P90X Nausea: Cause and Relief!

P90X Nausea: Cause and Relief!

12/12/2009 04:13:00 PM

I just completed a day of Chest and Back for the P90X program, and yet again, the nausea has kicked in. Even though my body has ran through this routine a million times, it still makes me sick to my stomach.

Man Experiencing Nausea

As I sit here and type this message, I feel like I am going to throw up. Good to know, right? On a positive note, I'm laying down, and sipping on water. This seems to be relieving my nausea a little bit.

No other P90X Routine gives me problems...

  • I can even go through a routine of Plyometrics and still be fine. It's chest and back specifically, that seems to be causing me problems.
  • Then again, I'm also taking a few different supplements:
    • Muscle Milk
    • Nitric Oxide
    • Creatine

What causes the Nauseous feeling?

  • No matter how many times I run this P90X routine, I still get it.
  • Maybe the chest and back routine is a little overdone?
  • Even Tony Horton felt nauseous, as he stated it during the workout.


  • Sit OR lay down. Whichever feels better.
  • Drink small amounts of water every few minutes.
  • Boil white rice in water. Drink for relief. (via article base)
  • Drink peppermint water.
  • Rest.

For me, simply chillin out and relaxing has seemed to get the job done. Now that I have written this post, I feel better, but I think my nausea may come back if I begin to move around again.

Future P90X Workouts

  • I may just try to tone things down a bit.
  • I'll probably take a little bit longer breaks.
  • I may cut out the supplements that I am taking.

Overall, I really do not know what's causing my nausea, but I know it has something to do with P90X, or the supplements that I am taking.


Anonymous said...

I am exactly the same way. The other workouts wear me out, but I never feel like I'm going to vomit like I do with Chest & Back. My girlfriend says when she was training to be a gymnast, she would feel like that all the time, and that they pushed her and they would actually vomit and keep going. It just means your body is working really hard. It's supposed to be a good thing but I hate it.

Anonymous said...

i did my first day
and i got the exact same feeling
thank god im not the only one

Anonymous said...

hey it may be the nitric oxide that might be making you nauseous. even though you may be using before or after all of the workouts, chest and back would probably be the most tiring workout being that it works two major muscle groups. as a result your body maybe using the nitric oxide even more during this work out so i would suggest to either lessen the intake of it or even try the workout with out it.

Anonymous said...

I just finished my Day 1 workout which was the the Chest and Back workout. I too felt nauseous and even threw up a little. I drank plenty of water, but I don't think I waited long enough after I had breakfast to let the rest of my food digest. Next time I will wait an extra hour after I eat. But I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who felt this way.

Anonymous said...

Apparently i got it really bad, so much so i was throwing up and felt extremely weak and threw up some more and more, got abdominal cramps and didnt even reach the abb ripper X!!! Sigh!!! Good to know that i'm not sick or any thing!!!

Anonymous said...

Feeling nausea too. I dont know I think it has something to do with the decline push-up. recommend skipping that and just do military and see how you feel.

Unknown said...

Man first day of p90x and I barfed.
I thought that I was seriously out of shape!
Good to know its not just me.
I think its the decline push-ups as well, its probably because all the blood rushes to your head then you get up so fast, do pull up. Its like wonderland for your blood cells.
Maybe changing the routine a little bit could help?

"Do your best, and forget the rest!"

Justin H. said...

I vomited vast quantities and told myself to KEEP GOING. We should all do that, and feel good about it! We told our bodies who was boss and it didn't like it. Means our body was scared that were gonna take it from its fat gelatin-like consistency to a Leaner, MEANER, *!!!!!RIPPED!!!!* , shiny METAL-LIKE state in which we will VOMIT with smiles on our faces because we can now "BRING IT"

Anonymous said...

I just finished my first round of P90X a week ago and I felt sick on this workout EVERY TIME! I was only taking whey protein as a supplement, so I'm sure any other supplements would have little to do with the nausea. I have heard that Creatine can make you feel nauseous if you don't burn it up in the workout right away. Anyway, I just started another round this week and, lo and behold, I STILL feel sick and light-headed when I do this workout. I hate it hate hate it hate it! I get so mad at my body for being so 'weak'. Aside from that, this is a great program. I was pretty bad out of shape but I didn't need to really lose any weight. I still lost 15 lbs. Can't wait to really rip myself out even more this next round.

Anonymous said...

i just finshed with P90X 3 days ago and now on my next round but yes just like all of you guys that are writing on this website i still vomit around 10 min's before the end of the workout, but i still keep going even if my face feels flush. it's actually the only workout in p90x where my face gets flush after i vomit. i can easily do plyometrics and be fine but chest and back is the killer!!!! i am however able to do more reps then the german chick :)

Karsouny said...

Vomited too. Plyometrics. Water is helping. I feel soo dehyrated. would gatorade help?!

also btw, I m trying to cut down on carbs and replace with extra protein and caffein only for 10days to drop down excessively. M also supplementing with animal pack vitamins, whey protein shake and NO XPLODE. Just figures they d be another energy source while i burn off excess fat... does this sound logical?

ah btw, check out my blog. id love it if you d give me some feedback and pointers. I m jotting things down every day, p90x, dieting, running..etc
giving myself till halloween to turn into king leonidas of 300 :D


Anonymous said...

A lot of it is to do with lack of fitness and always pushing yourself to the edge. Another thing to consider is that doing Ab Ripper after resistance training can effect people who suffer from motion sickness - sounds stupid I know but as soon as I do the Crunchy Frog, I'm out. I now split these and do one in the morning and one in the evening - works a treat.

Anonymous said...

Just finished day one of p90x. I've honestly never felt like vomiting after a work-out in my life, but my goodness, I am nauseous right now and even threw up a little. I only take whey protein as a supplement. Glad to hear I'm not the only one.

Anonymous said...

Maybe that helps a little. I feel nauseous after the plyometrics every time. However, i felt the exact same nausea when i was working heavy early morning shifts for days with lack of proper nutrition etc. Many coworkers had the same problem and i started experimenting with different medications - none of them worked. Interestingly, what did the trick was a high dose of any kind of vitamin b complex product. I suggest a sublingual kind like B Complex from Natures Bounty etc. I take a double dosage under my tongue and the nausea is gone within 15 minutes. Give it a try.

HillBillyJilly said...

blah... Im halfway through legs and back Day 44 of P90X for me..Im not following the diet and I have never ha an issue with nausea during the workouts no matter how intense...but I ate ver little today and am paying for it now. Light headed, nauseous, feeling drained. I was really bringing it this workout since I missed it last weekend (only workout Ive missed in 44 days) I ate a bowl of oatmeal for supper a couple hours ago...so I know its diet related for my nausea..but it feels aweful...Not taking any supplements, just an occasional protein shake..

Unknown said...

I always feel awesome after any of the lifting videos. The videos that make me feel sick are Plyometrics, Kenpo X, and Core Synergistics (the cardio workouts basically). I don't do these workouts until almost 3 hours after I last ate, but I do take NO xplode supplement about 30-40 minutes before these workouts. (you're supposed to take NO xplode on an empty stomach and then wait a while before your workout). I may just be working too hard as my body is still not used to so much cardio (I'm only on week 4 of P90X). I also am currently weaning off of anti-depressants so this could be a factor too. I threw up last week DURING my Kenpo X workout but I went back and continued it. Today after Core, I felt very very sick. I always take a whey protein drink after my workouts which makes me feel a little better.

Cloud CRM said...

My neighbor vomited after his first work out, according to his wife. I laughed at him when I heard it but I had to hold it back and had to go lay down. Something about this workout is slamming the body. I sweat much more during Taekwondo but this workout screwed with my body. Confusion is the key and they found it. I thought it was the diet of the egg whites for breakfast at first but after hearing others speak about this, it has to be the workout. Can't wait for the results to come in from the work.

Anonymous said...

I can only get through half of the Chest and Back workout before getting sick and throwing up. Sometimes I can push through it. Other times I develop a severe headache and have to quit. What is it with this routine specifically?

Anonymous said...

I just finished the first day of p90x and its not like i get tired but my muscles got so wore out that it gave me a very sick feeling... I am glad im not the only one

Anonymous said...

This is exactly the same as me! All the other workouts are fine but when I do chest/back I feel dizzy and nauseous. I think I agree with whoever said that it's probably going from pushups to pullups that causes it.

Anonymous said...

I typically take these workouts to my gym at work and approximate pull-ups with the weight machine. On Labor Day I did the workout at home with the pull-up bar, and even though I'm in Week 11 I got so nauseous I had to stop halfway through the second round and finished it later. So from my experience it seems likely that using bands or some other substitute instead of pull-ups should reduce your nausea.

Even without pull-ups, though, I still get nauseous with this workout sometimes. The Decline Push-Ups and the Divebomber Push-Ups disorient me the most. If you can push through it, great, but if not you might want to take it light on those two exercises to make sure you can finish strong.

Anonymous said...

i'm a morning exerciser and unfortunately the p90x system in the mornings aren't working for me because i go to work looking and feeling terrible. i work with cancer patients and i'm starting to feel how they do in the mornings. i'm way too tired after work to do the workout system. does anyone have any suggestions for me?

Anonymous said...

This is crazy! I never post comments on any sites but I feel compelled to chime in since it seems like we are not alone.
I've been doing p90x on and off for the past 3 years and the lone workout that brings on the sickness feeling is chest and back.
I just figured i'd google it and see if anyone shared my nauseated feelings and sure enough here they are!
I don't take any supplements besides fish oil and multi's and and married to a nutritionist so I eat well. I also run 25 miles a week so that takes out being out of shape.

I feel the constant motion of pull up, push up, up, down does something to certain peoples equilabrium.