Acne Teen Success Story

Acne Teen Success Story

4/19/2009 01:35:00 PM

Let's be straight. Acne stinks! I am not here to feed you any garbage about ways that can supposedly get rid of acne. Instead, I am here to talk to you about my acne experience, how I got clear skin, and how you can get clear skin too

I am also here to point you in the right direction of some great acne products and acne resources that will help you get rid of your acne.

About Acne Teen clear skin

Photo Taken By: DHW Photography - Salem, OR

My Acne Teen story:

I first started getting acne my freshman year of high school. As most people didn't believe my acne was "that bad compared to others," I still thought it was horrible. It was a real self-esteem killer. I vividly remember hiding my face from everyone as I walked through the halls all because of a few little pimples. No matter how little those pimples actually were, each one still seemed enormous and hideous to me.

Welcome to the World of Acne Products:

Only after having acne for one month, I decided that it was time to try to clear my skin.

Products and tricks I use in attempts to clear my skin:

  1. Alcohol pads
  2. Acne free face wash
  3. Egg whites
  4. Eating "healthy"
  5. Fasting

Research Became My Friend:

After the commercial alcohol pads and acne free face washes didn't work for me, I began to research the underlying causes of acne. I also searched for ways to get rid of acne. That's when I came across step numbers 3, 4, and 5 above. But still, egg whites, eating healthy, and even fasting wouldn't get rid of my acne.

Introduced to Proactiv:

Finally, after months of nothing working, I was introduced to Proactiv Solutions. Proactiv resulted in the beautiful skin in the above "after" picture.

Readership Bonus:

Get a FREE bonus when you order any Proactiv® Acne Solution system. Choose from Refining Mask or Green Tea Moisturizer.

Life Without Acne:

Life without acne is simply amazing. I can freely do what I want and need without having to worry about a pimple sprouting and ruining my day. Without acne, I no longer have to hide my face and I no longer have to hide from the world.

My hope for you:

From reading the advice that I am providing you with here at AcneTeen dot Org, I hope that you will also have clear skin success. Please enjoy reading Acne Teen dot Org. I hope to see you around and I hope to see you with clear skin soon!


Zach Leon said...

Dude i love your site man haha, your story stikes resemblence to what i've gone through. I started getting acne at about the same time you did. I never really tried proactiv in it's entirety and never was willing to because of all the hype it gets. But thanks to your girlfriend showing me your site, I think im willing to give it another shot. good looking out man, ill be talking to you very soon

Eyden said...

Hey dude. Sorry I didn't respond sooner. I forgot to check the box that says, "send comments to email." So I didn't even know I was getting comments.

Anyway, I'm glad to hear that you're going to give Proactiv a try again. My girlfriend told me she talked to you. We should all hang out soon.

Anonymous said...

hey mate, been watching your videos and i think i will give proactiv a try, i have just finished ordering it. I live in England and proactiv isnt heared of here, so i hope this will be the product for me. :)

Eyden said...

@ Anonymous - I hope Proactiv will work well for you too. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey are you still using proactiv? What is your skincare routine now? And what kind of food do you eat/diet might you be on? I've been struggling with acne for the past year and it doesn't seem to go away no matter what I do. Please help.

Eyden said...

I'm still using Proactiv. :) Diet is no big. I eat anything and everything. To combat that, I do the P90X.

Have you tried Proactiv?

Anonymous said...

No I have not. All the people that I know who have used it have had no success with the skin (maybe they weren't doing it properly like how you show). May I ask, what's P90X?

Taylor Thompson said...

Could be that they're not using it right. P90X is an extreme home workout system. It's even helped me improve my skin. :)

Genitale Diseases said...

Oh my god fortunately i have not this one (acne)

Anonymous said...

hello there he taught me a lot of that from acne i had it sence i was 1 year old and i still have it

Anonymous said...

Well I look forward to clear skin. I lied about having clear skin already in that pm I sent you but I can actually see proactiv's progress towards my skin. And I've only been using it for about a week so, thanks for the tutorials and stuff.

Eyden said...

MNBoarder2 - I am glad things are beginning to turn out. Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

Alot of my dryness is occuring on my skin while using proactiv. Whats the best thing to do?

Taylor said...

Are you using a moisturizer?

Anonymous said...

After i shave in the morning i use Aveeno

Taylor said...

Have you seen my "how to use Proactiv" videos on youtube?

Anonymous said...

yah.... i pretty much do it just like you explain it

Eyden said...

Try using Proactiv only once a day, right before you go to sleep.

Anonymous said...

should you use any other product with the proactive system? because my sister told me to just use the cleanser if u have really oily skin and i have oily skin she said the lotion and toner would break you out so right now im just using the cleanser and im wondering if i should use all of the steps.. also im using another product with the cleanser its called erythromycin topical solution.. its like a roll on liquid and its mixed with alcohol and other products should i be using this also or what should i do

Eyden said...

If you're going to use Proactiv, I would just stick with Proactiv. Mixing in other products can actually make your acne worse.

In order for Proactiv to work correctly, you cannot skip any of the steps. You need to use each of the three steps for it to work correctly. Simply cleansing or using the first step is not enough, and will not keep your acne away.

I hope this answers your question. Feel free to subscribe to Acne Teen by entering your email in the box in the left sidebar.

Let me know if you need anymore help.

Anonymous said...

thank you so much for your advice and yes i do have one more question should i use soap to wash my face before i use the cleanser or just use the cleanser followed by the other two steps?

Anonymous said...

if u are getting pimples when u are using the product and theres white puss on top of it should u pop it

Eyden said...

"thank you so much for your advice and yes i do have one more question should i use soap to wash my face before i use the cleanser or just use the cleanser followed by the other two steps?"

Just use the cleanser followed by the next two steps.

"if u are getting pimples when u are using the product and theres white puss on top of it should u pop it"

Yes. But be sure you know how to safely pop a pimple.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

what about clearasil, is that any good? the three step system.

Anonymous said...

can i apply moisturizer after i put on repairng lotion so that my skin doesnt feel dry?

Anonymous said...

Hope Proactive works for me 2

Anonymous said...

yes i will try proacti just ordered it and i hope it will work like it worked for you and suggestions one how to use it?

Anonymous said...

email me at thanks!!!

terry said...

hey I dont have bad ance(just the odd one showing up here and there) but I get red spots around my nose and chin, and yea I want to have really clear skin like you have in your videos, should I just use a smaller amount of proactiv to get those results?

|Benit@| said...

I'm starting the proactive program now, pluss 9 glasses of water as recommended for clear skin xD

Anonymous said...

hey I've been using Proactiv since I was 13 and I'm 17 now and I love it. Its true that if you don't use it consistently then you wont get optimal results.
I know that during the summer when i have time to do it properly my skin is flawless but when the school year starts and I have dance and lots of extra curricular activities I skip a ton of nights, which is not good.
I hate how everyone is always saying that Proactiv didn't work for them and they've only used it for like a week or two. People don't know how to be patient because there is no cure for acne, these products are only regulating your skin to keep it under control. That's why you have to use it consistently.
Anyways this is a cool site with plenty of tips.And your youtube videos make me laugh though they are helpful. lol I totally think Proactiv should put you on one of their commercials because you promote their product so much.

Anonymous said...

hey what if i ran out of the moistzure for proactive can i still use the other two bottles the renewing cleaser and the other won? to clear acne

Redbullgivewingz said...

Hi, Can u tell me if proactive would b a good way to remove acne scars too?? Thank You

Anonymous said...

gurll ur like one mothaaaa hott dudeee

Ian Topple said...

I started using proactive again and my skin got worse in parts but cleared away in others. I really don't get it. I also think my face breaks out more over the summer than it does in the winter. Any ideas why?

Anonymous said...

my acne isn't really healing just getting little better then breaking out all at the same time. proactiv is helping but not clearing my skin. idk what i am doing wrong?

Anonymous said...

i have proactive and i use it ,,, but when i wake up in the moring my face is very oilyy and threw out the day its oilier and oiler ,,, do you have any idea tht can helpp me with this ??? please and thankk you

Anonymous said...

i just got proactiv today and im really hoping to clear my acne, cuz i freking hate to wake up every morning look at the mirror and see my face with pimples it sucks. at the age of 14 years old i remenber and i stil have picture of how my face was looking clear no pimples no oil acne free. but i believe when i turned 15 my face started to get bad and bad each day, i tried everything i could from neutrogena to clean and clear. and nothing was working my face was getting worse each day. i turned 16 and what the heck my face was the same, it was so emberrasing to take pictures cuz you could see the bad acne. now im 17 and my face got better but not good enough to feel free of acne. hopefully proactiv will work, and i will be posting comment on this page so you can see how im doing with this product. thanks

Anonymous said...

Hey just wanted to say that i reckon you're an awesome guy! You instructed me a lot. Thanks man!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

am i gonna get more acne when i use proactiv?

Anonymous said...

i found great posts on your blog relating on acne disease.
i have too an blog about acne and i will be interested to exchange links.
what you think about that?
best regards,

Anonymous said...

hi before hand because I want to tell you that your page is very good. for I have acne but not much only when I get blackheads and pimples but not many, as I would like to know if I combiene use proactiv for oily skin .. I'm pro because I echo previous two Dermatol peels because it gave me a treatment but I I did not want to use because I found out that he would be more mud me .. pro in short my questions are:
I should use proactiv?
I remove the stains of acne?
how many times I recommend you use it so it does not dry out my skin?
and finally where I can buy the moisturizing lotion proactiv green tee?
I already proactiv esque but I have not come with green tea lotion ....
because before hand thank you very much ...
PS: I'm Mexican and sorry if you do not understand the text I use a translator ....

forehead acne said...

my name is Stewart T.
i found good advices on your post.
i suffer of forehead acne and i tried many treatments, but it didn't help.
i think i will try and your solution - Proactiv.
good luck!

Anonymous said...

I have a question about acne scars will proactive remove the scars?

Anonymous said...

Hey, just wanted to say, thanks for the good edvice about proactive. I've been using it wrong the whole time, who knew right? keep up the good work on the web-site, it's a legit!

Jack said...

This is the best pro active e-adivice i've found on the internet. I've been using pro active for months now and it was worked a fair bit, but not enough. Just today i decided to youtube 'how to use pro active' because i believed i wasn't using it correctly (which i wasn't, i've been using it while IN the shower, Lol), so now i will be trying it the way you've been using it.
Thanks for the advice and i hope it works out :)

Anonymous said...

hey dude. im not using any product, but since you said proactive is a good one to get rid of pimples.i will give it a try. right now i have a bunch of pimples all over my face. i got acne when i was 6th grade and now im freshman but still have ugly acne.wait you use proactive twice a day? how long would it take to ger rid of acne using proactive?

Anonymous said...

Omg! Your Blogs really help! You're the best! Hope my skin gets clear before school! :D

acne on forehead said...

im not using this product, but since you said proactive is a good one to get rid of pimples, i will give it a try.
right now i have a bunch of pimples all over my forehead.
i will notice here any progress..

Unknown said...

My Proactiv just cam in the mail today and I just ordered the regular 3 peice set and I got a green tea moistrarizor and a face mask and a book on acne secrets and I just try'd it today and my skin feel so so smooth I defently recomend Proactiv. =)

Anonymous said...


Is proactive going to get rid of my blackheads? I haven't tried proactive yet but I'm really considering it after your advice. No matter how much I take care of my skin they won't go away, and they make the areas around my nose, my nose, my chin and forehead red and inflamed.
Thanks for your advice! =)

mike1 said...

hey man,
can you help me out whats a great advice for you to give me to clear out acne Skin!?
I've had acne for 2 years and it wont go away i recently saw your videos n im trying them out! but im having dry skin! n i dont see progress i might be using it wrong but i've watched your videos and i think i am using them correctly.

Anonymous said...

i didn't have acne earlier just a few pimples n that to nt very often den someone in my family suggested me to use amway products n i started using artistry for oily skin.The product did show great effect in the first 6 months but later it resulted in a severe acne breakout n now i have acne all over my cheekbones n chin. i heard about proactiv from one of my sisters n she told me to check out ur video in youtube. but i've seen dt proactiv hasn't cleared her acne. Do u think i shud use proactiv? n is there ny different product for oily skin?

bee said...

hey ive been using pro active for almost two weeks and it seems like it goes away until i use it again or until i go question is why does it bring out my acne when i go outside and when im done using proactive?

Anonymous said...

hey man i brought my proactive yesterday then, it says that im not gonna use them all for like 2 weeks... so my question is what item should i use if im new user??? please reply asap thanks!

Anonymous said...

hey taylor the proactiv removes stains ?

Anonymous said...

Hey, watched you on youtube man, nice , what other things can I do to heal that crap on my face, any diet, something I can eat , just something, I use proactiv, but I wasted a whole proactiv doing exactly what I wasn't supposed to do, I rubbed extremely harsh on my face the first step and so on, so anything that I could do extra, now that Im starting to use Proactiv properly, thanks it'll help a lot. Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

Hey How do I order Dr. Dermal?? I went on the website but it is not accepting my credit card? Do you know of another way to order it?

Anonymous said...

im barely trying proactive and i hope it works i want me life back

Joey said...

alot of sites & people say proactive is nothing special and dosnt really cure acne. is this true? i tried using proactive last year for a little bit and didnt see any results so i stopped using it. should i give it another try and is it worth it?

JennyMaggy said...

Instead of getting the Green Tea Moisturizer I got the refining mask. When should I use it and should I go get the Green Tea Moisturizer at the mall? Is it that important when you get out of the shower?

Eyden said...

Sorry for the huge delay. I have been sick with cat scratch fever for 2 months. The green tea moisturizer or any moisturizer is extremely important. A moisturizer prevents dryness, helps to keep your skin healthy, and helps prevent future breakouts.