Proactiv Side Effects

Proactiv Side Effects

4/19/2009 02:07:00 PM

Like most facial cleansing acne products on the market, Proactiv is no exception to the notorious side effects that come specially packaged in almost all acne products. There are two common ingredients in most of these acne products that can and usually will cause at the least, minor side effects. Still, Proactiv side effects can be avoided!

Ingredients in acne products that commonly cause side effects:

1. Benzoyl Peroxide

2. Salicylic Acid

As a company, Proactiv actually uses both Benzoyl Peroxide and Salicylic Acid in their products. However, in the common 3-step Solution, Proactiv seems to continually favor Benzoyl Peroxide.

proactiv side effects

What are side effects of Proactiv

Although these side effects aren't fun, they can easily be combated if you learn how to use Proactiv properly. Also, be sure to check out my Proactiv Review and Proactiv Questions and Answers guide for more information.


Jordon said...

I've been following your instructions on how to use proactiv for some time now and my skin has greatly improved but it is very red. I'm not sure what to do to make the redness go away. Do you possibly have any suggestions?

Eyden said...

Watch this video: CLICK HERE

Anonymous said...

i have been using proactiv for about 2months and it has cleared my face should i continue using it or if i stop using it, will the acne come back?

Anonymous said...

i've been using practiv for month and now i got a few white head that i've never had before.
is it a kind of symptom during healing?
now red, big acnes are being cleared off
but why white head to me...why...

Eyden said...

Anonymous 1 - Keep using Proactiv. If you stop using it, your acne will likely come back.

Anonymous 2 - If you're seeing an improvement, continue to do what you're doing.

Anonymous said...

once if we start using proactiv should we use it throught our life ,if i stop using it will the acne grow more worse than before

Anonymous said...

as my skin is clear by using proactiv for about 2 months i have used it the way u told,can i use any other acne product coz i feel proactiv is a bit expensive

Anonymous said...

reply for the above 2 questions as soon as posible plz..

Eyden said...

You have to continue to use Proactiv if you want clear skin.

You can use other acne products, but you may not have the same results. I'd try something that's similar in ingredients (2.5% benzoyl peroxide) + 3 steps to Proactiv.

Anonymous said...

After applying the last step ie. reparing lotion how long should we retain it on our face,can we keep it for about 4 HOURS and wash our face

Eyden said...

keep it on until the next time you apply proactiv

Anonymous said...

can v apply proactiv SPF 15 after applying reparing lotion and how much gap should v leave to apply proactiv SPF 15 , is proactiv SPF 15 should only be applyed in case if v r going out? is it necessary to apply during night time while going out?

Anonymous said...

plz.. reply for the post above

Anonymous said...

Hi, i am from argentina, and proactive doesnt comercialize here. I am travelling to Miami next week, but in walgreens or CVS web i didnt find proactiv products. Its any difference if i buy neutrogena or acne free kit??, because i read that it haves the same ingredientes.

My regards.

PS: sory for my english :)

My mail es

Eyden said...

can v apply proactiv SPF 15 ---> Wait about 10 to 15 minutes after applying the 3rd step of proactiv before applying Proactiv skin protection SPF 15. It's only necessary to use if you're about to go outside.

Hi, i am from argentina, and proactive doesnt comercialize here. ---> Go to Proactiv.Com. You can order the product there. For me, Neutrogena didn't work. I recommend Proactiv, and always will. PS: Your English is just fine. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi. I used proactiv for about 6 months and I was cleared but then I stopped using it because it's not working anymore(I think my face got used to it) and OMG my face was totally ruined. then I used neutrogena for about 3 months and still not cleared. Then Im thinking, should I try proactiv again? Do you think it'll work again?

Anonymous said...

btw, does proactiv work for years if you continue using it?

bob said...

whats a good moistuizer to use when you get out of the shower, and when else should you use it?

Eyden said...

I like using Suave Lotion with Cucumber and Aloe. I use it after each Proactiv application, and any other time after an activity involves my face. Shaving, swimming, etc... Also, any time my face feels dry.

Anonymous said...

okay i been using proactiv for a day now .
and my face is really ichy and red in some places like on my cheeks.

Eyden said...

"okay i been using proactiv for a day now .
and my face is really ichy and red in some places like on my cheeks"

Use less or be more gentle. Also, be sure to use a moisturizer. :)

Anonymous said...

I been using proactiv like 3 days now... In my 2nd day I felt itchy all over my face , after the second step(toner) so I put the lotion(3rd step) right away. To prevent the itchiness... Is this normal???

I'm looking forward to your answer.

Thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

If I'm going to use moisturizer... What kind??? And when are you gonna use it???

Anonymous said...


Been using proactiv like almost a week now but still I felt the stinging or burning and the same time itchiness all over my face...But after 5-10 min it went back to normal. Is this really normal????

And after all the 3 step my face is kind a tight.... :-(
Is there any moisturizer that I can use???

Please help...

Thank you very much!!!!

Eyden said...

"I been using proactiv like 3 days now... In my 2nd day I felt itchy all over my face , after the second step(toner) so I put the lotion(3rd step) right away. To prevent the itchiness... Is this normal???

I'm looking forward to your answer.

Thank you!!!"

Did you shave before applying Proactiv? This can cause the second step to be very irritating during application...


"If I'm going to use moisturizer... What kind??? And when are you gonna use it???"

Use moisturizer around 10 minutes after applying the final step of proactiv and at any other time of the day in which your face feels dry.

For me, I am currently using Alba's green tea + aloe moisturizer with amazing results. I would definitely give it a try. It can be purchased at Walmart for $20.00 USD.


"Been using proactiv like almost a week now but still I felt the stinging or burning and the same time itchiness all over my face...But after 5-10 min it went back to normal. Is this really normal????

And after all the 3 step my face is kind a tight.... :-(
Is there any moisturizer that I can use???"

See the tip above yours for a good moisturizer. Aside from that, switch to using Proactiv only at night. This will relieve some of the harsh side effects you're getting from the benzoyl peroxide.

Anonymous said...

I have the proactiv oil free moisturizer but I'm just using it when I'm goin out... So how often I can use this during the day??? Is this ok compare to alba's green tea+moisturizer???

Anonymous said...

What bout ponds dry cream??? Can I use this too???

Thank you so much!!!

Eyden said...

"I have the proactiv oil free moisturizer but I'm just using it when I'm goin out... So how often I can use this during the day??? Is this ok compare to alba's green tea+moisturizer???"

To be honest, I didn't like Proactiv's Oil Free Moisturizer. Their Green Tea Moisturizer is far better.

Although this is true, you can use the moisturizer as much as you need to. I would try to keep it to a minimum of 3 times a day though.


"What bout ponds dry cream??? Can I use this too???

Thank you so much!!!"

I have never heard of Bout Ponds Dry Cream. What does it do?

Anonymous said...

Pond's dry skin cream... That prevent dry skin.

Anonymous said...

hey i've been using proactiv for about 3 days now, day and night.. but this is causing dry skin and irriation.. is this normal? Also its causing me to break out in other places of my skin.. what can i do?

Anonymous said...

Hi just concerned the question above... I've been using proactiv like 3 weeks now... U can only experience the dryness & irritation in ur 1st or 2nd week... After that u will see the improvement and no more irritation... That's what happen to me...

Anonymous said...

I haven't used Proactive yet..have placed the order recently..I have an oily skin with pimple, marks n large pores...will it really work and help to look my skin better.....?

Anonymous said...

I haven't used Proactive yet..I have an oily skin with pimples, marks n large pores...will it really work and help my skin look better...what wud be the side effects (if any)..... thanku

Anonymous said...

I have used Proactive for the first time.After applying it twice my face has become terribly red and scaly..I just dont know what to do.Really worried.Please help with some solution.

Anonymous said...

how do i use lightening lotion

Anonymous said...

why when i use proactive my face turn like white and then it peels off

Anonymous said...

hi i need some help.. becuase i have been using proactiv for about.. 5 days.. and i think its made my face a lil worst because it has gotten really red. and a few pimples had poped up at once over the 2nd night.. and this has never happened before.. should i keep using it or should i stop.. or what?.. oh and ive been using it morning and night time


Anonymous said...

proactive can wrk for sml pox spots? sory for my englis

Anonymous said...

I have been using Proactive on a trial now for about 2 weeks and I can't stop going to the bathroom, I haven't shit like this in years. Is this a common side effect? My face is clearing up but at the expense of spending most of my time on the commode.
Any suggestions?

Anonymous said...

I have the same problem! OMG I am so happy that someone else had that problem too. All my friends thought I was crazy for thinking it was from the cream.

Anonymous said...

i hav been using proactive from last 1 week...but it has made me skin very dry..hav lost all glow..n instead of removing the existin pimples it has increased in number...worst product i hac ever skin was much btter before..

Anonymous said...

hey does anyone know if getting darker a side effect i dont really know if im turning red but it looks like im turning darker tell me what i have to do am i over using it cause i u se it twice a day

Anonymous said...

medicine always has side effects use ayurvedic products like crushed mint+honey,water+haldi,

Anonymous said...

why aren't u giving replies?

Anonymous said...

I've been using proactiv for a month now && i use it twice a day. Morning and night. But usually my skin has gone really dry and rough that you can even see whitelike if it's peeling. What should I do to stop this? Stop using proactiv?

Anonymous said...

i agree posted by anonymous last August 20,2009 12:02 AM. I've been using Proactiv for years but I stop using it because it doent work anymore, now my face is ruined. I purchased again proactiv hoping for my face to be cleared again but nothing is improved, im losing hope.

karthi said...

hi,friend my question is now only i bought proactiv but i did not use because my skin color very fair white... so my friends told me use of proactive cause black skin color of skin show black so pls tell me its true or not pls?

Anonymous said...

I was one of the unlucky people that got horrible side effects. After a week of using the product, I woke up one morning looking like a frog. My eyes were swollen and very itchy; well my whole face was itching but my eyes got really swollen. I stopped using proactiv even though I worked really well, my pimple went away, they might come back after stopin using the produc. =(

Anonymous said...

does anybody know a of a good cream for scars?..what kan ya recomend me?

jon b said...

anonymous, a good cream for scars is by ambi, its a fade cream, it takes about 2 weeks for scars to disappear..normally without it it takes months lol

susan said...

I only been using Proactiv for five days but my skin has little bumps all over. It seems like a reaction to something. I have to admit, I did use make-up and cleaned my face with Biore's face cleanser wipes for one day because I didn't have the proactiv with me. Could that be why I had suddenly developed the bumps?

Anonymous said...

whats the best way to shave while on proactive? or how to. I tend to you electric shaver due to the fact i feel blades irritate my skin? any suggestions

Unknown said...

Is that (Proactive) safe in Pregnancy?

Anonymous said...

will proactive make me more vulnerable to sunburn?

Anonymous said...

I use CeraVe lotion for my face, how do you think this moisturizer would do with ProActiv?

My real question would be: is moisturizer truly, and honestly the only thing that will help prevent the side effects of ProActiv?


Anonymous said...

I used proactive back when i had really bad acne problems. after my face cleared up i gradually switch to a commercial face cleanser and have never had any bad acne again. Of course the occasional flare ups occur but an over the counter cream fixed it. better than all that money spent on the proactiv.

Anonymous said...

you can cure it with diet. avoid sugary foods. stop drinking Pepsi. Stop eating french fries. avoid pizza. avoid cheese and dairy products.

Anonymous said...

hi i have like a rash on my neck and it is really itchy its been like that for like three or four days and not going away should i get some rash cream or what i only used proactive for like a week

MITHUN said...

hiii.i am 18 yr old last months i heard about the proactiv is very useful to remove the pimples and the mark on the face .is it there any side effect in using the my face most of the pimples are small but they are lot.can proactiva reduces this plzzzz reply

Anonymous said...

Rememner people you can use anything you like on ur face but its important to consider other things like your diet. Ensure that you are eating lots of vegetables and fruits. Foods high in omega 3 like fish are great. Cut down on sugar, sweets and salty foods as well as fried foods and foods with bad fats. Alcohol and coffee are also no good ecause they are dehydrating.

Dring lots of water like 2Litres per day, herbal tea, take supplements like multivitamin. Exercise is also good.

Anonymous said...

Try liver cleanse, go and see a naturopath, that will help to clear your skin also in a natural way.

Proactiv is great but when i stopped using it my pimples came back worse. Its good if you dont mind using it every day, does clear the skin. For me redness wet away eventually but i did get scally skin so i jst exfoliated and moisturised with an oil free moisturiser.

Dont worry guys 99% of people go through acne.

Anonymous said...

Vienna said....
What's better Skin iD or Proactiv? My acne isnt bad but that doesn't mean i should suffer with it too. My acne isn't everywhere but it won't go away in certain areas...
Help pwease!

Anonymous said...

Hi I'm african and I just started using proactiv to treat my acne. The problem here is anytime I use Proactiv, my face swells and itches all over. Do i have these reactions because I'm an african and should i stop using proactiv?
Please reply a.s.a.p.

Anonymous said...

ive been using proactive for about a week now and my skin is so dry, scaling and itchy. should i stop using it? it it a allergic reaction? it seems like it makes my face gressey as well.

Anonymous said...

my skin feels tight like someones pulling on my skin like a mask and i have wrinkles now and im 15! ive been using it like a week or less but yeah help

Anonymous said...

I am 3 days in to using proactiv. My skin has had no break outs since starting, however i am quite pale naturally and have very sensitive skin. I am using proactive only at night (3 step) and then using the green tea moisturiser (although i have to apply it 2 or 3 times for my skin to soothe).

i have developed a slight rash just under my neck, its just really itchy and a bit red. and around my my mouth area, parts of my cheeks and chin have become very dry and are peeling. it feels like no matter how much moisturiser i put on my skin is still stinging and dry.

The lady that i original went to who sold me the proactiv said that i this is generally a normal experience. for fair, sensitive skinned people, we should all expect dryness, itchyness, redness and peeling.

To anyone starting proactive by using it twice a day i really recomend stopping that and just doing it at night to begin with, your skin will completely dry out and it will become very painful. After a week if the symptoms improve you should then move to use it twice a day.

moisturize heaps after using the 3 steps. with the green tea moisturiser its as if your skin is literally drinking it up and it has been a great help for me. If you are a girl you should consider (although its hard when you are embarrassed about your skin) to wear less makeup during the itchy dry phase, because taking it all off before using proactive is often a mission and irritates your skin more, and the more makeup you put on, the more your pores clog up.

when taking your makeup off please make sure it is all completely off. The benzoyl peroxide and salycilic acid are designed to go deep in your pores to get all the bad stuff out and if you have left makeup on, it takes the makeup further in to your skin making it much more clogged than what was already in it. Although i havent tried it, ive heard good things about the proactive brand of makeup removing wipes, however some soothing aloe vera wipes can often help.

i hope this has been of some help.

Anonymous said...

Even though i shave in the morninh the stinging is still there when i put it on at night is that normal

Eyden said...

I think you're the same guy from the other page. I would use a dry, electric shaver.

Anonymous said...

Do not wash step 3 off your face at all. I recommend that you use it after you shower. Do not wash step 2 off your face either.

Eyden said...

Use the 1st step of Proactiv in the shower. If you use the 1st step of Proactiv after your shower, you will be over-cleansing.

Use the 1st step in the shower. After your shower, pat your face dry. Then use the 2nd step, and let it dry. Then use the 3rd step. Do not wash the second or third step off.

Anonymous said...

Listen up, I have had the same redness and itchiness as you guys. If you are still getting those rashes you need to stop using proactive! It even says on the back of each 3-step bottle to discontinue to use if rashes or irritation occurs. I also think you should see a doctor about it because you could be allergic to the stuff in it.