Are 5 Hour Energy Drinks Bad For You?

Are 5 Hour Energy Drinks Bad For You?

7/20/2009 02:06:00 PM

Are 5 Hour Energy Drinks Bad For You, OR are the caffeine filled shots healthier than the leading brand of energy supplements?

I purchased my first 5 hour energy at a local convenient store. Soon enough, I was purchasing them along with many other kinds of energy drinks, from online stores, which usually offer great discounts.

Common 5 Hour Energy Questions:

Do 5 Hour Energy Drinks Cause Acne Breakouts?

If you're wondering whether or not the 5 hour energy drinks actually work, they definitely do. However, they will also almost undoubtedly cause you to breakout. Don't get me wrong, these little shots of energy are amazing, but if you want clear skin, I wouldn't risk it. PS: In my experience, all types of energy drinks cause acne. This is likely because of the high amounts of caffeine in which they contain.

Do 5 hour energy drinks make you crash?

Unlike the other junk products, these shots will not make you crash. Trust me.

Are 5 Hour Energy Drinks Bad for you?

When it comes down to it, anything that will give you unnatural amounts of energy probably isn't the best thing in the world for you. At the same time, these shots only contain 4 calories and 0 sugars. With that being said, they're definitely healthier than the Monsters and Amps.

Overall Recommendation:

I wouldn't consistently take 5 Hour Energy Drinks. However, if you're tired from time to time, these little guys will definitely get you going. Don't be surprised if you breakout after taking one of these babies though.

If you consume products such as the one discussed above, on a regular basis, check out this post, Water VS Energy Drinks.


Anonymous said...

How can you say energy drinks make you breakout? Personal opinion or do you have any scientific evedince proving your statement? Just because YOU experienced acne with "energy" drinks does not qualify the rest of human kind.

Eyden said...

Not only did I experience breakouts, my girlfriend's mom did as well. Again, there is NO SCIENTIFIC evidence to prove that this wasn't just a coincidence, but these were OUR experiences with the product, and nothing more.

The next best thing I can say is, Try it for yourself. See what happens. See if you have any side effects, and see if you breakout.

Anonymous said...

I don't break out.

Eyden said...

That's good. It really all depends on the person. I broke out, but some people amy not.

Anonymous said...

My wife and I use the 5 hour energy drinks regularly and have had no adverse side affects and certainly no acne.

Anonymous said...

I am breaking out from them!

Anonymous said...

They make me breakout too. I think they're bad for you.

Anonymous said...

I personally love the little five hour, or 5 hour shots over anything else.

Anonymous said...

this shot is like crack! i need it bad!

Anonymous said...

5 hour energies are pretty addicting, in my opinion. Once you start taking them, it's pretty difficult to get off. It's a caffeine thing.

I stopped drinking the 5 hour energies and switched to coffee. I should probably stop altogether, but I haven't.

Anonymous said...

5 hour energy gave me headaches, nausea, stomach aches, and everything else aches. I don't know what it was about these little 5 hour things, but they didn't help me at all. If anything, they made me even more tired.

Anonymous said...

5 hour energies are good, but a little addicting. i went to and they actually do have some really good deals if you look under this section: for 5 hour energies.

Anonymous said...

I love 5 hour energy!

Anonymous said...

5 hour energy works. no crash. no jitters. awesome product. period

Anonymous said...

5 hour energy's are good, but they are NOT healthy. Caffeine in general is not good for your body. So to say that these little things are healthy does not make any sense.

Yes. they're better than other things, but it doesn't make them healthy

Eyden said...

I agree with most of you - 5 hour energy is NOT healthy. However, they are *better for you* than other things.

Still, these things do break you out, and can cause some problems if you drink them on an empty stomach.

Overall, I recommend 5 hour energy if you need it. But don't take them daily!

Anonymous said...

i like 5 hour energy as well. no crash. but dont drink on empty stomach

Anonymous said...

As a pharmacist, I can tell you that 5-hour energy is doing nothing more for you than a cup of coffee. You are feeling the caffeine and the rest is in your heads. Vitamin B is not an energy packet. It simply releases the energy contained in the food you eat. You get more Vitamin B then your body can even handle if you have one chicken breast or a bowl of cereal. The rest leaves the body as waste, so that 8000% B you are getting from 5 hour energy is doing nothing for you...and can cause nerve damage with overuse.

Anonymous said...

5 hour energy is just caffeine!

Anonymous said...

So, I tried this little thing from not being able to sleep last till 4am and getting up at 6am. So, after i drank it(its 10:51am now drank it at 8:00am) All it did for ME is make my stomach feel like i am going to throw up, make my bowls pisses off, and make me feel all tingley but not in a good way. Im awake, not any more awake than when i woke up this morning.

Anonymous said...

does 5 hour energy taste good?

Anonymous said...

Yea, thanks guys and girls. pretty cheap 5 hour energy at

Thanks again for sharing info. if anyone sees anything cheaper. please do post it here.

taste? Yea, tastes like juice i think. you take a shot and be done with it. no bad after taste either.

also, has refund policy to return any unused portion.


Anonymous said...

suck it yo

Anonymous said...

i love them more then anyone

Anonymous said...

The label says it has 8000% of your rda of vitamin B... so it's bad for your liver constantly having to clean your blood out.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous who claims to be a pharmacist (which I doubt). The B12 in one bottle of 5-hour energy is 500 mcg. The Tolerable Upper Intake Level for B12 set by the Institute of Medicine is... wait for it... NOT SET! Why? Because the toxicity of B12 is so low.

Plus, the most common form of B12 used in supplements and in 5-hour energy is Cyanocobalamin, which cannot be directly used by the human body. It must be converted and the body does not convert all of it, meaning the human body absorbs less B12 from this form. The symptoms of large doses of B12 are a TEMPORARY numbing of nerves, usually present in the hands and feet. If these appear, then stop taking the large dose and the symptoms disappear.

People usually benefit from some B12 supplements, especially vegetarians. A diet lacking animal products provides no B12, just another sign humans were not made to be vegetarians. There is also a good portion of the population that has trouble absorbing B12. As well, the combination of B12, B6, and Folic Acid, which are all in a shot of 5 hour energy, have been show to lower homocysteine levels, which could potentially lower risk of cardiovascular problems.

And one chicken breast has about 12% of the Recommended Daily Allowance of B12.

And the writter of the blog needs to go learn that correlation does not mean causation.

Anonymous said...

I'm 62, on BP and Cholest. meds. Any concern for me. This product really works for me, with no effects so far. Do I need to be concerned?

Anonymous said...

i am 21 and ive been drinking one everyday for about a year, and i continue to for years to come. i used to be addicted to monster, i used to drink the lo-carb one everyday for 3 years!!.. until i got sick of the bloat i got from one can and how jittery and nervous it made me, and i would crash in just a couple of hours. i love 5 hour energy i wake up everyday at 5 am for work and i drink one, and when i get home at 3 pm i am still alert and awake and focused so i exercise everyday, and eat very nutritious foods. i am very concerned about my health and fitness and i am currently in school to be a nurse. i think if you gotta have caffeine, do the energy shots, the vitamin B can only be good for ya, if it is too much or your body cant handle it you will just pee it out. i dont think i would drink one on a regular basis if i was over 30 though, or not in good health. im just young and in perfect health that is why i allow myself to be dependent on them... hey its not drugs and it makes me happy it is something i look forward to everyday and makes me not hate my life in the morning when i am exausted and have to wake up, i actually bounce out of bed and cant wait for my energy shot.
this is all my opinion though and i know a lot of people disagree with how they make you feel, i think everyone reacts differently. but if it wasnt for my energy shot i wouldnt be in such a good mood all the time.

Anonymous said...

I found a great new energy supplement called Revive Energy Mints. 4+ hours of energy, zero sugar and they include healthy antioxidants. Best of all, they cost fifty cents! Compare that to Red Bull Shots or 5-hour Energy at $5 a bottle.

Anonymous said...

i make music and i am constanly singing and perfroming everyday and i usually take these shots when i do i fill like they effect my voice making me lose it faster or my voice breaks but over all they been good to me keep me goin when im on tour and there better then energy drinks one time i drank an energy drink befor a performance and i barly made it trough i cramped up felt like i was dieing about to have a heart attack or somthing but yea if u make music like me i would say no energy shots or drinks on day of performance just for your info...

Anonymous said...

I've yet to hear any comments on the lone star "rock star" energy drink... I think they work just as well. Comments?

Anonymous said...

it's subjective depending on the individual

Anonymous said...

I could not help to read this but one comment said "IT'S JUST CAFFEINE."
Well for anybody who don't know CAFFEINE is a drug and like all drugs it's can be addicting. Also like other Drugs too much of it can reverse the side effects. At first caffeine it is a stimulus but too much of it cause drowsiness and much more. This can also cause a withdrew symptom if you try to stop drinking it. This is why that one person said it's like "crack". One more thing 5 hour energy has 200 mg of Caffeine which is 2* more then recommended.
Which is 100 and if a 20 oz. Dr Pepper only have 68mg of the stuff.
Also Caffeine takes calcium from your body which is necessary for bone health. ( Which can explain for breaking bones easy ) . One more thing Caffeine makes you pee a lot causing dehydration.

Caffeine can be good for short burst of energy. But only if you use it wisely so personally I would stay away from 5 hour energy shots.

Anonymous said...

I think I'll give it a try, half bottle to get me through til the morning and then the other half to keep me going until exam is finished.

I heard you can get a reaction where you get all red and puffy, which goes away.

Does it help with mental exhaustion, or just physical tiredness? Working on about 2-3 hours of sleep/night and its catching up quickly.

Anonymous said...

Energy Drinks = Fat people

Anonymous said...

Yes, It does help. It's 3 am and I feel like a champ, considering I normally go to bed at 9. (: I only drank half a bottle- the other is to wake me up in the morning after a couple hours of sleep.
I'm going to by a crate of this stuff and become an insomniac. ;) jk
My sports teams from home are forbidden from using 5 hour energies on and off the field- an ultimatum put forth by the district coaches- so I have shied away from using them. I don't drink coffee or energy drinks because I hate the taste, so my entire life I've relied on copious amounts of sugar (natural or artificial, whatever was on hand) to keep me running for late-night homework. This option seem healthier from my standpoint; 4 calories in one bottle compared to the calories in a 1/2 lb bag of jelly belly beans. Plus you don't have to pause to eat, or get surprised by horrible flavors like buttered popcorn. ^^
As far as breakouts go, this alternative to other methods of wakefulness decrease my stress and sodium intake. If I do breakout, I will be surprised, but not really bothered, because my deadline was tomorrow morning, but acne goes away in a few days.

Anonymous said...

I have been taking 5 hour energy shots literally every day for almost a year. I seem to be fine! I definitely think they are addicting and sometimes I don't think I could get through a day without them!

Anonymous said...

What does it mean if I am drinking one of the extra strength 5hrs and falling asleep within 15 minutes of drinking it? I find this a little disconcerting. Sometimes I will drink it and fall asleep right away and other times it'll kick in for 10hrs. Sounds to me like lack of sleep fatigue and I should just get more sleep and stay away from these things. Also, I found out I was breaking out like crazy when I would take them on a regular basis = (1x/day).