Wash Face with Water Only?

Wash Face with Water Only?

6/27/2009 01:35:00 PM

A lot of people who don't use acne products may decide to wash their face with only the use of water and nothing else. Is this okay? What are some face washing tips and mistakes.

My experience with the "Water Only" regimen.

My acne didn't get better, but it didn't get worse either. At the same time however, my skin did become pretty irritated because of the fact that I wasn't using a moisturizer. Other then that, washing my face with just water was okay, but it didn't get rid of my acne.

Water alone, won't get rid of your acne!

If you have acne and you're looking for a way to get rid of it, using only water for washing your face likely won't do the trick. Most people actually need some form of topical acne treatment that contains either benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid to get rid of their acne.

Acne Teen Recommendation

If you don't have acne and washing your face with only water works, then why purchase a topical acne product? On the other hand, if you have acne and you're looking to get clear skin, the water only technique likely won't work for you, unless of course, you know how to get rid of your acne naturally.

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Hillarie said...

Honestly, I used to use water only and it didn't really do anything. Then I started wearing makeup and using the first cleanser I saw... that's what caused my worse breakouts. It's not the makeup... it's definitely the fact that every cleanser I had was loaded with sulfates and salicylic acid. Sulfates are just there to make the cleansers foam, and salicylic acid just doesn't work for me (but neither does benzoyl peroxide... oh the joys of being me).

Eyden said...

Water doesn't do anything for me either. I also used to use salicylic acid and it only made matters worse. However, some people are quite successful with it.

Washing your face with water only is a great way to go if you're already doing it, and it's working successfully. Otherwise, I recommend a product. :)

I find it interesting that Benzoyl Peroxide doesn't work for you. What are you currently doing to stay clear?

Hillarie said...

My skin isn't clear at all. I'm looking into Philosophy Purity Made Simple, but it's $10 for a 3 ounce bottle at Sephora... definitely not justified for me (although the fantastic reviews should justify it, they don't). I might just finish a few of my leftover products and then buy it.

Tracy said...

Try using vitamin E oil at night before bed. It might seem greasy when you put it on but by morning it will have absorbed. It might seem backward, but it really will clear up your face. I used to use products and my face broke out while at the same time it would be dry in some places and oily in others. Now with washing with only a wash cloth and water, and then the vitamin E at night my face is totally clear and not dry or oil... just perfect.
Plus, it's cheap. You can go to CVS and get a bottle that will last you a few months for only $6.

Eyden said...

Tracy - Very very interesting. I'll do some research about this one. Thanks so much.

Anonymous said...

Everyone i know that has PERFECTLY clear skin and complexion tell me that their secret is only using water with a wash cloth....it seems almost outrageous to me but i hear that its the soap that can rather irritate your face & cause acne. good luck everyone. i prefer the water only method....

Anonymous said...

water only works try it

Anonymous said...

I think that everybody is different, i think that you will know if you need to wash with a face cleanser or not because your skin will tell you, but from my own experience, washing with just water clouds your skin from all the skin cells your not removing, could cause acne, i believe that dead skin is one of the main causes of acne, i also see it as not takin care of your skin at all.I think it makes your skin feel dirty not to wash with a facial cleanser. I also think you can get a huge build up of that stuff keratin in your skin. So clouded red and posibly oily skin.I also think that to not wash your face with a facial cleanser because it drys out could make it worse.Plus all the impurities with everything else i think it will mess you up bad, you may not look the same at all, until you corect it which will take some time to do.I want flawless skin, not horible ugly skin. I dont think a dermatoligist would agree with not washing wiht faicial cleanser. How i know this, ive been their and done that. They had to put me on amoxicillin for 3 months to cure it. And i started washing with facial cleanser. My skin went back to normal. My own experience. Lol go ahead, get a recomendation from a dermatoligist firt befroe anything!!! Lol

Anonymous said...

no sorry that comment above is not correct, if you wash once a day with water then you will be fine only once a day, but it depends on you and how you react to everything, if you have oily skin then go 2 times, but no oil why wash more then once, something else caused the problem i explained above, cant say what happened, but yes i said that and i was dead wrong, you will know what to do, and how to wash because your skin will tell you, but ask a dermatoligist, becasue everything i said wasent from one, and i just asked and they said thats fine, the amoxicillin was for acne. :)))

Anonymous said...

I used to wash my face with just water and I had the skin of a Baby! Flawless...I began using faCial cleansers and after a few years it all went down hill...my skin had dry and oily patches, my even color was gone and the acne was ridic...I figured I'd go backward where "less was more" and I just used water, no moisterizer....I went through the change and passed the fear of no skin cleansers, a few breakouts and dry phases later (week or 2)...my face was coming back to the perfect way it was....amazing how less really was more...you don't need moisturizer, you face will make your ow if you LET IT, and not Strip it with facial cleansers...you ancestors didn't have neutrogena!hot water....GREAT :)