Proactiv is a product that I have personally tested, and personally recommend, as I will discuss in today's review. It's the first product that's completely cleared my skin. Although some side effects do occur, I still highly recommend Proactiv. That said, it's in the "Tested & Recommended" products section of AcneTeen.Org, which can be seen in the right sidebar of this page, and any other page.
As you all probably know, I am a huge fan of Proactiv Solutions, but before I say anything else, this is my honest to God review of the product.
Before I go any further, if you're having trouble with Proactiv, I just created a Proactiv Questions and Answers guide, that you may want to check out.
I'm going to be upfront right now: Proactiv is a good product, but only if you know how to use it. I'll show you what I am talking about a little later on in this post. For now, let's talk about the positives of this product.
Does Proactiv Work? Yes. But it needs your help!
If I said that it didn't work, I would be lying. As you can see below, my before and after picture is pretty amazing. I mean, I am completely, 100% clear. However, this wouldn't be the case if I didn't do some other things along the way.

Proactiv works if...
Proactiv is almost the entire reason I am clear today. I say 'almost,' because it's about 90% of the reason that I am clear. However, I also changed a few dietary things along the way. If I didn't change the following things, I doubt Proactiv would've had the same amazing effect.
1. Stopped drinking soda - One of the major contributions to my clear skin is the fact that I stopped drinking pop. If you haven't read my post, Does Soda Cause Acne, I would definitely recommend that you do.
2. Stopped drinking energy drinks - Another contribution to my clear skin comes from the fact that I stopped drinking energy drinks. If you didn't already know, energy drinks cause acne, or at the least, make acne worse.
3. Started drinking 8 glasses of water a day - The final contributing factor to my clear skin is the fact that I replaced drinking those nasty cola and energy drinks with a good and healthy 8 glasses of water a day. Again, if you didn't already know, Drinking water clears acne.
If I didn't do the above 3 things...
If I still drank soda and energy drinks instead of water, I would still have acne. I almost guarantee it. If you want Proactiv to work, you really have to know how to work it, and how to make it work.
Making Proactiv Work...
I'm not just reviewing this product to say, "Hey. Buy it! It works!" I am reviewing it to give you tips that will help you along the way. Proactiv is not an amazing product, but it does get the job done. What do I mean by this? It works, but you have to make it work.
If you're drinking soda and energy drinks, or doing things that will exacerbate acne, Proactiv likely won't be fully effective. To make it work, you may have to make a few dietary changes. For me, I had to stop drinking pop and energy drinks, and start drinking water. You may have to stop eating fast food, for example.
Read the instructions! Be Consistent!
Read the instructions! Aside from making Proactiv work, you really have to read the instructions. If you're having difficulties with this product, try checking out my How to Use Proactiv Videos. Once you know how to follow the instructions, you must be consistent!
Be consistent! A lot of people get lazy and don't apply Proactiv everyday, twice a day. This is a major mistake and the #1 reason people fail with this product.
Negatives of Proactiv
As you can see above, it definitely takes a little more to make Proactiv work to its fullest. However, working a little harder for clear skin isn't even close to the most negative part of this product. That's right, I am talking about those Proactiv side effects and they can be pretty nasty.
Proactiv Side Effects
One of the biggest reasons that people don't use Proactiv is because of the side effects that can and often do come along with using the product. Trust me folks, they aren't fun.
- Dry skin
- Red skin
- Itchy skin
- Scaly skin
- Sting / Burning Sensations
- Bleaching of Hairs
Like I said, none of the side effects are fun to have. However, it all comes back to making Proactiv work for you. To prevent side effects, Proactiv created the Green Tea Moisturizer. I definitely recommend it. Feel free to check out the Acne Teen Store for more information.
Worse before better effect...
Because Proactiv's main acne fighting ingredient is benzoyl peroxide, your acne will get worse before it gets better. That's just the way it works. Also, for those of you who are health freaks, benzoyl peroxide is said to be pretty dangerous. PS: Did you know Proactiv's Skin Lightening Lotion is Dangerous?!?
Lack of Instruction
There's a reason my how to videos, which I linked to above, receive hundreds of "thank you" comments every single day. People just don't know how to use Proactiv. For instance, most people don't know when to apply Proactiv. Trust me, there is a correct and an incorrect time for application.
The most annoying thing about Proactiv is the fact that they don't provide a timeframe for their subscribers answering the always famous question, How long does it take for Proactiv to Work?? This is something I have always liked about Acne.Org. They'll provide you with this information for their regimen.
Overall Impression

If you use Proactiv correctly, it will get the job done. Remember, you have to make this product work for you, you have to be consistent, and you absolutely have to follow the instructions.
Overall, Proactiv will only clear your skin if you help it along the way. Annoying side effects and the "worse before better effect" will upset a lot of people who try this product. However, if you fight through it, you will be rewarded.
This is definitely the fairest review of Proactiv you will find on the net. I love it, but I see how people hate it. Remember, it works, but you will have to make some changes along the way.
For more information, I highly recommend checking out my how to get rid of acne videos. There is over 25 minutes of video footage on the exact things that I do to get clear skin.