What Happens If I Stop Using Proactiv?

What Happens If I Stop Using Proactiv?

1/05/2010 01:14:00 PM

The following answer comes from the Acne Help Guide.


Unless you have outgrown your acne, if you stop using Proactiv, it will likely come back. Some individuals report that their acne actually got worse than it was before, but I don't believe this was the case.

Instead, I believe that if you stop using Proactiv, your acne will go back to the way it was before, but it will look worse than it was before, because you've become so used to your clearer skin, while using the product.


Anonymous said...

I do not agree with this answer. I used Proactiv on and off for about 5 years. Before I started I only had the occasional zit, but was afraid that without Proactiv I would develop bad skin likes my sisters, so I started using it when I really only needed a simple cleanser.

Now I am 20 and I have stopped using Proactiv because I cannot afford it anymore. My fear has come true. My skin is not only as bad as my sisters was back then, but its MUCH worse. I never thought I would have skin this bad.

I think that my skin is now much worse after coming off Proactiv, but I'm hoping that after being off it for a while my skin will go back to its normal state it was before I began using it.

Anonymous said...

this happened to me too... i stopped using proactiv and now my skin is HORRIBLE it's so depressing. so i strongly suggest if you're happy with proactiv and do not want to lose that beautiful clear skin...don't stop using it!

Anonymous said...

I stopped using it after my skin got a little clear..nothing happened Im 17 yrs old going to 18...i guess my acne age is over xDD

Anonymous said...

Well i'm 15 and i just ordered proactive because i have a little of bad acne...but not as bad...and I'm afraid if I stop buying it, it'll make my skin worse...I'm so scared of having bad skin...I use to have it when I was 12 and then it started to go away...But a little of it came back...but it doesn't look as bad.

Anonymous said...

Well my mom is trying to by me some but I am afraid that is going to make my skin worst and if I use it and then stop using it my acne will come back and works plc tell me if I should get it or now I need answers here plc help =\

Anonymous said...

I started using Proactiv when I was fourteen. Since I was twelve, I got horrible whiteheads that even my friends would stare at and make fun of. Everyone in my family that I know of has great skin, it doesn't feel fair. Anyway, I stopped using it about sixth months ago, and my face is slowly beginning to feel like a mountain range (Not as bad as it sounds, my face just isn't smooth anymore), and whiteheads are beginning to come back. My skin was extremely clear while I was using Proactiv, but I hate the idea of being so dependent on the product. :(

Anonymous said...

i wanna buy proactive but i'm scared that if i stop using it my skin will go back to how it is now.....horrible! i have a medium case on my face and a horrible ugly case on my back......i cant wear a tang-top without having the feeling that people r looking at my back and saying how ugly it is...i just wanna feel comfortable in my own skin for once

Anonymous said...

I bought proactiv a few weeks ago and so far its working great but im afraid soon im not going to be able to afford it and that will force me into not using the product. Now im wishing i never started using it, because i dont want to get uncurable or unfixable and uncontrollable acne!! I made a mistake buying this product. If you are thinking about buying this product be aware!!! It works great but if you stop using it your skin will turn TERRIBLE be careful!!! I suggest you stick with something else that is more cheap and something you can buy at the drugstore.

Anonymous said...

i stopped using proactiv about...a month ago? my dad always warned me that my skin would get addicted to the product...and he was right =( i still have some left but i decided to try it out and not use it for a while to see what would happen... and now my face is bumpy with some pimples here and there... i know for a fact i'm not going to use the rest of the proactiv that i have! hopefully my skin will slowly clear up.. right now i'm using neutrogena's pink grapefruit face scrub, and neutrogena's 3 step acne control toner which helps on my oily skin bc it takes away the shine. i also picked up neutrogena's on-the-stop acne cream today and applied it on my face a while ago! it seems to be working a bit; we'll have to see! but WE ALWAYS HAVE CONCEALOR to hide away those harsh spots alsooo :) thank god...

Anonymous said...

instead of using it twice everyday why cant we just use it like three times a week. this will make our akin not as dependable on it everydy.

Anonymous said...

this happened to me too... i stopped using proactiv and now my skin is HORRIBLE it's so depressing. I think the skin gets addicted to the product and needs it. So STOP USING IT or i strongly suggest if you're happy with proactiv and do not want to lose that beautiful clear skin...don't stop using it!

Anonymous said...

I have black spots on my face (not a lot) and I want to get rid of them. Should I get proactive?

Anonymous said...

There is no cure for acne...this product is meant to be a long term thing. If you had acne before using it..you will most likely have acne after stopping. Proactiv is to help control your acne, not make it disappear permanently.

Anonymous said...

same thing happened to me...can't we sue for this?

Anonymous said...

My friend used it and then stoped and her acne doubled. We should be able to sue them.

Anonymous said...

I just stopped using proactiv two days ago because I can't afford it anymore. Will my skin get worse?

Anonymous said...

So what you're trying to say is that my skin will get worse since I stopped using it?

Anonymous said...

i just ordered some a few days ago, im using clearisil ultra right now, my face isnt bad at all i almost have no acne on my face, its just my jawline and neck area that gets those annoying big ones. and i have some there that form and i bought proactiv to get rid of that. after reading this i dont want to use it and have breakouts on my face when i stop using it.. :\

Anonymous said...

i learned it the hard way twice.

i started proactive last 2005, it was actually good , i only have 1 or 2 acne occasionally,so far it was the best acne treatment i ever used. but i stopped in 2008, thinking my acne wouldn't come back and god after a few months i looked like a monster.

i started using it again, and after 4 months of proactive and diet, my face became clear again.

i'm really stubborn, i stopped using it again last October 2011. and voila in february 2012 my acne worsened like hell!!

now i'm back to square one! oh god i hope proactiv would fix my face again. i'm starting my first job next week, jeez i hope my face would improve by that time.

Anonymous said...

did you have alot of acne before you used proactiv? and after you stopped using proactiv did you use another type? just just a cleansing wash like clearasil or clean and clear at least?

Eyden said...

Yes. I had a lot of acne before Proactiv. After your skin gets clear, you have to continue using Proactiv for it to stay clear.

Anonymous said...

I used proactiv for about 1 year constantly and have been off it for about 2 months. My skin is worst than it ever was. I never used to have ANY bumps or pimples on my checks and rarely any on my forehead. Now I get acne EVERYWHERE on my face. I'm 21 and really should be getting over the whole acne thing soon.... but apparently not. I would caution people as to whether your skin is bad enough to justify using proactiv and therefore suffering the repercussions of it.

Anonymous said...

I debated on buying proactiv, but after reading this, I think I love my natural skin as it is and I want to keep it that way

Anonymous said...

I just stopped using proactive and i started to break out again. I stopped using proactive becuse beetween school and work i don't have time to apply 2x a day. I've been using it for a month. Im 16 years old.

Anonymous said...

i just stopped using proactive 3 weeks ago and my face is getting tiny bumps that i never had before and large red pimples on my nose and forhead..

Anonymous said...

Not necessarily true. proactive is expensive for a reason.. because it works fast while other take months to even work like over the counter items if you stop using proactive and buy a cheaper substance your pimples will come back because there is nothing stronger fighting them..so my advice is if u stop using proactive try something else less cheaper but not so cheap if so it will not work try acnefree its 20.00

Anonymous said...

My friend was on proactive and her face cleared up she looked amazing..... But then she stopped using it because she couldn't buy it anymore and her face got so bad.....it was worse than before

Anonymous said...

Proactive is so expensive because you become so dependent on it that you have to keep buying it..... It's a brilliant marketing strategy, but also a lot of the reason peoples skin get worse after using it is because the main ingredient in proactive is hydrogen peroxide...which is very harsh on skin, and some people have very sensitive skin making it worse after they use it

Anonymous said...

Proactive is so expensive because you become so dependent on it that you have to keep buying it..... It's a brilliant marketing strategy, but also a lot of the reason peoples skin get worse after using it is because the main ingredient in proactive is hydrogen peroxide...which is very harsh on skin, and some people have very sensitive skin making it worse after they use it

Anonymous said...

I'm writing so that this may help those who have stopped proactive and tried other products that DID NOT work. basically I have the same story. My acne is on my cheeks and my forehead but the skin around them is clear...like my chin, nose, and the outlines of my forehead and cheeks. I had perfect skin while using proactive...but I heard so many bad things about BP, so I immediately stopped using it. I started getting small pimples and now I have on going pimples. I tried the regimen from acne.org it has great reviews and it actually kind of worked for me after proactive..unlike the other over the counter products that had no effect since proactive is much harsh. (ive tried everything. like...EVERYTHING) right now though, I'm using cetaphil's face cleanser normal to oily skin. and the cetaphil lotion for all skin types. it really evened out my skin tone. but my skin is still breaking out (less bc there aren't too many random bumps) my skin texture though is amazingg... but the discoloration I know i'll take with me to my grave :( sigh.... I am also using the Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque. Its really nice too. Trust me guys...I'm recommending cetaphil and queen helene. although it doesnt remove acne..it still helps a lot... and I'm just as hopeless as most of you guys whos lives have been ruined by proactive... lmk if anyone knows better regimens. thanks

Anonymous said...

How much is proactive after their 29.99 deal? Because I just ordered it online & I see that people have stopped because they can't afford it. Plsss lmk asap!

Anonymous said...

I stopped using proactiv 2 months ago and I must say my acne got worse than ever before. I broke out on my forehead, chin, and and around my nose..I don't know what to do anymore. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I could do to help with my acne? If so please comment. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Well I don't rlly got bad acne. I get like 2 or 3 zits a month but I don't Lik it. So I heard about proactive and bought it. I used it once a day and Lik sometimes forgot to put it on because I put it at night. I didn't see results so I started using it twice a day every day. I hav only used it Lik 3 weeks and Ive read all this comment so now I want to quit will my face get bad?!!!?? D:

Anonymous said...

I've used Proactiv for a little over a month...then ONE night I didn't use the 3-step system. The next morning = CHAOS. Random little bumps on my forehead, and my recently faded scars are now bright red.
Please don't use proactiv. The commercials and constant advertising make people unintentionally blow off their money in hopes of "perfect skin," and then use that money for more advertising. They're unstoppable.
Not that this product wont deliver. It will...but for a price. This will royally jack your face up, I assure you.
Just don't go there.