Aspirin Acne Mask

Aspirin Acne Mask

10/01/2009 01:02:00 PM

Aspirin Acne Mask

As a part of my major homemade acne mask and home acne treatment series, I will be teaching you guys how to make your very own Asprin Acne Mask.

Aspirin has been used as an acne mask for quite awhile now, and it's said to give a glow to your face, along with reducing pimple size, redness, and acne scars. This is great news, if I may say so myself.

What you'll need...

  • Aspirin.
  • Water
  • Blender / Crusher


  1. Dump aspirin into crusher / container.
  2. Blend or crush aspirin until it's a powder.
  3. Take the blended powder and place into a bowl.
  4. Add a few tablespoons of cold water.
  5. Stir until a thick paste forms.
  6. Dip your fingers into the paste.
  7. Apply aspirin onto your entire face.
  8. Leave paste on your skin for 4 - 5 minutes.
  9. Gently splash your face with warm water until all paste is removed.
  10. Pat your face dry with a clean towel.
  11. Refrigerate unused paste to be used again.

Extra Tips

  • Improvements visible in 1 - 4 weeks.
  • Remember to stick with it!
  • Don't overdo it. Using once a day is enough!

Poll! Does the Aspirin Acne Mask Work?

Other Homemade acne masks:

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image credit: semarr


Anonymous said...

but does this aspirin stuff have benzoyl peroxide in it or anything that is most used in acne products?

Eyden said...

Since you can't eat benzoyl peroxide / salicylic acid, I would think Aspirin would contain these things. :)

Anonymous said...

asprin is acetylsalicylic acid

propecia online said...

Great site about Aspirin Acne Mask ,this information really helped me , I really appreciate it,I will visit when ever i have found the stuff That i have been searching for in all the web for, keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

how many asprin pills will I need??