Org. They'll provide you with this information for their regimen.

Overall Impression

proactiv rating

If you use Proactiv correctly, it will get the job done. Remember, you have to make this product work for you, you have to be consistent, and you absolutely have to follow the instructions.

Overall, Proactiv will only clear your skin if you help it along the way. Annoying side effects and the "worse before better effect" will upset a lot of people who try this product. However, if you fight through it, you will be rewarded.

This is definitely the fairest review of Proactiv you will find on the net. I love it, but I see how people hate it. Remember, it works, but you will have to make some changes along the way.

For more information, I highly recommend checking out my how to get rid of acne videos. There is over 25 minutes of video footage on the exact things that I do to get clear skin.

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Chin Acne

In my opinion, chin acne is probably the most annoying type of face acne that one can have. As you can see in the picture below, the chin was definitely my problem area. There are a number of reasons that people get acne in this area, and I want to talk about those reasons right now.

Chin Acne

Remember, I am talking about acne in specific areas because some areas are easier to clear up than others. Also, some areas are far more sensitive than others. In any case, it's extremely important to be as patient as you possibly can.

What Causes Chin Acne?

Chin acne can be caused by a number of different things. As you all know, touching your face can sometimes irritate and exacerbate acne in the areas of the chin and the cheek. This can be one major reason that you have pimples around those areas.

Another reason could be because this is just where acne forms. People have acne in different areas and this could simply be your area.

How to get rid of pimples on the chin...

The number one thing that you can do: Stop touching your face! Aside from that, a good topical acne treatment or natural remedy is always good. Feel free to check out my home acne treatment post as well. Also, be sure to check out the results that I had with Proactiv. Is Proactiv a scam? No way! In fact, I definitely recommend it.

I hope that some of these tips will help you get rid of the pimples around your chin. Remember, there are a number of different resources here at Acne Teen including the Acne Forums and the Acne Teen Store. Be sure to check all of our resources out and use them to your full advantage.

Other types of Face Acne

  1. Forehead
  2. Chin
  3. Cheeks
  4. Hairline
  5. Nose
  6. Ear
  7. Pimple Between nose and cheek
  8. Neck
  9. Eyes --> Eyebrows
  10. Lip --> Upper Lip --> Lower Lip

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Eyebrow Acne

This is a very interesting kind of face acne simply because it's on the eyebrows. When you think of getting a zit, you usually don't think of getting one in this location.

However, it definitely is possible, and can occur for two common reasons.

  1. You've used a topical acne treatment and your acne has migrated to your eyebrows. This sometimes happens because people don't use their treatment on their eyebrows.
  2. For whatever reason, acne likes chilln' in your eyebrows.

For whatever the reason, you probably want to know how to clear it up.

Tips for clearing up pimples in your eyebrows.

Start using your topical acne treatment over your eyebrows. If you're treatment contains benzoyl peroxide, be careful not to bleach your eyebrows. I use Proactiv and this hasn't yet happened to me, but be aware of it.

If you're not up for using a topical acne treatment, I recommend looking at this post --> How to get rid of acne naturally.

Other types of Face Acne

  1. Forehead
  2. Chin
  3. Cheeks
  4. Hairline
  5. Nose
  6. Ear
  7. Pimple Between nose and cheek
  8. Neck
  9. Eyes --> Eyebrows
  10. Lip --> Upper Lip --> Lower Lip

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Ear Acne?

This may sound extremely weird, and you may have wondered why I highlighted the ear in my face acne post. The crazy thing is, acne can actually form on certain locations of the ear. More specifically, it can actually form on the earlobe. Weird, right?

Between the earlobe, the most common place for an ear piercing, and the furthest side of your face is a pretty common location for an individual to get a pimple. Although it's rare, it's still possible.

Earlobe Pimple --> Want it gone?

I don't recommend popping it. If you just let it be, it will go away on it's own. I realize this is a crazy place to get acne, but there's really not that much you can do about it, unless you feel like learning how to get rid of acne naturally. Other than that, most people who use topical acne treatments don't think to put it on their ear. I wouldn't really recommend it either. Just let the pimple disappear on it's own, and call it good.

Other types of Face Acne

  1. Forehead
  2. Chin
  3. Cheeks
  4. Hairline
  5. Nose
  6. Ear
  7. Pimple Between nose and cheek
  8. Neck
  9. Eyes --> Eyebrows
  10. Lip --> Upper Lip --> Lower Lip

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Lip Acne

When you're looking for face acne, the last place you would think to check would be... your lips. However, there's something a little different about this location for not everything here can be assumed to be acne.

Although this may look like acne, it may be a minor form of a cold sore also known as a lip herpes. Yes. If you have one of these, you do have a sexually transmitted disease. When active, lip herpes are very contagious. There is no cure for lip herpes, although there are treatments available.

Is it herpes or is it acne?

Usually, if it appears right on the edge of the lip / in between the skin and the lip, it's herpes. However, if it appears on the upper lip / in the mustache area, it's acne. According to Health Scout, lip herpes can cause feeling of pain and itchiness, so that's another thing to look out for. See my post: Acne or Herpes for more information.

Getting Rid of Lip Acne

If you've determined that it is in fact acne, then you'll want to either use a good topical acne treatment, or learn How to Get Rid of Acne Naturally. I personally use Proactiv. It's a great product. Feel free to check out my Proactiv Before and After Picture. Also, check out the Acne Teen Store for great discounts.

Getting Rid of Herpes

Natural online remedies suggest Hydrogen Peroxide, 2%. I personally use it for dental hygiene and teeth whitening, but it will also apparently get rid of your cold sores.

Other types of Face Acne

  1. Forehead
  2. Chin
  3. Cheeks
  4. Hairline
  5. Nose
  6. Ear
  7. Pimple Between nose and cheek
  8. Neck
  9. Eyes --> Eyebrows
  10. Lip --> Upper Lip --> Lower Lip

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Nose Acne

Out of all the places that one wouldn't want to get face acne, the nose would probably fall under one of the top locations. You may be wondering, why is the nose the worse place? Why not the chin or the lips? Alright, so it's not the worst place in the book, but it is extremely stubborn.

Nose Acne

I don't care if you have the clearest skin in the world... you'll still likely have those little, impossible to get rid of, blackheads on your nose. That's right: You can be completely clear, but you'll still have those little blackheads. In that area, the nose is stubborn. There's nothing you can do.

If you have regular pimples on your nose, it's usually caused by the natural cause of acne. You know, the increase in sebum production and blah-dee-blah-dee-blah.

How to get rid of nose acne

Because it's formed by natural causes, you can't do much to clear nose acne, but follow some of the strategies that I have listed below.

  1. You can learn How to Get Rid of Acne Naturally
  2. You can use Proactiv. See my post --> Is Proactiv a scam.
  3. See the Acne Teen Store for great deals and discounts.

Other types of Face Acne

  1. Forehead
  2. Chin
  3. Cheeks
  4. Hairline
  5. Nose
  6. Ear
  7. Pimple Between nose and cheek
  8. Neck
  9. Eyes --> Eyebrows
  10. Lip --> Upper Lip --> Lower Lip

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Pimple Between Nose and Cheek

Although it's not the most noticeable location for face acne, pimples that appear between the nose and the cheek can be extremely annoying. I mean, extremely. If you've ever had even the small zit in this location, you know what I am talking about. Why? Because they itch like crazy.

Pimple Between Nose and Cheek

Generally, it's a good idea to learn how to get rid of a zit for this type of situation. More often than not, after one day of the pimple being in this location, it will turn into a full on whitehead. Again, it will itchy like crazy, but try not to touch it.

When the time is right and the whitehead is formed, your pimple will be ready to pop. Like I said, check out the post on how to get rid of a zit above. It will teach you how to go about doing it correctly, this way, you avoid any possible scarring.

Usually, pimples form in between the nose and the cheek because people often forget to cleanse and apply their topical acne treatments in that location. Like I said above, pimples in this location can be extremely annoying, and although they often go unnoticed, it's still a good idea to get rid of them, and get rid of them correctly.

Other types of Face Acne

  1. Forehead
  2. Chin
  3. Cheeks
  4. Hairline
  5. Nose
  6. Ear
  7. Pimple Between nose and cheek
  8. Neck
  9. Eyes --> Eyebrows
  10. Lip --> Upper Lip --> Lower Lip

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Forehead Acne

In a way, forehead acne is kind of like hairline acne. However, it's a little more noticeable, causes a little more problems, and definitely causes people to be a little more self conscious. Still, it's not the worst case of face acne.

forehead acne

If you have zits in this area, you know how difficult it can be to get rid of. Much like acne near the hairline, forehead acne can sometimes form for the following reasons.

  1. Not washing the shampoo completely out of your hair.
  2. Wearing hats or helmets.
  3. Having long hair.
  4. This is just where acne forms on you.

How to clear forehead acne...

It really comes down to the 4 numbers above. Try washing your shampoo completely out of your hair. If you can, avoid wearing hats or helmets. If you don't mind losing your hair, cut it. Now, if you're the unlucky bunch that just has acne on their forehead just because, you'll need to learn how to get rid of acne naturally. Or, you'll need to purchase a product like Proactiv. Read my post titled, Is Proactiv a scam, for more information there.

Yes. Forehead acne can definitely be a pain. However, there are still other facial locations that are far worse than this one. Be sure to follow the above tips. I hope they will help you clear your skin in this location.

Other types of Face Acne

  1. Forehead
  2. Chin
  3. Cheeks
  4. Hairline
  5. Nose
  6. Ear
  7. Pimple Between nose and cheek
  8. Neck
  9. Eyes --> Eyebrows
  10. Lip --> Upper Lip --> Lower Lip

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Hairline Acne

Face acne that occurs around the hairline can definitely be annoying. It can be even more annoying if this is the only place in which acne occurs.

hairline acne

Luckily for us, there are only two or three major reasons that people have pimples that pop up in this area.

  1. Not washing your shampoo completely out of your hair. The best thing you can do in this situation is ask yourself, "When I wash my hair, do I completely rinse out my shampoo and conditioner before I get out of the shower?" If you don't know the answer to this question, I would definitely try washing your hair more thoroughly. This may actually solve your problem altogether.
  2. Wearings hats or helmets and having long hair can also cause acne flareups on the forehead and the hairline. Try putting your hair back in a ponytail and avoid wearing hats and helmets if you can. If you can't make sure you're on a consistent topical acne regimen
  3. In general, this is just a place that acne forms. If you're confident that you wash the shampoo and conditioner completely out of your hair, then it may be time to learn how you can go about clearing your acne.

How to clear hairline acne...

If washing your shampoo and conditioner completely out of your hair didn't work, and you stopped wearing your hats and your helmets and you still have zits popping up in this location, you have two ways that you can go about clearing this problem area.

  1. Learn How to Get Rid of Acne Naturally
  2. Use a topical acne treatment like Proactiv. Read my post, is Proactiv a scam to learn more.

All in all, hairline acne can be a real hassle. On a positive note, it's usually hard to notice, and scars usually don't form in this area due to that fact. People are more patient with this location because they know that others don't really notice it, compared to areas such as the chin, nose, and cheeks. Try the above tips and see if you can clear up your skin by using them.

Other types of Face Acne

  1. Forehead
  2. Chin
  3. Cheeks
  4. Hairline
  5. Nose
  6. Ear
  7. Pimple Between nose and cheek
  8. Neck
  9. Eyes --> Eyebrows
  10. Lip --> Upper Lip --> Lower Lip

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Face Acne

Next to body acne, face acne is probably the most commonly known form of the disease. It's also the most embarrassing, and the hardest to get rid of.

Face Acne

If you guys were wondering, this week is where can acne occur week. I figured that this would be an important topic to cover, because if you ever do get acne in weird places, you can come here and check to see if that place is really so weird.

What is Face Acne?

If you look at the picture above, facial acne is anything that forms above the blue line, and it can occur in any of the red areas.

Where can facial acne occur?

Going into specifics, it can occur in any of the below locations:

  1. Forehead
  2. Chin
  3. Cheeks
  4. Hairline
  5. Nose
  6. Ear
  7. Pimple Between nose and cheek
  8. Neck
  9. Eyes --> Eyebrows
  10. Lip --> Upper Lip --> Lower Lip

How to get rid of face acne

When it comes down to it, there are two methods you can use to get rid of your acne.

  1. The Natural Method: Get rid of acne Overnight!
  2. The Product Method: Proactiv is not a scam

Why you *NEED* clear skin!

  • Without clear skin, you can't be yourself.
  • You're self conscious.
  • You feel that you can't do things you'd normally do.

In elementary school, you will learn that acne is 'normal' and something that 'everyone goes through.' However, it is emotionally devastating, and can cause a number of other health problems, including depression, if it goes untreated. Remember folks, Acne Teen is here to help. If you have any questions, feel free to join the forums, and ask for help.

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