Muscle Milk Acne

Muscle Milk Acne

7/01/2009 03:02:00 PM

Does Muscle Milk cause acne? The past few posts have been about general supplements that may or may not cause you to breakout. See the whole list of at my supplements acne and home acne treatment post. Also be sure to check out my post; does weight lifting cause acne. I wanted to into specifics because I have personally taken Muscle Milk before, and I can say that it never gave me acne. Note that this post isn't going to be a review of how well the product worked for me. Rather, this post will discuss whether or not Muscle Milk causes acne.

Does Muscle Milk cause acne

-/+ Neutral From Personal Experience: "I have never broken out because of taking Muscle Milk."

- Negative From Forum.BodyBuilding.Com: "Muscle Milk caused flareups."

- Negative From Forum.BodyBuilding.Com: "Increasing the amount of casein protein which is found in Muscle Milk can cause some individuals to flare up."

- Negative From Forum.BodyBuilding.Com: "I also noticed that I would breakout."

Acne Teen Recommendation

When it comes to all of these bodybuilding supplements, I think it's important to see what does and does not cause you to breakout. What may cause one person to get acne, may not cause another person to get acne. With that being said, I really don't know whether or not Muscle Milk causes acne.

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Anonymous said...

Many supplements contain MCT oil (medium chain triglyceride). The source of MCT oil is usually coconut oil. After about 3 weeks, I noticed I was breaking out like crazy. When I quit, it improved back to only a small number of breakouts. I never broke out with just whey protein. But I certainly did if it contained MCT oil.

Eyden said...

Thanks for the information. I didn't know this. :)

Anonymous said...

well its also said that milk can cause break outs (especially chocolate milk due to sugar) and i assume you add milk to this product (or it contains milk powder) which is likely to cause flare ups, especially when you are meant to consume a fair amount each day. I assume being a protein drink it has little/no sugar.