Is Proactiv a Scam?

Is Proactiv a Scam?

7/03/2009 04:20:00 PM

I've been getting loaded with emails, and people are question whether or not Proactiv is a scam. They also want to know if I am affiliated or if I work for Proactiv. You are here because you want the truth, and I don't blame you.

PS: After this post, be sure to check out my full Proactiv Review. Also you may want to check out my Proactiv Questions and Answers Guide!

Is Proactiv a Scam

Am I affiliated with Proactiv?

In a sense, I kind of am, but not really. I promote this great product because it's completely cleared my skin. Sure, there are probably other products that can do the same thing, but I'm not willing to take the risk of going back to the way my skin once was. Just look at my before and after Proactiv picture. Why would I?

Alright, so I am kind of affiliated with Proactiv because I do display AdSense on my site. This form of advertising is contextual, which means that the displayable advertisements will relate to whatever I am talking about, and since I talk about Proactiv, those ads will sometimes display. Each time an ad is clicked, I get money. So yes, I am kind of affiliated with the company, but I do not personally work for the Guthy Renker Corporation.

Does Proactiv Work?

Did you look at my before and after photo above? This topical acne treatment contains Benzoyl Peroxide which is a well-known and popular way to fight acne. There is no reason to assume that this product wouldn't work.

The reason why Proactiv Failed You...

When it comes down to it, there are a lot of mistakes you can make while using Proactiv. No wonder people think its one big SCAM. If you don't follow instructions to their fullest, you will not be successful in your clear skin goals. That's why I made these how to use Proactiv videos. I definitely recommend checking them out if you're skin isn't improving.

So is Proactiv a Scam?

If you're too lazy to read and consistently follow the instructions then yes, Proactiv is a scam. and you're wasting your time and your money. Like anything else, you must be consistent, and you must follow the instructions to be successful. If you do this then no, Proactiv is not a scam. In fact, it works quite well.


Anonymous said...

proactiv is A SCAM. i am not to lazy to follow the instructions, i used it for about a year and nothing happened.

Eyden said...

No offense, but why would you use a product for a year if it wasn't doing anything after the first 1 to 2 months?

Anonymous said...

He's lying. There's a whole bunch of people out there just trying to start rumors. Maybe they're paid by other companies to make them look bad. Or maybe they're just stupid idiots. In the first week I used Proactiv, 3/4 of my acne went away. Don't listen to there people, they're all lying bastards.

Anonymous said...

The pictures are not even the same guy!

Anonymous said...

lol the above commenter is an idiot lol wow

Anonymous said...

Proactiv doesnt work at all. it irritates the skin even while following every instruction possible. As for everyone else who've i spoke to about it, they say once it becomes comfortable with the routine and becomes used to it, you break put again. what a waster. you know you still break out, its no miracle worker.

Anonymous said...

how long does it take for proactive to show results

Anonymous said...

i am using proactive for the fourth time now and i am hoping i don't get the effects i did last time was feeling like my face was on fire and turning all red. If you order proactive through the t.v, how long does it take to arrive?

Maria said...

depends where u live... mine took almost 3 weeks to deliver

Anonymous said...

I used it for a week and it made my face red and irrated burning and stinging.. I guess its not for everyone, we all have different skin types..

Anonymous said...

Your face turned red because it takes awhile for your face to becoe familair with the product :D

Anonymous said...

if you wanted your before and after pictures to look more believable, you probably shouldn't have airbrushed the second photo. Before you all call me an idiot, his skin isn't just smooth, it's smoothed of all texture as well, which is why in the second picture he looks like a plastic doll. Jus' sayin. I'm ordering Pro Active tomorrow though, and I hope it really does work for my skin type.

Anonymous said...

This is the second time I'm using proactive. I cancelled previously because after about 3 months, it just wasn't working, but, imma give it a go one more time following the instructions that were shown on this site. If it doesn't work for me, Oh well, there's always another acne fighter out there LOL. But thanks Taylor for all the advice Bro.

Unknown said...

i got proactive side effect what should i do plz help me out........

Anonymous said...

Proactiv is absolutely a scam. Not only does it not work, it discolors your skin and the customer service is horrible! When I tried to cancel my membership FOUR weeks before the next shipment was scheduled to go out they said it was already processed and they can't stop it from going out - give me a break. When I finally received and immediately shipped it back they didn't credit the charges until 3 months after receiving it but still wanted me to pay shipping and handling for a product I did not order, did not want, and sent back! I tried to resolve this over email since the reps on the phone were useless and they ended up offering to put the shipping & handling fees on my card so I could use my card to pay them the fees - instead of just clearing my account. If that's not a scam, I don't know what is. They were just trying to get my credit card information again so I offered that they speak to my attorney. At that time they of course decided to just clear my account like they should've done int the first place. THEY WILL RIP YOU OFF. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS.

Anonymous said...

I tried it, all it does is irritate your skin. Plus they use horrible business tactics to try to rip you off for their way over priced "product"

Anonymous said...

Wow alot of people have bad things to say about Proactiv! I love it! It took about 3 weeks for my skin to adjust.. ( at first it was MUCH worse.. my skin was dry itchy ughhh) but i had faith! sure enough BAM! Bright beautiful skin was awarded to me! But i had to go through a rough start! and now I have "airbrushed" looking skin!

Anonymous said...

i just used proactive and my face is on fire, it is burning so bad and swollen i dont know what to do , i will never use proactive again, it is not for delicate , sensitive skin at all.

Anonymous said...

just because it doesnt work for everyone dosent mean it is a scam i used it according to the instructions until my face was clear and now i only use it once a day to keep it clear i love it no acne product is going to work for everyone if you cant find something over the counter that works try talking to your dr.

Anonymous said...

Proactiv takes 4-6 weeks to see a difference. It is not a miracle drug nothing is! Certain people have allergies or different reactions to different products so if it doesn't work for you that does not make it a scam. It does have a sixty day money back guarantee so you can try it and send empty bottles back for a refund! It's an amazing product and you do need to be consistent as do you with medication or It's obvious you won't see any change.

Anonymous said...

Just because you're a ninny and can't figure out to use the product, doesn't mean it's a scam. I've been using the system for years and I love it. NEVER buy it online or over the phone..they bill you for shit they never sent you. Most malls have kiosks that sell the system, without becoming a "member".