Proactiv Skin Lightening DANGEROUS!

Proactiv Skin Lightening DANGEROUS!

6/12/2009 09:11:00 AM

Does Proactiv Skin Lightening Lotion get rid of acne scars? Is the product dangerous, and does it use chemicals banned in certain countries?

This week is going to be a fun week because this week is "How to Get Rid of Acne Scars: SECRETS" week. I want to go ahead and kick it off with the Proactiv Skin Lightening Lotion. I actually recently received the product, but I haven't gotten the chance to use it.

What is Proactiv Skin Lightening Lotion?

Before you decide to go out and make a purchase, I think that it's a good idea to know a little bit about this product. To begin, the active ingredient is Hydroquinone. According to the always reliable Wikipedia, Hydroquinone is used for "skin whitening," and has actually been banned in some countries, including the European Union (Hydroquinone, Wikipedia).

Why was Hydroquinone (Used for Skin Whitening) banned? It turns out that hydroquinone is actually linked to causing leukemia. Also, it seems that this product damages the skin and causes it to lose it's "natural protection against the sun and this can cause skin cancer," (Skin Type Solutions and other sources).

Does Proactiv Skin Lightening Lotion Work?

Because of the fact that it contains 2% Hydroquinone, I would think that it would at least lighten your skin. However, I have read a number of negative reviews saying that it didn't work. Either way, there is no way that I could recommend it to you after reading what I have read today.


I honestly had no idea that the Proactiv Skin Lightening lotion was so dangerous. When I began doing research, I thought that I was going to be able to recommend you guys to another great Proactiv product. However, since this products main ingredient is labeled as dangerous, there's no way I could ever recommend it to any of you. This is now making me wonder - How dangerous is Benzoyl Peroxide?

Although the Skin Lightening Lotion can cause people problems, this doesn't mean everything about Proactiv Solutions sucks. Be sure to check out my full review of Proactiv for more of a positive note.

Also, I just completed my Proactiv Questions and Answers Guide. I definitely recommend checking that out for more information!


Hillarie said...

Pure benzoyl peroxide is flammable, toxic, explosive, and it promotes tumors, BUT whether it harms the skin or not is questionable. Every substance has negative effects, but once I use up my current acne products, I'm going to try something with either tea tree oil or honey and is certified organic because I've researched the ingredients in some natural things and they don't seem to be harmful.

Eyden said...

Hillarie - You have a sweet blog. I've also been thinking about going the natural way for some time now. But like everything else in America- medicine is the easy way out.

PS: Have you thought about downloading a free template for your blog? You should definitely get one! :) There are so many available.

If you need help, please let me know.

Hillarie said...

In my opinion, medicine really isn't the easy way out if it doesn't work. That's the whole reason I'm switching to natural stuff (or in some cases, semi-natural)

I hadn't really thought about it, but I suppose it couldn't harm my blog. I might later when I'm less lazy :)

Eyden said...

Natural is always better. However, to clear your skin naturally, you're going to have to give up a lot of 'junk foods'

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but proactiv skin lightening lotion does NOT cause cancer, even though it does contain 2% Hydroquinone that is not nearly enough to cause cancer

Eyden said...

I'm in the process of speaking with the creators of Proactiv regarding the case.

Anonymous said...

I would like 2 say after using this product for 2months it has really cleared up my skin and I had used 2 other products(Ambi & Skin success) and neither one of them worked like proactive did..

Anonymous said...

Will you post more help on scaring please =]

Anonymous said...

iam an african american women who suffered with acne since i was 13 in highschool until freshmen year in college as a result scars that had very drastic effects on my face and life were left behind i hated the way i looked i knew i was beautiful under the scars but nothing worked plus i didnt want to be white or light skin just have clearer skin i have used proactiv solution and sadly it didnt work for me but the skin lighten lotion did remember everyone skin is diffrent and more subceptible to diffrent things proavtiv is not for everybody but this PRODUCT DOES WORK!!!dont believe every thing you read it changed my life and it shows in as little as TWO WEEKS!i love it

Anonymous said...

a conclusion to the last message so you an get a clearer visual on my skin type slightly oily a little dry around my nose and forehead and skin color the color of a new penny just brown skin(smile)i hope i helped you..

Anonymous said...

this product blows, itll make any area of dark skin 400 times darker. DONT BUY

Anonymous said...

I've been looking for a decent "skin-whitening" solution for the hyperpigmentation as a result of my acne, so I started looking into Proactiv skin lightening lotion. I haven't done too much research, but apparently hydroquinone can cause damage to the liver if used for prolonged periods of time. However, Proactiv's solution only uses 2% and this is supposedly safe enough to use for about 3 months. I've heard mixed reviews about the product itself though. For some people it worked great, and for others it didn't work at all. A couple people said they didn't see results until they started applying it twice daily. So basically, I guess it's something you might want to try out, and you have about a 50-50% chance of it working?

Anonymous said...

you know this article dont make any sense by looking at the information. They call a reliable source "Wiki" and anyone can come up on that website & say stuff !

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Anybody that calls wiki 'reliable' is not a reliable source.

Anonymous said...

Proactive SUCKS!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

does proactiv work on severe acne??

Unknown said...

Here's the fairly well known scoop on lightening, clearing up, and even moderating facial skin tonality on the face, shoulders and well.. Everywhere!

Write this down ladies and gents'..

- Vitamin E -

Being a multiracial 16-year-old kid, my skin (especially on my face), has always been hard to manage.. One of my biggest problems (and still is to some extent) deals with facial scarring! For me, irritated acne slowly turns to dark, brown, and PRONOUNCED spots.. My mom even carted me off to a dermatologist for a while.. Benzoyl Peroxide,(@ Hillarie, June 13, 2009 1:19 PM)*Proactive lightening cream, and many, many others, all seemed to only make things worse.. THAT’S when I found- (drum roll) -the miracle of Vitamin E...
After watching a Netflix documentary on the miracles of vitamins, I decided to give my mom's 200ml gel capsules a try. AMAZING!! It's cheap, healthy, and rewarding.. It's not something I have to 'be careful' with. I can put it around my eyes, past my hair line (sportin' a pretty hefty beard already), and even IN my nose when it gets pretty dry. spots disappeared like candy from my secret candy stash..
For those of you who question the safety of using more than 200ml of vitamin E a day, don't.. worry.. Every article backed by 'doctors' on the internet seem to condemn overusing Vitamins (especially vitamin E) as unhealthy and potentially dangerous.. Well don't listen.. Although the situation is allot more complex than this, most doctors make money (and keep their jobs) by the medications that would miraculously become useless if everyone treated themselves with inexpensive vitamins. If proof is needed, just READ any of these online articles.. "It seems that the general rate of mortality increases when dosages supersede 400ml of Vitamin E a day".. Uhh.. General rate of mortality? Does this look like final destination to you?

So.. Use it, love, it, and uh.. USE IT SOME MORE!!

~Reuben Klemm (MiƩrcoles, noviembre 24, 2010)

Anonymous said...

proactive really does work , the renewing lotion did work and after using the whole treatment my acne disappeared and i have never had them back again and it's been 4yrs now. Trust me Proactive works! i just bought the skin lightening lotion cos i keep picking stuff from my face and it's leaving behind black areas. am using the whitening lotion on them and it's been just a week and i have it down 2 shades lighter. i use it twice a day, morning anf night. i always recommend proactive products to friends cos it works. For me nothing else does. 2% hydroquinine is also safe for the skin.
proactive works my people. i used all the 'others' but none worked!

anonymous said...

Work for me tho but. Just don't put it in eyebags it will swell.

Anonymous said...

Proactive WORKS. It certainly worked for me when nothing else did on my weird form of acne called "baby acne" which is a total joke, because I'm definitely no baby. However, I am a pale, white girl and it darkened my skin very to a very noticeable point and now the dark spots where I used it will not go away. I keep reading this darkening is common for African American skin but it does the same thing to Caucasian skin to the point it almost looks bruised.