When To Apply Proactiv *UPDATED

When To Apply Proactiv *UPDATED

4/19/2009 03:01:00 PM

I have decided to re-write this post, because my last post that taught you when to apply was NOT nearly as effective as what I am about to teach you right now.

My Previous Post

Clock on wall

My previous post stated that you should use Proactiv after school, and before bed. This way, you avoid the morning showers, followed by the cleanse, and the use of Proactiv, after these showers. Although my previous post was correct about over-washing the face, and stripping it of natural oils, it was incorrect about one thing: When To Apply Proactiv.

So When Should I Apply Proactiv?

If you were one of those individual who tried my 3:00 PM and 9:00 PM Proactiv routines, and you're not having success, try this for a change.

Apply Proactiv in the morning.

This time, use the 1st step in the shower. After your shower, pat your face dry, and apply the second two steps of Proactiv, along with the Green Tea Moisturizer.

Apply Proactiv at night.

Again, if you take a shower at night as well, be sure to use the cleanser in the shower.

Updated vs Old Routine

The new routine allows the spread of 12 hours between Proactiv applications. The use of the cleanser in the shower avoids a second wash after the shower, which would've definitely cause skin irritation, otherwise.

Overall, the updated method I have provided you with is improved, BIG TIME! Feel free to check out my Proactiv Q & A guide for more tips!


Anonymous said...

This is really nice information about Proactiv, especially as I was strongly considering to purchase Proactiv Solution. Even though I now feel rather frustrated because I realize that I wouldn't be able to get the right results. Most days during a week I don't return to my home until evening. Is it really that bad to use proactiv after my morning bath? Which effects can I risk?

Eyden said...

Side effects my friend. Because your skin will go through so much in the morning, you'll be more prone to the side effects unless you can somehow use Proactiv in the afternoon.

Anonymous said...

I just starting using Proactiv and got the refining mask with it. When is the best time to apply the refining mask since the instructions indicate to wash after 10 minutes?

Anonymous said...

Okay like i shower once in the morning,
but i dont let the water touch my face. then i use proactice later on in the day around 3. but then i also shower around 8 because i go to soccer practice and my face comes in contact with dirt. Then after my shower i wait till about 1030 1100 to wash my face. Am i irritating my skin too much?

Eyden said...

@ Refining Mask - You're supposed to use it after the first step. However, I don't use it, as I don't find it necessary.

@ Irritation Question - You'll know if you're irritating your skin. If it starts to feel like crud, then you should probably switch things up. :)

Anonymous said...

What kind of electric shaver do you use? My skin is very sensitive and I would like to get off the regular razor that I use now. At the moment I'm just using a Gillette razor with Oxy shaving gel (has benzoyl peroxide in it). It is some what drying but I only shave once a week and apply a moisturizer after.

Eyden said...

It's quite important to shave every day. The longer you wait to shave, the more irritating things will be.

Use any electric shaver that doesn't require any sort of liquid that you have to put on your face before or after you shave.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you aren't able to follow these steps each and every single day.. What do you do in such a situation when you have to break from your routine? Does it affect your acne that much?

Taylor said...

If you don't use Proactiv consistently, your results won't be as pure. Your acne will go away, but it likely won't completely clear.

You have to use and apply Proactiv consistently for it to work well.

Anonymous said...

I'm on school everyday, any advice?

Eyden said...

I don't understand your question.

Anonymous said...

Is it OK to use proactiv every morning before going to school? or wait until i go home like you said you use proactiv at 3:00 pm right?

Anonymous said...

hey im thinking about getting proactive
but i have school everyday so when should i apply it? in the morning and night?
i take a shower in the morning and only sometimes at night
thank you

Eyden said...

Is it OK to use proactiv every morning before going to school? ---> You can use Proactiv whenever you'd like, as long as you use it twice a day. I recommend that you avoid applying Proactiv after showering, shaving, or any other activities that involve your face, for these activities directly before or after Proactiv application can increase sensitivity and side effects.

hey im thinking about getting proactive
but i have school everyday so when should i apply it? ---> 3:00 PM and then before bed. Just try to avoid using it before / after other activities. (like I stated above)

Unknown said...

so y only can take one shower a day one in morn.

Unknown said...

so y can only take a shower once a day???? bec y take shower in morning then wait till 3 then put proactiv on then do you day again then at nite can y take a shower then put it on or no

Eyden said...

The more you wash your face the more of a chance you have at drying it out. This holds especially ture if you take a shower and then put on Proactiv. Eventually, it will cause major skin dryness. It's the #1 reason people usually fail with Proactiv.

PS: You should join the forum here at Acne Teen. I think you'll find it very helpfull.

Here's a link... Acne Teen Forums

Anonymous said...

I LOOVE proactiv it works great for me. but in my daily rush, i get most things done in the shower. I wet my face pat it dry and do the process and then continue with my shower without getting my face wet. is that wrong?

Anonymous said...

Okay I got a question. I have been using proactiv for about a week and a half staright, using twice a day, once in the morning and once at night before bed. My skin IS clearing up but slowly. Is it actually bad that I use it in the morning, because it is working but slowly. Lets say I cut my morning application. Will proactiv work more effectively and quicker??
Also I am at school until 3:30 and don't get home until 4:30. Should I do my first application of proactiv then? Will that help my acne??

Eyden said...

"Okay I got a question. I have been using proactiv for about a week and a half staright, using twice a day, once in the morning and once at night before bed. My skin IS clearing up but slowly. Is it actually bad that I use it in the morning, because it is working but slowly. Lets say I cut my morning application. Will proactiv work more effectively and quicker??
Also I am at school until 3:30 and don't get home until 4:30. Should I do my first application of proactiv then? Will that help my acne??"

Continue to do what you're doing. Using Proactiv twice a day is the best and the quickest way to get rid of your zits.

"LOOVE proactiv it works great for me. but in my daily rush, i get most things done in the shower. I wet my face pat it dry and do the process and then continue with my shower without getting my face wet. is that wrong?"

It's not wrong if it's working. I wouldn't recommend it because you could accidentally wash Proactiv off your face during the rest of your shower. But again: If it works, who cares what I am saying lol

Anonymous said...

So i apply my proactive at 3pm. Then i go for a jog at 8. then i shower. Would that irritate my skin and cause breakouts?

Anonymous said...

continued....(So i apply my proactive at 3pm. Then i go for a jog at 8. then i shower. Would that irritate my skin and cause breakouts?) then i would apply proactice the second time aroun 11 pm. Is that fine?

Eyden said...

"continued....(So i apply my proactive at 3pm. Then i go for a jog at 8. then i shower. Would that irritate my skin and cause breakouts?) then i would apply proactice the second time aroun 11 pm. Is that fine?"

It sounds like you have a good time sequence. Stick to it and see how it works for you. It doesn't sound like you will have any problems.

Anonymous said...

i apply proactiv 3:00 and 9:00 like you said.
i work out soo is it okay to like work out after i put proactiv on or befor?
and what about the refining mask? does it work?
if does when do i put it on, after the 3 steps or befor.?

Eyden said...

I would workout before using Proactiv, dude. That way you can clean your skin and remove all the sweat / oils after the workout.

Anonymous said...

I get up at 6:00am Mon-Fri. for school, and I shower every morning + night, is it okay to shower in the morning (wash hair+soap up my body) then get out pat my face dry, and wash my face with proactiv at the sink? Then apply the rest of the proactiv steps?

Anonymous said...

I have been using proactiv for like around two years and it has helped a lot but didnt completely get rid of all the acne. i still get acne all the time. i want to try it your way. So in the morning after i take a shower just pat my face down with a towel then put on the green tea moisturizer then go to school? then when i get back from school like around 4 do the 3 steps only??

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Taylor. I've followed your step-by-step instructions and I gotta say, It's now working!

Eyden said...

"I get up at 6:00am Mon-Fri. for school, and I shower every morning + night, is it okay to shower in the morning (wash hair+soap up my body) then get out pat my face dry, and wash my face with proactiv at the sink? Then apply the rest of the proactiv steps?"

You could do this, but you might develop skin irritation. If this occurs, I would simply skip the morning application and only use Proactiv at night. I have actually been doing this and it's been working quite well, as of late.

"I have been using proactiv for like around two years and it has helped a lot but didnt completely get rid of all the acne. i still get acne all the time. i want to try it your way. So in the morning after i take a shower just pat my face down with a towel then put on the green tea moisturizer then go to school? then when i get back from school like around 4 do the 3 steps only??"

That is correct. Or you could try just using Proactiv at night. I've switched to using Proactiv once a day with successful results. But it really all depends on the person. Experiment to see what works best for you.

"Thank you so much Taylor. I've followed your step-by-step instructions and I gotta say, It's now working!"

That's good to hear. Keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

hey taylor!
i got a question. i'm a south indian guy. I have been using proactiv for about a week now(morning+night), but it seems like it's really not working for me, instead my skin gets more oily than before so i clean it up after couple of hours of application

how do i get rid of this oily skin?? HELP!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Okk taylor u said that water doesnt touch ur face in the shower ritee? How is that possible lol the water is always gona touch ur face for real. Also queestion i shower every night so i wud put proactive on at 3 pm like u said then if i put it on at 9 at night and i usaully take a shower at 11 or midnight it wud just wash of the wouldnt it?

Anonymous said...

Most of these questions are directed to time-of-day application. I've noticed too many people taking your 3pm & 9pm application times too literally. As long as Proactiv is applied consistently twice a day to adapt do your schedule. Weekdays I apply Proactiv before work (6:30ish) and before bed (10ish). Weekends I don't typically follow this schedule since I sleep in and stay up later. My skin has cleared up great and the key is to be consistent with the applications and continue using Proactiv. Everybody's skin is different and you just have to test to see what works best for you.

Anonymous said...

i usually put on proactiv right after i wake up then right before i go to sleep.... but if i did do your way of doing it at 3 and then at 9 when i wake up do i wash off the application of proactiv at 9 and just put on moisterizer or do i not wash it off and put on moisterizer?

Anonymous said...

I was using pro active for 5weeks and it only made my acne worse i use to only get spots on my chin now i get dem on my forehead and nose.

Lia said...

Just started using Proactiv about a week ago, so this site is really helpful. Thanks! :)

Eyden said...

no problem :) let me know if you have any questions

Anonymous said...

Ok so i just order proactive...I had already used proactive before and for some reason it didn;t help i think it made it worse... Willl it work this time or is it going to get worse......

Eyden said...

When used correctly, Proactiv should definitely help your acne problem. If all else fails, try AcneFree from Walmart.

Anonymous said...

Quick question. I have oily skin already and I don't have a problem with Proactiv drying my skin up yet, should I still look into using moisturizer?

Anonymous said...

Hey question i read that steaming my face for like 8 minutes ,,,Then pore freezing water on my face will help acne is that true..Does water also help...????

Anonymous said...

Drinking Wate

Anonymous said...

IS it ok to leave the refining mask ON overnight after the 3 steps without washing the refining mask off?

Anonymous said...

hey, i just don't get how u take a shower in the morning but dont let the water touch your face? and what about if i shower at night and in the morning? is that bad?

Anonymous said...

oj this is the deal i have a family of fie and one bathroom it is a struggle so i just take a shower at night for school before i go to bed. i wanna try your schedule and put my proactiv at 4 since thats the time i get home from school and ima put the proactiv at 10 since i take a shower at 9 is this good?? also i wear make up for school and i take it o with a make up remover its like a face wash and i was wondering wen i take it off should i wait a few minutes to put my proactiv on?? thanks!! please write back!!

Anonymous said...

Wait mmm so I only use the first step then I wait till 3 pm to put the two other ones?

Anonymous said...

Is if ok if I put proactive on in the morning like 6:30 am an whn I come back from school which is like 4:30 because I feel my face dirty and then I take a shower like at 7 wait like 1 hour and 30 mins and put proactive back on?

Anonymous said...

I apply ProActive at 3pm and at 9pm. I take my shower in the morning and my face gets wet, and after the shower my face becomes very dry. How can I prevent this?

Anonymous said...

i use ProActive everyday, and have done for a month.. i have no progressive acne anymore.. but my scars are still here! this is the reason i got proactive.. my question is

how long will it take to get rid of the scars????????? :o(

brit said...

when i go in the shower, i use a makeup remover. i just got back on proactiv.... can i still get my face wet in the shower and put makeup remover on it?

Anonymous said...

joseph said...
ok so do you have to use proactive twice a day?

Anonymous said...

what do i do if i shower at night? do i still put the proactiv on after the shower or do i wait for another time?

Anonymous said...

so i have soccer practice right after school (I get out of school at 4 pm) almost everyday from 4 30 to 7 or 8.. so im using proactiv when I get out and then i rush to practice..is it bad to use it and then go do exercise right away???because i sweat a lot during practice??

Anonymous said...

Ok so I got to school at 6:30 and I am there all day till 5:30. You are saying to put on proactive at 3:00 but this is not possible for me because I am at school. Should I put it on in the morning, at 5:30, or only do it once at night?

Anonymous said...

Hey Taylor...I've just started using proativ the way you.ve showed in the videos...when I used it before..I pressed hard and was rough...and it just worsened my skin...I'm doing it your way in the last few days...one problem Im having is my skin gets so oily from when I use it in the morning to when I would use it at night...and it irritates me and makes me want to wash my face...is it bad to just splash some water on your face like at school or somethin during the day...what would you recommend? to make it not so oily...

Anonymous said...

m a model...as of naw i have major skin issues cos of the summer..but i have to put make up on most f the time..so will this b a problem f m using proactive??

Vivian said...

as for some of the "anonymous" posts, here are the answers:
1. *Anonymous said...*
Q: "if i apply pro active and then i play a sport and my face gets sweaty will this change my results for worse?"
A: It's possible, but if you are a person that works out a lot, plays sports, or is always doing physical activities, it might be in your best interest to switch to "AcneFree SPORT clear-2-go clear skin system", because it is developed by dermatologists specifically for active people. Effective against all acne, including breakouts caused by the perspiration, oils, dirt and friction that come with sports or workouts. Not to mention, it is a lot cheaper than ProActiv, and you don't have to order it--just go to your local drugstore or walmart or target, and you can get it for around $16.
go to this website to learn more about it: http://www.acnefree.com/sport-clear-skin-system

2. *Anonymous said...*
Q: "So in the morning i shouldent use the proactiv right? i should just put on the moisturizer and wait until after noon to put on proactiv?"
A: actually, the proactiv has specific instructions on how you should go about applying every single product. you may browse their site to find the information, but if you don't want to do that, the box that all of your proactiv products came in, should have been accompanied by a few guides on how exactly to go about using the proactiv system and all of their products. basically, the cleanser goes first, toner second, and repairing lotion third. after the repairing lotion, you can apply the green tea moisturizer, the daily oil control, or the oil free moisture with SPF 15 for days when you will be out in the sun.
as for how many times a day, to get the best results, it is imperative that you use the whole system TWICE a day, not once.. (unless it is irritating your skin severely).

3. *Anonymous said...*
Q: "Hey. One question i would like to know. once i got my skin cleaned what should i do, keep using proactiv as before or should i just stop using it ? Thanks."
A: once your skin is clear, that means that the medicine is working. do NOT stop using the system because if you do, your skin will return back to the way it was before you started using proactiv. proactiv is not a cure for acne; as there is no cure--just treatment, which is what proactiv is.

4. *Anonymous said...*
Q: "I only have acne scars left..would proactiv cure it? And does it reduce redness?"
A: if you only have scars, i wouldn't recommend spending all the money for the whole 3-step or 5-step system, because proactiv has one special product that is specifically designed to fade blemish scars: it's called the 'skin lightening lotion'.

5. *Anonymous said...*
Q: "would it hurt my skin if i used the refining mask everyday on the same pimple until it goes away?"
A: no, it wouldn't hurt it at all. when i have a stubborn blemish, or patch of blemishes, i spot treat them with the refining mask every night, and not just for 10 minutes--i leave it on all night and it works wonders. so don't worry about damaging your skin with it.

6. *Anonymous said...*
Q: "How long after a shower untill i can put on proactiv agian?"
A: it doesn't matter. any time is perfectly fine.

7. *Anonymous said...*
Q: "Can i put moisturizer after step 3? because it makes my skin a bit dry...
A: yes, it is recommended that you put on (after step 3, the repairing lotion) the green tea moisturizer, the daily oil control, or the oil free moisturizer with SPF 15 for the days when you'll be outside.


Anonymous said...

Wait didn't you say not to shower then use proactive because it'll irriate your skin?

HKG said...

Hi Taylor,
Here is my current situation; I started using Proactive four weeks ago (to the day) and have noticed a substantial worsening of my acne. When I started using Proactive I had very light acne, and decided that Proactive would be something that could assist in clearing up my skin. The first week of using Proactive was amazing; I noticed a significant drop in the amount of blackheads, and whiteheads, also my skin was soft, and not oily at all! However, things started to change after the second week of use, I started breaking out, and my skin started hurting if it was touched. By the third week my skin was in total dismay. I woke up the morning of my third week with 10 large cystic type pimples. And since then my skin is red, itchy, bumpy, scaly, and in total ruin. I haven’t ever had acne this severe and am worried that it is going to get worse.

Currently I wash my skin first thing in the morning and before I go to bed. I use the three step along with the moisturizer with SPF 15. I use the refining mask as a spot treatment and as a mask twice a week. I am not sure if I should try to the green tea moisturizer or stop using the regime altogether.

I called the customer support care line and was told by a representative that this was normal and I should continue on. Did you find that before your acne got better it got worse?

Anonymous said...

Hey, I have been using Proactiv for 2 weeks now and I am seeing results but they're not as quick as I thought. I did have a lot of acne before and it is clearing but some of the acne are still there. They're fading but how long will it take for my skin to clear?
Thnkz :)

Anonymous said...

i want to know if i have a oily skin type should i use proaciv 3 step only or i should buy anther proactiv product like daily oil contral coz i bought it xD i thought it might help my skin type
any way here the problem
i'm using proactiv and in the end of the week 2 acne appears under my mouth should i continue using proactiv i know acne will show up but there are huge :D

Anonymous said...

Taylor, Is the Dr. Dermal product still good for acne?

Anonymous said...

hello my name is sarah i have acne since i was 20 now am 26 but it comes and goes...now i use proactive for 3 days now 2 times a day but in the 3rd day my skin is red and itchy around my chain..and i don't know what to do ..stop useing it or how long should i wait to see a good results...thank u

Anonymous said...

Okay, I wake up in the morning around about 7 and wash my face and moisturize... I go to class till about 12 and then i workout... So if i take a shower after i workout am i supposed to wash my face again? And then again before i go to sleep? Because if i take a shower and do not moisturize my face becomes very dry, but if i shower and do not wash it, but still put on moisturizer it becomes very oily

Anonymous said...

If after school i go to practice and get home around six should i use proactiv in the morning or should i use it right after i get home from practice

Anonymous said...

hey i have a question... I go swimming every day in the summer and i was wondering do i use proactiv before i go swimming and then use it again before i go to bed or do i only use it before i got to bed if i'm goin swimming??? please help.

Anonymous said...

Its not that complicated guys. Use it in the morning when you wake up before school (you should be washing your face before you go to school anyways) and then use it at night before bed. It doesnt matter when you shower, because you can use it in the shower either at night or in the morning. If you work out and shower halfway through the day, experiment with what combination works best for you but continue using it in the morning and before bed.

Leaving so much time between applications gives a steady stream of medication on your face so that your skin won't be without the meds during the whole entire morning.

Anonymous said...

Do we use the third step in the morning? Cuz u said moisturizer...

Anonymous said...

hi i just purchased proactive and i was wondering what kind of razor to use to avoid break outs i tried using a Phillips Norelco but it gave my real bad razor burn so i went back to a regular razor with using edge shaving gel but still getting break outs what am i doing wrong? and should i apply proactive right before i shave which is around 9:00 at night?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi 2 everyone, I need help badly!!

My old regimen:
I use proactive 2 times a day 1 after taking a bath and 1 at night. I use steps 1,2,3, moisturizer and SPF lotion(SPF lotion 15 from avon) in d morning..
At night I use thesame steps except moisturizer and SPF lotion.

I use it 4 a week.
Ammount dat I use--> dime size


Flaky, lots of acne and dirty looking face=embarassing!!!

( because of thinking Im using 2 much of proactive I tried reducing to once a day which is at night.

My new regimen:

In d morning I take a bath and wash my face with dial soap. My friend told me that the soap has aloevera and he gave me one to try.den after washing it with dial soap I put SPF lotion 15. And that's it.
At night when I arrived from work I rest and wash my face with proactive all d steps except moisturizer and SPF lotion.


Current Face condition:
Flaky not too much acne still a lot and still looks dirty.


This is really embarassing so please help me.

WAt sad is I think the girl that I went out with was disappointed bec of this Acne!!! So please help.

Eyden said...

Your first mistake is using other products. All you need is Proactiv. It's already a 4 step system (which is complex enough.) Just follow my 3 videos:


Everything you guys need to know about getting clear with Proactiv is on the page I linked to above.

Anonymous said...

I have been using proactive for over 2 months now. When I first started using it my face was clearing up, but now all of a sudden im having breakouts all over my face. An I feel like its not really helping me get rid of pimples. I use it Twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. I use the 3 step system as well as Daily oil control, and sometimes the oil free moiusterizer. My question is I workout during the day and when i sweat I see the medicine from the product dripping down my face. Is that normal? should I wash my face before I workout? an also after taking shower from my workout I
use the product two hours before I go to bed. Im really having some troube here. Please help if you can. Thanks

Anonymous said...

what about the refining mask, and how you are supposed to put it overnight ???

Anonymous said...

i've been using proactiv for about 5 days now and i use it 2 times a day. I can see the results but my skin is getting really dry and i never had that problem before. what should i do?

Anonymous said...

How long should I keep it on my face after each time I wear proactive?

Anonymous said...

How long should I keep it after each time I wear proactive?

Anonymous said...

Hi, I just started using proactiv 3 weeks ago and I see minimal results. I watched your video on how to apply proactiv properly and realized I was being too harsh on my skin. BUT there are some things I would like to clarify: can I use a moisturizer after proactive? ( I only use it at night and it is all natural), can I use the refining mask after the 3 step system and leave it on all night or will it irritate my skin too much?, and I know you're not a girl but do you know anything about the difference between regular makeup and non comedogenic makeup? I tried the non comedogenic almay makeup (with salicylic acid) and it made my face dryer and breakout more, are those the side affects of salicylic acid (similar to benzoyl peroxide) or is it just plain bad for my skin? Thanks :)

berde said...

hi! i just started using proactiv yesterday and i was wondering if i can use another facial wash during the middle of the day since i use proactive at 6am and at 8pm cause i dont get off from school at 7:30 and my face gets really oily in the middle of the day. i also dont like using make'up since it also makes my face break out.
note: before i started using proactiv, i usually wash my face 3 times a day.
thanks a lot and hope you can help.

Unknown said...

Hi, I got a question that I need answered ASAP. I get up in the morning at 6:00 and I apply the Proactiv 3-step system, and I go for a jog at 8:00AM (a light jog, not a sweaty jog) and at 12:00AM I do a 30 minute workout including a Cardio, Upper body, and Lower body workout. Each of those works outs are 10 minutes (10 + 10 + 10 = 30 mins.) And after that I take a shower. And at 6:00pm or 7:00pm I do my Proactiv. Then at 10:00pm I go to sleep. Am I doing everything correct? On my time schedule that is? I've been doing Proactiv for about a week and a half.

Eyden said...

Angel - You are doing everything 100% correct. :) About 12 hours in between steps is PERFECT! :) If you have any other q's, just hit me back.

Anonymous said...

Alright so, I get up for school (Usually around 5:30 and leave at 6:30 usually unless I get up late which is almost every day lol), Wash my face, and do everything else I usually do. I just started the Proactiv like yesterday night and today I didn't use it in the morning today cause I didn't think id need more time to fit in washing mt face with the Proactiv.

Is it a big deal if I didn't do it in the morning? ALSO tomorrow im likely to get all sweaty. Im planning to use the Proactiv as you said in the shower at 4 P.M. then use it again around 10? Would the hours really matter? Is it okay if I just do it at 8 instead or will that cause some side effect to happen?

Plus would the tempature of the water matter when using the 1st step? (Common sense but I don't mean actual tempature.)

Eyden said...

To get the best results, you're going to want to use Proactiv in the morning, and then again 12 hours later.

The old 4 PM (use) and 10 PM (use) just doesn't work. You can give it a shot, but to get optimal results, use every 12 hours.

Anonymous said...

Ok so i just started using this stuff like tonight lol n im kinda nervous because u said it gets worse before better so like is it gonna look horrible??? My acnes not severe or anything but will it look that wayy?!

Eyden said...

I am not sure how it is going to end up looking. I just know that Proactiv works by bringing up all of the acne at once. So for the first few days, it will definitely get a little bit worse before it gets better.

Who knows though? Not everyone is the same. You may be lucky enough to not experience this side effect.

Still, the result of Proactiv is definitely worth it.

Anonymous said...

I just got proactiv today, and I'm wondering, would it be ok to use proactiv after you take your shower or is it best to use the first part in the shower? And would using it after I took shower cause side effects?

Anonymous said...

I apply all three steps in the morning and than moisturize as the fourth step. Is it okay to put make up on top of that? Also, to remove make up I use make up removal (green tea scrub) is that okay?

Anonymous said...

Its my first time to be using proactive and im scare of getting the side effects..I have school in the AM and i wont be able to make it home at 3PM since I have track practice. Is there any routine I can do? I REALLY am scare for the side effects and i dont want to mess up or anything. Why os that we cant use it after we shower? Or will it still be the same? I just found this post and i was thinking of using proactive after I shower.. Could I still?

Eyden said...

Use the 1st step of Proactiv in the shower. This way, you can cleanse in the shower.

If you use the 1st step of Proactiv out of the shower, then you will be re-washing your face, essentially, since you already got it wet and dried it in the shower.

Side effects are dry skin, red skin, flaky skin, itch skin. etc.

Anonymous said...

I just got Proactiv today and read your forum in order to learn when to apply it. I know i have to apply it twice daily but i don't have time in the morning before school (6 am). So, i was wondering if it's bad to use it directly after school (3:45 pm) and then use step one in the shower around 9;00 pm and the apply step 2 and 3 when i get out. Is that okay? Also, i go to the gym on Tuesdays and Thursdays around 6 pm. Should i change my schedule these days to avoid sweating a few hours after my first application or should i continue with my daily routine?

Eyden said...

It's best to use Proactiv every 12 hours. Use it in the morning, and then again at night. 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM for example.

Anonymous said...

I've been using proactive for a couple of days now after switching over from another topical treatment, but it seems like my acne is getting worse rather than better. What am I doing wrong? Should I just give it a couple more days?

Eyden said...

With Proactiv, your acne will get worse before it gets better. Just give it a few more weeks. :) Keep using it, and you should see an improvement.

Anonymous said...

Uhm i need help please I juss got proactiv and Since I go to school should i put the green tea moisturizer on my face beofre i go to school?

Eyden said...

Yes. Put the Green Tea Moisturizer on as a 4th step (before school)

Anonymous said...

Hey taylor i workout say if im sweating and i aplied proactiv on earlier in the day what do i do?

Eyden said...

Hey Johnson,

Just pat your face dry of the sweat with a dry towel. :) That's what I do, and it works great.

Anonymous said...

I don't get a dry face that easy so is it okay to use proactive repairing lotion right after shower? if not should I wait like 10, 30, an hour after my shower?