Proactiv Causes Dry Skin

Proactiv Causes Dry Skin

5/12/2009 07:28:00 PM

Maybe Proactiv is working for you, and maybe it is not, but either way, we're all in the same boat. You can't stand having dry skin!!!! For those of you that enjoy dry skin, congratulations. But I HATE it!

Before I even go any further it's important to understand that most Proactiv side effects are completely normal. Although this is true, it's also important to understand that almost all Proactiv Side Effects can also be avoided by knowing,

If you specifically want to relieve yourself of the common Proactiv side effects, be sure to click the two bulleted links above, and read those posts.

You should also know that having dry skin while using most acne topical medications containing benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid is completely normal. Although this is true, I also believe that it's completely unnecessary.

For more information about this product, be sure to check out my full Proactiv Review and my complete Proactiv Questions and Answers Guide.


Anonymous said...

i have really bad skin that was caused by proactiv. Its like heaps dry and its all flakey!! its gross. i dont know weather i should stop using it or not?? i stopped for a couple of days hoping the flakyness would go away, but it got worse!!! help!!!

Anonymous said...

just use a really good moisturiser. sometimes the proactiv one isnt strong enough so get a good one. and just keep using proactiv and put the moisturiser on after applying 3 steps.

And make sure you apple the cleanser on GENTLY

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Anonymous said...

If you really want to know my ance story I would Love to share it. Growing up I never had acne. I always had perfectly clear skin, even in highschool, I never even washed my face, I never even owned any type of facewash or soap for my face. Then at the age of 18 there it came. All of a sudden I was an acne suffering teen. Acne runs in my family yet for years I was exempt from this gene. The acne got bad and caused MUCH insecurity, anger, and pain. I would not want to go out when it was bad. I would be excited for plans I had made but that day I would have bad ance and of course it doesnt just last for one day, then I would have to make up some excuse of why I could not go do what I was going to do with my friends, even if it was just go to walmart to buy some things needed for the house. So because of this I became depressed feeling so hopeless suffering greatly from insecurities. I am a christian and have given my Life over to The Lord. Well for a while I became very angry with Him because He saw my tears SO MANY TEARS and MUCH MUCH pain over having acne and He didnt heal my skin. So I was angry and hopeless. I prayed to Him ALL the time to heal it. Well the healing did not come. Finally I started praying that He would help me to not seek the approval of others and to let go of my insecurities that I may enjoy myself around others. Well sure enough He did it. A miracle, I now have very little insecurities over my acne and EVEN took a huge step HUGE STEP of going out in public with no makeup!!! Now i'm not going to lie, I do put a little bit of powder on, but no longer do I first put on the liquid make up then let that dry then apply a ton of powder. (which in itself was a HUGE burden to me, that made me feel really bad about myself and angry that I always HAD to have make up on) So anyways, I am no longer avoiding the harsh walmart lighting which shows every little bump on my face. I am no longer crying over humiliation. All because, the Lord heard my prayers, knew my hearts, and knew what I truely needed. It was not the healing of ance that would ease my heart and bring me peace, It was letting go of seeking others approval, realizing that I am approved by God, and having the heart like a child. Have you ever noticed that when a child sees you gaining weight, they blunty blurt out, " man your really packin on some pounds" and you have to wonder if they are being rude. But when they say it they still love you. They dont care if your fat, pimpled, or nerdy. They still accept and love you and do NOT look at you any differently. Well us as adults living in such a corrupted world are much different then this. We judge according to appearance and we feel loved because of our appearance, hints the woman and men on magazines who are praised and adorned for their "LOOKS???" Its all a delusion and lie, the very works of satan to lead God's children into much pain and sorrow. All sin leads to pain and this is why God wrote the ten commandments. Well anyway, our loving God knows whats best for us. and when I saw that my acne was not healed I thought God did not care I thought He did not hear my prayers and wanted suffering for me. But my prayer was answered and a more awesome and perfect way and now I call acne a blessing for me. A wound of insecurities and much unacceptance due to a corrupted world and a painful childhood have been healed in my heart. Remember all things work for the better good of those who Love God. So trust always, be hopeful always, and know God is Love and Love NEVER fails.

Your friend, Lauren

Anonymous said...

Everytime i use proactive no matter how gentle i am my skin gets extremely dry and itchy. Plz help its the only cleanser that gets rid of the acne.

Eyden said...

Are you moisturizing?