Increased Protein Caused Lower Back and Kidney Pain!

Increased Protein Caused Lower Back and Kidney Pain!

11/30/2009 12:13:00 PM

Close-up of meat on grill

As I sit here and type this message, my lower back, mainly around my kidney area, is in a good amount of pain. I think it could be due to the fact that I increased my protein and caloric intake.

Also, I am taking

  • Creatine
  • Nitrix Oxide
  • Muscle Milk

What worsens the pain?

  • Moving around a lot.
  • Drinking protein powder.
  • Taking supplements.
  • Eating foods with protein in general.

What helps to relieve the pain?

  • Drinking lot of water.
  • Hot shower / bath.
  • Warm heat pad.

I don't know what's causing my problem!

If you're viewing this page, you probably know how I feel. The thing is, it seems like I have to drink an extremely large amount of water, to get my kidney area flushed enough to stop hurting.

Maybe my kidney's can't handle the protein / calories?

This seems to happen every time I increase the amount of food I eat. See, I have a difficult time gaining weight unless I'm on a strict 6 meal a day, 550 calorie a meal, plan.

Since I don't have a million bucks, I eat a lot of peanut butter, and other cheaper foods, which are high in calories, and usually high in protein.

If I lowered my protein intake, my problem would be solved!

It has to be the protein. I don't know what else it'd be. The lower back / kidney pain arises only when I drink protein shakes, and do the other things that I listed above.


Anonymous said...

Dude your back problem is probally from a protein overdose.
Taking 3 supplements and eating protein rich food like peanut butter has to be the reason.

Anonymous said...

I have discovered I can not touch protein powders. and I have tried many brands. I do not take any other supplements. my total protein intake was 95 - 110 grams protein a day max. I would drink one shake 20 grams protein with skim milk for a total of 28 grams protein. the protein powder would cause extreme pain in the kidney area. I went to the doctor peed in a cup and he diagnosed me with a kidney infection which came about from drinking protein powder. and was put on antibiotics. but the antibiotics would not kill the infection off. so far I have been put on ciprofloxacin for 7 days(did not kill the infection) next was put on sulfameth trimethoprim for 7 days which did not kill the infection. next was put on doxycycline for 10 days which did not kill the infection. now I was put on cephalexin 3,000 mg a day, been on it 3 days now and it is not killing the infection either.

I noticed many people take protein shakes and never have any problem. but there are many people that do have problems. I believe it is possible that me and many others may have some underlying kidney problems that we are not a where of and our kidneys are not flushing out as good as normal peoples kidneys do. this could explain why many people have kidney problems. but if a person does some googling you will find protein powders contain many bad substances example optimum nutrition was found to have arsenic in it. and also many sweeteners such as sucralose contain chlorine, chlorine is a component of insect spray. really nasty stuff. and the FDA turns a blind eye to the supplement industry. protein powder reminds me of antifreeze.

I'm sure we have all heard the story about a barking dog and the neighbor who suffers sleepless nights decides to kill the dog . so he pours out some antifreeze to give to the dog in order to kill it. and the dog happily drinks it all up. because it has a nice sweet smell and taste to it. then the dog dies

same thing with protein powders. it may smell good and taste good. but it is basically just poison in a can. don't fall for the hype don't poison yourself because everybody else is dumb enough to do it. I personally will never touch another bodybuilding supplement long as I live

Anonymous said...

while in the hospital for MRSI, I could not stand to eat. My Dr. then ordered a protein drink 4-6 times daily. The first one made me have extreme pain in my kidneys. This had happened years before and, I had not tried any since, anyway, I refused to drink anymore of it. When I told the nurses and the Dr why, they acted totally surprised and said they had never heard of it before.... I will never knowingly touch it again.

Anonymous said...

One thing I know for certain, I certainly hadn't a protein overdose because I had not been eating much of anything for several weeks prior due to a differant illness.

Anonymous said...

please eat more fruits and vegetables. they are the secret no one will discuss because they "taste bad".
cavemen had perfect skin.... because of their diet.

Panjeani Rockwell said...

I have the same thing when i eat protein powder, the kidneys cannot handle it, it may be due to crystalization in the kidneys or uric acid?

Anonymous said...

Same problem here.

I dont have much pain after drinking protein shakes but it is definately there. I am wondering, if it is due to muscular problems because of a lot of sitting in the office and workout (i am training my lower back muscles on a daily basis)rather than kidney problems.
I went to a Doctor today to check my kidney performance: they are working perfectly.
So, if really my kidneys hurt. Does it mean, it is bad for my kidneys? Because there was no harm done up to this very date (i am drinking protein shakes since early 2011)

Hadassah said...

I have exactly the same problem, terrible kidney pain with infections that don´t go away. I started with atkins for a while, but then I couldn´t stand it then I sadly started eating carbs again with protein shakes and it was the same, till this very date, all the doctors I have seen ignored me, but there has to be something wrong because is too much coincidence, and I´m looking for new ways of not being fat, haven´t found one yet :S