Is Acne Caused By Food: SURPRISING Answer!

The following answer comes from the Acne Help Guide.

Is Acne Caused By Food?


  • Certain foods can definitely play a role in whether or not an individual will breakout
  • Example 1: Soda can cause dehydration. Dehydration can lead to acne.
  • Example 2: Milk has a high iodine content. Iodine is linked to causing acne.

Solution: Do you have food allergies?

  • Stay away from certain foods that you believe cause you to breakout.
  • Research the idea behind the diet - acne connection to learn more.
  • Understand that everyone is different.
    • Foods that cause you to breakout may not cause someone else to.
  • Read Acne Free in 3 Days for a natural, free* cure.

Benefits from above solution

  • May no longer need to use topical or oral treatments.
  • Save money.
  • Be healthier.

By taking everything you learned in this article, I hope that you'll understand that acne is sometimes caused by the food that you eat.

On the same note, I'll say this... Don't believe what the companies tell you! Remember, they want your money. Make sure you figure out everything for your self and develop your own opinions.

Benefits by following my solution - By curing your acne naturally, you will no longer need to use acne products. This saves you big money. Furthermore, you'll likely be healthier, by avoiding those nasty foods which caused you to breakout in the first place.

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Does Drinking Energy Drinks Cause Breakouts?

The following answer comes from the Acne Help Guide.

Does Drinking Energy Drinks Cause Breakouts?


  • Drinking energy drinks tends to cause major breakouts, amongst those people who regularly consume them.

  • I began drinking energy drinks once again, just to get me on a good start to the new school year. It's amazing how much more productive one can be when drinking these things.

  • I noticed a huge pimple on my back the other day... I never get back acne.

  • This isn't the first time an energy drink has caused me to breakout.

Solution: Instead of Energy Drinks

  • Get at least 8 hours of sleep every night.

  • Supplement with B Vitamins.

  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

  • Eat 6 meals a day.

  • Exercise 30 minutes a day.

Benefits from above solution

  • No more breakouts caused by energy drinks.

  • No caffeine.
  • Saves you money.

  • Breaks an addiction.

  • Makes you healthier.

  • No crash.

By following the above solution, you will allow your body to obtain its energy from natural sources. You will no longer have a quick jump in your blood sugar levels (from taking energy drinks), and you will no longer have high amounts of caffeine in your body. This means, breakouts will be less consistent and may even completely go away.

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Is There a Pill for Acne?

The following answer comes from the Acne Help Guide.

Is there a pill for acne


There are a few notable pills that people can use to treat their acne.

  • Accutane
  • Differin
  • Birth Control Pills
  • & natural pills like vitamins, minerals etc...

Although pills may seem like the best way to go, some do come with some major side effects. Always speak with your doctor before taking any new pills or supplements.

Quick Note - For the above reasons, it's sometimes it's simply better to stick with a topical acne treatment.

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Can Windex Get Rid Of Acne? READ THIS!!!

The following answer comes from the Acne Help Guide.

Can Windex get rid of acne?


Although Windex can actually get rid of acne, (so I have heard) it doesn't necessarily mean that using it on your face is a good idea.

Think about this for a minute - Windex was made to clean, not to wash your face, or get rid of acne.

Although there are some things that you can use for your acne, that weren't exactly intended for that purpose, it doesn't mean Windex is one of those things.

Instead of Windex - Go out and purchase a good acne face wash system that either contains benzoyl peroxide, or salicylic acid, as a main acne fighting ingredient.

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What Is The Best Way To Treat Acne?

The following answer comes from the Acne Help Guide.

What is the best way to treat acne?


There is truly no defined, "best way," to treat acne. This is because everyone is different.

From personal experience, I have best treated my acne with the use of products containing benzoyl peroxide.

Best Benzoyl Peroxide Products -

  • Acne.Org's products.
  • Proactiv.
  • AcneFree

For a more natural approach - You could try Dr. Dermal, or Acne Free in 3 Days.

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Does Walmart Sell Proactiv?

The following answer comes from the Acne Help Guide.


Sadly, Walmart does NOT sell Proactiv. However, Proactiv did recently introduced new vending machines which you can purchase their products from. These vending machines are located in Malls, and may be among many other locations, across the United States.

If you're not lucky enough to purchase Proactiv locally, you can either purchase it from their website, or from a site like Ebay.

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Does Zinc Help Acne?

The following answer comes from the Acne Help Guide.


It's said that the right amount of zinc can actually help clear up your acne. With that being said, you're always cautioned to use the correct amount of zinc before starting the new regimen. Also note: Results may take up to 3 months to show, and max results will only be gained if other dietary changes are made as well.

More information about this subject can be found at the zinc - acne page.

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What Foods Cause Oily Skin?

The following answer comes from the Acne Help Guide.


First, understand that oily skin is NOT only caused by the foods that you eat, but it's also caused by these reasons as well...

Causes of Oily Skin

  • Hormone Levels.
  • Never washing your face.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Topical Treatments you use.
  • Makeup.
  • Sweat.
  • Humid Weather.

Now, in my person experience, the following foods have seemed to have made my skin more oily.

  • Popcorn
  • Greasy foods in general
  • Soda
  • Salt and other dehydrating foods

Quick Tip - In general, it's a good idea to avoid foods high in salt, as these foods can be very dehydrating to the body. Dehydration can cause your skin to dry, which can then lead to an overproduction of natural skin oils, causing oily skin.

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What Happens If I Stop Using Proactiv?

The following answer comes from the Acne Help Guide.


Unless you have outgrown your acne, if you stop using Proactiv, it will likely come back. Some individuals report that their acne actually got worse than it was before, but I don't believe this was the case.

Instead, I believe that if you stop using Proactiv, your acne will go back to the way it was before, but it will look worse than it was before, because you've become so used to your clearer skin, while using the product.

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Is Accutane Right for Me?

The following answer comes from the Acne Help Guide.


I only recommend using accutane as a final attempt acne treatment. This means that you should only use accutane if you've tried almost everything else to treat your acne, but you haven't gotten any results.

Further tests by your doctor or dermatologist will determine whether or not accutane is right for you.

This is because the oral treatment is said to have a high amount of side effects.

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What Causes Chin Acne?

The following answer comes from the Acne Help Guide.


Acne always forms for the same reason, regardless of its location.

Although the above statement is true, many outside factors can affect acne. For example: Touching your face can further irritate your skin and exacerbate acne.

For the above reasons alone, we can come to the conclusion that all acne is caused for the same reasons, but outside factors determine exactly how bad acne / chin acne becomes.

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How Do You Get Rid Of A Pimple Fast?

The following answer comes from the Acne Help Guide.


There are many claims about ways to get rid of a pimple fast.

  • Toothpaste on a Pimple Overnight.
  • Rubbing Alcohol
  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Spot Treatment...

With all of the possibilities, you'd think there would be at least one that actually worked.

The truth is, none of the above solutions work. Some will make reduce a pimple's visibility, no doubt. But none of the above solutions will get rid of a pimple extremely fast.

The only true way to get rid of a pimple fast - After letting the pimple turn into a whitehead, gently prick the top of it with a sterilized needle. Afterward, be sure to wash your face with a gentle cleanser, to remove any bacteria left behind.

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What Age Does Acne STOP Occurring?


Although I would like to say that acne stops after puberty, this isn't always the case. Many people, including myself, and adults alike, will continue to have acne well into their 20's and 30's. Some will even continue to have acne in their 40's and 50's, although I have never heard of anyone having it past their 50's.

With that being said, it's important to take the steps to treat your acne now. Be sure to view the Acne Help Guide for more information on how to go about doing this.

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Acne Help: FREE Guide + Questions & Answers

AcneTeen.Org is becoming a Giant help to people who are suffering from acne. To become even more of a help, I have developed this How to Get Rid of Acne Guide, along with the free list of common acne questions and answers below.

Acne Questions + Answers

  1. What age does acne stop occurring?
  2. How do you get rid of a pimple fast?
  3. What causes chin acne?
  4. Is accutane right for me?
  5. What happens if I stop using Proactiv?
  6. What Foods Cause Oily Skin?
  7. Does Zinc Help Acne?
  8. Does Walmart Sell Proactiv
  9. What is the best way to treat acne?
  10. Can Windex Get Rid Of Acne?
  11. Is there a pill for acne?

If you have a question that I haven't answered, be sure to ask your question at the end of this article, in the comments section.

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Natural Topical Acne Treatment: MY FAVORITE!

You've probably noticed that clearing your acne naturally, and topically for that matter, can be extremely difficult to do.

There are so many topical acne treatments on the market... How are you supposed to know what to choose from?

Bowl of olives

I am the owner of AcneTeen.Org for a reason; I actually go out and try products to tell you what works well, and what doesn't work at all. After obtaining a load of new information over the past year, I have created my How to Get Rid of Acne: Free A+ Guide. Before you go and check that out, be sure to finish this post.

What's the best natural topical acne treatment?

Dr. Dermal Review

The key to this post is the keyword, "natural." Dr. Dermal is your #1 natural topical acne treatment, and I am about to tell you why.

Why Dr. Dermal is #1:

  • Products ingredients are legal in all countries.
  • They don't test on animals.
  • Fasting and internal cleansing is not required for results.
  • No side effects.

My experience with Dr. Dermal.

Finally, my experience with Dr. Dermal was amazing, and can be read at my Dr. Dermal Review page.

Do what works for you!

As a final piece of advice, I would recommend everyone who reads this post to try Dr. Dermal. Follow the instructions to a dime. If Dr. Dermal doesn't work for you, (which I am confident it will) call their support team.

Remember, there is no cure for acne, but their are many different ways to treat acne.

This post was written based off of my personal experiences with Dr. Dermal, a natural topical acne treatment. Nothing in this post is written in attempt to mislead you, or anyone else who reads this page.

To learn more, be sure to check out how to treat your acne naturally, with two proven methods.

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