Hardgainer Weight Gain Guide

Hardgainer Weight Gain Guide

11/30/2009 07:14:00 PM

Here's your new Idol - Taylor Lautner!

Taylor Lautner films scenes for his upcoming movie Valentine's Day in Los Angeles

He was once a skinny, 140lb kid. Now, 9 months later, he's a 170lb man.

About Hardgainers

If you're unfamiliar with the term hardgainer, it's someone, probably like yourself, that has a difficult time gaining weight, or gaining muscle mass. I'm creating the following guide, because I myself, have trouble gaining weight.

Before I go any further, let me tell you your problem!

  • You complain.
  • You make up excuses.
  • You see yourself as a "no gainer."

You and other hardgainers say things like,

  • "I eat everything, but I don't gain weight."
  • "I've tried everything, but nothing works!"
  • "I lift big, but don't make gains!"

But the truth is,

  • You probably burn more calories than you consume.
  • You haven't tried everything, because if you had, you'd be bigger!
  • You don't lift big, you just think that you do.

Top 3 Hardgainer Mistakes!

#3 Over training -

Female athlete holding neck, studio shot

For me, I always thought that I needed to work my butt off to make gains. I would run 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week, along with weight training 6 times a week.

When it comes to training, what I learned is to

  • Cut your cardio to 3 - 20 minute sessions per week.
  • Lift weights a maximum of 5 times a week
  • Provide each muscle group 48 hours of recovery before working them again.

#2 Not getting enough rest -

Couple Sleeping

Although it may seem difficult, it's important that everyone who's anyone gets 8 hours of sleep every night. This is especially true for anyone on a strict muscle building routine, including hardgainers.

If your muscles don't have time to recover, then you'll end up working tired muscles, which can actually cause the exact opposite of what you're after.

#1 Not eating enough food -

Man weighing apples in supermarket, close-up

Although the training and recovery is pretty important, the food aspect of a hardgainers journey to weight gain is extremely important.

More often than not, you probably think that you eat a lot of food.

However, if you're not eating

  • 6 meals a day.
  • 500 - 1,000 calories more than your daily recommended intake.
  • And consitently doing it,

then you're never going to make any gains, any time soon.

More Tips are Coming Soon!

Future updates to this hardgainer guide will be coming soon, (between November 1st - December 7th, 2009) and will be listed below.

If you take anything from this, know that gaining weight takes consistency. That means, eating for fuel, lifting to build, and resting to recover.

Here are the tips so far!

The Complete Guide


bawse said...

what work out plan are you doing?

Anonymous said...

im 17 and a girl i go to the gym about 6 times a week and do around 50 minutes of cardio, should i gain muscle or stay slim?