How long does it take for Proactiv to work

How long does it take for Proactiv to work

4/23/2009 11:16:00 AM

This has been a popular question amongst many Acne Teen Youtube fans, and I don't blame them for wanting to know the answer. When buying an acne product, I used to always ask myself: (1) Will this product clear my acne? (2)How long will it take my acne to clear?

The problem is: these questions can be very difficult to answer, for every individual acne case is different. Although this is true, the information below will hopefully help you gain a better understanding of how long it will take for Proactiv to clear your skin.

After you read the information below, feel free to also read my super detailed, Proactiv Review, along with my Proactiv Questions and Answers Guide.

types of acne

What type of acne do you have?

Before you go any further you must first determine what type of acne you have. Do you have either mild or severe acne? If you have severe acne, see the 'Severe Acne' section just below. If you have mild acne, scroll down to the 'Mild Acne' section.

Severe Acne:

severe acne

Week 1 - Your acne will worsen this week. Your skin will usually become dry, irritated, red, and itchy. Don't be alarmed. In order for Proactiv to work, it must first bring all of your acne to the surface of your skin. As for the side effects, it will take your skin some time to get used to the new treatment so they're completely normal.

Week 2 - Your acne may or may not have slightly improved. Most users are stuck still with their week 1 type of skin along with the side effects. Although this is true, light may start to shine in week 3.

Week 3 - New breakouts are scarce this week. However, you may still have acne from previous weeks. Side effects have likely dwindled and you're likely excited about the treatment.

Week 4 - Although most of us are past the stage of breakouts, for some, small breakouts aren't uncommon during this week. Side effects are still present, but far more minimized.

Week 5 - By the end of the month, your skin will have likely seen remarkable improvements. Your acne may still be present, but it's definitely minimized. A breakout or two may still occur, but they won't last as long as they normally have in the past.

Week 6 & Up - For some, acne has completely cleared. Scars and marks from old acne may be present for some time. However, they'll fade over time. The main thing to do now is to just stick with the regimen. Keep up the great work!

Little to Mild Acne:

 mild acne

Week 1 - Like those who have severe acne, your acne will also worsen this week. Along with the worsened acne, side effects will also present themselves. Dry, red, itchy, and irritated skin may occur during this time. Again, don't be alarmed. In order for Proactiv to work, it must first bring all of your acne to the surface of your skin. As for the side effects, it will take your skin some time to get used to the new treatment so they're completely normal.

Week 2 - You may notice a pretty good improvement in your skin already. However, for most of us, our acne is worse during this week, from the fact that it became worsened during week 1. Side effects are also common during this time.

Week 3 - Some are lucky enough to have clear skin during this week with subsided side effects. Some are still battling to clear their acne, but their time of clear skin will come soon enough.

Week 4 & Up - Most people are completely clear by week 4. However, red marks and scars from old acne will likely linger. They'll go away over time though. The main thing here is to just stick with the regimen.

All cases of acne:

Although everyone has different kinds of acne, it's important for everyone alike to follow these common rules to get the fastest and quickest results possible while using Proactiv or any other similar acne product.

  1. Be consistent - Don't skip applications!
  2. Be gentle - Don't push Proactiv into your skin!
  3. Drink water not soda - Bonus tip!
  4. Know -
    a. To be successful with Proactiv know How to use Proactiv Properly
    b. The proper time to apply Proactiv
    c. Not to be alarmed by Common Proactiv side effects
    d. To see my before and after Proactiv picture for encouragement


Good luck with the regimen! Remember to stick with it. If you're have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to post a comment below, or join the Acne Teen Forums.


Anonymous said...

ty for ur tips on proactiv

Anonymous said...

What happens if you wear makeup? Can you apply it over proactive? Please help!

Eyden said...

Yes. Of course. Just make sure it is makeup that won't clog your pores.

Anonymous said...

with my 3 step proactiv system i have a daily oil control. i dont know if i should put the daily oil control before or after the the 3rd step (the lotion). what should i do?

Eyden said...

I've never heard of that, so I can't say that I know.

Anonymous said...

Iv been using proactive for a bit over a month now and my acne has seemed to of got worse.Im not saying proactive did this but im wondering if it is caused by being self concsious of it or if it has something to do with sleep maybe? Iv used proactive once before for about a month and it cleared my skin right up no scaring left or anything but i stoped using it for maybe a month or two and now i just cant seem to shake my acne off, am i somewhat amuned to proactiv now?

Eyden said...

@ Proactiv Making Acne Worse - Proactiv will make your skin worse at first, but it will get better.

Are you being consistent with use?
Are you following instructions?

You shouldn't be immune to Proactiv. Acne can never become immune to Benzoyl Peroxide. My recommendation is to call Proactiv. See what they have to say.

Anonymous said...

As i said iv been using proactive for over a month and im aware that ur acne is suposed to get worse in the first week im applying it consistantly but just seems like im stuck on week 1 every week..

Anonymous said...

okay im the guy that rote the last 2 posts. I looked at my photo from a month ago and a photo from now and i counted my spots i have at least double the acne i had a month ago. i need urgent help! wtf am i doing wrong.

Anonymous said...

I have been using proativ for around a month now and im not getting results, my acne too has gotten a little worse since iv started using it. I think im over using the last step a bit will this cause pores to clog and therefore make my acne get worse?

Eyden said...

@ WTF am I doing wrong? - Are you following instructions man? I mean, if you don't follow them and if you're not consitent your acne won't improve. If you're still having trouble, I'd call Proactiv Support.

@ Does the 3rd Step Clog Pores? - When overused, the 3rd steps will not clog your pores. However, it will likely irritate and dry out your skin. With that said, are you following the Proactiv instructions precisely. Everything must be done on a precise level if you want results.

Anonymous said...

So say i havent been following the instructions properly for a number of week now does this mean i start back at the week one stage?

Eyden said...

I'd just start following the instructions from this day forward.

Anonymous said...

is it safe to use proativ if you can't prevent sun exposure? like going to the bus station or on your way to the grocery? i have sunblock but i think it gives me zit :(

Anonymous said...

am i suppose to put the refing mask after the renewing cleanser or after the whole 3 step system

Eyden said...

After the renewing cleanser.

Anonymous said...

you said aloe vera is a good thing for acne
then is it ok applying aroe over third step?

Eyden said...

Yes. I do it all the time.

Anonymous said...

but you said don't apply anything over third step. does third step still work under aloe?
is it more helpful than without aloe?

Anonymous said...

and when should i apply aloe?
before go to bed or morning or all the time...
i have jason - aloe bera 98%. is it good?
let me know...thanks a lot!

Eyden said...

"don't apply anything over third step" I said that? Where? If I did, I meant to say "Don't apply anything just after using the 3rd step... Wait at least 15 minutes."

Apply Aloe 15 minutes after application of the 3rd step of Proactiv. Apply twice a day, and more if your skin needs it.

Anonymous said...

i tryed proactiv once before and NOTHING changed at all so i went to the doctor and got a pill that cleared up my skin dramaticly but the prescription ran out and my acne is back so im trying proactiv again and this sounds crazy but ive only been using it for two days and ive seen a little improvement. i know it's suposed to get worse but idk something's wrong with me, it's gotten better

Anonymous said...

i tried proactiv a year and a half the problem is big pimples and breakouts sometimes i decided to try a dermatologist again because i want a better solution guess what my acne become worst than ever before she gave me prooxy erythromycin gel and diacneal. i want to go back on proactiv hope it will work better now

Anonymous said...

i have been using proactive for 2 days now and i just wanted to kno if i use it rite b4 bed then put my scarf on will it wipe it off. like when im sleeping and my cheeks rub against the pillow

Anonymous said...

wen i use proactive i usually wait about 10 min. and then i put on that oil free moisturizer is that good 2 use after proactiv.

Anonymous said...

may i plzz hav a response 2 my question plzz

Eyden said...

I don't know which question you asked. I assume the oil free moisturizer question? It's totally fine to apply it after the 3rd step of Proactiv. In fact, I recommend it.

Then again, I don't really like the oil free moisturizer -- It doesn't work that well for me. I personally like Suave's Cucumber w/ Aloe Moisturizer.

Anonymous said...

Does proactiv really work because ive been using alot of acne products but they never work for me. I just wanna know if it really works because i am going to start school soon i wanna get rid of my acne.

Eyden said...

Does proactiv really work? If it didn't work, I wouldn't say that it works. :) I see your frustration, because I used to be in your shoes. Yes. Proactiv works. It's why I have clear skin.

Anonymous said...

One more question, alot of people say that if you use proactiv and stop using it all your acne comes back but worse is that true because i dont want to use it if that what really happens.

Eyden said...

It won't come back worse. It will just come back the way it was before you used the product. It will look worse after having clear skin, definitely. However, it won't look worse than it was before you use Proactiv.

Anonymous said...

So you're saying that if i use the product and have a clear face then after like a year or so i stop using it i have my old acne face back? don't you think thats a waste of money?

Eyden said...

Having clear skin is never a waste of money. I have my life back. I can be myself. Proactiv is totally worth it in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

True. perfect is skin is priceless. but i dont want to use proactiv for the rest of my life.

Anonymous said...

Btw how bad was your acne like severe or mild?

Eyden said...

If you don't want to use Proactiv the rest of your life, I recommend checking out Get rid of acne in 3 days. The book is amazing. It will teach you exactly how to clear your skin naturally.

If you decide to use Proactiv, you'll likely have to use it your entire life, unless your acne goes away on it's own.

My Acne was definitely mild, although I felt severe to me. I had it on my chin, cheeks, forehead, and nose. Basically, everywhere. However, it wasn't as bad as other people.s

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... I want to use proactiv for like a year. But do you think if i stop using it, it will come back? Cause my older used proactiv and now he doesnt and has a clear face. So what do you think?

Eyden said...

If you use Proaciv and then stop using it, your acne will come back... Unless you've grown out of it. That's a risk you'll have to take for yourself though.

Anonymous said...

Hey i got a question. When i use the proactiv and after a couple of hours my face gets really oily and i dont want that because i dont want to go around my school with oily skin.

What should i do???

Eyden said...

Your face is oily after using Proactiv? If that's the case, just use Proactiv when you get home from school.

Are you using it twice a day?

Anonymous said...

How long does it take for Proactiv to work?

Eyden said...

The post above didn't answer your question?

Eyden said...

The post above didn't help you?

Anonymous said...

Taylor, i do wash my face 2 times but then i use oil control thing that comes with the proactiv Kit and use the oil free mostizier and now it isnt oily so ill stick to that now but thats for answering back

Eyden said...

No problem. Let me know if you need anything.

Anonymous said...

When i use the second step i use a cotton ball but sometimes it gets dirty after i put it on my face. How can i prevent that from happening?

Eyden said...

The cotton ball should get dirty. It's removing the dirt and oils from your face. There's really no way to prevent it.

Anonymous said...

ok thnx

Anonymous said...

sometimes after i use proactiv i start to sweat when it gets hot am i sweating it off?

Eyden said...

Good question - Try using Proactiv either after your time of sweating... If this isn't an option, just be sure to apply Proactiv 15 minutes before sweating, and you'll be fine. Sweating is actually good for acne, in my experience anyway.

Anonymous said...

does this mean i can never ever drink soda until my acne goes away?

Anonymous said...

I started using proactiv 2 years ago (when my acne is only mild) but i stop it for six months to try another product given by my dermatologist, prooxy and diacnel, because after 3 months using of proactiv i noticed that i started to develop cystic type of acne. Prooxy and diacneal prevents cystic acne but it made my acne worst!(moderately severe). That's why i'm using proactiv again although my acne improves, cystic acne develops again, what do you think the cause of my cystic acne? is it the refining mask? sorry for my english

Anonymous said...

I started using proactiv 2 years ago (when my acne is only mild) but i stop it for six months to try another product given by my dermatologist, prooxy and diacnel, because after 3 months using of proactiv i noticed that i started to develop cystic type of acne. Prooxy and diacneal prevents cystic acne but it made my acne worst!(moderately severe). That's why i'm using proactiv again although my acne improves, cystic acne develops again, what do you think the cause of my cystic acne? is it the refining mask? sorry for my english

Eyden said...

"does this mean i can never ever drink soda until my acne goes away?"

No. This means that you should stop drinking soda to help your acne go away.

Anonymous said...

but yu say that yu hav 2 use proactiv 4 the rest of your life or until you outgrow it so do you mean until my acne goes away i shouldnt drink soda?

Eyden said...

You shouldn't drink soda, man. It causes problems. You can do what you want, but in my experience, soda can cause your acne to become worse.

Anonymous said...

taylor help me about my problem too, please answer my questions thanks

Eyden said...

I am answering everyone that I can. Which question was yours?

Anonymous said...

The one with a cystic acne thanks

Eyden said...

With Proactiv, your acne will become worse before it gets better. I never have cystic acne, but when I first started using Proactiv, I remember getting 2 massive pimples. If I am you, I try to just wait it out. Use Proactiv for a 2 or 3 months. See if you have any improvements.

That's just me though. You may want to contact Proactiv support before starting again.

Anonymous said...

how does the green tea moisturizer work?

Anonymous said...

But do you recommend to use the refining mask or not?

Anonymous said...

r you just suppose to get 2 massive pimples cause when i first started using proactiv i got 2 massive 2

Anonymous said...

when i wear my scarf and take it off in the morning it looks like the acne is going away but then it just pops ups again during the day is it becuz the scarf is pushing it down

Anonymous said...

if youre still breaking out by week 3, is it worth it to keep using it

Eyden said...

"How does the Green Tea Moisturizer Work?"

You apply it 10 minutes after applying the 3rd step of Proactiv. The Green Tea Moisturizer will prevent Proactiv side effects by moisturizing the skin.

Eyden said...

"But do you recommend to use the refining mask or not?"

I don't recommend the refining mask. It doesn't really do anything, or at least, it didn't for me.

Eyden said...

"r you just suppose to get 2 massive pimples cause when i first started using proactiv i got 2 massive 2"

That's pretty specific. In a sense, the answer to your question is, Yes. Proactiv will make your skin a little bit worse before it starts getting better. Basically, it has something to do with bringing out all of the acne at once.

If you stick with it though, and consistently use Proactiv, your acne will get better.

Eyden said...

"when i wear my scarf and take it off in the morning it looks like the acne is going away but then it just pops ups again during the day is it becuz the scarf is pushing it down"

Yes. That can happen. Did you have a question regarding the topic? Or were you just stating a fact?

Eyden said...

"if youre still breaking out by week 3, is it worth it to keep using it"

It depends. Has your skin improved at all? If not, you may want to think about another products.

I have to ask you though, are you using Proactiv correctly, and are you 100% consistent with using it? If not, results will definitely be minimal.

Anonymous said...

i have always used proactiv at 3pm and 9am but when school starts i won't get home until around 4:30 if it use then what time do i have to use it later and will it change the way my skin clears up?

Eyden said...

I would start using Proactiv morning and night if that's at all possible.

Anonymous said...

yeah im definitely consistent, i didnt have that bad of skin before i used it and now its been 3 full weeks that ive used it and ive gotten way worse break outs then its probably better to stop usage right?

Eyden said...

I'm a believer in the product. However, if I put myself in your shoes... 3 weeks in and it's onlly gotten worse... I'd probably quit.

But call Proactiv support. See what they have to say first.

Anonymous said...

ive been using proactiv for 5 weeks now and i have seen improvement on my forehead and cheeks but not really my chin does this mean im doing something wrong on mt chin

Eyden said...

Is your chin the worst? If it is, it may just take a little longer to improve. Also, it's important to be gentle with the chin area while using Proactiv. Not doing so can make your acne worse.

Anonymous said...

what about lubriderm is that good to use over the third step

Eyden said...

There are better options than lubriderm. I was being cheap back then when I used lubriderm as a moisturizer.

I would definitely recommend the green tea moisturizer if you have the money. It works way better

Anonymous said...

i am about to run out of proactiv and it might take a while 2 get some more what should i do till then

Anonymous said...

if i apply pro active and then i play a sport and my face gets sweaty will this change my results for worse

Anonymous said...

how would you say st ives works

Anonymous said...

i have a question how long did it take for your acne to clear completely. I mean it looks like you did have much in the first place and did you use it morning and night????

Anonymous said...

I really need an answer to my question please its the st ives 1

Eyden said...

"i am about to run out of proactiv and it might take a while 2 get some more what should i do till then"

I would try purchasing AcneFree at your local Walmart. Or purchase Proactiv at your local mall. If you didn't know, Proactiv now has local vending machines. Pretty sweet...

"if i apply pro active and then i play a sport and my face gets sweaty will this change my results for worse"

Just make sure your application is a few hours before the event, and you'll be fine.

"how would you say st ives works"

If it contains benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, it should work alright. However, I have never tried the product, so I can't give you a direct answer. Sorry, man.

If I am you, I would look up reviews of the product to see what other people have rated it.

"i have a question how long did it take for your acne to clear completely. I mean it looks like you did have much in the first place and did you use it morning and night????"

It took my acne a few weeks to clear. I did use Proactiv morning and night at first, but now I just use it at night.

Anonymous said...

you say you use proactiv at 3pm and then 9pm is there suppose to be a 6 hour differnce between the two times you have use proactiv??

Anonymous said...

I was using proactiv then i ran out then my doctor told me to use neutrogena(a cleanser then a toner) and then she gave me Erythromycin benzoyl peroxide gel tp rub on afterwards but now im going back to proactiv does this mean that my acne is gonna b worse then b4 or will it just take longer for me?

Eyden said...

"you say you use proactiv at 3pm and then 9pm is there suppose to be a 6 hour differnce between the two times you have use proactiv??"

There's no specific time frame that you have to use Proactiv within, but I found this this is what was working best for me. Now, I just use Proactiv before bed.


"I was using proactiv then i ran out then my doctor told me to use neutrogena(a cleanser then a toner) and then she gave me Erythromycin benzoyl peroxide gel tp rub on afterwards but now im going back to proactiv does this mean that my acne is gonna b worse then b4 or will it just take longer for me?"

It depends, did your acne get worse? If your skin is still clear, using Proactiv again will not cause any new breakouts.

Anonymous said...

I am using oral acne medication (tetracycline) and i am considering getting proactiv. I know you will probably say yes get it but i really want an answer that will benefit me. I am not sure if i should get proactiv and continue my use of acne medication because im not sure if this is safe. please answer thank you for all your great tips!

Eyden said...

If tetracycline isn't working or showing improvements after a few weeks, I'd stop using it, and switch to Proactiv.

However, if you're seeing results with tetracycline, then continue to see how things go.

I wouldn't recommend mixing the two without your dermatologist's permission.

Anonymous said...

question ? ...

after the 3 steps of proactive
whats better to use oil free moisturizer or
green tea moisturizer ? or none .

and another question
when you wake up and shower which moisturizer should i use because i have both green tea and oil free.

please answer back.

Eyden said...

Green Tea Moisturizer BIG TIME!

Anonymous said...

So in the morning i shouldent use the proactiv right? i should just put on the moisturizer
and wait until after noon to put on proactiv?

Anonymous said...

Hi, I've been using proactiv for about a week now and its been making my mild/sever acne a bit better and i do think it will clear me up evantually. But my skin is getting flaky, what moisturiser do you recommend that i can buy in the shops, as i dont really want to send away for anything else. Cheeeers x

Anonymous said...

im at my third week and i have a new big pimple on my right cheek. is proactiv not working on me? I have a BIG reunion coming up what do u recommend i should do?

Anonymous said...

One question i would like to know
once i got my skin cleaned what should i do , keep using proactiv as before or should i just stop using it ?

Anonymous said...

How long will it take me if i use it once a day i have moderate acne and i have read your post about using proactiv once a day but i want to use proactiv the regular way so how long will it take?

Anonymous said...

Okayy. im worried. i have very mild acnie. and i asked my friend if i could borrow her proacive unil i could get some. she onlie gave me the renewing cleanser and reparing lotion... but if its gana screw my face up by jus using 2 what should i do?

Eyden said...

Using those two steps alone won't bring you full effects. Furthermore, using Proactiv for only a short amount of time will actually make your acne worse.

You have to consistently and continually use Proactiv for clear skin.

Anonymous said...

ok so you say that acne is supposed to get worse during the fist week that's not happening to me its kinda better than before so is it a good thing or bad??

Anonymous said...

so i shouldnt use only those two or it will make it worse?

Eyden said...

Your acne is going to get worse at first no matter what. If you're going to use Proactiv, I recommend doing it the right way. It's really up to you though

Anonymous said...

I only have acne scars left..would proactiv cure it? And does it reduce redness?

Anonymous said...

would it hurt my skin if i used the refining mask everyday on the same pimple until it goes away?

Anonymous said...

Can i put moisturizer after step 3? because it makes my skin a bit dry...

Anonymous said...


Hi, Iv been using proactiv for a while now and iv been putting it on at 9AM and 9 Pm, if i change to 3Pm and 9Pm Will this have any affect on my acne? I don't have Mild Acne or Severe, im kinda in the middle.

(Also, iv been using proactiv for 6 weeks now, i havn't seen much improvemts but i think i can say its starting to die down abit now, do you think im doing something wrong? I think i may have been pushing proactiv into my skin, i have just started to be smooth with it, should i still use proactiv.)

-Any Help would be a big thanks-

Anonymous said...

How long after a shower untill i can put on proactiv agian?

Anonymous said...

Is it okay if i drink flavoured water instead of just normal water?

Anonymous said...

yeahh okay ive been using proacti for a month i have cystic acne and its not clearing im also taking medication as well please help

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have been using Proactive for 5 weeks now morning and night...but I'm red (more red than when I started) and I have more pimples. Should I get off Proactive?

Carlos said...

What do you recommend for mild cyst acne?

Anonymous said...

hi, my girlfriend has been using proactiv for a lil over a month, i want to try it out.... What happens if i just want to use until my face clears up, and then i stop using it.. will my acne get worse??????/ please help me........

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking about getting Proactiv.... I hope it works. My acne isnt too bad....

Anonymous said...

Hi, my name is Dandy! lol i have a nervous to try Proactive because my face isnt tht bad, but i have rosasea all over my cheeks. will proactive solve my issue?

Anonymous said...

hey.. i lied. i dont have rosasea. i thought i did but i googled it and found out i do not have it. i recommend getting proactive. my mom told me not to get it because of all the negative comments, but ive been using it for two weeks now & my face has cleared up a lot! only a few pimps but thts normal. it removed all my black heads. and yes it does dry ur face, but thts to be expected whenever dealing with acne cleansers and toners. its way better than acne free. i never saw a change in my complexion but with proactive i do. so yea.. lol

Anonymous said...

it burns like hell :/

Unknown said...

i started using proactive about 5 or 6 days ago. i read online that your acne gets worse the first week but mine is almost gone. is that normal?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

will i breakout more if i stop using proactive and switch to a different cleanser?

Anonymous said...

I've been using it for just over a week (I'm in the "it gets worse before it gets better" phase.. erg!). Someone mentioned it worked better for her when she put it on a ("WHITE! wash separately or it could bleach your towels!") facecloth and massaged it on her face that way, instead of just using her hands. Just wondering if this might have some validity to it?

Anonymous said...

I started using a facecloth to wash my face with the renewing cleanser and my face is starting to clear up a lot faster! I'm not sure if it's just a coincidence or not but I thought I'd throw that out there :)

Anonymous said...

i just started using proactive 4 days ago, and i admit to feeling kind of nervous because it feels like a last chance at clear skin. then i ran into your youtube videos which led me here, and all of the responses you have posted have given me confidence to keep at this new skin care regimen. so thanks is what i'm trying to get at here. oh, and wish me luck lol:)

Julia said...

I wish I could copy the post above, because that is exactly what happened with me!

I JUST started using Proactiv, exactly 1 week ago. I was completellly mortified after starting to use it, then reading terrible reviews on the internet. I was so scared to continue to use it because I didn't want my acne to get worse!
Despite what I read I continued to use it and thankfully today I found your video's!
You gave me confidence to continue to use it, and helped me with some mistakes I was making, such as srubbing too hard, waiting around 12 hours between uses, using it after showers etc.

You've helped me so much!

Anonymous said...

if proactiv makes your face worse and i have mild acne, how worse will it get. Also, should you still wash your face in the shower

~Miranda~ said...

Heyy, so, i started using proactiv, and this is the end of my second week, and i just figured out from reading above that your acne is supposed to get worse( i have it pretty mild anyways), but it makes my face so dry that i have been using regular lotion on my face to help it not be so dry... is that bad? My face has been so red in blotches,like on both sides of my chin, and on the sides of my eye(like by my eys) and it burns so much that it's almost difficult to keep putting on the 2nd and 3rd step...
I almost wonder if it's like a rash... Should i have it checked out, or continue to use 2x daily like i have been and just wade out the results?

I'm hoping that it's just the normal side effects, but i'm going on my third week, and it burns so much that it's almost unbearable...
I've been using a fan to try and dry the treatments without putting anything else on my face...
Any advice?!?! It would be really appreciated!!! :)

Anonymous said...

i used proactive for 2 and a half weeks a my ace was not there any more but 4 a week i did use proactive and my acne came back. am i using it the wrong way?! please help

Anonymous said...

hey i use proactuv at 9 am and then use it again at 11 pm is that good or bad? also should i use proactiv after a shower? plz answer

Anonymous said...

it's been almost 2 months since i first started using proactiv, and I'm still getting cystic acne on my chin, although they're reducing in number compared to when i first started. does it mean it's not working? 7-8 weeks seems too long for proactiv not to work. Help! Do I stop using it altogether or wait some more?

Anonymous said...

Does proactiv work? Ive been using it for a few months now and I see results but all the acne isnt clear yet...

Anonymous said...

hi, really confused because i dont know when im supposed to use proactive because i looked it up on like or sumthing and it said NOT to use twice a day cuz it makes ur face turn all red and itchy but then u said that u are suppposed to use it twice a day! ive only bin using it once a day though. plus ive been using for a week and a half and i dont see any changes! it actually seems to be getting worse!

Anonymous said...

hello i recently purchased proactive about a week ago...i've been using it once a day because the lady selling it said that my skin had to get used to it first. is this right? or should i begin to use it twice a day?

Eyden said...

She's incorrect. You want to begin using Proactiv 2 times a day. Just be sure to use a good moisturizer, and a lot of it.

Anonymous said...

i have been using proactiv for about 4 days and my skin is getting itchy and red and looks like im getting more pimples. Am i allergic or is this normal?

Anonymous said...

Is it true that proactive does not really work on asians?

Anonymous said...

How long do i have to use proactive after my acne is gone ?

Anonymous said...

does proactive help get rid of acne red spots? because my acne went away but i have many red spots on my cheeks

Anonymous said...

hi, its getten one week that am using proactive bt it make my skin very red ,am really scard if it become like scratch. plz advice me wht should i do?

Anonymous said...

I'm that type of person who is always popping my pimples, and I just started using proactive for about 4 days now, and it seems like I got more pimples now than I did before, and I can't resist but pop them, is their any advise you can give me so I won't pop them anymore? will it get worse if I pop them? Also that mask thing that your suppose to put on only 3 times a week, do yu just put it ontop of the pimple, & then wash it off in the morning, or do you put it all over your face? Please help me.

kylz said...

i finally bit the bullet and ordered myself some proactive only just started using it but my face feels so refreshed after using it i just hope it has some good results ..... i wouldnt say i have acne persay but i do have a lotor big pores blackheads and bumps so i am hoping this gets rid of them if it works ill keep buying it for sure x kylz

Eyden said...

kylz - hey brother, I hope it all works well then, man. Let me know if you have any questions.

others - sorry i have been neglecting the commenting section on this blog. If you have any questions, from now on, I will be answering them.

Anonymous said...

Sorry if I repeated.. [Haven't completely read the comments above]

Since I heard it makes the skin get all dry would putting moisturizing lotion help in some way or would it worsen it? Also would sweating not make it "work"?

Eyden said...

Moisturizing is a MUST with Proactiv or any acne treatment containing Benzoyl Peroxide. Moisturizing reduces oil production and acne. If you don't moisturize, your skin will likely become dry, flaky, and your acne may actually worsen.

Sweating doesn't cause me any problems. Checkout this video by Daniel Kern:

Anonymous said...

Sorry if this question has already been answered, but I couldn't read through all of the previous Q&A's.

I've been using Proactive since mid October to present day. I've been using it twice a day, morning and night. After applying Step three, I wait about ten minutes and apply a moisturizer to prevent flaking. However, I cannot say I've seen many results, if not any during these couple months.

My acne is moderate. It's more or less red splotches rather than bumps. However, it is not exactly what you want to see in the mirror. I currently take Doxycycline to prevent whiteheads but I still get them. I use Proactive twice a day, but my face gets oily after a few hours in which I rinse my face off with just warm water. But still no results after roughly three months.

Are there any tips or suggestions you can give me? I just spent another $48 on a box after continue-sly buying into the hype of the commercials.

Sorry for the long post, but I'm grateful for any reply. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Even though i shave in the morning the stinging is still there in the afternoon and night, and it stings while im applying the revitalising toner, is that normal

Eyden said...

I would recommend shaving with an electric razor. This should eliminate any problems that you are having. Just shave dry.

Glowgurl said...

Just startd using proactiv!so excited to see the results :)) WISH ME LUCK ;)

Tiffany said...

Hello I just got proactiv about a month ago...nd I admit I have missed a few applications but to be honest I think its working farely well;))...i mean I still have a few blemishes but I am most confident that proactiv is working its magic...everyone its simple,use it once in the morning and once at night along with the moisturizer nd soon enough yew will have results...we have all got to be consistent with proactiv if we want this curse we call acne to go away!!!;))...GOOD LUCK;))))

Anonymous said...

Did you experience any dryness/flakyness on your 2nd week cause I just started with proactive and my first week I didn't experience any side effects just stinging but about 2 days ago dryness started is this normal

Anonymous said...

Did you experience any dryness/flakyness on your 2nd week cause I just started with proactive and my first week I didn't experience any side effects just stinging but about 2 days ago dryness started is this normal

Eyden said...

Yes - This is completely normal to experience dryness / flakiness. Are you using a moisturizer? (4th step)?

Anonymous said...


Eyden said...

Alright, you may want to tone down on using the 3rd step (repairing lotion). Be extremely gentle during the application of all steps, and be sure you're only washing your face twice a day. Also, begin drinking 8 - 12 glasses of water a day, and do not drink any soda / caffeine. A lot of people fail with Proactiv because they either use it incorrectly, or are not drinking enough water for it to work. Alternatively, make sure any prescriptions / supplements you are taking are not causing you to breakout.

Anonymous said...

Hello, I have been using proactiv for a good three months or so, and I have seen a massive improvement in my acne, but I expected that eventually, my skin would stop being so red. It hasn't. Just for curing skin redness, what do you recommend?

Anonymous said...

Hi, I just started using Proactiv & I have the Refining Mask, when do I apply that; before or after the toner, what? The instructions say to keep it on for 10 minutes & then wash it off with warm water.

Anonymous said...

I have mild acne on my forehead, but a little close to severe acne around & on my nose. I forget to use proactive sometimes...will my acne worsen?
also ~ does proactive treat blackheads? pls answer asap....thanku.