Nitric Oxide Acne

Nitric Oxide Acne

7/01/2009 02:14:00 PM

Does Nitric Oxide cause acne? My friend has been reading Acne Teen like crazy and he's been noticing that I am doing a lot of posts related to supplements and acne. He noticed that I talked about soy protein, creatine, and whey protein and acne. Today, he gave me a call and told me that I should do a post about Nitric Oxide, so here it is.

Before I go any further, be sure to check out my does weight lifting cause acne post. Also be sure to see my supplements acne and home acne treatment post.

Does Nitric Oxide Cause Acne

Like Soy Protein, there are not any available studies out there that prove whether or not Nitric Oxide can cause more pimples. With that being said, you kind of just have to go by what others are saying.

- Negative From Yahoo Answers: "I purchased the world's best Nitric Oxide supplement at the store recently. After taking the supplement for a few days, I began breaking out pretty badly."

-/+ Negative From Yahoo Answers: "I never breakout, but had a small one on my neck. I really think it was the Nitric Oxide."

-/+ Neutral From Forums.BodyBuilding.Com: "Not washing your face causes acne."

+ Positive From Forums.BodyBuilding.Com: "I've actually heard that it does the exact opposite. Apparently, it improves your complexion."

Acne Teen Recommendation

Like Soy Protein, it's really hard to know whether or not Nitric Oxide causes acne. If your thinking about taking the supplement, just be sure to watch what happens to your face. If you notice more breakouts than usual, I would discontinue use.

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jstone626|nitric oxide said...

Hi, good day! I've been reading your post and it seems great! I have a great time reading your blog post! though I am just reading it I've found out some many relevant information!

Anonymous said...

hey hey hey, theres no need to discontinue use. Obviously monitor it and if its really bad stop, otherwise once you achieve your gym goals or you find you don't need it then you can switch off. Acne is temporary so once you have built some muscle then stop using it and your acne should clear up otherwise just wait until you're older and it is very unlikely to cause acne

Ledezma84 said...

Hi, ive been using Nitric Oxide and, I cant find any evidence or any formal study about Nitric Oxide and Acne... all i can say is that as soon as i started using it i began breaking out... Im 25 and never had acne problems before

Jan said...

I am 54 years old, so have tried all kinds of protein products over many years, and I KNOW that soy and whey proteins are the cause of the painful cysts (in odd places), where I have never had 'normal' breakouts. My son has noticed the same thing. The only protein my skin will tolerate is egg white protein powder.