Homemade Acne Masks

Homemade Acne Masks

10/01/2009 12:23:00 PM

As a part of my home acne treatment post, I would like to talk about some homemade acne masks that can help clear up your acne.

Now, when I say 'homemade,' I mean 'household,' meaning that the majority of these masks can be made with items that you can commonly find around a house.

If you're looking for acne masks in general, be sure to check out my post on acne masks. This post will not only contain the below information, but it will also discuss store acne masks. (post currently unavailable.

Homemade Acne Mask vs Commercial.

1. It's sometimes better to get back to the old remedies, instead of trying some store-bought product.

2. Ingredients are often more natural than commercial products.

3. Low price.

4. Works just as well, if not better than commercial products..

Note: You may need to go to the store to purchase ingredients for some of these remedies. Also note that not all of these remedies include all natural ingredients.

All of the following masks are good for individual aspects of your face. Some do better than others. However, all of these masks have been tested and have usually received some sort of positive outcome.

egg whites acne

Aspirin Acne Mask - Aspirin has been used as an acne mask for quite awhile now, and it's said to give a glow to your face, along with reducing pimple size, redness, and acne scars.

egg whites acne

Egg Whites Acne - This is a great little tip that will have you making your own mask from home. Best of all, you only need eggs for this trick.

oatmeal acne mask

Oatmeal Acne Mask - Although I haven't tried this face mask, I've heard that it works pretty well. Why not give it a try? What do you have to lose?

garlic acne mask

Garlic Acne Mask - Although it may smell bad, I have heard that it works. Again, I haven't tried it, but feel free to read the article and check it out.

Homemade Masks Continued

  1. Cucumber Acne Mask
  2. Honey and Lemon Acne Treatment

My Favorite Homemade Acne Mask

My favorite homemade acne mask would have to be the egg whites trick. I've used it multiple times with positive results, including decrease in pimple size and redness. One negative to this mask is, if you use it too often, your face will become dry and irritated. I recommend using it only once a day.

image credit: lepiaf.geo


Anonymous said...

Im 12 and struggling with at least 40 small pimples i want a gentle fast working mask have any ideas- Micki a Jonson

Eyden said...

No mask alone will get rid of your acne. If you can, I would purchase a product with the active ingredient, Benzoyl Peroxide.

Proactiv and AcneFree both contain benzoyl peroxide.

Anonymous said...

Well i use acnefree already but it doesnt help enough i have the 3 step pack but i need something else it was great but then it stopped working?! I dont kno wat else 2 do 4 my skin! Help plz

Anonymous said...

Try Eucerin..it helped get rid of my acne..Apply mask at least twice a week too.

Anonymous said...

I'm using a 5% Benzoyl Peroxide wash and cream twice a day, prescribed by my doctor. It worked for the first two weeks and I saw a reduction in pimples and no new ones appeared but now my skin seems to have become immune to it because my skin is getting as bad as it was before I started using it. I only started just over a month ago!

Anonymous said...

I tried cucumber.reduces redness.

Eyden said...

I will have to talk about the cucumber. Great idea for a post!

Anonymous said...

i hav been looking for a good homemade acne mask for quite some time. i have heard of the aspirin one so i think that i will try that since i have heard about it before.

just out of curiosity has anyone heard of acne free in 3 days?

i heard that its full of home remedies for curing acne. anyway peeac e

Anonymous said...

is dis crap true cuz i have really bad fore head acne problems

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Anonymous said...

i have bad acne and i tryed cucmber parsely and yougurt it made my face feel soft but dosent reduce acne what should i use now?????? HELP

Rachels Picks said...

Awesome stuff. Thanks for posting.
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Anonymous said...

I am twleve, and have acne I hate. I just won't go away! I've tried a whole bunch of lotions that work at first, and then after a couple of days it comes back. I also tried a lotion with Benzoyl Peroxide in it, but my sikin got too dry so I stopped. Any ideas, please?

Anonymous said...

I had the same problem. Then i started using some of these ideas and it worked wonders on my acne porblems. Don't be discouraged if they don't clear up right away, but don't use too much, or else your skin will get all dried out and icky. Also, don't eat to muck greasy food, it's bad for your skin. Just have fun with trying out some of these, check out some other websites and even try it out with a friend to make it more fun. Good luck!

Renova Cream said...

Another kitchen remedy. Blend some oatmeal with water and gently spread it onto your skin. Leave it until it dries (10-15 minutes). This mask is gentle and safe.

Anonymous said...

Tea Tree oil can be VERY effective in treating acne. I can not guarantee that it will stop you from ever getting acne again, but I have used it with great success. And saw dramatic improvement to the clarity of my skin. It fine to use if you have oily skin. It can be used as a spot treatment or all over..if necessary, however, I recommend dialuting it with water for two reasons 1. It has an incredibly strong smell and many find it unpleasant (I've built up an immunity to the smell and it doesn't bother me at all! but i know it can be to overpowering if your not used to it.) 2. If u have sensitive skin it can be harsh so dialuting will help your skin from becoming too dry or more irritated. Like with anything products remember your skin is delicate so ease into it. However,if your using it as a spot treatment use it straight. Tea tree oil is an antiseptic and very healing, best of all tho it's natural :) hope this helps!

Anonymous said...

Well I want to majesty's this works before I try it so I'm askin which one to use. I he a school dance in about three weeks and I have some breakouts which one should I use to get rid of it the quikest?

Anonymous said...

Which one of these works the best?

Eyden said...

Check this page out...
